Alanna Petroff

Move over Sarah Palin. Get out of the way Fox News. The new moron is Alanna Petroff – of CNN Money – who is sounding the alarm. Old people are bad for the economy. Everyone should die young to protect investors. Watch out for the plague of super aged countries. She even has a map showing where these evil countries are and how it’s spreading!

  1. Bill says:

    Actually, that title probably belongs to you (feel free to substitute blogger for reporter), as the article you link to doesn’t say the least bit what you say it does. Way to troll!

    It’s true that as countries have aging populations, there won’t be enough young workers to support them with essential services. Being US-centric, I think of Social Security and Medicare.


    • Marc Perkel says:

      Click on the picture dumbass.

      • LCP says:

        Thankfully, it seems like Alana Petroff is just reporting on an article penned by Elena Duggar and Madhavi Bokil on Moody’s.

        Regarding Alana Petroff as a moron for letting people know what someone else has done/said?

        On any day, that would make Mr. Perkel her accomplice.

        Lest I’m missing something, I fail to feel outrage about that article.

        Last sentence added just to complete descriptive acronym.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      No he got it right. The article doesn’t say what you claim. ‘People should die young’ It’s that not enough young are born.

    • Go F* Yourself! (Your mind is in the gutter already if you didn't say "FUN"!) says:

      Without ANY investigation, (you know, the stuff reporters are PAID to do?) we still don’t know what the numbers of any younger workers are (aka [also known as] “taxpayers”). I suppose someone might like to ask some bureau of bullshit facts somewhere. Perhaps somewhere like the bureau of labor statistics, the internal revenue service, or even a Congressional office, but this idiot (Petroff) didn’t even LOOK!

      The “problem” in this idiot’s (Petroff) story seems to be one of PROPORTION! And proportion is indeed a mathematical concept I mistakenly assumed someone like a PROFESSIONAL MONEY REPORTER (who I also would have assumed took some MATH COURSES somewhere) might already KNOW. But you can be sure, I won’t make that mistake again. At least with CNN I won’t.

      Personally, I want to know who the EDITOR this idiot Petroff works for and why that person allowed Ms. Petroff to even file this load of crap. It’s a real life embodiment story of “the sky is falling” kind of crap since it’s so clearly one sided. Not only should Ms. Petroff be fired for this PROPAGANDA but her editor should be kicked out too.

      (Psssst! It’s called “critical thinking” in case you youngsters aren’t being taught that skill either.)

      • Tim says:

        Sometimes, I think bobbo is ignoring me because he thinks nothing is wrong with Mr. Diesel. Is it because of GMO dandelions?

      • subversivetruthmedia DIT 911_was _ an _ inside _ job says:

        “”you know, the stuff reporters are PAID to do?

        You know — the difference between reporters and journalists?? <–{emphisis added by me}

        • Tesla Motors says:

          … the difference between Elon and inventors…

        • Fox 4 says:

          …Between atmospheric physisists and that live-at-five guy with the umbrella nobody else can see telling you about heavier than usual dew twenty years hence??

          • Fox 4 legal says:

            we’re most dreadfully embarrased. Of course, we meant ‘our’ climatologist/weather spokeshole — We’re sorry, Ted, but that invisible kid should not have been playing out in the rain

            – damn conscience…

            What we meant to say is that a tropical storm is brewing and a militarized police state needs to tell 4-tits’ friend to not play in the rain.

  2. tdkyo says:

    Not sure why you are so focused on the messenger when (if you have beef with the thesis of the article) you could have criticized the original report’s authors themselves. All I see in the CNN article is just a summary of the press release that summarizes the full report. I do agree that CNN Money is just…lol financial news analysis from them?

    Press Release that summarizes the report:–PR_305951
    Link to original report (Paywall/subscription required):—credit-challenges-in-an-aging-world/-/007027/-/-/-1/0/-/0/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/en/global/pdf/-/rra

    • Tim says:

      ^^ I think this. She’s very pretty, after all. She did good research on the issue of aging populations by region — even noting the data was not availible for much of Africa {I can’t see anybody there either}. Others will cite it for whatever.

      Besides, she likes Pork ‘n’ Seaweed donuts.

  3. CNN says:

    Finally! Something we can use… It’s $17 a segment and, for a little extra, we’ll let you smoke this spliff and drive through the front window ok??

