This isn’t the one I got from SolarCity. This one I built myself. Here’s the construction plans. It was cloudy in the morning so it’s not showing its full range of motion.

  1. Peppeddu says:

    You can sill use the space below and if you don’t want the shadow you can angle the panels out of the way.
    How much did the parts cost?

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Well, the real question is how much would it cost if I built a second one. I’d say about $2500. If I were doing it again I would buy 350 watt panels.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        In anyone’s world this has got to be way, way cool.

        I wonder how long it would take to pay back $2500?

        BTW, I heartily disagree that you should be able to do whatever you want.

        Autonomous free energy. Autonomous vehicles using said energy.

        Skynet next.

        I am afraid.

      • Peppeddu says:

        I am thinking about building one, but I suspect the biggest ROI would be a solar water heating system rather than electrical solar panels.
        On a sunny day my daily kerosene usage goes down by almost 1/3, and that’s without any solar panel whatsoever, just because of the sun heating the building and the water storage tank on the roof.

        • bobbo, hybnotized thru the looking glass says:

          I think max return is a well designed south facing sun room…still dependent on where you live and you need the space….and liking plants doesn’t hurt.

  2. Tom says:

    It’s interesting that you say that you are “happy with PG&E” considering that they have just been assessed one of the biggest fines in history for their graft and corruption and incompetence, and are known to be one of the most consumer unfriendly companies. They are only involved in solar because they were forced to be by the state. There has been much talk about breaking up PG&E for this and other very sound reasons.

  3. LibertyLover says:


  4. ± says:

    Looked like a bird flew by at ~:11

  5. bobbo, hybnotized thru the looking glass says:

    Thats one fug ugly looking planter. Seems to dead more dead grass to match the rest of your back yard would be more appropriate………………………. HEY! …………………….. I would search for some kind of solar astro grass. Now there is a combo product for the coming solar powered water challenged world.

    Be a leader.

  6. Likes2LOL says:

    Good stuff, Marc!

    You’re obviously extremely good with a wrench — rather than buying a Tesla, why not *build* one? Years ago there were plans in Mother Earth magazine for an electric car that used a jet engine starter motor as the main drive unit, like one of these:
    Jet Engine Starter Motor – YouTube

    If it’s mind-boggling performance you’re aiming for, I’d go jet engine, like this guy’s ride:
    F-150 Jet Truck – YouTube

    I’d certainly give you more than $300 to borrow that for a day! 😉

  7. mojo says:

    Does it reset to point east when the sun goes down, or does it pick up the sunrise somehow?

  8. Judy says:

    This is actually very cool. I wonder how much time it will take to make this investment profitable? How much electricity can you save thank to your collector? I also like to tinker a little bit and with my engineering experience I am not very bad a t it. But this project is too much for me I think, at least for now. I am really impressed.

  9. i can’t understand.


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