I’m in the email business and I’m just not buying her story. Her excuses include:

I didn’t want to carry 2 devices – really? And you didn’t know that one device can access more than one email account? I personally have 4 email accounts set up one my phone and 5 on home computer. So the 2 device excuse is not only a lie – but it’s a bad lie. I’m used to being lied to by politicians, but I want the lie to be plausible so I can pretend to believe it without looking like an idiot.

All the people she emailed went into the government archive – so everyone else followed the rules but you?

She deleted 32,000 email – I can’t imagine why she would delete all her personal emails. That is a huge amount of work to get rid of something that most people would want to save. My email archive is an extension of my memory. I think she is as believable as Oliver North was in Iran-Contra.

So – as someone who was going to vote for her I have a huge problem with this.

So did she also delete all the backups? If not – the emails are recoverable. Or did she even do backups? If she says she doesn’t have any backups then I have a real problem with that because had her hard drive failed all would have been lost.

Another issue is that using her personal server is not what I would consider secure. Email has to travel out over the open internet where it can be intercepted. If she used the government servers like she’s supposed to then that email is delivered locally. If I were the security techs at the state department I would have multi-layered encrypted routes in place so that very little traffic was in the wild and that I would set up SSL inside of an SSH tunnel inside of a VPN for state department communications. Especially with the NSA deliberately weakening encryption standards to make SSL hackable.

The bottom line is – this wouldn’t have happened if she had just followed the rules in the first place.

  1. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

    Its a CHARACTER issue….. of which, the Clintons have none.

    EVERYTHING you see has been clearly displayed over the years.

    I’ll put you down as a low information voter, or one with no memory at all.

    THIS is how INCUMBENTS get elected.

    VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE——-and once out, don’t let them back in.

    ((Course …. we will both vote for Hillary given the probably opposition==you know, no declared third party candidate!==<>))!?!

  2. McCullough says:

    Even if she deleted the backups, or formatted the drive they were on, the data is easily recoverable.

    If the hard drive failed…still recoverable.

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      If you purposefully act to erase your hard drive to keep it free from public inspection….why wouldn’t you use a program to overwrite the hard drive?===If not do that and physically remove the hard drive and burn it? Or are you informing me that overwrite programs don’t work?

      Course, if I were Hillary, I wouldn’t want selfies of me doing the Down and Dirty Dog Yoga Move to be released either………..

      • McCullough says:

        Yes, there are security programs that can overwrite the drive numerous times to erase them. But the term I am hearing is that she “deleted” the email.

        I’d just use the drive for target practice.

        • HamBone says:

          Exactly, “deleted” emails can be retrieved. If they can’t be then it’s evident that extra steps were taken to “wipe” what Hillary deemed “personal”. Grab your popcorn…

          • McCullough says:

            Yes, assuming that they were all on the same drive, one would have to separate the 3o thousand or so official emails from the personal emails before you used the gov’t standard erasure program to overwrite those areas on a drive..

            Which makes the story even more incredulous.

            But like Lois Lerner’s IRS emails that have been “magically” found, I expect this will blow over with the low-info public sheep.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            The current claim is that they did a search for certain keywords, and the ones that didn’t match were deemed private and not handed over. While it would be the easiest way to do it with minimal manpower, one wonders if it is an after-the-fact defense against charges of allowing unauthorized persons access to classified material.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          >But the term I am hearing is that she “deleted” the email.

          When she deleted the Rose Law firm billing records, the FBI was unable to forensically recover them.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        The Republicans could just write a letter to Putin asking for her e-mails.

  3. HamBone says:

    I laughed at her response regarding the security of a home brew email server. “… We have secret service at our house..”

    • NewFormatSux says:

      That is not that ridiculous. It is quite likely that ClimateGate leak of e-mails happened because of direct access to the server or the backups. The hacker who committed suicide downloaded articles from various journals by connecting directly to a server in a closet.

  4. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

    For a point of clarity, is the “server” in question no doubt just a pc with a server program on it? Or is it something more rare that only Sun Microsystems (?-whoever?) makes?

    Is there a defining term for those servers that route traffic around the internet and more properly the reference should be to Hillary maintaining a “home” server?

    But….the Secret Service would stop the physical theft of the server. Thats valid.

    • HamBone says:

      Yeah, physical theft of a server in a $1.7 million mansion is sooo much easier than hacking…. Russian and the Chinese governments are known for their cat burglar skills LOL

  5. Phydeau says:

    From CNN:


    Experts have said it doesn’t appear Clinton violated federal laws, but that hasn’t stemmed the issue that has become more about bad optics and politics than any actual wrongdoing.

