I’m not a fan of the name Mars, god of war. I think if Elon Musk builds a rocket that reaches Mars that we should rename the planet to Elon. I think Elon is a much friendlier name than Mars. And when a person who just decides he wants to colonize a planet builds a rocket company and makes it happen, he deserves to have the planet renamed after him.

The meme starts here. Spread the word! Planet Elon.


  1. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    Sorry, no. To me Elon refers to a small liberal arts college (now university) in North Carolina that played warmup basketball games with ACC teams before the conference schedules began in earnest. Almost always at the bigger schools campus and if Elon kept the score close in losing (within single digits) it was considered a victory for the underdog and an embarrassment for the ACC team.

    This is all history now. I am not even sure I can name all the schools in the ACC now. I am not even sure of the number of schools in the ACC without looking it up, either 11 or 12.

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      I looked up the ACC schools now. Fifteen in all, but 14 in football because Notre Dame wants to keep all that football money from NBC to itself.

      I’m feeling so old.

  2. Kiwini says:

    “I think Elon is a much friendlier name than Mars.”

    How so you thinkee this?.

  3. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    Mars could also be referring to the candy bar.

    • UncDon says:

      I think we should name planets for what people are eating at the time they set foot on them.

      So… Planet Granola not only is more interesting, it is nutritious as well.

  4. RR1 says:


  5. Tim says:

    goddammit, Perkle.

  6. Jonathan says:

    Jesus Perkel, get ahold of yourself.

  7. Elon Musk says:

    Elon Musk — we smell like planets.

    {and we don’t do any of that naughtt styff…

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    I guess if he gets there, he can afford to repay California the hundreds of millions he stole by not building a battery swap station but claiming carbon credits for it.

  9. Beam Us Up says:

    Forbidden Planet II:

    Starring Elon Musk as Morbius,

    Charlize Theron as Altaira,

    … and Pedro as Robby the Robot.

    • Tim says:

      pedro would make a great Robbie — Always blinking 12:00am, dubious sensory input due to haphazardly placed mission critical antennea, the obligatorily bad nested-menu user interface seems to be written only mostly in Cubish…

  10. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Mars will be the target in the first interplanetary nuclear war.

    After all, Martians live on Mars, and therefore Martians are much worse than Brown People ™, and pose a much greater threat to our democracy. I mean, they’re Martians for God’s SAKE!

    • Tim says:

      Meanwhile, back at the caliphate…

      The head-choppers to chop off your head are slowly, slowly, inch, by inch being delivered here abord the QEII sans noravirus.

      How does that happen?? Gods’ Will, or something.

  11. Ah_Yea says:


    Why don’t you just marry him and get it over with??

    • Marc Perkel says:

      He’s already married.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Of course you would know that.

      • Tim says:

        One good thing about the guy, though — He’s a true Voltarian.

        Here is Elon dressing down design cheif Franz von Holzhausen for failing to leave the bolts out of the inaccessible battery clampdowns before a major presser demo:


        • Shawn Spencer says:

          And then there is the quandary of the anonymous snuff-video starring Holzhausens’ mother in which she is handcuffed to the rearview mirror and driven into a steel wall at some nondisclosed NTSA VRTC research facility in Acron, OH.

          I wonder. What’s the potential that the perpetrator was Elon Musk himself? Pretty slim, i’d say; He hates the smell of bearing grease and gear oil.

          However, the video was titled “Look Hans, no Ma” and Musk was fond of taunting Franz {he’s very sensitive about his name} about his faggy first name as well as bad, reversed puns.

          I’d say it was open and shut save that the video still contained the Blender logo top left and the NPC had rather a low polygon count and only 256 colors overall…

          Plausible, if I do say so myself… Guss, you’re not saying anything at all. Are you having a stroke??

  12. bobbo, when you have no interest in history and everything is new to you, you will more than others start renaming 1000 year old icons of the Culture thereby losing any grounding in your own history, culture, =sanity= leading unltimately to calling scienc says:

    Mars = God of War

    • bobbo, we think with words but often read too fast says:

      I see you said that. I apologize. I’m still reeling from your statement that the Greeks didn’t know about politics, science, or logic. With a few more words on the issue, I could even buy that regarding science. But not politics, logic, the human condition which I think was more the point of your earlier post.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Apologizing for making a short post. Of course.

  13. bobbo, when you have no interest in history and everything is new to you, you will more than others start renaming 1000 year old icons of the Culture thereby losing any grounding in your own history, culture, =sanity= leading unltimately to calling scienc says:

    leading ultimately to calling Science Religion and Vice Versa. The Greeks had a word for this but it wasn’t covered in my Beginning Fortran, says:

    Since when have our nom de Flames been CENSORED?

    ……………..Oh the Humanity!!

