Its Here – Star Wars Episode 7 ‘The Force Awakens’ Teaser Trailer
By Gasparrini Friday November 28, 2014
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I was checking the Reddit Star Wars Forum and it was there.
I thought that was a parody of a teaser at first. That was not very good as a teaser, and way too long.
A good teaser is the one that had the scene cut from Spiderman after 9/11 where he captures the helicopter of thieves in a web between the World Trade Center towers.
I don’t care if everyone who purchases a ticket to this new Star Wars movie gets a free blow job from a clean hooker. I’M NOT GOING!
George Lucas has got absurdly rich and continues to suck money from the entertainment business and the average movie geek for long enough off this ONE story. All you get is newer special effects that will eventually be erased and “updated” for another go-round that herds of nerdy morons will oohh and aahh at.
And then there are the stupid video games!!!
I’m tired of witchcraft in a futuristic world with pathetic hero’s who can’t be killed. Real life just doesn’t work like that. And placing these kind of fantasies in these stupid people’s heads (most of whom are virgins with no more light than that of a TV/monitor in a basement somewhere) is just a little mildly fucked up too! And it’s been going on for over 40 years!!!
Pack it up George! Time to start a NEW project!!! Try something a little more real and down to earth — if you can!
… Don’t even think about redoing American Graffiti!
It’s not even his story, but The Hidden Fortress by Kurosawa with some martial arts mumbo jumbo thrown in.
Don’t be giving Lucas any ideas, no more graffiti need.
Lots of sand and speedsters. Now the light saber is shaped for the crusades going on in sunny, sandy middle east.
It looks dated.
Star Wars came out in the 70″s and this looks like something that came out in the 70″s.
If it’s half as good as The Hidden Fortress it will be twice as good as the last few films.
They have excellent material to work with from the Timothy Zahn books.
I sure hope so!
I couldn’t care less. As far as I’m concerned, Star Wars ended in 1983 and everything that’s come since has been fanfic. It took me years to see all of the prequels, I’m in no more of a hurry to see any of these Disney-ized films. Let it die already.
Back in the days of post-Vietnam, 1977. I would never have suspected a movie saga called Star Wars, was out to inspire more kids to fight another senseless war.
But many years later, when Star Wars was rebooted to give us the prequel episodes. That really weren’t that necessary. I did begin to have such such suspicions. And now that Disney is in the SW picture. I really do believe that Star Wars 7-9. Which had no preconceived story direction, for years. Will be used as the propaganda tool of the US Military Industrial Complex. Of which Disney board members are a part of.
Don’t think so? Remember Disney’s “Operation Dumbo Drop”? Oh yeah. Nothing to do with promoting Vietnam’s cheap labor market. Which had some resistance, in America, at the time.
It looks like JJ Abrams is following the 4 rules to make Star Wars great again.
Dang a lot of negativity. Cant people just sit back and have fun anymore?
I admit, I clicked the “Read more” button to see how long it would take for this blog’s members to go negative.
Well, I was ready to agree with Cephus, though I gave up on the prequels long ago, as I did with movie theaters in general.
But, after watching the preview, I’m with Liberty Lover.
I just hope that the 1.8 minutes of whatever it was isn’t the best parts of the film, as is often the case.
So we get Star Wars advertisements for a year. Wonderful (tongue in cheek)