1. GOD says:

    What a load of CRAP!

    All your existential worrying is really about some kind of life after death. But here’s a news flash for ya — THERE IS NO LIFE AFTER DEATH! THAT’S WHY THEY CALL IT (DUH!) D-E-A-T-H! Though I do admit that without death, life would have no meaning.

    That said, here’s a little reality trip for ya: Life is really just a bunch of memories that we selfishly want to hold on to. We want to keep our memories even after death because we know that without memory we are nothing more than blobs of wandering matter.

    To believe that we can keep our memories after our brains have decomposed/decayed (or that some deity will help us in this effort) is really nothing more than a selfish emotion triggered by the realization that some day things will indeed change for us. Medical science has proven how fleeting memory is when we look at horrible diseases like Alzheimer’s. So the evidence couldn’t be any more clear — memory is a spice of life that we must all some day give up.

    Notice I said you can’t take it with you. That’s NOT to say that you can’t leave it.

    So I say the memory you leave is up to you. Personally, I will try and leave a good memory that does not include a baseless belief structure nor a tradition of worshiping a masterful god that requires obedience from other (higher) men/women who claim they know what this god decrees. Memories that others have left for me to consider have taught me that believing in anything without proof is really a fools paradise and that making leaps of faith for these gods or even ideas or causes is often nothing more than tricks other people use for their own power struggles. Therefore, I choose to not be anyone’s slave.

    And like any free animal, I will also observe reality (not worship it) because there are still other things in the world that can hurt me too.

    I don’t know who said it but I fully agree: Live for today, plan for tomorrow and try to remember yesterday. If you’re lucky, any after life you get will be in whatever good you left behind and whatever people remember of you (not your god).

    • IM72 says:

      What a load of crap! Sounds like you’ve really worked hard at getting yourself to believe all that BS. When we’re both gone from here I’d like to meet up with you and see what you have to say THEN.

  2. admfubar says:

    here is some real blues…

  3. Dave says:

    I’m all for science and rejection of popular religion, but since when did this turn into an Atheist blog?

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    “The word ‘trauma’ is sort of being misunderstood. It’s not a trauma that somebody has if they’ve been exposed to the war. It’s not being able to focus, it’s worrying about your family members. It’s worrying about your future as a lawyer. It’s an existential worry. Then having to apply the very law that’s being used to oppress us.”

    Student at Columbia Law School, which is letting students postpone exams because they are traumatized by two grand jury decisions not to indict.


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