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Click thru the video to YouTube and get more from Krauss. He speaks so clearly and simply its hard to believe he “really” understands what he talks about as opposed to just repeating a theory.
Its my own bias, but what I hear very loudly is that what he says rephrased is: “We don’t know, but this is the best idea we have so far….”
Science is like that.
The Brits have a word for it: Rubbish
What part of what is rubbish?
……..and more importantly…….
whats the alternative better non rubbish?
I’ll forgo applying my Hemorrhoid H preparation for tomorrow if you reply at all.
All to the important point: learn to objectify your thinking and emotions and you change yourself. It has to be a conscious goal or it won’t work.
We hoomans swim in an ocean of emotions.
I believe that poor man’s head was about to explode!
If there’s one thing that Neil deGrasse Tyson’s television show Cosmos taught me, it is that scientists DON’T immediately accept contradictory data and will vehemently fight for the accepted norm despite new evidence.
Tyson isn’t an actual scientist. He’s more of a science cheerleader. I found a lot of what he said, especially about global warming, to be very sloppy.
NFS==both links are mitigated but still mostly: CRAP!!!!!!
The constant theme: no change or its flat and take a section of a steadily increasing growth line that zig zags, or pick local geographical area instead of the earth average and you can even show its getting colder.
You really can’t be this gullible?
……………can you?
Your poor reading comprehension is really holding you back. Someone makes a prediction of gloom and doom, for example, next five years are going to warm even worse than we thought. The purpose is to scare people, and apparently people like you. Now we look five years later, and it hasn’t warmed worse than we thought.
The person making the predictions chose the endpoints.
Steadily increasing growth line?
Then you say it zig zags.
You have 1979-1998 19 years of warming. You can even go back a bit more.
1998-2014 16 years. You can go back a bit more, especially if you use statistical significance. One recently released study suggested at least another decade more.
So you have decades of warming at .2C /decade or less followed by decades of no warming. The scientists then combine these to say there will be 4C, 5C of warming? You say the warming is steady, which suggests warming somewhere around 1-2C per century.
Just for grins, I put into the google machine: (“is Neil DeGrasse tyson a real scientist”) and got 3 hits. All implying that he is not.
I went to
… but that was all about how fubar Mike Adams is…. and I got distracted by the Police Photo of a local babe who got arrested for DUI. Seems the Police here in Sacto only arrest the good looking ones?
Anyhoo—Marc===>you crack me up. Your “religiosity” leaks thru again. You disagree with NDT for some unidentified issue, so you conclude “He’s not a scientist.” Ha, ha. Torquemada holds nothing on you.
Lets see: PhD in Astrophysics. …… compared to what as your baseline requirements?
Agree. But I’d say Tyson seems like a science clown, like Crusty The Clown ™. All the TV scientists are this way, all glam.
Anyone who thinks Science understands anything is a fool. Science has tons of evidence, and can make things happen, but we are still in the dark ages of understanding E V E R Y T H I N G and A N Y T H I N G.
A degree is proof one can jump through hoops. I know several hollow PhDs, and some good ones.
A man is not measured by his credentials, but by what he can produce.
Lots of credentialed, and noncredentialed, people can’t produce shit. It is rare to find ones that can do anything that others need.
Yea, depending on what you mean, those aren’t good scientists.
Hmmmm…. you aren’t looking for anything “pure” are you?
But I am curious yellow as always. Got any examples you can share?
Marc====you too.
Other wise, youse guys are just nay sayers without any ideas or scientific foundation.
…………………………………….Know what I mean?
but, i’m out of stones
How often do any of you actually “RECOGNIZE” that you don’t know much?
I thought of that, for myself of course, on reading this article:|NSNS|2012-GLOBAL|online-news#.VATCJGO2DLQ
All the head up your ass BS offered by the scientific illiterate here about cooling trends or leveling off. What do you “bet” that the climate models we all talk about but have never looked at are “predictive” only in the sense that they offer probabilities of all the possible outcomes rather than announce that one outcome is certain?
