1. Here Boy says:

    So now even the dogs are being impacted by automation and technology.

    Can’t wait until DARPA’s pac mules are herded by drones.


    • Here Boy says:

      Unlike sheep, DARPA’s mules poop 1/4-20 nuts and bolts.

    • Marc Pugner says:

      that’s neat. its about as stealthy as a running chainsaw, but its neat.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Can’t wait until DARPA’s pac mules are herded by drones.


  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist asking what will SkyNet think of AGW? says:

    Yep, and I would think the program for autonomous operation is fairly easy to write.

    ……………………the birth of SkyNet. Better wed it to an mapped brain pattern of a Teatard. You know: no self awareness.

  3. Mindless Robots says:

    A bit off topic, but…

    “Teatard”? Is this your personal demon or just a subconscious ear worm you can’t shake?

    All things considered, the Tea Party Movement doesn’t seem so bad.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist asking what will SkyNet think of AGW? says:

      I don’t think much about them or any other group of idiots…. probably just because Ted Cruz is much in the news.

      Thanks for the link. We all should do that more often===nudge, nudge, wink wink.

      The Teatards problem is applying a counter/balancing concern as an absolute. Such as: “The movement opposes government sponsored programs such as universal healthcare[3] ” //// and so forth—just incredibly STOOPID.

      UHC/ACA provides more care to more folks while saving money. FREEDOM==is not best thought as keeping those one rung below yourself in chains.

      Hang in there…..you might be educable.

      • Mindless Robots says:

        “Hang in there…..you might be educable.”

        Oh wise one, please describe your utopian world.

        Does it involve unicorns and trees that grow money? Is it progress that magically happens with zero effort from those that can, but choose to lay back?

        Charity is wonderful and should always be encouraged. On the other hand, charity abusers should be exposed and dealt with.

        The free buffet is not really free.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist asking what will SkyNet think of AGW? says:

          Ever think more deeply on why you call yourself a mindless robot?


          “Hang in there…..you might be educable.” /// A bristle, but no bite.

          Oh wise one, please describe your utopian world. /// No utopia, life will always be a struggle……..no matter what…..”but” full social safety net helps “everyone” in society…even those not on the dole.

          Does it involve unicorns and trees that grow money? Is it progress that magically happens with zero effort from those that can, but choose to lay back? /// Ha, ha….the welfare queen. Big bugga boo for those who think taxation is slavery…..poor baby.

          Charity is wonderful and should always be encouraged. On the other hand, charity abusers should be exposed and dealt with. /// Of course. Now==what is the maximal money you are willing to spend to stop one dollar of charity abuse?

          The free buffet is not really free. /// Exactly so….its actually a benefit to all.

  4. WmDE says:

    How long does it take to teach the dog to fly the drone?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    First sheep, then sheeple!


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