    Ha, ha. ….. you know, its going to be a sad day when Marc tries to sell Elon a Deaconship in his Church of Reality. I can see Elon now: and then he is gone.

  14. James says:

    It’s the planet Barsoom and the capital city is Helium.

  15. S U 2 says:

    Some people just can’t help themselves from getting the old brown nose. But I say, screw Elon Musk!

    All this guy has done is successfully taken money from the public by either selling pure crap (because he knows how to sell snake oil better than 99-percent of the other giant snake oil scum) or getting it from the government in the form of tax breaks. But here’s the twist. Elon Musk then bamboozles the press to make them think he’s some kind of success story all because of his millions of green little friends — (gambled) MONEY! So I do see the incentive to rename Mars. And we all know just how accurate the press is. Right Mr. Orson Wells?! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_%28radio_drama%29)

    Let’s also not forget how almost any idiot with a good story can also bamboozle Washington too. Just look at who’s in charge — or the majority voters who “believe” the jerks.

    So if you insist on changing the name of Mars then you might as well start with Earth. There’s already a campaign afoot to rename Earth to a more accurate description — HOLLYWOOD! After all, Hollywood is king at getting people to believe in all sorts of stupid shit including green little men and rich guys named Elon. Religion can’t hold a candle to the power of Hollywood — money power either.

    But I say, fuck all this money worshiping bullshit. Leave Mars ALONE!

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    I think Perkel is trying to win himself a free seat on a space flight.

  17. NewFormatSux says:

    Hey, while we’re at it, should we rename Canada to Warren, now that Buffett is taking Burger King there for the low taxes?

  18. Wiley E. Coyote (Super Genius) says:

    I know this off topic but does anybody want to buy my old Jet Pack and Air Car. They are both made by ACME.

  19. NewFormatSux says:

    No doubt Elon will get special credits and tax treatments for money made on Mars.

    • Burchenal says:

      just use Btc and SilkRoad. They usually ship within 26 months when Elon is in the proper postition relative to Earth {planet Canadian Musk} and we don’t just ballute the order down in a flamming ball of phenolic and purple plasma like those other guys…

  20. Wandering Star says:

    I wonder…

    Does it bother anyone that our own moon, right now, is being explored by humans from CHINA?! Is anyone in America even aware of the mining potentials the moon has which China is likely going to claim for itself?!

    Everything worth doing on Mars already exists on the moon. So why go to Mars unless it’s a penis/god envy thing? I mean, weren’t we supposed to have colonized the moon by now?

    Or maybe, you think Mars is humanities “second chance” since we’re so clearly fucking up planet Earth. But if that’s the case, why do you think humans on Mars would be any different?

    Shouldn’t we humans get our own house in order and possibly learn to live with each other before we go fucking up another planet, the solar system, or anywhere else in the universe?

    … And how fucking vane (stupid) can we get when we think we can name planets after a living person? I mean, shouldn’t someone like Nicholas Copernicus or any other person who has historically and significantly contributed to humanities knowledge be considered before some guy with a lot of money gets the honor? WTF?!

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Wandering Star says:
      8/26/2014 at 9:24 pm

      I wonder…

      Does it bother anyone that our own moon, right now, is being explored by humans from CHINA?! /// Whats the worry?

      Is anyone in America even aware of the mining potentials the moon has which China is likely going to claim for itself?! /// Potential = Zero. Thats why its not being done.

      Everything worth doing on Mars already exists on the moon. So why go to Mars unless it’s a penis/god envy thing? I mean, weren’t we supposed to have colonized the moon by now? /// “Because its there” is a good enough reason…..cost benefits working out and all that stuff.

      Or maybe, you think Mars is humanities “second chance” since we’re so clearly fucking up planet Earth. But if that’s the case, why do you think humans on Mars would be any different? /// I agree. No second chances…just the first chance continuing to be played out.

      Shouldn’t we humans get our own house in order and possibly learn to live with each other before we go fucking up another planet, the solar system, or anywhere else in the universe? /// What? You mean be perfect before taking action? Always an excuse for those who want no action to be taken. No reason not to trash our own house while exploring others.

      … And how fucking vane (stupid) can we get when we think we can name planets after a living person? I mean, shouldn’t someone like Nicholas Copernicus or any other person who has historically and significantly contributed to humanities knowledge be considered before some guy with a lot of money gets the honor? WTF?! /// Names are unimportant regardless of how they are selected.

      • Tim says:

        “”No reason not to trash our own house while exploring others

        Well, if one is out of gas, he might consider it prudent to mess up his own house a little before traipsing around ‘busting a lick’ on the rest of the neighborhood.

  21. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Sol 4
    Sol IV
    Helios 4
    Helios IV

  22. Kerpow says:

    Perkel, your public Musk worship is becoming creepy.

  23. JudgeHooker says:

    You can rename the planet once a sizable population has been breathing the atmosphere since their birth. Yikes.


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