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She didn’t refuse donations from 7 countries that treat women like shit (sort of like her husband). The Clinton Foundation accepted close to $20 million from places where you are allowed to beat your wives and they are not allowed to drive. Yo get the idea.
Yet during her press conference today she gave one of the lamest assed answers I have ever hear.
Maybe she should spend a year in Saudi Arabia for a year without the secret service. Stupid cunt.
It’s as though no one remembered WHITEWATER!
The more pertinent question may be why the hell was she allowed to be Secretary of State in the first place? With such an incompetent (shady) past and scandals like Whitewater, where she conveniently lost some legal papers that may have showed money laundering to her husbands campaign (among other things), it’s like asking a KKK Grand Dragon (head leader of a white hate group) to be Ambassador to the U.N.!
The editor probably believes that Hillary turned $1000 into $100000 in a month by reading the Wall Street Journal to learn how to invest in the commodities market, and had nothing to do with the broker assigning her the wins and others the losses.
Hell, even the libs are stating to hate the “stupid cunt”.
I don’t know of any evidence that she is “well-liked” among liberals.
The media and Democrats were cheering when Obama beat her in the 2008 primaries.
I wouldn’t classify Hillary as a Democrat.
She doesn’t have any core political beliefs except it is “her turn to be president”. [It won’t happen].
No, she is not well-liked, but that won’t stop them from supporting every one of her lies as truth.
They will happily declare We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Wow! An outstanding video. Shows how far we have fallen.
One speech that may have assisted in getting a sitting president murdered.
Can’t wait for the rich retorts in defense of old Hilly.
Any takers?
You just saw it. Ignore the issue and claim Republicans are obsessed.
And government transparency laws are only for when liberals are out of power. In power liberals are free to violate the laws on recordkeeping.
Theodore Dalrymple:
In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
Now Eideard is being dragooned into supporting.
I don’t like Hillary but if the alternative is another Bush….
I think everyone should write in their own name this next election.
Agreed, we’d probably end up with a Mr. Smith in Washington.
Did she actually say that she used a personal email account so she didn’t have to carry two phones, and no one questioned that?
“Looking back, it would’ve been better for me to use two separate phones and two email accounts.”
This quote is front and center plastered over her image on the front page of today’s WSJ. I’ll call this a meta-lie. It is so dizzyingly disingenuous that your initial reaction is that you must not understand what she is saying.
Lying is so integral to her basic persona that she utters lies to explain away her other lies while pretending to be contrite about the appearance of dishonesty.
No one of importance questioned the Lerner email hard disk crash with no server backups for over a year either.
/Sartalics ON
What’s your point? She’ll get off just like Lerner. Not because she’s wily, but because she’s better than the rest of us.
/Sartalics OFF
From Hillary’s press conference:
In these folders that you see over here on my left are more than 1,200 pages of transcripts of private conversations I participated in between September 15, 1972, and April 27 of 1973 with my principal aides and associates with regard to Benghazi. They include all the relevant portions of all of the subpoenaed conversations that were recorded, that is, all portions that relate to the question of what I knew about Benghazi or the coverup and what I did about it.
They also include transcripts of other conversations which were not subpoenaed, but which have a significant bearing on the question of Presidential actions with regard to Benghazi. These will be delivered to the committee tomorrow.
Eideard, shame on you for waving the red cape in front of the bull like that… 😉
I agree that Hillary thinks it’s her turn, kind of like Bob Dole in ’96. However, Dole was competing against a well-liked incumbent — Hillary is competing against some VERY scary nutballs in the Republican party.
You can tell what the Republican strategy will be: Try to get the electorate to ignore their own candidate, and focus on how eeeeeevul Hillary is. Because any light shined on the Republican candidate will show how pathetic he is. I mean, Mitt Rmoney was relatively normal compared to the current crop, and he got spanked.
Good luck with that strategy, guys.
For the record, I agree that Hillary is not really liberal, she’s a politician without too many strong beliefs, etc. Which is a charge that can be leveled against many politicians, Republican and Democratic. What she has going for her, and what will probably win it for her, is the total lack of any credible Republican candidate. And people calling her a “stupid cunt”. The racists in the Republican party have had their turn with Obama, now it’s time for the sexists. The American people will be repulsed. So keep it up, guys.
Lame Hillary is still much better than any of the scary Republican nutball candidates. :/
Well said, once a politician always a politician.
