Second Teaser for Star Wars The Force Awakens

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    They should probably hire Elon to blow shit up. He does a much better job.

  2. MikeN says:

    While JJ Abrams did a good job with Star Trek, don’t you think you are too old to be getting excited about this?

  3. Boo says:

    The story of the strip was of two shops. The very first story told the story of how all of the shops in a terrace of shops closed up, one by one, leaving Bloggs & Son General Store, a popular small corner shop that seemingly sold anything and everything, owned by Mr. Bloggs, a kindly old man wearing the traditional white coat, and his son Ted. Mr. Superstore, a bowler-hatted long-nosed man one day walked into Bloggs’ shop and promptly decided to build a new superstore on the site of the demolished shops.

    Now Amazon is blowing up all the superstores all with help from Bloggers. Maybe Elon can put car stores in the empty superstores and blow up all the car dealers. What will replace the empty car dealers?

  4. Boo says:

    Elon can sell electric boats out of the empty superstores. Bring a cart of money and tow an electric boat home with your electric car.

  5. ± says:

    Harrison Ford is showing a few miles, but Chewbacca hasn’t aged a week!


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