    See you tuesday, xo xo xo. 😉

    {stupid git

    • Tim says:

      You know, CNN — That would have been funny if you were talking about Perkle.

      it’s why the dinosuar media arrests people for drawing about shooting them…

  4. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    1. How is she stupid?

    2. What is she saying that is untrue?

    3. I didn’t see anything that suggested people should die young to protect the economy. In fact, that is FUCKED UP as its the old that should die==not the young. Stupid.

    4. Having maps to visual present data is a good technique.

    I take it the Church of Reality denies the Heresy of Macro Economics?

    Marc===where are all your good buds? Am I missing any National Holidays? ((I hate it when I work thru the day thinking everyone else is sick……..))

    • NewFormatSux says:

      While you’re right and Perkel is wrong, you misunderstood what he said, causing your own stupidity where you label him stupid.

      • bobbo, fighting w my browser right now, only Opera works...How is that? says:

        NFS–seriously…how can I be “right” and not understand what Marc is saying?

        IOW–what do you think Marc is saying that I don’t understand?

        Just curious, as you must be thinking of “something?”

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Yup. It’s called reading comprehension. I’ve already told you the answer. Now THINK. Just look.

    • Go F* Yourself! (Your mind is in the gutter already if you didn't say "FUN"!) says:

      She’s an IDIOT for presenting ONE SIDED FACTS and then drawing conclusions from HER OWN SHIT!!!

      Can I make it any more simple for you?

      If you want a SLIGHTLY more in-depth analysis, you might want to apply some critical thinking here and possibly look at population PROPORTIONS! But don’t go hurting yourself or anything. It’s pretty clear you don’t have enough trained (educated) functioning gray matter.

      • bobbo, everything I know, I learned watching the Discovery Channel says:

        Go F* Yourself! (Your mind is in the gutter already if you didn’t say “FUN”!) says:
        8/23/2014 at 10:21 am

        She’s an IDIOT for presenting ONE SIDED FACTS and then drawing conclusions from HER OWN SHIT!!! //// Sounds like what I recall from a quick watch==that she simply reported what her source said? Just the facts, no analysis. Thats what most people say they want? At least you gave a reason why she might be stupid, your comment simply doesn’t address that issue though.

        Can I make it any more simple for you? // No, its quite appropriate.

        If you want a SLIGHTLY more in-depth analysis, you might want to apply some critical thinking here and possibly look at population PROPORTIONS! /// Ha, ha==how is that not exactly what is being reported on? Too many old, not enough young? Thats proportions isn’t it?

        But don’t go hurting yourself or anything. It’s pretty clear you don’t have enough trained (educated) functioning gray matter. /// You have not established that.

        1. How is she stupid? /// Not addressed.

        2. What is she saying that is untrue? // Not addressed.

        Try again.

        Be Honest. Be direct. Do Better.

  5. Francis says:

    I’ shut my NewYu, plastic yap, if I were her — She’s a red-six as sure as i really did loose that left nut to circuit-spawned brown recluse.

    ………………………………………………Ohh, fucking lighten up, Logan…

    • Tim says:

      ^^ sounds plagarized… I believe the original was “…fuck me

      ^^ RUNNING… Logan.” ; Can anyone else go sanctuary themselves??

      – {fuck. me. running.

  6. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Shit for Brains Alfie says:
    8/22/2014 at 9:32 am

    The death panels that ARE in Obama Care, /// You Lie!

    will take care of the problem. /// I wish, but with as many blivets such as yourself around, that ain’t gonna happen (rationing of healthcare on any objective set of criteria)

    Its a consequence of killing off unborn children, that the ratio of old to young is skewed. /// No, its more the living into advanced age cohort, although it is a affected by both factors, so I can’t fault your stupidity too harshly.

    But you won’t hear stopping abortion offered as a fix, /// Because that has its own set of additional problems.

    rather they refuse health care to more and more seniors, so more die. /// and yet Obama Care is providing coverage to 20 Million who didn’t have it before. Just the opposite of your position.

    As Obama said during the campaign, give Grandma a pill. /// Link.

    Those of you dependent upon Government will be the first to go. /// Hows that? Got any dots?

    And given the rational for abortion applies double to the elderly, /// You mean the elderly’s mothers don’t want to go to full term? You aren’t making any sense at all. FOR GRINS: connect the driving force for abortions with whatever it is you fantasize applies double to the elderly? What is it? A bigger pile of shit brains?

    most of you will be reaping what you have sown. /// How? We are going to be aborted, or something will be doubly applied to us?

