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Open discussion – what do you think?


  1. Tim says:

    Aren’t they just like any other police blowing flowers and presents out their job-doers??

  2. Phydeau says:

    It’s instructive to see what’s *not* happening in America, particularly among right-wing types. Normally RWNJ’s get all in a tizzy about “jackbooted government thugs”, like when a few hapless BLM officers tried to get Cliven Bundy to pay his bills.

    But here we have real jackbooted government thugs, local cops playing soldier in their BDUs and their automatic weapons, shooting down people in cold blood who have their hands raised, teargassing peaceful protesters. And not a peep from the RWNJ’s about it. The racism is pretty obvious and pretty ugly.

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    I think arresting journalists is a bad idea if you want good press coverage.

    • Phydeau says:

      Arresting journalists who are doing nothing wrong is a hallmark of a third-world police state. Why aren’t all the red-blooded American patriots (you know who you are) up in arms about this?

      • Tim says:

        “”up in arms

        I hope you’re not suggesting something which might fuel civil unrest while we’re getting introduced to the new brand of blue.

      • spsffan says:

        Um, because I grew up in Los Angeles and this is just the usual stuff on the local news.

        Move along, Johnny, nothing to see here.

    • MikeN says:

      They’re not getting good coverage either way. So I’m OK if they knock around some journalists with delusions of winning Pulitzers http://grantland.com/features/ferguson-missouri-protest-michael-brown-murder-police/

      The only way they can get good coverage is if bad coverage means hurting the President, which is why you haven’t heard the name Miriam Carey, shot at 18 times by police while there was a one year old in the car. Only time Washington Post article says ‘black’ is to talk about the color of the car.

      • Phydeau says:

        So I’m OK if they knock around some journalists with delusions of winning Pulitzers

        So you’re against police brutality… um, some of the time?

        Why do you hate America?

        • NewFormatSux says:

          If there’s going to be police brutality better it be against those who are inciting a mob, then those who were incited.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

            NewSucsFormat: sadly, in The Church of Reality, the ifs never arise. Why do you waste what little thought you have on such fairy tale issues?

            If there is going to be police brutality, its a good thing they aren’t issued surplus Military flamethrowers and tactical nuclear weapons.

            I mean, just imagine THAT!

            Silly Hooman.

          • The Believers says:

            what if everybody made a bunch of voodo dolls and just started poking them??


      • Tim says:

        She made an illegal U-turn, MikeN .. Can’t you see the difference??

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

        Mike==you give ass wipes a bad image.

    • Phydeau says:

      Exacerbating the problem, the report says, are “a number of operational procedures that make it even more difficult for defendants to navigate the courts.” A Ferguson court employee reported, for example, that “the bench routinely starts hearing cases 30 minutes before the appointed time and then locks the doors to the building as early as five minutes after the official hour, a practice that could easily lead a defend net arriving even slightly late to receive an additional charge for failure to appear.”

  4. Phydeau says:


    Cops on the job not wearing badges??? Wow. Who lets them get away with this?

  5. MikeN says:

    I saw how wrong liberals and the media were about the TrayVon Martin incident, so I will assume the police are innocent until proven otherwise, and am not going to accept the media story, no matter how many former medical examiners they put on the air.

    Media version: “He looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

    Reality: “He looks like he’s up to no good. Dispatcher, “Can you tell us what race he is, white, black, Hispanic,?” “He looks black”

    That said, I agree that cops are overmilitarized. That is irrelevant to the Ferguson shooting though. You are also wrong that the right doesn’t object to such things. Among others, National Review and Mark Steyn both criticized it.

    • Phydeau says:

      That’s the whole point. The right-wingers object plenty when it’s white folks being oppressed by overmilitarized cops (Cliven Bundy et al). They’re just silent about it when black folks are being oppressed.

      Looks like they don’t mind a little government oppression when it’s black people being oppressed.

      • MikeN says:

        No the objections specifically are to the militarized police in Ferguson who look like they are out of a scifi movie.

        • Phydeau says:

          Well good for them. All we need is a few more right-wing media types to protest it too, then maybe it won’t look so racist.

          Although they’ll probably all get on board eventually, after they realize how racist they look.

      • MikeN says:

        Also, the majority of those killed at Waco were minorities, including 27 blacks.

        • Tim says:

          I think you’re forgetting about the ATF agents. Let us never ever forget those derps.

