This guy – Michael Dowd, Reverend Reality, calls the God of the Bible Stories impotent, trivial, and inconsequential in front of a church and they like it! I’m calling that a miracle. This is what a Reality evangelist sounds like!

This is a God that even an Atheist can believe in.


  1. Human ANIMAL says:

    What part of NON BELIEVER do you not understand?

    Please look up the word ATHEIST! Here’s a breakdown in case you’re too lazy/stupid to Google it: “A” as in NON and “THEIST” as in BELIEVER OF A DEITY, are what make up that word.

    So your insistence that ATHEISTS ‘believe’ in something called REALITY (and not god) is already a BULLSHIT argument!

    Let me be clear: ATHEIST’S do NOT ‘believe’ in ANY god — or RELIGION!!!

    … So get REAL or stay stupid. It’s your CHOICE! At the very least, STOP trying to have some kind of argument with something that DOESN’T EXIST!

  2. ± says:

    My flavor of atheism, and the only one I think makes any sense is:

    “A lack of belief in something not known to exist.”

    I know plenty of so-called “atheists” to whom it is their religion. Me thinks they protesteth too much.

  3. Kevin Roa says:

    Why do people feel compelled to believe in something? Try to wrap your head around not believing in anything. Works for me.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      If you don’t believe in anything then you don’t exist either – so why do I care?

    • IM72 says:

      As for your question, I feel pretty sure it is hardwired into us.
      As for your statement, I’ve given that a considerable amount of thought and come to the conclusion that it’s not possible. Your statement is, in itself, a statement of belief.

      • Marc Perkel says:

        Yeah – those who don’t believe in anything might step out in front of a bus. But those who believe in busses wouldn’t do that.

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    This fits with the idea that Elon Musk is the Anti-Christ, the opposite of reality.

  5. Cephus says:

    Yet again another attempt to define “God” into existence. We already have a perfectly good word for reality, that word being “reality”. There’s no need to call it God. What he’s really trying to do, and he’s hardly the first one to do this, is to make it acceptable to see “God” as another word for “reality” and then bring in all of the emotional baggage that goes along with “God” as also being acceptable. You can just arbitrarily call reality a unicorn, that doesn’t make unicorns real.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Not really – more of an attempt to replace God with Reality. He’s speaking to Christian listeners. He’s not trying to conver Atheists. He’s upgrading believers.


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