1. Quinn says:


  2. High Tech Humor says:

    Absolutely hilarious !!

  3. admfubar says:

    HA! finally a new meme to replace the hitler movie

  4. dwd says:

    I liked the Canon one more.

  5. Ed-U-Kate says:

    You sure this guy didn’t first work for COMCAST?!

  6. Hmeyers says:

    Video of someone not understanding the market.

    – No viruses
    – No crap ware
    – Durable metal unibody case vs. Windows laptops are flimsy.
    – Apps can be copied and pasted any where
    – Search actually works unlike Windows.
    – Search works instantly.
    – Never had Windows 8 style unwanted changed forced on user
    – Windows control panel is infinitely deep now.
    – A Mac can act as a wireless router.
    – Easy on a Mac to enable file sharing, networking.
    – Clear delineation of elevated privileges, meaning someone else can use your Macbook and can’t intentionally or accidentally make system changes. No such thing as “administrative” user so not possible to have user where applications can break sandboxing or malware can make system changes.

    Give an old person a Mac and no level of gullibility to click “Won a free dinner!” will give that user a virus.

    Windows is a better operating system for someone with a lot of experience (i.e. power user).

    The general population doesn’t fall into that category and does not use anything except a web browser (and games).

    I use Windows 99% of the time, but I know the pros and cons of each operating system.

    • McCullough says:

      Funny you protest like this, but this came from longtime Mac insider friends who are laughing at anyone would buy a “netbook” for $1400.00.

      No DVD Drive: Check

      1.2ghz ARM (Mobile) Processor: Check

      No USB Ports: Check

      Crappy 480p Camera: Check

      $79 dongle just to connect a keyboard or any USB device: Check

      $1400.00 seriously?

    • RR1 says:

      – No viruses (Malware is up and coming though)
      – No crap ware (You haven’t been paying attention to the news lately have you)
      – Durable metal unibody case vs. Windows laptops are flimsy. (Sorry, they make sturdy metal cases for Windows laptops to, you just have to order the models that come with it)
      – Apps can be copied and pasted any where (Wrong again, only some can, try that with Adobe or Quark or etc….)
      – Search actually works unlike Windows. (funny, my Windows search works just fine, you might want to see what your is set to index)
      – Search works instantly. (Does in Windows to, once again see that you don’t have your indexing messed up)
      – Never had Windows 8 style unwanted changed forced on user (no, but plenty of other nasty surprises, like an OS that can’t be added to a domain, until its 3 major update, LOL)
      – Windows control panel is infinitely deep now. (not sure what you mean by that, but get to just fine on the PCs I use)
      – A Mac can act as a wireless router. (So can your PC)
      – Easy on a Mac to enable file sharing, networking. (Guess you don’t know your Windows boxes very well, its easy on a PC as well)
      – Clear delineation of elevated privileges, meaning someone else can use your Macbook and can’t intentionally or accidentally make system changes. No such thing as “administrative” user so not possible to have user where applications can break sandboxing or malware can make system changes. (Sorry wrong again, Macs have administrative user accounts and root level user accounts, either can totally trash a system)

      Give an old person a Mac and no level of gullibility to click “Won a free dinner!” will give that user a virus. (Sure loads up malware though, LOL)

      Windows is a better operating system for someone with a lot of experience (i.e. power user). (can’t agree with that, see stupid people using both)

      FYI, I manage 3,600 computers at a college. Both Mac and PC.

  7. NaMcFn says:

    If I spent $1400 on a Windows laptop – I would get a great durable/metal case, replaceable battery, multiple USB ports, Firewire, DVD, probably eSATA, HDMI, VGA and a few other connectors, decent webcam and both a touch pad and pointing stick for mouse control.

    In fact, I just bought two 4 year old HP Elitebooks that have all the above PLUS better CPUs than the 2015 MAC and they cost me less than $200 a piece.

    But, if I wanted to buy a brand new laptop, I could sacrifice some of the above and get one for $3-400 in the Windows world – not so with a MAC where one price fits all.


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