      • Tim says:

        “”The right-wingers object plenty when it’s white folks being oppressed by overmilitarized cops

        It depends, Phydeau. I did not know of this until it hit TYT this year {an unarmed/undrugged 17 year old murdered in drug sting} it happened right across from the White Mans’ highschool and the White Mans’ police station…


  6. MikeN says:

    Now the police are standing down and not protecting the public.
    Someone needs to announce that everyone will be prosecuted at least. Oh and arrest Al Sharpton. Who cares why. It’s what he wants so maybe then he will go away. He was used to it in New York, then got surprised in Puerto Rico when the judge actually sentenced him to jail. He used the opportunity to lose weight and god some presidential runs and a sweet gig from MSNBC for it.

    • Phydeau says:

      OMG, standing down and not protecting the public!

      Such protection including pointing automatic weapons at them (which the military criticized), shooting rubber bullets at them, teargassing them, throwing stun grenades at them, arresting them for no apparent reason, and similar protective actions.

      What will the public do without this protection???

      • Tim says:

        The pigs did kind of stand down and let everything get looted while they were busy doing it now on peaceful protesters…

        The next nights, it was members of the community that stood guard upon the shops { the gun guys pretty much held their own}.

        It’s always gotta be cops, though; people aren’t allowed to fend for themselves and most verbotin is to gather as a community — I note that the commander responsible for military aid after Katrina is handling the new PR {MP missouri training integration — pigs} for how great things are going.

    • Tim says:

      Dang, MikeN. You overanalyzed it into an intracable, tangled web of dark intrigue…

      Take a breather, man; the dude’s just a crackhead.

  7. IDYM says:

    Reclaim the surplus military hardware given to cities and send it to the Kurds. Send the Ferguson cops to ISIS, along with the looters.

  8. STFU! says:

    It’s not just in Ferguson — IT’S EVERYWHERE USA!!!

    When you give people toys they tend to want to play with them. And when you give cops army stuff, no difference!

    Even worse is when you give cops their army “toys” and place the condition that they USE THEM! Take a wild fucking guess what’s going to happen.

    It doesn’t take a genius to see some very big problems here. Yet, I doubt even the press will put 2 and 2 together. It’s probably not sensational enough until something like Ferguson erupts.

    Think about it: What the fuck does some Andy Griffith sheriff need with a fleet of assault tanks, rocket launchers or even a stock pile of grenades for? Seems to me that Barney Fife got elected to Washington and is now in charge of our “Homeland”! Or was that, “Fatherland”?!

    This is clear knee-jerk over-reaction to 9-11 disguising it’s intentions as “terrorist prevention” or even as preparation — which no one seems to be asking, in preparation for WHAT?! Meanwhile, actual military bases continue to be “downgraded” or closed even in our own country. And instead of paying our actual military a more liveable wage or even allowing the citizens to keep their tax money in the first place, the idiots in charge decide to divvy up the tax bounty with local law enforcement on more military equipment. And just to add insult to injury, consider how some of these police/sheriff leaders already make more than certain generals/admirals do.

    Is any of this starting to sound a little familiar to those of you who experienced pre-WWII Germany yet?!

    When we waste tax dollars on military toys for people who don’t really need them it just causes MORE PROBLEMS! And Ferguson Missouri is just ONE example. But does anyone pay any attention to the root cause(s)? I’m betting the answer is “no” where the typical comment might be something like, “it doesn’t concern me,” or “I’m a bit too busy getting fucked over by the newly armed Gestapo right now to chime in.”

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    There was a guy a few years ago who organized protests in a civil manner and got the cops to actually prosecute a son of a cop who beat up a homeless black man. But the system doesn’t like it when blacks operate in a civil fashion, so they sent Al Sharpton in to have the guy arrested.

  10. Semantics says:

    Goes to show if you don’t want to get shot by the cops don’t be committing strong -arm robbery. The cops and state troopers have been far to tolerant of these thugs looting and burning. Time for live ammo instead of rubber bullets and tear gas.

    • Phydeau says:

      Come on, you’re a liberal playing the part of a stupid knuckle-dragging right-wing nut job. It’s just too perfect.


      lol, good one!

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    The program transferring excess military hardware started in the early 90s, not as any reaction to 9/11.

    Funny, I heard a report on the way home that as the facts come out there are twelve witnesses backing up the cop’s side of the story and that the cop’s injuries are more severe than has been reported.

