

I built my first Android widget. It’s not my app. I just did the design. So if anyone wants it you’ll have to spend 2 bucks buying the app, but my template is free. The app is called “Make Your Clock Pro”. And if you don’t like any of the details you can edit it. Here’s a link to my template called “Bubbles and Clouds“. This was inspired by the original Motorola Circle Clock widget that came with my RAZR M cell phone. The 3 clouds, top, left, right are the weather for today, tomorrow, and the next day.


Sorry – not compatible with IPhones as they don’t run widgets.

Below is Motorola’s circle clock widget.


  1. J. Alfred Prufrock says:

    I forgot the iPhone lacks widgets. Check out—

  2. Likes2LOL says:

    Congratulations, Mr. Perkel, your parents must be very, very proud of you!

    Now, how about some grandchildren??? 😉

  3. I H8 Phones! says:

    How typical. Everyone wants to be a millionaire in the software game. No one wants to WORK any more. No one wants to actually break a sweat doing anything meaningful. And for the few who do break a sweat during their work day, they usually get the short end of the financial stick. So I do get it. I too would love to develop software and get money for nothing. Who wouldn’t?!

    But if you think sitting on your ass all day fiddling with a glowing screen is somehow working, ask your ass how much you have achieved. Pssst! That ache you feel is probably where your brains are! And given the consolidated brain power we have in America, I’m surprised we’re only in the double digits for stupidity.

    It would seem that America’s education ranking does come from what it values too. These days, America only seems to value entertainment-centered things that present well on glowing screens — IOW, fantasy bullshit! So keep on developing those attention-sucking apps. Maybe you can get a whole herd of humans to walk off a cliff. {Deity} knows we need it.

    (Sorry for being such a “troll.” But you Dvorak guys are seriously dropping the ball on stories these days. I thought you were once professional journalists or at least ex-journalists in the center of all things “tech” who knew a thing or two about TECHNOLOGY! Not just a bunch of 60’s throw-backs blogging about their latest pile of bits or trying to promote an insane political platform.)

    • The Verge says:

      we understand your pain… it is not an app for apple

    • dade0 says:

      (Sorry for being such a “troll.” But you Dvorak guys are seriously dropping the ball on stories these days. I thought you were once professional journalists or at least ex-journalists in the center of all things “tech” who knew a thing or two about TECHNOLOGY! Not just a bunch of 60’s throw-backs blogging about their latest pile of bits or trying to promote an insane political platform.)

      Seems you were misled.

    • Simple Simon says:

      Well, it does make you wonder what this ‘forum’ is all about.

      Perhaps: You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around. (that’s what it’s ALL about) !

      Life is simple.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I’ve been paid millions for my software development. This one is free.

  4. dade0 says:

    In a round about way, nice. But Timely is my clock choice for android. Free, widgets included.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Hey Marc, nice widget. I put it on my Asus memo tablet. Thanks.

  6. Semantics says:

    Looks like it was made by a retarded,color blind,3rd grader on a bad day.


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