The is a followup to my last article Turned off my Cable TV. It’s been 3 days and I’m not missing anything. In fact – it’s better. It reminds me of 2000 when I moved to California and decided, why do I need a land line when I have a cell phone? And it reminds me of when I switched from Windows to Linux, although that transition had pain involved.

So far everything I watch can be watched on the internet. And I don’t have to be there when it comes on TV. I can watch it when I want. And I can pause it if the phone rings. Sometimes I need to hunt a little to figure out where to get it. but …

The concept of watching channels goes away.

The concept of when something comes on goes away.

The quality of what I’m watching has increased.

I have subscribed to Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, although Amazon is neither ChromeCast nor Linux friendly so I’m likely to drop it after the free trial. And there’s an infinite amount of stuff on YouTube.

With my ChromeCast dongle that plugs into an HDMI port on my TV (I’ve had it for some time) I can use my cell phone, android tablet, and my computer (running Chrome browser) as a remote. And I can watch stuff on those devices as well. The TV is basically a remote screen if I want to sit in the living room and watch something on the big screen.

I have a 4 year old Google TV (Sony) that is rather obsolete but I’m just using it as a dumb screen. I doubt I would replace it with a newer TV because the newer sets are too creepy. I want to watch TV. I don’t want TV watching me. Although Skype from my TV would be cool.

So – on YouTube I like watching anything Elon Musk. It seems like every day there’s something new and significant in his world. Learning a lot of Physics and Cosmology. Can still watch South Park and Big Bang Theory, about the only shows I’m interested in.

What I’m not watching anymore is the culture wars. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, will lower your IQ. (Except Rachel Maddow, I like her sometimes) Culture wars makes you stupid. I also don’t need to see only bad news without covering the good news in the world that far exceeds the bad. You would think it’s the end of the world when in reality things have never been better. The news media are basically drug pushers who are just playing with your emotions to get more eyeballs to sell to advertisers. So they twist things just to keep you emotionally excited so that can sell you auto insurance or erectile drugs. It’s all such a scam.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    If you ask how they’re going to get the money to make Tv shows, if people watch it commercial free on the Internet? Then answer me this. How can so many other nations, in the world, keep taking US foreign aid money, and still hate us, when the American taxpayers are sacrificing to help them, whether they want to or not? Somebody always gets a free ride, somehow. Even if it doesn’t make economic sense. Most of the US Govt. and Military spending, doesn’t make much sense. They can’t even keep track of it. It just happens. So rather than ask how? Just enjoy it, while you can. Because eventually it could go away, no matter what you do today.

    • bobbo, in point of fact says:

      Foreign aid goes to foregin gubments that mostly spend the money as deposits to their private bank accounts and/or to spend money on WEAPONS to keep their own people in bondage.

      Foreign aid is EXACTLY WHY the PEOPLE of foreign countries should and do hate the American Gubment.

      Everyone loves the tourist though.

      You got a lot of things all mixed up.

  2. steve says:

    I dropped dish network in 2000,thought i return after a couple months break and have never returned to TV ever since.No cable,no local Tv nothing don’t miss it a bit. Internet has ample to view with music,,occasional redbox,you tube ,who needs it even cancelled my home Cox internet last year after 13 years and successfully rely on t-mobile phone and hotspot for home connection,thats a 1000$ a year i save.


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