    That’s just. Fair, the right thing to happen. /// What a dolt.

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Alfie not knowing the difference between shit and shinola says:
    8/22/2014 at 10:42 am

    The death panels that ARE in Obama Care, /// You Lie! ===This link explains that “However, rate setting — the essential mechanism of the IPAB — has a 40-year track record of failure… ” MEANING: Obama isn’t doing anything new.

    Alfie==these are the same death panels that are causing too many old people to be around. You see==when you lie about EVERYTHING==your lies conflict with one another. If you weren’t a dumb ass ditto head you’d pick a “single theme” and make sure your lies all lined up. But you are too stupid to do that. /// same dumb ass labeling issue as first linked to.

    Open wide for that pill. /// What pill?

    Perhaps on the way down, the faces of the aborted will appear to you, as the last thing you see, before descending into the fire. /// Meaning the aborted are not in Hell? Your God has overlooked a few million souls he could be torturing for no good reason. Faces? Ha, ha. Yes, I suppose a few. Do aborted fetuses have anything to say, or are they more like you?

    • the VA says:

      we like to tie people down for a few days and let fruit flies ‘accidentally’ lay eggs up inside their brain… We call it *maggoting* and it is much more humane than a militarized police force saying “we think you downloaded The Expendables III and we’re here to help you understand why you need to tell us about your neighbor”…

    • Tim says: You know how when you have the chess game absosutely Uber destroyed your opponent — And then your mouse slips……

      “”Meaning the aborted are not in Hell? Your God has overlooked a few million souls he could be torturing for no good reason

      From a humanistic standpoint, it may be argued that *just* for the many v. few would be for the millions and millions of unborn INNOCENT to be created and go on to advanced repetative madrigal heaping of praises for ever and ever ah-men.

      The lawyers still fry and pop but they are now the few and far between…

      • a still, small voice system says:

        ^^ ohh, changed the sample size of the judgement curve.. did I??

        ^^ Stacked the deck, if thou wilst??

        ^^ Well, if Einstein couldn’t tell me what to do with My dice

        ^^ , then atheismisists arent’ gonna tell me thus with My cards.

        ^^ PARTY ON, SAN DIMAS !!

        – {gits

        ^^ Hast thou studified thy orbit, lately??

  8. ECA says:

    Something to contemplate..
    1.Social sec was setup for retirement when the CHANCE of getting to Old age was <40%
    2.There is this funny economics that believes that Taxes and Costs should make people Struggle to make ends meet..
    3.We have installed, so many laws to protect idiots from themselves, that Corps can be Sued over, that we dont kill off 2/3 of the idiots before retirement.
    4,. our health care is advanced enough that we can almost resurrect the Dead..but at a cost that would Indebted most kings..

    The Life style of 1/2 the people in the USA is at the point of being SLAVE LABOR. forget CHINA and Jails forcing labor.. in the USA, we indebit you and FORCE you to make ends meet, most of your life..
    We make it so 1 person cant Bring home enough money for a family, let alone afford a HOME big enough for a family..then SCREAM that there are not enough JOBS..

    • ECA says:

      how many places could a person RETIRE and make themselves Self-sufficient??
      WHO can afford to retire on min wage MOSt of their lives?

    • Tim says:

      I see the vitamine E has healed your keyboard… The only biblically-accepted protocol for healing the keyboard is prayer and herbs…

      Anyways, *old people* and fucktarded tools kill way more people than drunks on the road each year.. Just…. look.

      • Sears says:

        Hey!! We put a sticker on that… “Not For Hiway Use”…. Spend alot of time on hold with customer support, do we??

        Just…. Look.

        God, our sponsorship of CNN helped make the public stupid.

        • Tim says:

          Your sticker was brown and red on a yellow background. I’m color blind. Way to go, Sears — Maybe my lawyers can pull a new grandmaw out your ass in statutory??

  9. AoL says:

    we think she’ll be really just fantasticimisio for plugging our brand new, totally innovate portal model of accessing the World Wide Web.

    AoL — We’re *Like* Yahoo!, only better.

  10. botbait 8088 says:

    somewhere in some grayed out part of the world something really fucked up happened —

    “”… hiding in the closet, I have found the ebola victim….

    – a dangling VP-40 budding participle…

    — {.. injects self with colloidal silver…}

    • bobbo, everything I know, I learned watching the Discovery Channel says:

      This is exactly what the law should be. You do know what an infectious disease is right?

