It’s been 50 years since Hawking was given 2 years to live. Amazing what this guy has accomplished in that time.

  1. Nighted says:

    Sure, but has he ever had a threesome?

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Student of Real Politik says:

    So…………if…………..we watched the video………………..WHAT……….specifically would we learn he has accomplished?

    ………………..Proposed several testable notions that have proven true?

    THAT is a close call. Who accomplished what? The proposer, or the prover? Unless the proposal is a real jump in the understanding of reality, I’d say its the prover. EINSTEIN was gob smacking AWESOME in the leaps of understanding he proposed. Did Hawking do that? Seems he was more of a clean up act after Einstein……………………NOT that I understand a fricking thing either of them said.

    Just me, being hooman.

  3. Docmac says:

    Awesome always wondered about Stephen, very well done, he has gone thru a lot of hardships to accomplish his theories on the Big Bang Theory. It takes a lot to put your hands around the universe. A Brief History of Time explains it in laymans terms

  4. IM72 says:


    Right on, brother!

  5. Phun with Physics says:

    Seeing this, Steven Hawking would roll over in his grave (if he were dead and if he could roll over) :

  6. sargasso_c says:

    His work on black-holes is particularly interesting.


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