The dems really have no other candidate. So hill has a bullseye on her back. Walker, Bush and Cruz are the repubs leading men. I don’t consider any of the D and R candidates viable. Bush is a hawk ready to invade Iraq all over again.
Hill is a hawk too. Who knows where she’ll send our young men to fight, probably depends on her best interests.
The political smearing will get dirty and the men will act as men do by being sexist and misogynistic. Nothing new to see here.
I agree…. excellent review. I’d be proud to vote FOR E. Warren….but she is flat footed and can only run if a sugar daddy steps in and jump starts her.
………….you know……… the free speech thing.
Not to worry Phydeau,
The majority of the voting base is always going to vote for the party that will continue to give them the free stuff. It won’t have anything to do with who is best at running a country.
Yeah, that 47% argument worked so well for Mitt Rmoney.
Strange to see Republicans giving up so soon. You have an unusually strong connection to reality for a right-winger, sheesh. 😉
Why does the Republican party think that insulting half the population is a viable strategy to get elected? These are people who work just as hard at their low-paying jobs as Republicans do at their high-paying jobs. Calling non-rich people lazy is a really stupid thing to do.
Yeah, I live in the real world, as an independent, ma’am.
lol still with the gender confusion I see, sheesh. True, “Phydeau” doesn’t immediately say “male”, but neither does “sheesh” now, does it? 🙂
Yeah, but I got a picture, lady.
LOL! Well that proves it then! You put a picture up!
You see right thru me sheesh… I’m actually the Queen of England, and I’ll prove it by putting up a picture of myself!
This is typical of the impaired logical reasoning of your run-of-the-mill right-winger. And we let these people vote???
We are not amused.
Yeah, that 47% argument worked so well for Mitt Rmoney.
Um, I think that was the point. No on gets elected by promising to take the free stuff away.
Music to my ears, LL. You guys just keep repeating that same insult to hard-working non-rich people. See how far it’ll get you. Tell the bus driver, the janitor, the health care aide: “Hey! You make so little money that you pay no federal income taxes! That makes you a lazy parasite!”
No wonder your Republican party has to gerrymander, repress the vote, and throw billions at slick ads. It couldn’t survive without those cheats.
You still haven’t refuted it.
In fact, you’re admitting it, based on whatever means you can think of.
I can explain it for you, but I can’t understand it for you — especially when you’re determined not to understand.
Keep on keepin’ on, LL. Spread your 47% message far and wide. It’ll help sink the Republicans, which is good. No matter how lame the Democrats are, the Republicans are much worse.
No matter how lame the Democrats are, the Republicans are much worse.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Think outside the square, P. There are options other than those two.
And if someone is too lazy to work at improving their self, I have so sympathy for them. If that means they vote for Uncle Sugar, then so be it. D, R, I could care less which one wins.
Lordy, what an out of touch person.
Well, what do you call it when someone advocates taking a larger percentage of someone’s income to give it to someone else?
Seriously, is there any reason NOT to vote for that if you’re the recipient?
“When the people realize they can vote themselves money from the treasury, that signals the end of the republic.” RAH
You got that BACKWARDS Phydeau!
It’s the DEMOCRATS who call people names like “stupid” when they don’t fall in line. And if that don’t work then they try to SCARE the populous with outright LIES! One of their favorite lies is how the Republican’s are going to TAX THEM (or at least, try) while it’s the DEMOCRATS who do it. Meanwhile, the shell game continues where no one seems to pay any attention to all the SPENDING! (But then, I suppose you too think money grows on trees.)
Oh! And by the way, there’s a REASON so many people work at low-wage dead end jobs — they really are STUPID! Don’t believe it? Just ask one of these modern day slaves who their state leaders are other than their Governor!!! I guarantee you will get some wild answers, most of which will be more Democrat rhetoric that even you have swallowed for YEARS!
Funny thing these political (religious) BELIEFS! All too often it has NOTHING to do with reality.
Thanks for the input, Dilldoh. If you’re a parody of a right-wing wacko, good job, you nailed it. 🙂
If you’re serious, by all means, broadcast your message far and wide, so the American public really know what Republicans think. 🙂
pedrito, I see what you did there! You made a funny! Good for you! 🙂
Show some compassion for the pin heads.
So easy to confuse a dildo with a Donkey’s Dick.
………….rim shot….. in this cacophony of exchanged insults.
Oh, the Humanity!
No one cares to comment on the OP?
