Sydney Smoot, a fourth grader at Brooksville Elementary, shared her concerns on testing in schools with members of the Hernando County School Board at their regular meeting on March 17, 2015.
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She would be a better choice for president than the idiot we have now or the dipshit Hillary that wants to run.
+2 !!!
I was flunking out of school so Maw and Paw put me in Jesuit School where I got test, ranked, and a weekly report of same to Maw and Paw. I started out testing at no 47 out of 51. Worked my way up to No 3 as I recall.
Weekly testing………turned me right around.
Maybe they should start again.
I would be classified as ADD now in a school but it turns out it was boredom. Solid B-C student until I got out into the world. Only studied stuff that didn’t bore me and was number 1 or 2 from 18 on. Had to help teach several of my college engineering classes because the instructors couldn’t teach. I pissed off a lot of them because I had more knowledge and experience than them by the time I got to college.
This girl is pretty darn good for any age.
She is a cutie pie….but only reading what her parents gave her……….but I agree, high verbal skills.
Boredom hits boys greater than girls. We NEED PE/phys ed. Dodge ball was really a lot of fun–even when getting hit full in the face. Too dangerous even for schools that do offer sports.
Shut up, slaves!
Shut up slave!
So apparently the girl’s self esteem of making a watered down honor roll matters more than a test that actually tests her knowledge of the state curriculum.
You’re right. I couldn’t get past the part about her saying what a good student she is. Why would I want to listen to Bobbo on video?
The generation of scientists, mathematicians, engineers and machinists that put man on the moon played outside at recess (even in the winter), didn’t wear bike helmets and weren’t subjected to standardized testing.
……….and they worked for and were funded by the Gubment.
…………………we need another moon shot for Green Energy.
REALLY want a standard?
Give it to the Parents and teachers FIRST…and POST the scores.
Anyone that gets a better score then Parents and teachers, GETS AN A’
Alfie==you confuse the practice of religion (internal to yourself) with the oppression of other people. The distinction is very clear when you express the 1st Amendment as freedom FROM religion as an expanded understanding of freedom of religion.
You see the distinction?
Choosing to go into commerical businesses is NOT the practice of religion.
All too common an error to think that you are being repressed if you can’t force your opinions on other people. STOP being so judgmental…… leave that for God in the afterlife.
Yea, verily!
yes it is. It is called life.
Some emoting snippets:
FSA testing … I consider myself a well educated young lady …. 5 years of school dosn’t matter … this testing looks at me a number, one test defines defines me as a failure or a success … one test at the end of the year at the end of the year after the teacher or my self will even see the grade until after the school year is over … I feel
She lost me when she said I feel….
The whole purpose of most, if not all academic testing is to reduce a person’s achievement to a number!
She seems to be saying look at me
*I am cute
*I may read well what others have written
*I am a white little charming girl
*Did I say I am cute
I am sorry but academic testing does reduce a person’s achievement to a number!
American public school as a WHOLE are failing at teaching CHILDREN at world wide competitive academic levels.
Face it, the rest of the world has caught up and exceeded USA in academic levels!!! Grow UP and study harder!!!
*The world doesn’t care how cute you where as a child!
*The world doesn’t care as a child how well you can read other peoples writing!
The only solution that teacher unions offer is: IF YOU PAY US MORE, THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!! BULL SHIT!
Well, we have been paying teachers more. In FACT AMERICAN teachers are the 6th highest paid in the world!!!
U.S. students ranked below average in math among the world’s most-developed countries. They were close to average in science and reading. In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin!!!!
Obviously increasing pay is not the answer!!! Teacher unions have not contributed to student achievement!!!!
This kiddie was interviewed on Melissa Perry’s (?) show. Surprisingly, the kiddie comes off answering direct questions without any help from her mom.
Kiddie says she wrote it with help from her mother. I believe her. The “idea” of the conflict was created by the mom but experienced by the kiddie.
Amazing how sharp some kiddies can be.
Most of education is NOT about learning but rather is about socialization. Our schools failing at both jobs.
As Dear Old Dad used to say about my complaining: “Your job is to learn despite the teachers.”
That proved true about most aspects of life.