Above is a picture of an attempt in January that experienced a RUD. (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly) But tomorrow SpaceX will try again at 4:33pm eastern or 1:33pm Pacific time. If it works – history will be made. I’m watching it live.

No go for today. Next launch attempt at 4:10 easterm 1:10 pacific on Tuesday April 14.

Go Elon! WooHoo!

  1. Musk Oil says:

    Is THIS where a company “invests” it’s profits these days? In a real life attempt to recreate a 1930’s BUCK RODGERS episode?!

    Ya, Elon. Go! GO AWAY!!! You’re doing NOTHING for the betterment of humanity who are STILL SUFFERING from things like disease, starvation or even slavery. You’re doing even less for the powerless middle class who bewilderingly still support you too — the very same people who your rich friends have targeted for the soon to arrive new dark age.

    Though you do have to hand it to Mr. Musk. He definitely knows what the masses of lemmings seem to enjoy. He knows how to shine those fancy baubles and even get the media morons to collectively (unthinkingly) comment on the twisted self indulging philanthropy — as if he’s some kind of wonderful guy for doing it.

  2. Marc Pugner says:

    What does it say about NASA that Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Red Bull all have more robust space programs than NASA at this point?

    • MikeN says:

      Didn’t NASA do this more successfully 50 years ago?

    • Marc Perkel says:

      The real question is what does it say about Congress and the Presidents?

      • MikeN says:

        The President has directed that for NASA, its primary mission is Muslim outreach.
        Congress treats NASA as a jobs program, which is how NASA reacted after they nearly cut funding for the international space station.

    • noname says:

      Hum, Marc Pugner you’re such a joke and an obvious dumb spectator!!

      You’re ignorantly proclaiming Mr Branson has a more robust space program then NASA, really???

      What math are you not using to think with??

      “Speaking from the British Virgin Islands, Branson called Friday an “incredibly sad” day for the family of pilot Mike Alsbury, who was killed, and the Virgin Galactic team. “But we’ve now picked ourselves up, the team are pushing on building the next spaceship and waiting for the final report from the NTSB.””

      Again you’re sadly proclaiming the space equivalent of base jumping somehow qualifies what Red Bull does for advertisement as a space program????

      “Google Senior VP Jumps from Stratosphere, Beats Red Bull’s Space-Diving Record”

      It’s idiots like you that misjudge risks, accomplishments and systems that get people hurt, waste monies or worse people killed.

      Go back to hiding under your rock!

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    Well, no go for today. Tomorrow at 4:10 eastern.

    • MikeN says:

      I hope this doesn’t become like Charlie Brown and the football.

    • MikeN says:

      You know Marc, they would have been successful if you had volunteered to stand on the ship and catch it. You and your juice would have provided a good soft landing.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Short Answer:


    Longer Answer:

    Keep trying and eventually he will get it right.

  5. MikeN says:

    Are they trying to launch or land or both?

    • noname says:

      Usually upon making a landing a launch is prerequisite.

      I am just saying da obvious, ya know what I mean!

      • MikeN says:

        But the reverse is not true.
        Marc asked about landing and then said launch attempt. It could also be the case that the launches already happened and they are testing the landings.

        As it is, the launch appears to have been done by NASA at Cape Canaveral, and the landing was not the space ship but one of the rockets.

        It landed, but damaged.


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