Unless you are suffering from Alzheimers…everyone should reject emails on any subject from Nigeria. The criticism still unfitting but at least in the ballpark is that she DID take money from Nigeria.
To me, the cartoonist reveals that dogwhistle politics so prevelant today. Just say Hillary/Obama/Democrat/Liberal/Gubment and then anything that follows is meant to mean and is taken as a valid criticism….even when it is universally correct.
Silly Hoomans.
Dilldoh says:
3/11/2015 at 7:51 am
You got that BACKWARDS Phydeau!
It’s the DEMOCRATS who call people names like “stupid” when they don’t fall in line. //// I respond because I am guitly of this broad brush myself. What to do…….when it is so often true? Ha, ha. Its not the Dumbos that deny science. The Pukes by and large as a PARTY (homage to ECA and now Dilldumb) are in fact appealling to the stupid in the American Public. Are they as stupid as they campaign? Who knows…. and who should care?
………….I could parse the rest of this partisan drivel, but it does all come down to being stupid.
Stupid Hoomans.
Pedro====just so you know: My PLAN is to respond to EVERY SINGLE POST YOU MAKE FROM HERE ON OUT. Yes, every post that isn’t boringly mindnubbing stupid.
…………………….just wait for it.
> Its not the Dumbos that deny science.
So do they accept the science that says Head Start has no educational benefits?
Was it Republicans that got Larry Summers fired when he suggested that maybe boys are more interested in engineering than girls, it should be studied?
Or that affirmative action should be tested empirically with admissions at Harvard?
When EPA head was asked about hurricanes and whether they have increased:
“I cannot answer that question. It’s a very complicated issue.” The answer is of course “They have decreased in frequency and intensity by 20% since 1900.”
He testified in Congress as such, and IPCC issued an SREX report saying the same.
Sheesh says:
3/11/2015 at 6:51 am
Not to worry Phydeau,
The majority of the voting base is always going to vote for the party that will continue to give them the free stuff. It won’t have anything to do with who is best at running a country. //////
Shirley you don’t mean the Pukes who have majority in Both houses of Congress and Governorships and half the Presidencies?
So…assuming you aren’t a cross dressing Royalist, you must mean the Pukes win with a minority of votes cast plus the fraudulent votes stolen or opposing votes thrown away? So….we can make sense of what you say. And thats a good thing.
Contra and perhaps better stated: How do the Pukes keep winning by taking basic rights and minimum needs for living away from the people and convince them it is this action that keeps them free?===you know, idiots like you.
Silly Hoomans. Indeed, the majority voting against their own self interests.
Here is EXACTLY why the LIEBERTARDS are so retarded:
LibertyLover says:
3/11/2015 at 7:48 am
Yeah, that 47% argument worked so well for Mitt Rmoney.
Um, I think that was the point. No on gets elected by promising to take the free stuff away.
///// Please provide the specifics of your complaint.
What is provided “for free” that should not be? Puleeeeassseeeee avoid saying that all taxation is theft of your hard self generated without the help/support of anyone else efforts? Pretty please?………….But go ahead if you must.
Phydeau said:
Keep on keepin’ on, LL. Spread your 47% message far and wide. It’ll help sink the Republicans, which is good
Hey! Wait a minute, you were accusing me of being a R stooge earlier. Now you’re saying I’m a D stooge? Make up your mind! I don’t know who to bash!
LL—total lack of subtlety. Calling into question the depth of your understanding of libertarianism. You should study the issue using social philosophers… not politicians… who corrupt everything they touch.
Romney ran by preaching his 47% credo to his base wanting to keep his world view a secret because he knew he would lose if it was public. Now, good pin heads think the 47% makers vs takers is true and valid…. but if you advertise it…. you will lose the Presidency (just barely unless you steal it).
So…. do you see the mechanics of Phydeau’s recommendation to you …. or did Mom turn the lights off in the basement?
Real life is complicated, LL. I don’t expect you to understand real life. No worries.
Well, I’m just wondering if you’re okay with me being a D stooge, that’s all.
Stooge Defined: 1. one who advocates a person throwing their vote away on a third party candidate with no possibility of winning so that of the two remaining viable candidates, the one with less popular support will win.
2. Any further labeling of a stooge is unwarranted. Once a stooge…always a stooge. The object of manipulation can change at the will of the controller. Stooges are infinitely malleable. Just hang a label on an issue, and set the stooge loose.
Its what stooges do.