What’s the anti-vaccine movement about? This Article says that TRAIL LAWYERS funded a fake study so they could sue big pharma over vaccines.

Last April, ILR President Lisa A. Rickard published an op-ed in Forbes, entitled, The Anti-Vaccine Movement And A Trial Lawyer-Funded Climate Of Fear. Given the current spotlight and national debate concerning vaccines, and the recent measles outbreak, we thought it timeline to re-post her April 2014 piece in its entirety:

The most savvy plaintiffs’ lawyers understand that in order to create new fields of litigation, up-front investments are often required. So for those looking for the next big payday, what does$665,000 get you? For starters, a British medical journal study that claims to establish a link between vaccinations and autism.

A 1998 article in the medical journal The Lancet caused a firestorm of controversy when it was published, and helped create the anti-vaccine movement that continues today. There’s only one problem — the article was later retracted by the publisher for being “utterly false,” and the author, Andrew Wakefield, was found to have been paid big bucks by plaintiffs’ lawyers.

Brian Deer, investigative journalist for London’s The Sunday Times wrote that Wakefield, “Was paid more than £400,000 ($665,000) by lawyers trying to prove that the vaccine was unsafe.”

The article wasn’t simply retracted. Wakefield lost his medical license in Great Britain and the country’s General Medical Council chair, Dr. Surendra Kumar, said that Wakefield had “brought the medical profession into disrepute” through “multiple separate instances of professional misconduct.”


  1. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    I believe it.

    Some trail lawyers deserve some jial time?

    ………….And who funds the anti-AGW team?

  2. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    There really are “two” scams of note. The trail lawyers of course, but then the anti-vax advocates as well.

    Lawyers are easy: money.

    Its Jenny McCarthy that needs to have her yoga pants inspected…..

  3. And Then He says:

    The Litigation Industry, Big Farma, and the Insurance Industry work together in a symbiotic relationship based on economics.

    Lawyers write the fine print (blah, blah, blah… “ask your doctor if is right for you!”), then sue the pants off the Insurance Industry, who in turn raise rates for everybody. Then the lawyers take the lion share and invest it back into the drug industry.

    Trickle down, I guess we all benefit a little from new drugs…(until they kill us).


    As the lawyer awoke from surgery, he asked, “Why are all the blinds drawn?” The nurse answered, “There’s a fire across the street, and we didn’t want you to think you had died.”

    How many lawyer jokes are in existence? Only three. All the rest are true stories.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    This article needs a BS meter.

    The anti-vaccine movement is a wing of the alternative medicine movement. Trial lawyers are a sideshow, at most.

  5. I believe Andrew Wakefield.


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