Posted by Xprize.

  1. Anon-E-Mouse says:

    I was having this conversation with some co-workers just yesterday. And inevitably someone said, “I have nothing to hide and don’t care what they find out about me.” I’ve even seen this same attitude here as well. And my response is, “if you have nothing to hide then go ahead and get naked — and stay naked! Go ahead and tattoo your social security number with your name, address, and DOB right to your forehead (or butt) too!”

    … And for those of you with nothing to hide posting comments here, why not post your comments with your REAL NAME?!

    Stupid fucktards!

    • Rex says:

      I’ve had people tell me that they don’t care if the police come in to their house and search it. “I’ve got nothing to hide.” Yes, Americans are really stupid and will lose the freedoms that this country was based on.

    • noname says:

      … And for those of you with nothing to hide posting comments here, why not post your comments with your REAL NAME?!

      Tears and Ouch, I can’t help it my parents named me “noname”!

    • bobbo, in point of fact says:

      You know….. its all about “balance.” In a vacuum, one can go full tilt in one direction or the other.

      Its in the real world where real issues need to be thought through, measured, considered, and finally made: Is the burden/intrusion worth the benefits?

      I’m against Police keeping records on me or searching my house for the reasons already given: not effective use of resources.

      “Why not post with my “real” name?” //// Whats the benefit to me exactly? The Right of Privacy is a given. No further concessions need be made. Same with the contractual privacy offered by DU.

      Ain’t making choices and choosing the consequences a Bitch?

  2. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    Long engaging article on Mr Musk:

    I wonder if Elon knows and applies the difference between privacy rights and the desire to be anonymous?


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