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What a fucking idiot.
Mr my truck is so big and my manhood so small speaks with such authority and audacity, amazing!
Being the perfect idiot himself makes him “the subject matter authority”!
Mr “my rig is so big” Diesel, I suspect you butt buddy poor pwn’d pedro will be joining your defense here shortly.
Can’t image what the witless wonder will say?
Who knew a president could misspeak or be misunderstood.
It begs a simple question; is this real news, or just a calculated start of another flame war.
Me thinks, its FLAME ON!
Dont’ have a hissy fit, bro.
That’s the only kind the little girl can have.
Did Mr big rig Diesel get it’s panties in a twist again?
Ops, was I not supposed to park my rig in the cripple zone?
Without the segment of society that you belong to, there would be no Sturm und Drang on this board and therefore maybe even no dvorak.org. Carry on.
Same story… Bla bla bla. Another ignorant corrupt President telling America that everything is fine while hiding the fact that Washington, through his direction, squanders taxes, time and some of your very LIVES!
Just admit it — Obama was (O)ne (B)ig (A)ss (M)ISTAKE (A)merica. Now, just WHO didn’t see something like this coming? Answer: The stupid faithful leftist’s who BELIEVE all the donkey-shit rhetoric, THAT’S who! (And it’s NOT as if this kind of thing doesn’t happen with elephant crap either.)
Personally, I blame ALL the mindless partisan voters. Though the majority of them do seem to be mostly on the left.
And that fool from Chicago, er Indonesia er, Hawaii, er… Where the hell is this guy from again? Did someone say his name wasn’t even Barack?! (Hint: Barry Sotoro.)
But, whatcha gonna do? Recall this idiot and put that touchy feely Joe Biden in the hot seat?! Or (3’d in line) John Boehner?!!!
We’re screwed! Though I will say, if you give a damn and can turn off the partisan bullshit for a second, try and pay attention to what most of these politicians previous profession was — LAWYERS! Let that be your guide at the next election. (Pssst! Hillary was a [bad] lawyer too.)
Since we are one flush away from sinking the country due to both parties but mainly the Democrats I say we all vote for Hillary and just get it over with.
Just someone pull the handle and put this place out of our misery.
Jiggle the handle!
And the idiot was reading the statement, so is no slip.
God, you have to be braindead to keep defending obomba
Who do we elect for president and representatives??
Do we elect people that have had many jobs, and varied education?
Do we elect people with specific education and experience?
Do we Elect the Smart people??
OR do we elect people that place ADVERTS in our faces for 2 years, because they are the RICH, and have backing from Corps??
18 people ran for president last time..how many DID YOU SEE??
At the rate we’re going, ISIS will soon be training *us*.