      Other very close and conflated issues to be evaluated separately all to the point:


      ………….afterall, thats what politics is all about.

      • chikungunya dengue encephalitis assosiation of rocky mt spotted itch says:


        ‘Right’ is so ‘privelage’ these days. Don’t ya think? How about an innate compulsion to self preservation?? Maybe you have the right to count to ten before coming to find me but i damn sure have the drive to get down inside the stack of tires and smear camouflaggablising mosquito larvae all over my tounge and tits…

      • Tim says:

        I’ve had this lifelong hatred of hotel policies to want to come in and change your bed sheets {plant dead hookers?} every dang day — especially when staying for extended periods of time;

        If I didn’t get a disease off it the first night, and i’m the only one sleeping there then why do I want to risk it just for that pube, free *clean* smell of potential contact with viral hepatitis again and again.

        Same with the hospital — new baby?? let me go room to room with this cleaning cart spraying baby-clean-smell Lysol… I just got back from six — the terminal ward…


        Anyways, do you want to be the type to go intruding house to house: touching things, smelling things. 99.9% weren’t hiding leaky fresh blood-bags in the cubbard. But they are now. Because, even though you finally got you a zombie, you can’t remember just how far back you may have missed a few clues and now you’ve got one hell of a headache…

    • meanwhile, back at the CDC says:

      …Say, Betty — Does anyone know about 2001 – Vollum -1B ?? I found it pushed way back in ‘that’ part of the fridge… Looks pretty floccated, I’m not six sigma it’s still ‘wholesome’. hehe.

      …That would be the Ames Strain, deary — HA! Those slapstick Odd Man crew with the self destruct keys like playing games with relabeling messhalls’ MREs. They’re probably just powdered eggs… Smell it.

      …but i did stay at a holiday in express last night

  11. bobbo, everything I know, I learned watching the Discovery Channel says:

    Totally unrelated….. I felt the earthquake this morning. Honest to Hippocrates…I wondered if I was having a stroke or if someone was shaking my home. So very light here 80 miles away from the epicenter. Why did the vibration seem centered in my brain???

    ……………OMG==ha, ha: the DEFECT of personal experience: maybe it was both?

    And that is what science is all about. Separating my own BS from what is REAL.

    Know what I mean?

    • Tim says:

      The interior highdef video of the woman upstairs and girl running up is very telling…

      I’m looking at it thinking how nice that image was stabilized or there were no differental accellerations throughout the house leading me to believe that it was a very very long wavelength event or/and the motion was uniformly up — down…

      Then you can see it. It’s either a mirror or a reflection off one of those fireplace inserts… it looks like a painting and the sudden displacement is exactly up/down … looks to be about 12 inches but that may be optical lever effect.

      at 3 min in {i got the smart pig geico ad… they so know me now}

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Four Tits the chikungunya dengue encephalitis advocate says:
    8/24/2014 at 2:34 pm


    ‘Right’ is so ‘privelage’ these days. Don’t ya think? How about an innate compulsion to self preservation?? //// Ha. Ha. The evils of conflation. A drive does not create a right, two different things. Of course, the Venn Diagram for any two issues will show some overlap, but when thereis more separation than overlap, this kind of confusion is only warranted when sleeping in clean hotel bed sheets in Cuba.

    How often do we actually make decisions regarding “A” because we totally evaluated using criteria that only apply to “B”?

    I do wonder …… at it all.

    • Tim says:

      “”How often do we actually make decisions regarding “A” because we totally evaluated using criteria that only apply to “B”?

      Physisist, engineers, and parking attendants do it all the time… math is hard.

  13. Khmer Rouge says:

    I think God blazed.. ; if he didn’t chuckle after The Big Posting of this one then he’s Cuban.

  14. bobbo, when you have no interest in history and everything is new to you, you will more than others start renaming 1000 year old icons of the Culture thereby losing any grounding in your own history, culture, =sanity= leading unltimately to calling scienc says:

    Nice YouTube here on why Science beats Religion and how one can be thought of as the other===coming from a science viewpoint as opposed to a religious one.

    Good to be reminded of some of the basics in such clear declarative sentences: “empiricism” I had forgotten that nice little word.

  15. deowll says:

    I’ve only been aware of this for about 30 yrs or so. One reason I’m not as concerned about young workers moving to US as many is we need them to pay SS.

  16. observer says:

    Whoa–now that’s a face that only a blowjob could love.

  17. rob the idiot says:



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