My presentation to the Humanist Community in Silicon Valley on how to become a genius.

I’m hoping this video will be inspirational to people to become smarter and spread the word. It’s so very easy to become smarter and if we all do it the world will be a better place.

  1. HamBone says:

    Standard deduction of 20 IQ points for being a Humanist.

    Their hubris view is that religion is dumb and only, if only the REST of the world was as smart as me, it would be such a better place….

  2. Jeremiah's Johnson says:

    If it were illegal to drive anything smaller than a pickup and mass transit of any kind were outlawed, the world would be a better place.

    I can’t quite come up with a good smartass remark about how is a parked domain. Oh well.

  3. noname says:

    Other than humanist rhetoric, I would like to see the historical and real evidence of how “smart” people have made this a better world!

    Certainly smart people have made peoples lives more technologically advanced, but is that better!

    Common humanist bull shit thought and rhetoric claims smarter people have a deeper appreciation of brotherhood …”Today man’s larger understanding of the universe, his scientific achievements, and deeper appreciation of brotherhood…”

    Again I ask, rhetoric aside, I would like to see the historical and real evidence of this!

    Supposedly Humanism (which is not new) is a “smart” commitment to building an ethical framework based on human needs, rather than authority and tradition. Also Humanism like to claim it’s “smart” to have “Ethical values derived from human need and interest as tested by experience.”

    So, if Humanism is so “good” and “smart” when are they going to take on and correct Wall Street, Washington lobbyist, the Pentagon, campaign financing, policing for profit and racial profiling.

    Of course Humanist will claim that religion is what corrupted Wall Street, Washington lobbyist, the Pentagon, campaign financing, policing for profit and racial profiling!!

    HamBone is right, all Humanist start with a Standard deduction of 20 IQ points for being intellectually dishonest, naive and myopically focused on religion as the root of evil.

  4. Miss Emily says:

    What’s all this talk about the Humorous Community in Sillycon Valley?

    What’s so funny? Maybe this?:

    Oh… I see …never mind.

  5. Semantics says:

    You do a fine job of passing yourself as a moron. Keep up the hard work.

  6. MikeN says:

    Being ignorant of the scientific literature is not a good place to start. IQ has a hereditary component, so the becoming part is probably impossible.

    • noname says:

      It’s generally accepted and well documented; IQ is about 50 percent heritable. (For context, height is 90 percent heritable; weight is 70 percent.)

      On average, about 50 percent of the individual differences we see in intelligence between different people may be attributable to genetic differences.

      There is a strong asymmetrical way in which good and bad environments affect IQ. For example never talking to an infant at all, except to scold it or leaving an infant in an environment that is devoid of stimulation; in cases of blatant abuse, locking a toddler in a closet for long periods of time will certainly can have a major negative effect on mental ability, with inherited intelligence genes or not!

      • MikeN says:

        Exactly. Now genius is up on the high end, so you probably need both components.

        This is the failure of these studies that say SAT scores have no correlation with college performance. There are other factors like grades that matter. Really?
        So if I have a group that scored 2300 and a group that scored 1200, you think they will do equally well at Harvard?

        • noname says:

          This whole topic “Depends” how absorbent or incontinent the mind is!

          Jason Padgett become a Math Genius from a Head Injury after being attacked by muggers outside a karaoke club in Tacoma, Wash.

          One wonders if Marc Perkel “feels” the world is a better place now that Jason Padgett become a Math Genius?

          • MikeN says:

            He later did some research and concluded that his head injury induced genius will slowly fade away.

          • noname says:

            “induced genius will slowly fade away” unfortunately this even happens to the best of them, remember Reagan (or not)!

          • ± says:

            Ah yes. Reagan. The second lyingest president after LBJ. He would have been third lyingest to Clinton’s second, except Clinton got caught. Before the end of his term (or maybe already) Obama will upstage Clinton. But not Reagan.

  7. Boo says:

    Albert Einstein said he never memorized what he could look up. Build more libraries for absent minded genius types who rely on books and publications. Half of Main Street is full of empty spaces. Nothing is impossible so do the impossible all day. Work at nothing all day.