Yes……..kiddies ………. SCIENCE ……. is not what you think. Its not religion. Its not what is promoted in pop culture. It is only and always: the best ideas and guesses we have at the moment. If you are certain about anything: you aren’t a Man of Science?
Kinda cool (sic) to recognize that, forget it, then recognize it again.
AGW==>our grandkiddies are mostly all going to die. Our culture certainly is…….. unless SCIENCE finds something that is not guessed at right now?
Stupid F*cking Hooman Race—rip.
“”SCIENCE ……. is not what you think.
You’ll get no profane retort from me on that one. But then, what is it? A label? A catagory?
I’d have said it was a particular *method* out of many others; But then, you have *the scientific method* and it all falls apart….
Well, I agree with you Science is a method, the Scientific Method, the “only” method to progress to the true truth: what works. Empiricism.
What piece of it do you find on the ground, or floating in space? Whatever you might identify: I say:: conflation.
Is mathematics a *science* or a *method* ??
MATH–is an abstract system of logic. It does not prove anything. It only “proves” that a conclusion is or is not consistent with the givens and assumptions.
It is called the language of god, of the universe, of science, but it doesn’t “exist” and is totally man made conceived and used.
Kinda sublime. If – Then.
Its why I laugh when 98.5% of hoomans posting here refuse/cant answer or make up a hypothetical…….. it is the basis of math ….. and how we think.
“”is an abstract system of logic.
‘ Do you love your father? Prove it. ‘ — Contact, I *think*
Where Faith is represented by all the seriousness of Matthew McConaughey.
Precisely, NFS.
LOL, you should try understanding what you are posting.
In the 1980s, natural variability accounted for almost half of the temperature changes seen. That fell to 38 per cent in the 1990s and just 27 per cent in the 2000s.
There goes the argument that natural variation is responsible for the current pause.
Y’all got yourselves convinced yet?
Yes, Bobbo, I know .. I got nothin better. I still find it damn comical, even after sixty years of studying science, phililosophy, mathematics, etc etc etc
btw IM76 now. Time marches on.
Did we converse when you were IM68?
It does occur to me you could Post as I Was with complete accuracy for all time?
So….I’m curious as I approach my own dotage: what have you learned?
Not forever, IM67. Not forever. Time had a begging and it will have an end in this physical reality.
Showing himself to be a complete dithering idiot that when placed under a spotlight could at least fake it, NFS says:
NewFormatSux says:
9/1/2014 at 1:07 pm
Your poor reading comprehension is really holding you back. /// The Pedro attack. I move my pawn up my own ass.
Someone makes a prediction /// Someone? Ha, ha. Poor old Pedro…..err….NFS….. “someone” is usually an idiot. Someone you know?
of gloom and doom, for example, next five years are going to warm even worse than we thought. The purpose is to scare people, and apparently people like you. /// Yes, thats why I constantly point to our Grand Kiddies. Are you THIS STUPID?
Now we look five years later, and it hasn’t warmed worse than we thought. /// You’ve switched “experts” from someone to we? Thats gonna piss off someone.
Steadily increasing growth line?
Then you say it zig zags. /// Ummm…. you find that perplexing? Yet you put on your own underwear??? AMAZING!!!
You have 1979-1998 19 years of warming. You can even go back a bit more.
1998-2014 16 years. You can go back a bit more, especially if you use statistical significance. One recently released study suggested at least another decade more.
So you have decades of warming at .2C /decade or less followed by decades of no warming. /// No–“the warming” went into the deep ocean where it was not previously tracked. No magical thinking allowed.
The scientists then combine these to say there will be 4C, 5C of warming? You say the warming is steady, which suggests warming somewhere around 1-2C per century. /// I never said steady? I could….. but I didn’t. Did someone tell you that I did???
Someone is a dolt.
Someone is an idiot.
Your Grand Kids are Dead.
“”I move my pawn up my own ass.
Ahh, The Luzhin Defence. Tool.
> I never said steady? I could….. but I didn’t.
So now you can’t even understand your own posts.
Tim droning on says:
9/1/2014 at 5:48 pm
In my humble experience, bobbo, a significant portion of scientists are compartmentalized drones. /// “Sounds like” a world weary considered weighed and evaluated position.
