I think so…my wife does this all the time and it’s annoying as


  1. McCullough says:

    And annoying as hell.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    he is certainly something…….

    most likely he is just getting old…

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    That wasn’t dyslexic. He said the wrong city.

    I “assume” he is mostly self taught. That can be very powerful but almost always with huge holes. Same for university grads.

    Lots of PRIVILEGE…..lots of holes. They say that learning is a life long process…………
    …………………………………… know what I mean?

    • McCullough says:

      First, Iowa is a state.

      Second, He constantly substitutes words that sound close to the word he really wants to use. Think Norm Crosby, the king of Malaprops.

      But yeah, it must be white privilege.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Yes….and malaprops are generally not categorized as a product of dyslexia.

        You know………not every word that has an element of something not right is interchangeable with any other word that describes/labels a function that has something not right.

        THAT would be like me posting that anyone that shits in their pants and plays with it is a Republican. Shit is involved, but there are gross dissimilarities that make the concepts/labels/words more specific.

        The PRIVILEGE being addressed herein is the Privilege of having a formal education.

        All rather obvious.

        • Jhea says:

          Take your meds Boobo! Being self taught is no excuse for Al or you. Smarten up!

  4. Inquiring minds want to nkwo says:

    A yug with his riah on erif walks into a bra and says, em pleh!

    What does a dyslexic wish for? … To be cross-eyed!

    Are palindromes a piece of caek for a lexdysic?

    • Tim says:

      OK. ^^ That is one of those phrases that works like the 3-d calenders, is it not?? I still can’t see it without the little trainer dots and I’m all out of scotch tape.

    • Tim says:

      ohh. I’m most dreadfully embarrassed <– (not really) …

      guy with hair on fire… help … but wouldn't the bra just catch on fire also?

  5. Tim says:

    Dyslexic? I’d think ‘crackhead’ is a better descriptor.

    Incidentally, I’ve heard tell that dyslexia is a problem with ‘bandwidth’ on the optic nerve and can usually be rectified with the aid of band-limiting glasses such as blue-blockers…

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Dyslexic? Other words come to mind. Opportunist? Scam artist? Hate Monger? Carpet Bagger?

    So many more appropriate titles come to mind.

  7. Al-E-Babble says:

    What could anyone possibly think would happen when the news is covered or anchored by a RELIGIOUS idiot? Could you (also) be so stupid as to assume ANY of the information would be correct?

    Seriously! The Canadian Parliament building (akin to the U.S. Capital building for those of you who never “lernt” anything about Canada) was hit by a crazed gunman. An honorable soldier was killed nearby while guarding a grave with NO AMMUNITION in his weapon. And here we have some religious fool asking a correspondent about what’s going on in OHIO?!

    We’ll just forget about any “unbiased” opinions these disarming dumb ass reporters may have. THAT may be a can of worms no one wants to touch — a soldier guarding something with NO BULLETS!

    Hint: This video segment was anchored by REVEREND Al Sharpton. Never mind that Al is an idiot — he’s also a REVEREND!

    So my question for anyone relying on MSNBC for news might be, what the fuck are you doing watching this crap? You’re better off watching “The 700 Club” (a former Christian group of fools also with TV gear) doing a story about what Atheists believe in. Even better might be CNN or FOX! (Think, “sarcasm” here in case you missed that one too.)

  8. McCullough says:

    “And here we have some religious fool asking a correspondent about what’s going on in OHIO?!”

    That would be Iowa. And Sharpton is about as much of a Reverend as the Reverend Horton Heat.


    • Tim says:

      ^^ *sometimes* talent is refined within the confines of a mini-storage unit. *sometimes*. That, and business best practices deriving from running a rent-by-the-minute motel out of the same…

    • jpfitz says:

      Oh yeah, The Rev…Loaded Gun.

      My right hand holds a cold corona bottle
      My left hand holds a half a fifth of Gin
      My right arm reaches out for her love only
      But my left still embraces a life of sin

      We had ourselves the sweetest little family
      We laughed and sang and had a lot of fun
      But I drowned it in a sea of stinkin’ whiskey
      And now the only little love that’s left is a loaded gun

      My right hand holds a vile of trainqualizers
      My left hand holds a loaded. 38
      I’ve got a young girl who’s anticipating romance
      But it’s looking like she will have to wait

      We had ourselves the sweetest little family
      We laughed and sang and had a lot of fun
      But I drowned it in a sea of stinkin’ whiskey
      And now the only little love that’s left is a loaded gun
      And now the only little love that’s left is a loaded gun

  9. MikeN says:

    Let’s aks him.

  10. jpfitz says:

    Rev Al is a nuisance. Watch this.


  11. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    Did not watch video. Will not watch video. My blood begins to boil whenever I am subjected to having to listen to him babble.

  12. jpfitz says:

    Cap’n if you want to see the babbling Rev roll, watch the above link corrected by Tim. Always a good laugh to see a webble wobble.


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