The family of the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States announced Wednesday that a settlement had been reached with the Dallas hospital that treated him before his death. The deal with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital was “as good or better than we would have done in court,” Les Weisbrod, a lawyer for the family of Thomas Eric Duncan, said at a news conference.

Lawyer up and sue the people who try to help you, then write a book about it. Assimilation at it’s finest.

Next up: Nurses who contracted ebola from Eric Duncan’s criminal negligence sue girlfriend. …God Bless ‘murica.

  1. Insane Brain says:

    What the FUCK does THAT bullshit have to do with THIS Ebola story?! (Don’t answer!)

    Start your own fucking blog you clueless ASSHOLE!

    … At least crazy ol’ blabbermouth Bobbo stays somewhat on topic. BUT NOT YOU!!!

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      HEY!! Blabbermouths have feelings too!

      I’d rant on, but I agree completely.

      Eds????–No pride at all……just too busy?????….don’t read the forum yourselves???

      • ± says:

        **** queried bobbo re someone elses’s post****
        Eds????–No pride at all……just too busy?????….don’t read the forum yourselves???

        This part of your post shattered the irony meter.


        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Wheres the irony?

          ((Note–the preceding is not irony, but sarcasm. IE–a question to NFS is asking pigs to do calculus.))

      • Jonathan says:

        Hey, have you ever contributed one penny to this blog? I mean you practically live here.

        Typical deadbeat Liberal, get free shit and do nothing but complain.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:


  2. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    From what I’ve read….Hosp was negligent. Failed to have nurses notes transferred to the treating docs. This has never made sense to me as the system was computerized. Makes me think “something else” went on.

    From the link which gave error notice, looks like the Hosp probably settled for 250K just to get it out of the news.


    Lawyer up and sue the people who try to help you, /// yes, but the “try” has to meet certain minimal standards NOT MET HERE.

    then write a book about it. Assimilation at it’s finest. /// Whats wrong with that?

    Next up: Nurses who contracted ebola from Eric Duncan’s criminal negligence sue girlfriend. …God Bless ‘murica. /// Huh? What criminal negligence????? If Duncan thought or knew he had ebola or was exposed to it for real….he certainly was an idiot not to demand treatment when he went to the Hosp. The level of his stupidity does reach Darwin Award Levels…but whats criminal about it?………………Anything????

    And then, how do you spread that liability to his girl friend? An infections airborne sneeze or what? Like Ebola—civil liability doesn’t spread that way.


  3. Peppeddu says:

    “…God Bless ‘murica”
    It would be foolish not to take advantage of it.
    Duncan’s dead and can no longer provide for the people close to him.

    Freedom of thinking/doing is a virtue not a flaw.
    If you wanna just pretty try North Korea where they are starving to death but sure everything looks good on TV.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Provide for the people close to him? Do you know anything about this story?

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    Now the nurse’s family should sue Obama for letting Duncan in the country.

  6. ArtS says:

    Can someone explain the use of quotation marks around the term “victim” in the title of the article?

    It seems to me that if you are killed by a disease (any disease) you are truly a victim of that disease.

    • MikeN says:

      Because the people who contracted from him are also victims, and so the girlfriend had no business suing.

  7. MikeN says:

    Who shall we sue for the enterovirus brought in from Central America?

  8. Glenn E. says:

    This was the day my 4th Amendment right, went out the door. During the No Agenda podcast, of Thursday. The police and FBI showed up to search the entire neighborhood, without warrants, for some missing pre-teen girl. Who they were already pretty sure had taken off to have sex, with some guy she texted to on her XBox. So they invaded the privacy of dozens of the family’s neighbors, looking for her. Just to flex their power, of the MCMEC organization. Upsetting the lives of a lot of elderly, retired people. Because, “there might be a child abuser in the neighborhood”, the excuse was. And they would not take no for an answer. Because I strongly objected. Eventually I did allow a couple local police to look around. But not the F-ing FBI clown. Not very good at searching either. They missed checking the bathtub!

    • the fbi says:

      our records indicated that everyone in your local had pirated ‘Leisure Suit Larry’ for Xbox. sorry.

      • the fbi says:


        nobody hides dead hookers in bathtubs anymore and our time is your money…


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