……………….but its BS.
The difference between personal revelation at best and what is scientific which is a statistically valid survey.
AKA==you got nothing.
Even if true, doesn’t even matter. You CONFLATE whatever you imagine about the very few scientists you have met with what the determinations of science are.
So very silly of you. Quite Hooman. Quite Silly. I fear your idiotic rejection of generally accepted scientific consensus, AGW, verges on Alfie like faith driven emotionalism.
What is it in the real world that has you so turned around?
You are only 1-2 steps away from rejecting SCIENCE totally and going for the good book. How do you think THAT happens?????
Silly Hooman. Use the brain you obviously have. Then:
Be honest. Be direct. Do better. The sea floor in the Caribbean is not rising, and you are not an island.
You know that scene in the Terminator where Sara Connor keeps visioning the future of the Nuke going off and most of humanity is destroyed. Thats what I see regarding AGW. The problem is==YOU should see it too.
…………because that is our future as set in concrete, hard wired, pedictable, unavoidable, and as SCIENTIFIC REALITY as when you put sugar and yeast into a sealed bottle. We hoomans are still in the consumption stage passing 8% alcohol.
You know what happens next…… and I fear we are no more capable of avoiding our future than are yeast. We are thinking creatures, supposedly self aware. Changes…… nothing.
Silly Hoomans.
bobbo, I did a little science experiment out of anger — I mowed down a half acre of these fucking soybeans out back so that *maybe* the ‘farmer’ would keep his damn spray off my maypops.
That was 3 months ago. The weather has been a perfect growing season. The ground is still barren.
That is the model for the entire planet — the only thing that can grow is Monsanto.
I dont give a flying fuck about climate change. Prohibition of CO2 is nothing but the final death knell for the holdouts.
And you’re touting it.
Well tim==you’ll have to explain how killing us by modern gmo is helped at all by killing us with co2. It seems you are arguing like Marc==scoring points against your own position.
But, I post because a presenter on CSpan mentioned that Monsanto gmo chemicals residual to the their growth and processing that is in what we eat leads to:……………………….autism.
It is interesting to contemplate: what is more robust in the human genome? Our physical health and bodies, or our consciousness creating equipment?????
So…….as I’ve stated….. I think “something” will happen before AGW kills off our culture. Some weird backdoor connection we don’t recognize until “…..♫… dan, dan, dan, daaaaah!” its too late. Could be autism??
All these issue concomitant with the same general cause: overpopulation of hoomans. Can’t have too many of one species before Mother Nature says FU.
We are in a race with Mother Nature. Who will win the race to wipe out human culture if not 99% of life on Earth? Mother Nature or Hoomans?????
I think MN will win until I look at fools from Alfie to yourself. Religious Nutbags to Science Deniers. Add in the profit motive of the SUPER RICH and the requirement for cooperation among nations……hmmmm.
THAT is a puzzler.
……….so……. please….. connect your dots?
Autism? Most wouldn’t give a flying fuck about autism. But they might about the rest of it–
It’s called *soft kill*, bobbo. It’s a binary soft kill weapon. It takes two — like in that batman movie “ohh o, she’s not smiling; she’s been using Brand X”
When one goes Monsanto it is legally binding that they go with all of it.
Now, look down at that rampaging gynecomastia of yours and ask “Was it really the beer?”
Ok==I read it this time. I am a SuperMan. I only barely glanced at the link the first time and instantly understood what I confirmed by a careful reading.
I will name the devil: Glyphosate and its evil endocrine disruption.
Just one of the dozens p0tential routes of our man made auto asphyxiation.
GMO/Glyphosate Poisoning is the easy issue. Fun to contemplate that hoomans through collective action, or the USA acting alone, could order Glyphosate off the market. Perhaps millions would die of starvation as the world economy slumped 3-4 percent before readjusting to the new normal.
Sad, but survivable.
Not so AGW.
……….and thats the whole sing song.