    That about sums up 99% of the Clinton scandals. Lots of smoke but nothing actually done wrong. Don’t let trivial things like the truth and the law get in the way of a good Clinton scandal!

    And BTW, when Dubya’s administration lost five million emails over two years there was hardly a peep from the “liberal” media. 🙄

    The emails had been run through private accounts controlled by the Republican National Committee and were only supposed to be used for dealing with non-administration political campaign work to avoid violating ethics laws. Yet congressional investigators already had evidence private emails had been used for government business, including to discuss the firing of one of the U.S. attorneys. The RNC accounts were used by 22 White House staffers, including then-Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, who reportedly used his RNC email for 95 percent of his communications.

    Pretty bad “optics” there too… but IOIYAR.

    Hillary’s a hack politician, like a lot of them, but I see why she hates the media, who zoomed in on every non-existent Clinton scandal during Bill’s term, then rolled over for CheneyBush.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Well, hell, I guess we’ll just let her off the hook then.

      Vote Hillary! She’ll give you more free stuff!

      • Phydeau says:

        Plenty of people get free stuff from the government right now. People with expensive lobbyists and multi-million dollar lobbying budgets, and lots of money to give to politicians. Any idiot knows that.

        Well, almost any idiot.

        • McCullough says:

          And any idiot also knows that 2 wrongs do not make a right.

          Well, almost any idiot.

          A wise man say: When you start an argument by saying the other guys do it too….well you get the gist.

          • Phydeau says:

            McCullough, don’t be a moron. When you bring up the horrible things the D’s do, when the R’s do the same thing, you’re starting this whole “they did it too” thing.

            Try criticizing the D’s on something the R’s don’t also do.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Then start defending the Rs, too!

            Tell us how much you liked Bush!

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      I dunno Phydeau. I had to think for 3 minutes regarding the basis for my dislike of the Clintons. Yes, the media does what media does, and fake news is even worse…but is that the whole story or even the relevant balancing part?

      Look at what the Clintons did that is not debateable?

      Bill looking directly into our eyes and saying he never had sex with that woman? Hillary by his side saying whats her name (the Big Blonde..not <Jennifer Flowers…and that meek one==not Monica), the paid for pardons, the financial pay off from China, turning that 5000 investment into half a million….or whatever.

      And I'll say again: the repeal of Glass–Steagall and the signing of NAFTA. Two faced support of gays and labor.

      Hillary selling her soul for the future shot at the Pres and being so cute about it all along.

      Disgusting pair of Hacks….even with full view of press incompetency.

      Still better than all the Pukes……………………………

      …………………………..thats our politics.

      • Phydeau says:

        I’m with you on the repeal and NAFTA and Labor. I don’t think the sex lives of politicians should be public fodder. What they do behind closed doors should stay there.

        Unless, of course, like the Republicans they set themselves up as virtuous moral paragons. Like Newt Gingrich — while he was lambasting Clinton for cheating on his wife, Newt was cheating on his own wife. 🙄

      • Phydeau says:

        And the pardons, sorry, everyone does it. Bush Sr pardoning Caspar Weinberger on Christmas Eve before he left office. Yes, it’s bullshit, they shouldn’t do it, but they all do it. You can’t claim Clinton is particularly sleazy on this one.

        • McCullough says:

          There you go again, do you ever learn?

          Apparently not.


          • Phydeau says:

            Will you ever learn, McCullough? Bringing up these horrible things that the D’s do, tsk tsk, when the R’s do the same thing.

            Works both ways, pal. You start it, I finish it.

          • Phydeau says:

            I’ll put it in a way that even a moron can understand.

            If you consistently bash D’s for doing things that both R’s and D’s do, you’re just showing your bias against D’s.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Then why do you bash Libertarians when we bash both parties?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Actually, she is still in violation. All records are to be given to the government, and right now she has given none.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    It’s not the “crime”, it’s the cover-up.

    Trotting out excuses that are an insult to your intelligence, with each one more insulting than the next is the real problem.

    Even most jaded partisans don’t think this ok.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Mark (Cark?)

    And everyone else.

    One simple rule.


    If they are willing to lie to your face, imagine what they are doing to you behind your back.

    Hillary isn’t honest. She is the queen of sleaze.
    Bush isn’t either.

    These people are so arrogant, so condescending, that they believe they can lie to your face because you’re so stupid you believe their lies, -or worse, know they are lying and not care.

    And if you vote for then anyway, for any reason, you have proven them right.

  8. Proffesor Lyin' Sac-uh-Shit says:

    Hillary is on of my star pupils.

    I have other contenders in the bush.

  9. dave m brewer says:

    She could just destroy the HDs. That would carry a less offense compared to what’s on those drives. Same with that paper she was supposed to sign when leaving the State Department about turning over all of her correspondents. If they can’t find it she safe.