    And I see the NotSA bot is posting pablum again.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      BS. Use any of the “actual” man on the street interviews about any subject. Watters World, Jay Leno==all are funny. Hmmmm….could apply to half the posters here too?

      • Charlie Brooker says:

        how to report the news


        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

          Everything becomes formulistic, for a number of reasons. I especially like this video though: “We don’t want to hear what someone thinks about whats happening, we want to know what IS happening.” //// Just what I think so often.

  12. When the Ferguson police chief released a video showing Michael Brown’s commission of strong-arm robbery at the convenience store, Brown’s family and friends immediately portrayed release of the video as a blatant attempt at character assassination. I have a slightly different interpretation. Anyone who has just committed a crime like that is in a very different state of mind and will interact very differently with police than a person who has just bought a snack and is on his way home to play video games or do homework. It’s hard to imagine that Brown would interact in any normal manner with a police officer. Brown’s state of mind in that situation might go a long way toward explaining the policeman’s version of the incident and how Brown acted, an account which might otherwise seem irrational.

    You can bet that Brown family lawyers are combing through the police officer’s past to find any dirt they can, so I’m sure we’ll hear some “character assassination” there as well. Stay tuned.

    • Tim says:

      “”to find any dirt they can

      Well then, well probably all be adjourned by lunch!

  13. Simmering Pot says:

    Here’s the recipe:

    1. A group of concerned local residents.
    2. A handful of outside agitators.
    3. A few opportunistic looters.
    4. Way too many embedded media reporters.
    5. Reverend Al from the grevience industry.

    What could go wrong?

    • anti-wrong says:

      guns to protect the freedoms

      and mines, mortars, and grenades to protect the guns..

      • Simmering Pot says:

        Sounds like a plan for disaster.

        How do you define success? And at what cost and time frame?

        • anti-wrong says:

          if you made it out of stuff just lying around and it blows up real good, then you’re sucessfull — it kinda depends on how one feels about fema camps…

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Heres how to tell whether you are a dumb shit or not and therefore actually qualified to vote:

    Do you take one side of this issue, one set of facts, and base your opinion on that? Then you are a dumbshit. Please do note the appeal to non-partisan analysis.

    If you recognize that any opinion is based on the facts you assume and depending on what (reasonable) facts you assume, you would opine all over the map, then Pedro will call you wishy washy.

    In THIS case, based on what I have seen reported pro and con, I can’t imagine any facts justifying the shooting pas the first bullet that got Brown to stop running away. It may have been an entirely human response from the cop….. but that is what being trained, experienced, and supervised is supposed to stop.

    IOW–lets say the Cop stopped Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street and showing attitude and was hopped up on MJ and anxious from just having stolen those cigars. Cop pulls Brown half into his cruiser and Brown goes for his gun, they wrestle and the gun goes off in the cop car. Brown punches cop, pulls away, and runs the opposite direction. Cop gets out of car and shoots Brown dead. Lets add in that the cop knew about the cigar robbery. Can there be a stronger case for the cop?

    I say the cop is guilty of voluntary manslaughter..that heat of the moment crime.

    I say the entire cop department has been acculturated into an us vs them mentality that is a symptom of the larger society they operate in. They are a part of a very large entrenched society dynamic that is not healthy/functional for anyone.

    I say: TAKE THE GUNS AWAY FROM THE COPS. That will make them develop the other skills they ought to be using anyway.

    Like that will happen.

    Good job Phydeau. Remember….it takes a head shot to kill a zombie.

    Silly Hoomans.

    How come we aren’t talking about Rick Perry?

    ((I crack myself up.))

    • Tim says:

      “”hopped up on MJ

      I’m pretty sure he must have been doing it wrong, then, now, or anytime in between.

      Hey… What if for peace and healing amongst the residents that after the cop gets lynched they spread his ashes on all their illegal little Chia-pet friends and just sit down and have a smokeout together.

      — kinda like smoking pot out of Regans’ skull

  15. CNN says:

    do you think you could rephrase that?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Sure. Here’s the short version:

      Stop conflating.

      • CNN says:

        we’re not Uber, you know

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

          uber is a prefix to connote more of or an emphasis.

          Much like having Four tits. So I can “feel” why you say this, but much like having four tits, you make no sense.

      • jpfitz says:

        You wanna hear conflating, watch FOX, Bret Baier stated the Fergerson police were aiming AK’s at the protesters last evening during his asinine report this evening.

