Very cool watch. But many reports of bad battery life. Makes me want to own a watch again. But maybe not yet. In my opinion a watch should go 3 days of normal use without needing to be charged. Also – in my opinion – there should be a mechanical charging mechanism so that as you walk, jog, move your arms, or vibrations for driving a car should help charge the battery much like a shake flashlight works. Also should have a bedside charging dock that doubles as a night clock/alarm clock.

One also has to keep in mind that, like cell phones, after the first few upgrades the product usually gets better. So missing functionality will get better over time. The battery life might be improved somewhat after a software update too. And optional bands will come to the market. On the other hand there seems to be a trend these days to make things worse with upgrades and Motorola has done that as well. I own a RAZR M cell phone and had to do a lot of work to uninstall KitKat 4.4.2 and go back to Jelly Bean because their upgrade broke so much stuff. But that’s another article.


  1. Tim says:

    I hope that damn spywatch causes that dude to contract gynecomastic folliculitis.

    • Tim says:

      I can’t get the dang thing to give me anything but a spinning circle. The more scripts I allow, the more seem needed. I hate that.

      Suffice it to say, I’m sure it is a really nice watch that I’ll never ever do anything with but wrap it around my Ex’s muffler bracket.

  2. Tim says:

    there should be a mechanical charging mechanism so that as you walk, jog, move your arms, or vibrations for driving a car should help charge the battery much like a shake flashlight works.

    Energy harvesting. Carefull with that — Ever heard of The Matrix??

    …to keep us under control to transform a human being into this

    • ± says:

      When viewing that movie for the first time in a movie theater, I was the only one that laughed out loud when he held up that copper top. I guess I’m weird. This the primary premise of the plot. If you ignore that, it’s pretty good entertainment.

      • Agent Grey says:

        We make them jerk/shake around with the only stimulus being forced to terciary-parse the bobbo parses.

  3. 33number says:

    Watches are made since a long time, than Japan made the first revolution when made it smaller, digital and chip.
    A new revolution will happen when watches can make more things than just show time, have a longer battery life and are cheap.
    The revolution will be complete when all player show their hands. That will happen when Apple revel its hand probably next week.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Nice Freudian slip where you say ‘revel’.

      • jpfitz says:

        Lol. I did have to go back to look, didn’t notice.

        I think someone is playing, that comment is just too right. Except for the Freud thing.

  4. Tick Tock Tick Tock... says:

    I hate people who don’t care to even bother to try and understand technology — or ANYTHING! They’re usually whinny little arrogant brats with too much money who often live/work in or near San Francisco, Los Angeles or New York’s Soho area.

    Go figure! Those areas are where most of our useless “fashion” crap comes from. You know, things like watches?!

    Here’s an idea. STOP USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGY! You’ll probably live longer and NOT KILL ANYONE while you irresponsibly use it.

    But if you must… There’s a company called Timex. Maybe you’ve heard of them and a few products they sell called analog watches. There’s even another company called Rolex for those of you with more money than you can wipe your butts with. And they don’t even need batteries!

    But for you terrorists, try a Casio. Battery life with a Casio is the least of your worries since the whole damn thing is quite “disposable”!

    • Tick Tock Tick Tock... says:

      Oh ya!

      If you actually need a watch or phone to tell you what the weather is, try sticking your head out a window — and leaving it there!

      • weather rock says:

        if i’m wet — raining
        if i’m white on top — snowing
        if i’m gone — tornado

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    So according to the picture, you can use the watch while outdoors to know what the weather is like.

  6. Tired says:

    Y A W N…

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist an fan boi doubting Thomas of an overly Freudian interpretation of anything psychological says:

    There are chapters and books written about what kind of watch a person wears tells you about the person. Wanting to know what time it is, is not even discussed.

    Same with shoes.

    Cuff Links.


    And so forth.

    Ha, ha. I do have my camping watch with gps, altitude, alarm, emergency light.

    Then I have my work watch with dual analogue and digital with an hourly chime.

    Then I have my interview watch. Black crystal face. Plain. Can’t tell what time it is.

    Any questions?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist an fan boi doubting Thomas of an overly Freudian interpretation of anything psychological says:

        A black crystal face.

    • Tim, in the interest of fully disclosing bullshit says:

      Try a sextant and a tidal guage:

      Personally, I think it’d be more cost effective just to teach New York how to swim. The cops think otherwise.

      earth’s MSL modulates 300 ft/epoch bobbo. We have more pressing issues, right now.

      • jpfitz says:

        Us New Yorkers lost the nude beach on Robert Moses beach field five, legal nude titties, now underwater.

        And no tough tittie replies. I liked walking along the breaking waves and the view was nice.

        I certainly wouldn’t be looking at my fancy watch.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      What a person says about their watch tells you a lot about them.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

        Oh, thats a funny! Good on you.

        I’m thinking==just because you have a watch, doesn’t mean you know what time it is.

        Sounds more bitter than I’m actually thinking…. or maybe I’ve said too much?

  8. Captain Obvious says:

    As usual, everyone is waiting for Apple to release products so they know what to do next.

  9. Peppeddu says:

    When you buy a device that has only duplicate functions of what you already have in your pocket, and you also have to charge it every other day, that device is doomed to fail.

    Cool factor wears out quickly, practicality stays.

  10. jpfitz says:

    Just another electronic gadget to charge. We’re all eventually going to flip out from repetitive micro usb, unmarked directional, can’t see plugging syndrome.

    I may be turning into a Luddite slowly.

    • Jesus luddites you farm says:

      We’re pretty suspicious of tech-blog readers who demonstrate the ability to transmogrify, no matter the rate.

  11. Kyusoath says:

    whatever happened to Dvorak ? is this the Marc Perkel blog now ?

    • jpfitz says:

      Dvorak who?
      Oh yeah, the cranky geek. He’s cranky and probably napping.

      Or, he’s looking at his fancy 250 dollar watch/phone. Maybe he can’t find the charger.

      Or, it is the summers end and some like to vacation this time of year.

  12. Tim says:

    “but not for too long”

    Personally, I think Nash would have nailed it if that sixth line read:

    “now look at your dong”

    Each to his own, I guess — At least, he didn’t make a tough-titties quipe.

    • jpfitz says:


      Ah, what about shrinkage. Very embarrassing when your girlfriend removes, then takes ashore your swimsuit.
      What to do except walk out of the surf…chest out, and frank and beans in.

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s called a smartwatch because they smartly got you to let them watch you.

  14. Tom says:

    Another forgettable Smart Watch…

    I’ll stick to my Casio Pathfinder Triple Sensor that never needs batteries or charging (the surface of the watch is a solar cell that charges a super capacitor – one days illumination will run it for months)…

  15. Scott M. says:

    The watch ceased to be a necessary device once clocks were distributed through the environment (as in wall clocks, clocks in the public square, then in more modern times in our electronic devices, computers and cell phones). It has become a fashion/status item for the soft-skulled crowd.

    That said, the marketing group at Motorola deserves an Olympic medal for head-in-the-sand-burying for the intentional disregard of this reality.

  16. Wiley E. Coyote (Super Genius) says:

    All I’ve got to say is, “Its about time.”

  17. jpfitz says:

    Apple did it today. Apple watch will roll out soon. There will be lines and campers at the Apple stores. Oy Vey.

    Go out and buy yet another oy phone, #6. Oooo, bigger screen, auto payment and yes you already have a phone, but go get another.


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