  10. drjenkins says:

    She claims all her official e-mail went to .gov addresses, and so are archived on government servers. Didn’t this provide a clue that “everyone” uses official e-mail for government work?

    Doesn’t the Secretary of State communicate with foreign governments? Are those e-mails safely archived on foreign government servers, but not on our own government’s servers?

    Thank goodness NSA has backup copies of all her e-mail.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I wonder if she uses e-mail to communicate with foreign governments.

  11. gracie says:

    Sad, Marc. Too many errors in your post to make it worth following through. You’re not paying attention to facts already public.

    Whatever the reasons, it still is the policy in State and most other departments to carry and use separate devices for personal emails, communications vs specially secured internal network.

    No one has sais she deleted ALL her personal emails. She separated personal from State – and deleted 32000 – or whatever number – from the personal account.

    Reading the first couple of paragraphs and bumping into mistakes like that – really not worth proceeding, etc..

  12. Phydeau says:

    Shame on me for not getting it sooner. This blog’s readership is mostly RWNJs. You will always be putting up clickbait Clinton and Obama “scandals”. The few articles you put up that actually paint Republicans in a less than flattering light get many fewer hits.

    The Republicans have done some very bad things lately… inviting Netanyahu to speak, which seems to have backfired for both Congressional Republicans and Netanyahu himself, and the stupid letter Tehran Tom Cotton and the Senate 47 sent to Iran, which has met with universal criticism and ridicule. And the Senate 47 is making fools of themselves with their various excuses (we was just funnin’, there was a snowstorm, we were really trying to help Obama.)

    We won’t see those on this blog because the RWNJs won’t read them. No clicks, no traffic.

    So long folks. Bobbo, it’s been great agreeing and sometimes disagreeing with you. I leave this blog to you and the wingnuts. Good luck.

  13. Ed-U-Kate says:


    Maybe this old saying is a good reminder if you continue to give her your support: “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” And you know what they say about repeating the same thing over and over again while expecting different results, don’t you?

    Yes, Hillary is either incompetent or guilty of something. Perhaps BOTH! …Not that most criminals are all that smart to begin with. (Mister Bill is good evidence of that one.)

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    What a stupid post Perkel. Of course, she is lying Even her defenders know she is lying, they just pretend to believe it. You don’t have to go into detail how you know she is lying. And even there, there is so much more, like she acknowledges having two devices, Bill doesn’t use e-mail, and not everyone at State followed the rules.

    Perhaps you should take a look at what the rest of the department was doing. One place reported that the Jerusalem embassy archived a total of 20 emails in one year.

  15. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:


    “…..♫… Lover come back to me, you don’t have to knock on the door, No….” //// Except for the gay part, this almost fits.

    Take heart Phydeau…I think way more libs read and appreciate your defense but have better things to do than argue with a RWNJ. Yes, each post is directed at one or more posters, but the audience is quite larger. Take Heart.

    It is notable not only do the RWNJ do nothing but spew forth Faux talking points, they uniformly are unable to do anything but repeat a talking point…never any independent analysis or support, rarely a link. Its mind stupefying talking points all the way down. Also notable… how they keep their genocidal social policies suitable for mixed company by not dropping into insults and ab hominem as quickly as you and I do. Its form over function…so prevalent in a mind control environment. Its a real burden to actually understand what words mean?

    So……. take a few days, or now, and take the opportunity conflict gives us to grow:

    Phydeau says:
    3/12/2015 at 4:45 pm

    I’ll put it in a way that even a moron can understand. /// The lack of response will prove you wrong.

    If you consistently bash D’s for doing things that both R’s and D’s do, you’re just showing your bias against D’s. /// Thats true… and they don’t. You can expand that to bashing D’s and R’s that Third Parties do as well?………..idiot non think.

    …………..but Phydeau….. YOU all too often want to release D’s because R’s do it as well. McCullough, while warning you about your posts made a salient point about that. You can learn from just about any contrary “real” post.

    Think about it………..don’t go all Pedro.

  16. observer says:

    2016: Say NO to Clinton and Bush.

  17. Not Bobbo says:

    So how about outrage over Colin Powell and Karl Rove doing the same thing? Good thing that they didn’t do anything crazy like a start the longest war in American history on flimsy evidence.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They started the war in Bosnia?

      • Not Bobbo says:

        The US Congress declared war on Bosnia? And the war lasted 3 years. You must be thinking of Boy Meets World.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Last I checked the troops were still there and in Kosovo, and not like in Japan and Germany.

          Then again, the Korean War is still ongoing.

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      NO ONE other than Hillary has EXCLUSIVELY USED private email.