        It’s a tragedy viewing FOX’s report, I’ll admit some views are sensible but the facts are at times sardonic.

  16. Never mind the chicken/egg dichotomy, which came first — the militarization of the police, or the militarization of a small but vocally belligerent portion of the citizenry?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Ha, ha. I held my tongue===BUT NO!!!!!!! jp==conflation is bad for the tummy.

      Gary–how are who in the citizenry of Ferguson been militarized?

      so….thats what too often happens with conflation===>its followed up with a good dose of false equivalency. Ha, ha.== after creating a straw man.

      Who knew so few words could have so many errors?

      • Oh, don’t get your panties in such a twist over perceived conflation, bobbo. I was talking about general long-term national trends and not specific locales. Surely you see the difference.

        • Marc Farber says:

          i’d look at maybe divesting of chicken fingers, in the short term…

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

          Oh!!! You went Uber on me too huh? Well, crap….. can’t get to the Party without a taxi!

          I still call: Shenanigans! …. and all from conflation too.

          The only “militarization” of the citizenry that I can think of is the Para Military groups that so far have completely isolated themselves with their fantasies in the back woods of rural America. No contact with police at all that I can think of. Can you?

          What I do have in memory is a lone sniper on that bridge aiming at Agents during that Cattle guy standoff.

          One guy with a sniper scope?

          Ha, ha……. prove me wrong.

          • I can only “prove” you wrong based on what evidence you accept as compelling, much like with religion. Here’s a quick example of a guy who started the Missouri Citizen Militia, one of a reported 28 patriot groups in that state…


            According to a more recent report (post-Ferguson incident), Penberthy has confirmed that the Missouri Citizen Militia has “boots on the ground” to provide armed security to innocent Americans from the police state in Ferguson. He and his fellow militiamen also recently provided armed security to Cliven Bundy at his ranch in southern Nevada. In that case, the Feds had the law on their side, but they only backed down because they didn’t want another Waco on their hands.

            Nobody can prove that these people are a true threat until the first shots are fired, and then it’s too late. You seem to be well aware of increasingly militarized police units, but the militarized citizenry are not as “completely isolated” as you seem to think. So if these groups exist and could pose a threat to police, then my original question is legitimate. Which came first? By the way, you’re welcome to interpret the question as being rhetorical. As a matter of fact, I insist 🙂

          • The Red Pillar of Freedom Head {north command, chapter 7} says:

            we disbanded. there were too much infighting and a irreconsilable shism shismed —

            There were those who wanted to spend the last of the Liberty Dollars for a consignment of seeds to retreat with into the last stronghold of Radon Mines over in Boulder, AND well, there were those who wanted to take the remanufactured Bradley assault vehicles into Six Flags and “ride the hell outta ’em and just take the overpriced hotdogs for free…”

          • Tim says:

            “these people”, huu?

            Gary, the general tone of your posts on this issue is one of bitterness toward those who preached and warned and bought seeds, all whilst enduring the mockings of you and people like you, until they left. Until they left and you know the tanks will remain with you.

            You cheered on this buildup, greesy-palm balming in anticipation of the day they would roll out and stomp flat the pesky kid who always pointed out your apple was wormy.

            And then, here it is.

            “”So if these groups exist and could pose a threat to police, then my original question is legitimate.

            You worship The State.

            Hmm. Authentic Totalitarian MIAC!! yummy.

            You know, I’ve read the genetic sequence of the very particular rot spilling out of the Missouri Information Assbackwardness Center {i’m no forensic scientist, but i could be for the FBI if I’d only hit the cup}– The assay was not definitive as to ante mortem diet; But, if I had to guess, it was the same ol’ standard nazi bullshit.


          • friends of the earth lab aid infiltrator says:

            HES LYING! LYING!!…….There was a pubic hair!! A HAIR!!! it was…hey….don’t….HEY..don’t taze me, bro….It was MARK POTOKs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • jpfitz says:

        Ha ha, bobbo mixing up AK’s with AR-15’s on the right wing loon network should upset your stomach. I can’t imagine you ever holding your tongue. Got cha. Hehe.

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    BTW—as the 100th Post—thank you Marc for making the forum relevant for one day at least…..and your Heading Pic was perfectly chosen.

    …….Why religion and not simply science?

  18. Steve S says:

    After giving careful consideration to both sides of the Ferguson case, all I can say is, the impending Zombie Apocalypse can’t come soon enough.