“”Perhaps millions would die of starvation as the world economy slumped 3-4 percent
And 6.5 billion die eating cheetos — Georgia Guide Stones
It is a gigantic lie that roundup-ready(tm) is more productive — ITS LESS. But, at least the individual can’t grow his own anymore to prove that because AGW.
I speed glanced at your link on GMO foods on the other thread….fearful of Brownian impacts as I am.
Don’t need to read closely, as: I agree.
In my view there are two issues related to gmo. The first is benign and helpful: transgenic implantations to make food and chemicals more robust and plentiful and cheap and available. Think milk silk or frost tolerant peaches.
Then we have gmo that allows for subsequent issues of great harm like pesticide resistant species. Its not the actual gmo that causes the harm but rather the pesticides that come with it.
Yes…. life is a web. So many unknown unknowns. We teak here and there with nothing but perceived benefits. We tweak over there and there, and we DO SEE negative consequences BUT Monsanto makes money and buys Congress. So…. what ya gonna do but say goodbye to maypops?
Then one day–2-3 of the beneficial modifications interact with 2-3 of the negative modification and we call come down with…… Idiocracy.
Just look. So many currently denying AGW. What can a bought and paid for gubment do, even if it wanted to? Hey==by the time enough movie stars pour water over their heads to support green power and the public perception changes===ITS ALREADY TOO LATE. Thats the issue. I post not to change anything. Its my dirge.
Silly Hoomans.
“”Its not the actual gmo that causes the harm
Yes it is.
bacillus thuringiensis toxin (BT x*)
Food makes cells. Those cells now produce bt.
*anything monsanto touches
Fair enough. Exception to every general rule.
Point being: gmo can be “managed” as we humans do: wait for a tragedy to confirm what was warned about from the very start and then correct to do what we should have done from the start while the SUPER RICH retire to Switzerland.
Thats not how AGW works though.
The genetics of the entire planet are already contaminated.
Monsanto. We contaminate it — We own it
“”wait for a tragedy to confirm what was warned about from the very start
The catastrophy already occured back in 1989. It was covered up with assistance of CDC.
They ‘misplaced’ nearly 2000 samples of necrotic bowel, one of which was my aunt’s, while that corporation mercy flushed the smoking gun.
Now, monsanto can say “You’ve no proof anybody has ever been harmed by a GMO”
Well, I’m not being flip when I say: so what?
Give me the worst of the worst case for what will happen? I can see a great die off of many species–those who eat the gmo’s we have created? and the sequalia.
But that is just what I already posted. Limited in impact EVEN IF it directly killed off all/most hoomans.
AGW is targeting the entire biosphere. We can easily pull back from gmo. Cant do that with AGW.
Lots of similarities….. but a few GLARING differences.
I accept your doomsday science regarding gmo. How is that helped by denying AGW? and how do you separate the science from the bs in one subject but not the other?
What is your process?
What do you find persuasive in one but not the other?????
How do you think?
I know it won’t mean anything to you as humans only live 100 years, or so. — Y’all missed out on the ‘eden period’ by design. And so many fight to make it worse.
I’ll not be arguing any AGW arguments, anymore — it’s like telling alphie that God is bobbo.
“”I post not to change anything
I’d like to link to my favorite dirge, but its name escapes me right now. Its the theme song for several Brit tv shows…it will come to me…. classical. ((Ohhhhh…I want to hear it.)))
Meanwhile, I found this. Not a dirge, but interesting Mechanical Industrial Synth from the Matrix.
Found it:
Albinoni – Adagio in g minor
All dirges need not be Adagios. I’m thinking of the Jim Carrol Band…….
Different songs for different moods.
Fuck, bobbo
Try this one:
Closing Time
Or, at least this
fucking flying fucking fucktarded tool — Jesus H. bobbo, you really know how to cheer a lady in comfortable footwear up…
Both nice, neither one dirges.
Has Lenard ever had anything come out of his mouth that wasn’t inspired? ((except for that one time….in Mexico?))
“”the place is dead as heaven on a Saturday night” /// One of my Top Ten books: “Beautiful Losers” by LC. Equates sex, god, and misery. I vividly recall about 3 different scenes in the book…… but they are all from Naked Lunch.
Scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Dude, lay off the Mugwump jiz —
HAH!–good clip. I was thinking of Last Exit to Brooklyn.
So many books……. and I would like to reread them all too.
Read a book after a few years have passed, and its old and new all at the same time. Kinda …… mystical.
Is this a *dirge*??
Requium Mass
I don’t reccomend acually listening to it longer than is needed to classify it
Those ^^ dirges all suck. Try this one —
Dr. Who themes {uplifting dirgy}
My take: a slow sorrowful song appropriate when hauling bodies into hell on the River Styx while pole walking a small unsteady boat. ie==depressing or sad.
Rock and Roll is too much like a banjo. Can’t be sad when theres a good back beat.
And Jim Caroll Band certainly is not a dirge. Thats happy music regarding death. I………………………… conflated. You all have probably heard it, but its always good for a listen:
You can tell its an older song as AGW is not listed.
Monsanto buys the R/Ds YOU help to hire. Again spare me your routine “who else you gonna vote for” crap. You hire evil. Period. And some how you feel good about it or you wouldn’t go to the polls.
Oh.. I’ve voted twice in my life. Ron Paul primary 2008 and Ron Paul primary 2012
Other than that, I just sit around strokin’ it. Till it hurts. Alot. And then I do it again…I’m sorry, some song bobbo sent me is really playing lowd in the other tab died dieddd…. also, I’m blasted.
Monsanto runs third party candidates too.
Thats a real evil now with money buying candidates.
Pull your head out of your ass PM. Sunlight will do you good.
Bobbo, you are so silly at times. Quite comical and enjoyable really. It’d be unacceptably boring here without your posts in my opinion. So glad that you’ve gotten away from answering people you disagree with through ugly name-calling. That really made you look small.
catastrophy : that which cannot be denied.
Well, then there must be some locality of scale.
I suppose I should at least attempt to make an OT post —
That guy looks like a prick.
If you click thru to YouTube, there is a lot of him. Mostly two subjects: physics and atheism. Both are good.
He is the first to emphasize that our Universe popped into existence from nothing. Nothing defined as absolutely nothing. Not the vacuum of space or what not.
That makes me suspect as who know what happened 14 billion years ago? Somehow, I’m guessing, the line between theory and what is called a fact is horribly blurred. All on a subject that for some reason I can’t get my head into. I read the stuff, and it doesn’t make any sense.
“Reasoning” my way as to why multi verse is a consequence of 25 things we can measure while 19 string theory is required by the Math while 17 strings are rejected.
So, I leave if for experts, and the coming asteroid.
Well, bobbo,
God created time so that everything doesn’t happen at once.
He’s right about that being the way science is supposed to work. In practice people become committed to various ideologies.
I’ve seen a lot of evidence that a lot of people treat various “scientific” theories as religion. The AGW theory has been about as completely falsified as any theory could be. It is massively obvious that way to much got left out about natural factors impacting climate in the models the IPCC is basing their projections on . The gape between what has happened and what was predicted mean they have little to nothing to do with reality thus the almost 17 yr pause which they completely fail to explain partly because the fact that other factors are obviously powerful enough to completely swamp CO2 as a climate switch means CO2 is much less powerful than they claim. This of course does not in any way shake the faith of the devote some of whom seem to think AGW causes every disaster imaginable including earthquakes, global cooling, an increase in tornadoes and hurricanes even when they are decreasing and droughts at locations that should be having increased rainfall. AGW is a multibillion dollar industry in the US along of course so that plays its part.
Another example is that a bunch of scientists who insist that the hobbits of Flores are sapiens despite the fact that they look like Australopithecus and have features not found in any other members of our genus in at least the last 500,000 yrs. Having Downs syndrome or what ever birth defect you care to name doesn’t make you into something that archaic with brain anatomy that suggests well developed long range planning, think first and act second brains.
well do-ill==as usual==>YOU LIE!!
Everything you say has been countered yet you continue to vomit it up.
There is a CONSENSUS re AGW with every single formal body of organized scientific groups have agreed with the concept. Of course, you can find individual scientists who disagree.
