This is amazing!

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    I doubt very much that he is correct. Islam will take over and the whole place will to crap.

  2. Kumbuyah says:

    But how will we stop the techno-savvy maniac and his friends who are hell-bent on global mass destruction?

    Technology for good and evil.

  3. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

    At 1:15 I couldn’t watch anymore….”The earth is a crumb in a universe filled with resources…”

    I stopped there but still heard him flop over to “I believe….” which never ends well no matter what is said thereafter….

    AGW==the rate of negative imputs is accelerating. The problem: by the time there is enough political pressure to change…. it is ALREADY too late to avoid cataclysmic environmental disruption.

    You know the environment?==Its what we live in.

    Note anyone who watches the whole thing: are the challenges to assumed positive trends ever get balanced against to KNOWN negative trends and eventualities?==or is it BS all the way down?

    Sill Hooman. Smart enough not to, but drowning in their own waste products…… because….. its cheap.

    • ± says:

      I stopped there but still heard him flop over to “I believe….” which never ends well no matter what is said thereafter….

      That you are able to avow this and then go on to espouse your ‘beliefs’ about AGW is both supportive of your avowal and ironic.

      Well … at least you proved your assertion to be true in this case. And too, thanks for providing a rare instance of meta-substantiation.

      • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

        I take your point PM….. course, its not what “I believe” but rather what the consensus of qualified scientist agree upon. I done slipped into the colloquialism of the discourse. Bad Rabbit.

        But…. thanks for the catch…. my exposition will only be explained “more better.”

        • ± says:


          • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

            I always support critical thinking, and recognized the nascent effort on your part.

            Just trying to raise the IQ of the commentary class.

  4. JudgeHooker says:

    I usually stop reading when Bobbo shows up. Should be able to get a ticket refund at this point.

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      Too Pedro.

  5. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:


    Finally watched it.

    Up until @4min, guy is cherry picking BS and sounds like D Pack Chopra..adding a layer of mystical to historical fact as if it meant more than it does.

    At 4:15: “paraphraseD: I don’t hear people talking about how people are going to exchange ideas is progressing…” //// Ummm, ever hear about the internets? Its a series of tube people put their talking into….

    People moving from rural to city is not a mark of innovention as much as it was a function of industrialization….but its multifaceted…so….ok…let the bs continue

    “Gene Roddenberry created in fact the road map for progress…” //// Ok. I have to stop… and vomit.

    Mark……………really? I do see parallels with the COR though. Same fanciful cause and effect relationships fashioned out of the historical record and bald assertion.

    Holy Mantra Batman….. its all BS.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    I quit the moment he said “Singularity University”.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    A xombie ate most of Bobbo’s brain, but the part of needed to click “submit comment” still works.

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      Hmeyers—you “should” only attack me if you think this video has value? Instead you give me the set up: Obviously NO ZOMBIE could live on this forum as there are NO BRAINS on which to feed. Yours a good line otherwise.

      DU has become a zombie wasteland.

      • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

        Just as a matter of interest, how long can a zombie exist if they don’t eat?

        • Hmeyers says:

          The video was pretty terrible!

          At least to me.

          But I think the target market for this is rich people — often business people and sales and organization types.

          And they like hype and are not particularly familiar with science but they sure have a lot of money.

          • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

            So…… a long time huh?

            Rather non sensical…. if they don’t have to eat for a very long time…. then why bother???

            They (Zombies) kinda act like rich people===hungering after something they don’t need.

            Ha, ha.

  8. Bored says:

    I’m not sure what’s worse. Listening to some guy talk on and on about his “positive” outlook for the future or reading Bobbo’s drug induced ramblings that are often OFF TOPIC!

    Ya. It’s Bobbo. Hey dummy! STFU!!!

    Can we get a petition going to ban this idiot or at least limit it’s posts to TWO per article/thread?

    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      Off topic? Did you enjoy the video?

  9. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

    Heres a challenge to all the Brain Dead posting today:

    NAME the best idea/notion/statement/position directly stated or inferred in the video….and if I agree or cannot best it…I will not post for a week. ………………… No …………… scratch that…… sorry brain deads: Bored needs a little bobbo: I will limit my posts to two per thread not counting direct responses.

    There…. y’all have reason to actually think about what our Good Editor Marc has put before us. Without Marc’s good efforts, we would only have one post a week to gnaw on.

    Ah Yea: you posted well. You aren’t qualified this round. P/M as well, I do enjoy a zinger.

    Yours moves brains deads.

  10. bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

    Four hours and no one can name one reason why this video is



    • bobbo, AGW is Anthropormorphic Global Warming. Its why yeast stops growing in any confined space: they reproduce and consume until they die in their own shit. says:

      ……….the answer is of course that the universe does indeed give us the tools (science) with which to overcome the challenges facing us.

      ………..not that we are going to use them in time……………

      but, it was still there: go Green. Slightly more expensive in the uptake, but it insures our future.

      ……………we could’ve been contenders!!!


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