The failed Scottish vote to pull out from the United Kingdom stirred secessionist hopes for some in the United States, where almost a quarter of people are open to their states leaving the union, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
Some 23.9 percent of Americans polled from Aug. 23 through Sept. 16 said they strongly supported or tended to support the idea of their state breaking away, while 53.3 percent of the 8,952 respondents strongly opposed or tended to oppose the notion.
The urge to sever ties with Washington cuts across party lines and regions, though Republicans and residents of rural Western states are generally warmer to the idea than Democrats and Northeasterners, according to the poll.

My question is: Of those supporting secession,how many could correctly identify all 50 states? And is it any different than the other 75%.
Peeple are such shit heads. They are told of the panacea that will come if they support the radical-idea-of-the-month. And some fraction are all-in; with no thinking or examination of the idea.
This idea originated in the minds of a bitter small tyrants, who upon realizing he will never ascend to the hallowed halls of power, seek to destroy the halls in order to rebuild the world in his tiny megalomaniacal image. Tiny Lex Luthers if you will, or even Martin Luthers.
If succession was fulfilled, it would result in the current power brokers splitting off into smaller regimes, and then colluding to ensure that their joint power, influence, and money (Clinton) continues to grow. One World Government continues its steady march.
Shit heads.
Since it was only 33% that supported the American independence and subsequent Revolution, looks like it’s getting close! Revolt in the morning!
i’ll vote to secede from democrats and republicans…..
Fat chance. The sheeple will maintain their hegemony.
Some details, the Eastern parts of OR, WA, maybe CA should stay with the Homeland States.
If such a large undertaking is not possible, we should still attempt to accommodate Texas’ desire to sever ties with the Union. There are two potential problems here:
1. We would have to negotiate a way for Austin to stay in the Union, sort of like West Berlin.
2. It may be difficult to come up with enough money to pay Mexico to take Texas back.
Yea, they need to expand it westward.
The Hawaii part is actually close to happening with that horrible Akaka bill. It’s only a matter of time before you need a passport to go there.
Secessionist are by and large: pin heads.
Indeed, we should “let” Texass go. As an independent country with minimum resources compared to Remnant USA, they would be easy to conquer.
Then, as the bible says: we kill all the military age males, rape and sell the women into slavery, kiddies that are left into slavery or military schools.
Yep….small countries. God made them for a reason.
<9000 people out of ?? 300,000,000
not even 1%?
.003% ???
WOW, what a cross section..
Sure, I can see people wanting a new government given the shitty one we almost all unanimously agree we have now (all incompetent and corrupt and all). I can even see them wanting to give the boot to their political rivals too. But given just how smart the general pubic is (more than half of whom can’t spell simple words or do simple math), I seriously doubt the majority who were polled even know what a secession even IS! Just look at who they VOTE for and WHY and you can immediately see the insanity!!!
BTW, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again thinking there will be a different result.
… And if any of these people were stupid feminists, I bet they thought you were asking if we should collectively cut the dicks off of the men in power (confusing “secession” for “circumcision” or something). 😉
So now we are split the Unites States of America in four.
Then each new country would have to pay in full for it’s own defense (army, navy etc)
Each new country will be in a weaker position when dealing with foreign affairs, negotiating prices for goods etc.
Russia and China will be very happy, as they will be able to do whatever they want to.
ISIS will be glad we well, if they have the guts to square off with the United States, think about that they will do when the United States is no more.
Good luck with that.
Regarding China et al taking advantage- I imagine splitting the country this way would make one of the fragments more powerful and able to defend against China economically and militarily than the complete and corrupt Union is able to now. Also I don’t know much about the northwest but I imagine the people of Oregon would blow a gasket before they would allow themselves to be lumped with California.
Let the Northeast go. They are already paying twice as much for health insurance and they want their energy bills to go the same way.
Fine by me, all you southern states taking in more federal monies can starve. Take Mississippi as an example, the state is funded by federal dollars constituting almost fifty percent of the states revenue. It seems the uninformed tea party bone heads have been conned into hating BIG guberment sooo much that they have no idea how the money gets to their respective states.
I, up here in the northeast am paying a ton of money on property taxes, and you don’t here us complaining. We actually have surplus tax dollars going to feed the states that want to succeed. Irony, oh the irony.
Yea. But, ya’ll don’t have yellow #5 in your government “cheeze” — You know not what you’re missing out on…
The Rainmakers: Government Cheese
Take a gander at the Reality. Sorry Marc, please don’t sue.
AFAIK, presently there is no tricks a person can use to
unnecessary – i know they will are working on it though.
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