What I find a bit troubling is that non of the scientists have set their hair on fire about this. WHY NOT for Christ sake? They “know.” Caught up in studying how I suppose????
We still might see the beginning change on this issue.
That is a faith based position, not science.
every single formal body of organized scientific groups have agreed with the concept.
You forgot the non-lack of fucking gingers, which really would have solidified your position.
There was a story I read about how a prominent scientist in the field had gotten a value wrong. May have been Milliken with the oil drop. Every succeeding scientist knew it was wrong but were not willing to say so. Each new result would be a little bit closer to the correct value.
Now we are seeing a little bit of walkbalk of extreme stories from the IPCC. James Annan seems to be the driving force here behind the scenes. The latest report has a separate section on tipping points, and basically says not gonna happen. Then they have lowered their estimate of global warming back to 1.5- 4.5 from the previous 2-4.5. This is not a total reversal, as they are keeping in the 4.5 for the alarmists, but the newest papers are suggesting numbers even lower than 1.5. They also did not give a best estimate which they had in previous reports at 3C. Using the same methods as before, it can be shown that they would have reached a lower number for their best estimate. Instead they chose to not report a number. Baby steps towards reality.
They also issued an earlier SREX report that debunked the hype about hurricanes and droughts.
Sounds like someone was quite expansive in debunking the whole area of climate science!
The thing with you science deniers is you hand your balls on single facts not appreciating the thing about science is that it all hangs together like a finely woven cloth. Down right amazing how seemingly disparate fields and facts actually support one another.
Thats why you all argue like bible thumpers: no links, no responses to counter arguments==just keep repeating the mantra.
Silly hoomans.
Alfie: when I close by saying “Silly Hoomans” that is NOT a request for you to prove it.
Now, I do appreciate your help but this forum has enough idiots willing to post in complete honesty. No one needs to read your manufactured stupidity…. the consistency is just too incredible.
………..and without a long irrelevant bible quote, its not even fun to ignore.
Know what I mean?
LINK. Otherwise, you look like you are reading with biased glasses as in: what else did they say???? or… a blog posting that resuluts in you having read a story about a guy telling a story about what SOMEONE told him.
Very sloppy lack of rigeur in your story collection process.
I read a story where somebody said they were told that the IPCC assessments are all being updated as their estimates were too conservative==IE==its all getting worse faster than predicted.
I wonder which someones are correct?????
Meanwhile: every single formal body of organized scientific groups have agreed with the concept.
Give me a break…
Does ANYONE know the definition of a HYPOTHESIS?!
Here’s a clue. It is usually an idea based on facts.
I say, stop these science feelies from creating another religion. Next thing you know we’ll have some perverted church of Albert Einstein or a mindless cult of Charles Darwin! (Give it a few hundred years and it may happen anyway.)
antonyme of hyperthesis
Such a homograph is an heteronym (also known as a heterophone) and not an antonyme (sic) which is as tollybang would confirm an antonym. As the worst speller on this forum, normally I would not make such a note, but the subject here demands it.
a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth.
Next time you see a statement about global warming in the media, replace ‘global warming’ with ‘God’ and determine if the statement is one of faith or science.
Snow is because of global warming. Cold weather is because of global warming. Hot weather is because of global warming. XXX does not disprove the existence of global warming.
And what of John Kerry,’Bible commands us to protect Muslims from global warming.’
So what is this, faith to justify science?
Ha, ha……poor NFS…..has a severe lack of comprehension about what science is and is not…
TEST: Why is NFS’s head up his ass?
Answer: Global Warming.
See ftn 549 to the 12th Official IPCC Summary Report.
When you say people don’t understand things, just remember how wrong you were when you kept insisting people didn’t understand basic vocabulary of ObamaCare, even after I and others kept correcting you.
Is this science or faith?
In the absence of a substantiated explanation for the decline, we make the assumption that it is likely to be a response to some kind of recent anthropogenic forcing. On the basis of this assumption, the pre-twentieth century part of the reconstructions can be considered to be free from similar events and thus accurately represent past temperature variability.