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Ya. ISIS is bad. What else is new?
Have you taken a good long look at YOURSELF lately, America? The French had your number a long time ago when they said America was arrogant. That was an UNDER STATEMENT!
American’s have believed their own bullshit for so long that they can’t even smell the odor any more, let alone SEE IT! Don’t think so? Take a good hard look at who American’s elect as leaders. These are some seriously over paid SERVANTS who can’t even agree on what’s the best way to fuck the population. Even the lowest of your public servants — your corrupt police — are allowed and even encouraged to fuck you.
Now take a good hard look at where American tax money goes. You don’t even seem to care that nearly all of it was illegally taken from you. Illegal if you care to read you’re own countries founding laws, that is. But do any of you American’s take your precious freedom to even protest this mass fucking? Of course not. You accept it because the very thought that YOU might be wrong or that you’ve somehow made some bad choices is just too traumatic for your tiny little egos. Besides, certain traditions (like child abuse) are just too hard to let go.
You’ve been lead to believe an American lie for so long you can’t even see it. Just like your disrespectful youth, you’ve been lead to believe that you’re the best. And with no one around to punch you in the nose you’ve been allowed to think that you’re better, or that your political party is better, or that your religion is better, or that even your choice of car to drive is better. You don’t even see the poison you drink EVERY DAY! So when you get your leaders to try and fix things in other parts of the world — assuming they even need fixing — it’s no wonder that the results almost always end up as a big pile of shit.
… Like I said. ARROGANT!
The fact that you don’t understant basic rules of English spelling, grammar and punctuation makes it imposible for me to take anything you have to say about American culture seriously. Try again after you’ve finished 8th grade.
Is that all you’ve got to say?? Brilliant retort. Yawn.
You should change your name to Franz.
Frank, you’ve no words there…
Opps ^^. I lamed. Sorry. Try this one:
Why do you look like John Cleese when he played that lawyer?
Is this a psyop?? *grins*
The United States has a military-based economy.
Freedom and Power (Power=Stability) has always been what attract the best and brightest people from around the world to work in the USA and improve it’s economy. How else can it be the richest country on earth in spite of it’s massive waste?
The bombing of ISIS while the rest of the USA genuinely don’t even care where Iraq is, sends a clear message to the rest of the world.
Very telling clip on Stewart’s pro-war leanings. I don’t watch him much (at all) but he seems all in on spending more $ to get the proper war in the middle east to me. I’m sure we spend enough on military here to settle most conflicts now, just not correctly. Reset, reconfigure, reevaluate and prioritize to a defined goal, one with an EXIT STRATEGY. Remember those?
Humm? I have watched Stewart a lot and had the opposite feeling about him. He was giving the Obama Administration hell over involvement in Libya and I don’t recall him being to happy with the “Red Line” threats in Syria.
So they went from saying Assad must go to fighting some of the people that Assad is fighting. Only now Assad uses the airstrikes as cover to then fight the other groups that are attacking him. And the moderate rebels in Syria that we are arming, fight alongside Al Qaeda and are against the airstrikes on ISIS.
Now that Turkey has cemented its Islamicization, we should create an independent Kurdistan. That was the only problem with keeping Saddam in power.
Zinni is playing to the audience to sell a F’in book, again. Repeating himself and chasing his tail. He has no power, just blah, blah, blah, same old tired lines.
Unlike recent past middle east military combat engagements in which the government whipped up support for action, the intended recipients of US firepower saved the government the trouble by enraging the press over the treatment of the many journalists that have met a gruesome fate while performing their profession.