  8. Hmeyers says:

    Humans are creatures of limited intelligence.

    If one of them claims to be an expert in anything except a small slice of a particular field that they are gainfully employed in —


  9. Ah_Yea says:

    “How to become a genius”

    What, again??

  10. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    Good speech…totally extemporaneous from what I see….and that is a skill/gift/characteristic not many have.

    So many errors……. mostly intentional for the folksy presentation you want to give and in pieces here and there if one places the right amount of emphasis on it, the error s are mostly corrected.

    But in the main….. you do confuse and mix religion/values for facts and science, and then move it all into pop culture: Its NOT all software/math when it comes to humans. And that is the nature/quandry of man from sharpening sticks to uploading our brain structure into a solar powered replicant.

    And in the main…. you do mostly talk about CULTURE rather than anything else. Culture: a non dna based system to transfer knowledge from one generation to the next. Really took off with books…which I think “caused” the scientific revolution.

    ………..Hmmmm….curiosity….exposing oneself to different points of view. Channel surfing will do that for you, picking what you want to see over the intertubes will isolate you into your current bias unless you are seeking opposing views.

    It all sounds good until you put it to the scientific test: AGW. You make this a liberal and wrong position by saying it leads to thinking Big oil is Evil in a program that will lead to the Earth becoming Venus and exploding like the sun? Well……is it humanist to so severely misstate the concerns and interests of a legitimate set of positions? I don’t think so.

    Wrong also to state the solution is simple and all we need to do is go Solar. You view and solve the challenge purely with the technology involved totally missing that the challenge is one of: CULTURE.

    Is interesting how many times your speech turns back on itself.

    ……………… admirable first draft.

    • noname says:

      Da problem here, the blatant dull and intellectual dishonesty! Humanist claim allegiance and want for evidence and scientifically based social policies. Well that’s grand rhetoric, excepting how these goals overlap with attitudes and programs already tried in the Communist Manifesto.

      One wonders once Marc Perkel’s Humanist Manifesto is implemented how many non-conforming humans are going to be exterminated in a manor not dissimilar to the previous bloody implemented Communist Manifesto!

  11. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    Hey Marc:

    Was going to listen again to find the definitive statement from your point of view, but decided to just ask you instead: How can one become a genius?

    From memory, because you never give your definition of what a genius is, seems to me what you talk about is how to become NOT a genius, NOT smarter, BUT rather: better informed?

    Perhaps I have a genius at being picky?


    By and large, genius is “by definition” something you are born with. Don’t that suck in an acquisitive Horatio Algers type of world?

    Genius Definition

    n. noun

    1. Extraordinary intellectual and creative power. artistic works of genius.
    2. A person of extraordinary intellect and talent.
    3. A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.

    • Hmeyers says:

      There is no such thing as a genius.

      Do you think it wasn’t important that Einstein worked at the patent office?

      • bobbo, in point of fact says:

        H Myers—what do you mean?

        Genius is a defined term. You meet the terms, you are a genius.

        I assume you have some added notions that aren’t actually part of the definition?

        If so, you suffer, like Perkel, and most other intelligent enough people for most things, by coasting on what you have come to be….. support your intellect, continue to learn, shape it…>>read the dictionary. A wealth of knowledge and mind/spirit building blocks right at your fingertips.

        Try it.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Humans build by adding a brick on top the existing foundation, which is why education is important.

          Magic is technology too high for someone to understand — think of aborigines not understanding Polaroid cameras.

          Likewise genius is a term thrown about when someone without much math or physics meets someone with years of it.

          But it isn’t magic or genius or a miracle — it is just a guy who is really into math.

  12. Peppeddu says:

    No offense, but it seems he just threw a bunch of random concepts together without a general direction of where his speech was supposed to go.
    God and politics have little or nothing to do with “How to become a genius”. Sure, he shouldn’t hide it, but rubbing it in only alienates a very good percentage of the audience.


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