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On that first Thanksgiving, there was no need for any permission to stay in what would, a century and a half later, become this nation: there was no border, no USA, no Constitution, and no Bill of Rights.
Some things never change…
And look how well it worked out for them.
So is eideard in favor of doubling of H1B visas? I thought that was something the people at this site liked to complain about. Or is it only the greedy big corporations that cheat the rules? It’s OK for the politicians to do the bidding of the corporations, only the corporations are evil, is that it?
To be clear they didn’t outright double the number of visas, in fact made no changes. However, they have changed O visas, OPT visas, L1 visas, and are handing out work permits to spouses of H1B visa holders, freeing up spots in the actual H1B quota. They know an outright sellout to the tech industry would upset people in their base who are working on their databases.
They were conquered 200 years ago. Will they never stop whining about it?
The actual thing isn’t letting them stay, as they were already staying, but now being given work permits, drivers licenses, social security numbers, able to compete for even more jobs, lowering wages even more.
SS numbers? Where did u get that info. We just need the Hispanics to pick our fruits and vegetables for three years then send them back for a new strong back to do the picking again.
If you are lawfully present, then you can get a SS number.
So…….that didn’t work for the native indians, so you want to try “it” also ???????
And their system of the chief dictates everything didn’t work so well either.
This site made a big deal about employers cheat on the rules for bringing in H1B tech employees, just pretending to post classifieds for the jobs in pl
aces posted they know no one will look. Well, the companies got Bill Carlson fired. He was the head of the Foreign Labor Certification Unit at DOL. That’s the unit that requires labor market tests for employers seeking green cards for foreign workers. He was very tough (kind of obnoxious actually) and he had all kinds of policies that made the system tough on employers. He got canned something like a day after the elections. (“Reassigned” – not truly canned of course.)
OH CHRIST THIS IS SO FUNNY! I get the irony! I totally get it. See- the Indians were here first, and then the white people came. And now white people have the gall to tell the illegal Mexicans to leave. I get it. Except- fuck the Mexicans deep, and sideways and twice on Sunday, and send them back home where they came from.
When America becomes signicantly Mexican-ized I’ll need to find a quality place to live.
“”When America becomes signicantly Mexican-ized I’ll need to find a quality place to live.
advise consider Mexico
Y’all know I am mostly sarcastic. So take my above comments with a grain of salt.
Now we’ll have more browns to put into the prison industrial complex. The stocks of these penitentiaries will only go up. Time to invest more in prison stocks.
Those “illegal” immigrants are already here, more or less they speak English and they are already integrated in the society.
They are only asking be legalized and to pay their share of taxes.
I guess the people who profit from illegal labor have a stronger voice than the other guys.
Speak English, har. They don’t pay taxes because they work off the books illegally, and, the citizens who hire these workers don’t want to change the status quo.
Show of hands, ppl who know how much of the western USA was once Mexico.
Next, how many know how long before the white bigot regulars here are in the numerical minority in the USA?
Yes a large portion once owned by Mexico. A great country that has done a wonderful job with its own people. It’s why so many Mexicans would never wish to leave!!
Another stupid moron, with another stupid opinion. You guys are tiresome.
Slightly amusing. Mostly inaccurate. Wine glasses on the table? If they had any vessels to drink from at all. They would have been wooden or pewter mugs. Not delicate glassware. Sheesh.
And Indians’ head dress feathers, didn’t come in rainbow colors.