I got this email today from Home Depot.

Dear Valued Customer,

The Home Depot has discovered that a file containing your email address may have been taken during the payment card breach we announced in September. The file contained email addresses, but it did not contain passwords, payment card information, or other sensitive personal information. We apologize for this incident and for the inconvenience and frustration this may cause you.

In all likelihood this event will not impact you, but we recommend that you be on the alert for phony emails requesting personal or sensitive information. If you have any questions or would like additional information on how to protect yourself from email scams, please visit our website or call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT.

Again, we apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident may have caused. Thank you for your continued support.


The Home Depot

  1. Dear Everyone,
    From time to time, some company that you do business with will suffer a security breach, involving potentially your email address, passwords, payment card information, or other sensitive personal information. The general world apologizes for these incidents and for the inconvenience and frustration this may cause you.

    In all likelihood you will luck out this time, but we recommend that you be on the alert for phony emails requesting personal or sensitive information. If you have any questions or would like additional information on how to protect yourself, why should you contact the very companies that have suffered these breaches? Rather, get in touch with a security expert.

    We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience that these incidents will cause. C’est la vie.


  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Culture Critic says:

    Yesterday when going to work, I saw three dogs run after a school bus, and then they stopped.

  3. 2000whatever says:

    Today is my brothers birthday.

  4. ECA says:

    smart company…NOT including a FOLLOW THIS LINK…

  5. ABC says:

    Well let’s see if there might not be a pattern here…

    * Did the U.S. Armed Services leak any info? Check! (Ask me how I know.)

    * Did any other U.S. Government entities leak any info? Check! (How could you forget the IRS?!)

    * Any BANKS leak any info? Check! (Hello Wells Fargo!)

    * Any large retail businesses leak any info? Check! (Hello Target!)

    * Anyone ELSE leak any info?! Check! Check and Check!!! (Just recently, my local county leaked a whole database and that’s only the beginning of any list I could make.)

    This lack of security is getting so commonplace that the only form of security seems to be from the sheer number of sheep available for fleecing. So, does it maybe seem like a good idea to NOT give these people/entities your info?

    Personally, I’m thinking twice about giving any cops my info even when they stop me for (bullshit) traffic tickets.

    Someone once told me a very good piece of advice that may be worth repeating: when number crunchers love to crunch numbers, take a wild fucking guess what YOU are to them.

  6. The DON says:

    This would all make sense if marc perkel didn’t forget to add the punchlne….

    I have never shopped at The Home Depot… maybe they got my email address from the IRS

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Yep. More likely……….google?

      • Tim says:

        Actually, I’d suspect that someone’s email may also be derived from these stock wordpress avatars — Yep, they are the same across domains to.

  7. Tim says:

    You’re fucked.

  8. orchidcup says:

    Presumably 53 million people received this email, as I did.

    I gave them an email address that I use only for shopping sites when I ordered a ceramic heater about 5 years ago.

    My best guess is somebody has been harvesting email addresses from Home Depot for about 5 years or more.

    Way to go, Home Depot! This will inspire confidence for the customer that uses a credit card at Home Depot to make a purchase.

  9. Animal Mother says:

    I received the same email from Home Depot. However, since I have security fatigue I just deleted it.


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