Honi soit qui mal y pense

A Montana legislative panel moved to kill an indecent exposure bill Wednesday after the lawmaker who introduced it said he thinks yoga pants should be illegal.

Members of the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to table House Bill 365, which Rep. David Moore introduced Tuesday.

The proposal would have expanded the definition of indecent exposure to include garments that give the appearance of a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvis or female nipple.

The Republican from Missoula said he wouldn’t have a problem with people being arrested for wearing such provocative clothing such as tight-fitting beige garments. Moore also said yoga pants should be illegal.

Although members of the committee giggled about the bill, no discussion was allowed before a voice vote to table it.

Moore and retired professor Walt Hill drafted HB 365 after last year’s Bare as you Dare bicycle event outraged some residents last summer…

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1991 that state prohibitions on public nudity are constitutional given that nudity itself is not an expression. Bare as you Dare organizers call the event a celebration of body image and bicyclists’ right to use public roads.

Obviously, there isn’t a Lululemon store in Missoula.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    I would only outlaw them for fatties.

  2. Spandex says:

    As if there weren’t enough to worry about with taxes, corruption, war, organized crime – er – business, etc. Now we have to worry about CAMEL TOE?!?!?! Hasn’t this phobia of all things “middle east” gone far enough?!

    … How the hell are the local gym’s supposed to get men to show up if it’s not for the occasional hottie chick wearing this apparel?

  3. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Honi soit qui mal y pense


    “Its literal translation from Old French is “Shame be to him who thinks evil of it.”[4] It is sometimes re-interpreted as “Evil be to him who evil thinks.”[5]

    Well, put me down for evil…… if you think sex is evil. I don’t……….. its a friendly thing.

  4. MikeN says:

    Your picture is flawed. He was actually looking to ban nude cyclists, wrote a badly worded bill, and was asked if he is banning yoga pants that were flesh colored.

  5. spsffan says:

    Although I’m against the state making nearly anything illegal, I’ll make an exception for yoga pants. They’re just unsightly. Even on hotties.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    When Republicans run for office, they promise to focus on jobs like lasers, 24/7.

    But then they give us this nonsense.

  7. Nolo says:

    I’m surprised the Republicans didn’t want to try and tax them, before declaring a outright “Ban” on them.

  8. Marc Pugner says:

    Clearly this bill is a valuable usage of the taxpayer’s funds and should be given top priority. We must fight the Yoga Pants menace wherever it is to be found!

    Forget infrastructure, jobs, and education–yoga pants are the REAL problem!

    (Don’t look over here!) SQUIRREL!


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