I just got tired of paying more and more for less and less. They raised my monthly rate to $135/month and late last year they made a change where I had to use a cable box, which I hate.

But the real killer – I turned on MSNBC and there they were – talking about Monica Lewinski and the possibility of Donald Trump running for president and I just wanted to rip my eyes out. TV is making me stupid. The news media are drug pushers, nothing but bad news, and in an age where things have never been better. I’m tired about knowing who got shot, who was hit by a train, the culture wars, it’s like they are sucking my brains out through a tiny straw.

So I think everything I need to watch is online and I have a Chromecast device on my TV so I can watch it on the big screen. I can initiate shows from my computer, cell phone, or tablet. So I’m going to see how it goes. Change my lifestyle. Get away from the idea that things come on at a specific time. Get rid of the obsolete idea of “channels”. And I’m saving $80 a month. I’m still using the Charter internet which is just $51/month for 60mb.


  1. deowll says:

    Anybody that watches MSNBC doesn’t need tv to make them appear foolish. Just admitting you ever watched that pile of stinking dung is enough to do that.

    • dade0 says:

      Anybody that watches MSNBC doesn’t need tv to make them appear foolish. Just admitting you ever watched that pile of stinking dung is enough to do that.

      Agreed, partially. Commercial television is a wasteland. People view content for various reasons. Anyone that uses mainstream, commercial media for information will come up short. It all (ads as well as content) points you at stuff and little of it is the truth. Honesty, trust, integrity, ethics have gone away so you can be sold: crap, lies, china crap, politix and liberal amounts of FEAR.

      Books..much more user friendly imho.

      • bobbo, in point of fact says:

        Think of commercial tv NOT as THE answer, but as an introduction. Requires a higher level of tolerance for ambiguity and patience than most team sports.

  2. mojo says:

    “Wallowing in the troubles of 5 billion other humans is probably not a good idea.”

  3. Blake says:

    John, it’s totally worth it. I did it once and just waited until I got a great deal for “new customers”. (Why offer your existing customers a good deal?) I’m at the point where I may do it again…

    Pick up an old fashioned antenna, works great, I prefer the cheap RCA indoor antenna.

  4. jimbo says:

    > just $51/month for 60mb.



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