Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, and Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt snubbed President Obama’s invitation to his cybersecurity summit today because of Obama’s illegal NSA spying.

I think it’s amusing that a summit to stop hackers is being held by America’s Hacker in Chief. President Obama, who is the worlds most notorious cyber criminal, has ordered the NSA to track every person in America and uses secret courts and secret law to undermine the Constitution. So I want to thank Zuckerberg, Mayer, Page, and Schmidt for taking a principled stand but boycotting Obama’s sham summit.

  1. MikeN says:

    Is that their reason, or are they objecting to the new internet regulations being implemented by the FCC at Obama’s direction?

    • Capital Arrrrrrgggg says:

      Funny thing…

      Despite whatever lying political adds you may have swallowed during this “net neutrality” debate, implementing Title II is a GOOD THING! And surprisingly, Obama is FOR IT! (It had to eventually happen with the law of averages and all — Obama is actually RIGHT for once. Go figure.)

      But here’s where it gets crazy. The FCC is NOT controlled by the the President (and not just their budget either). So Obama can’t impose any new directives on the FCC because he simply doesn’t have the power. The FCC is actually controlled by CONGRESS! Though who do you think would take the blame if things went sour?

      I’d love to post some URL’s but Dvorak seems to be into the power thing too! And I’m left wondering how much time it will be before there’s total censorship here.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Ajit Pai has explained how Obama has directed the FCC’s actions, drawing up the regulation outside the agency, 300 pages.

  2. Capital Arrrrrrgggg says:

    Make it STOP! The world doesn’t make sense any more…

    The left is now leaning right. The right is now leaning left. Cats are sleeping with dogs. Washington money hasn’t corrupted everyone. And four of the biggest techno dummies actually did the right thing for once — by snubbing our know-it-all government savior, Obama. (Or didn’t you catch that part about Obama running the NSA and tearing up the Constitution?)

    I won’t even go into the how the FCC is about to do what they should have done a long time ago by implementing Title II and actually supporting net neutrality.

    What other wonders await us?

  3. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Summits are for PR.

    The work, if any, is done in private.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      It’s like in 24, where the President throws David Palmer out of the room to show he’s in charge, then goes to his anteroom where Palmer is directing things.

  4. Eddie says:

    I don’t like half of what you write, Marc. This article is part of the half that I do. 🙂

  5. Justin Case says:

    NSA = National Security Assassination


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