      Although in point of interest….everyone does decide whether to use a gubment address or a private one with each email they send.

      There is NOTHING on Hillaries server, deleted or not, that is of interest to me. She was totally ineffective as Sect of State, gave lip service to Womens Issues, and coerced as much money as possible from the ULTRA RICH. Bengazi…whatever elese you think it is…. is BS.

      VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE……((but Hillary if her opponent is a Repulican!))

      Ha, ha.

  18. expatinasia says:

    With 2 emails on one device, it’s clumsy to switch accounts, and all to easy to send email through the wrong account. Two different devices makes that nearly impossible to do. Too, she provided 60,000 emails to the Benghazi committee last year.

    Using a personal email account to conduct official business is not illegal. While serving as the Secretary of State under Bush43, both Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice used their personal email accounts to conduct official business. During their time as head of State, American embassies were attacked 10 times, and 60 Americans died. I wonder what they were hiding.

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      expatinasia says:
      3/14/2015 at 10:17 am

      With 2 emails on one device, it’s clumsy to switch accounts, /// BS….its as hard as reading or composing “the next” email.

      and all to easy to send email through the wrong account. /// More BS. If your brain is stuck on “Old Fart too senile for Gubment Service” those transpositional errors will occur regardless of the one or two device system used.

      Two different devices makes that nearly impossible to do. /// See just above.

      Too, she provided 60,000 emails to the Benghazi committee last year. /// Which means what?…THE ISSUE: is not what she has provided…but what she has kept secret. You see the difference????

      Using a personal email account to conduct official business is not illegal. While serving as the Secretary of State under Bush43, both Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice used their personal email accounts to conduct official business. //// See above. The also wore pants suits…………….ie………irrelevant and not the issue.

      During their time as head of State, American embassies were attacked 10 times, and 60 Americans died. I wonder what they were hiding. /// Their incompetency… as they all do.


  19. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, you need to be careful putting up such posts:

    Then, one day, I live out in the country, in a very rural part of Virginia and…I walked out of my house one day and I had three flat tires. I wondered how that had happened and came to find out that someone had come down with a nail gun and shot the tires out in the sidewalls. I mean, you don’t run over nails and get them in the sidewalls.

    And I had a beloved pet of 13 years that disappeared…

    That was your cat, right?

    That was my cat. I put the word out…and put up pictures saying she was missing and one morning, I was out walking at first light with my dogs, a couple of days before the deposition, and this stranger approached me and asked if I had ever found the cat. He was very knowledgeable about my cat, and talked about what a nice cat he was — talking about him in the past tense. Then he asked me if I had gotten my tires repaired — “Did you ever get those tires fixed” — which was when I knew something was going on. Then, the worst part was when he threatened my children by name….He said, “You’re just not getting the message, are you?” The message was clear, it was to lie at that deposition in two days and not tell the story of what Bill Clinton did to me.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Good post.

      Let’s be clear about what kind of -sorta- human being Hillary is.

      Here is the full article including the above:


      • McCullough says:

        Vote for scum like this and you deserve everything you get.

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Yup, and the government you deserve.

          That’s why I say, first and foremost,

          Vote For The Person Who Won’t Lie To You.

          We could change the Government in one election cycle if everyone followed this simple rule.

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Vote For The Person Who Won’t Lie To You.

          This way, instead of the liar who will tell you what you want to hear then do whatever they want after the election,

          You actually get a representative, someone you know will do what they say.

        • ± says:

          The problem is that the people who hire the scum, besides screwing themselves, are screwing everyone else too.

          Anyone who has ever cast a vote for the “lesser of evils”, has knowingly, admittedly, cast a vote for evil. And then they complain about what they are responsible for.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            You’re absolutely right.

            Too many people vote for the Scum because of intentional disbelief (They wouldn’t do that!) or because of greed (I’ll loose my handouts!)

            Who is worse, the Scum or the people who willingly get in bed with them?

            Hence, you get the government you deserve.

  20. jenn says:

    She deleted 32,000 email – I can’t imagine why she would delete all her personal emails. That is a huge amount of work to get rid of something that most people would want to save.

    You do realize that you can do it with one push of a button, right? lol. Remove address from email client, do you want to save, no. done.

    “most people would want to save”, and you know this how?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      She told us it was condolences, wedding invitations, etc.
      I wonder what her friends are thinking that she would just throw out such things.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        If she had any real “friends”! All she has are those who fear her and are glad she deleted their mail.

  21. Jeremiah's Johnson says:

    “So – as someone who was going to vote for her”

    And you seem intelligent. These days, it’s looking like a vote for any Democrat is a vote against a bright future for humanity.


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