  19. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Uber—the live video from Ferguson right now showing the two sides lining up and milling around *……….

    …………..just waiting for provocation.

    Silly Hoomans.

    *((That be some conflation as I only see a crowd with 1-2 cops……but I do imagine…………))

    • Tim says:


      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

        msnbc on tv.

        ………..Oh oh! Crowd starting to do the Watusi. Cops will take that as the mashed potatoes.

        No good can come from this.

        • Tim says:

          ohh, ohh. Pray for them, I guess. PMSNBC is nasty — I’ll scan around here a little, I guess; Let the soothing chant of Doo it nowww lull me to sleep like a counterrotaing gargoyle bell-booming a foghorn drawing theta-sleep into the comatose fog of Ferguson.

          here’s one {he seems to move in circles of whitey, though; I think he’s polynesian}

          http://new.livestream.com/accounts/9035483/events /3271930

          yes. lots of whistle whistling — still peaceful on this feed

          doo it nowwww
          {ha ha, it said doo}

          DO IT LATER

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

            Yeah,…… and if you want more action, you can surf to Faux Spews and see how Obama is getting it wrong in Iraq.

            Why can’t people just look?

            ……..too busy doing it?????

  20. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Gary, the dangerous infidel demonstrates that some bad ideas like ticks can get under the skin says:
    8/19/2014 at 8:57 pm

    I can only “prove” you wrong based on what evidence you accept as compelling, much like with religion. /// Well, my own tick with religion is that “one its face” it makes no sense and is illogical and impossible. Its a special kind of stupid in that sense…provably wrong without any evidence at all.

    Here’s a quick example of a guy who started the Missouri Citizen Militia, one of a reported 28 patriot groups in that state… /// Yes, I said to start with there were lots of nut ball groups out in the woods.


    According to a more recent report (post-Ferguson incident), Penberthy has confirmed that the Missouri Citizen Militia has “boots on the ground” to provide armed security to innocent Americans from the police state in Ferguson. /// Yeah–more closely it was himself plus one other guy. Does that come up to “a presence”?

    He and his fellow militiamen also recently provided armed security to Cliven Bundy at his ranch in southern Nevada. In that case, the Feds had the law on their side, but they only backed down because they didn’t want another Waco on their hands. /// aka- Cliven Bundy is a rich old white guy and not a young black….yes… that is what we are talking about.

    Nobody can prove that these people are a true threat until the first shots are fired, and then it’s too late. You seem to be well aware of increasingly militarized police units, but the militarized citizenry are not as “completely isolated” as you seem to think. /// But your only “evidence” is about a totally isolated group. You’ve been reading too much Pedro. Making arguments that prove your position is incorrect. Only thing missing is the taco.

    So if these groups exist and could pose a threat to police, then my original question is legitimate. Which came first? /// What do you mean by a question being legitimate? The Police are or are not becoming over militarized, same with mental defects running around in the woods playing solider boy. So…regardless of which came first or if it is a tie==of what critical, inconsequential, or even interesting impact is your question?

    By the way, you’re welcome to interpret the question as being rhetorical. As a matter of fact, I insist 🙂 //// Seems not to be legitimate. Alex: make that in the form of a question.

    So, closely aligned with Phydeau’s first expression, I’m left with what I think is a legitimate, non-rhetorical, directly related to this thread question: Where are all the Civilian Guns?

    Not here in Ferguson, Not in New Orleans, not in the Bread Lines, or the Emergency Rooms. Seems like, as has been reported, they are being bought up in the box loads by paranoid right wing white guys who love to wear fatigues out in the woods.

    Does this represent a “threat” that justifies the Police becoming militarized?

    I say: yes it does.

    WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO with enforcing the curfew in Ferguson.

    See how corrupt and stupid conflation is????? It makes you think you have an insight into something…….. when what you got …… is nothing but confusion.

    • “/// What do you mean by a question being legitimate? The Police are or are not becoming over militarized, same with mental defects running around in the woods playing solider boy. So…regardless of which came first or if it is a tie==of what critical, inconsequential, or even interesting impact is your question?”

      Hmmm, you must have found the question slightly interesting to have written such a profuse response, bobbo. As wounded as I feel when you insult my intelligence, I feel doubly honored when you devote so much time, effort, and prose to the details.

      Your earlier depiction of these militia groups as being completely isolated in the back woods of rural America is simply wrong. They may conduct their practice maneuvers and target practice in isolation, but many of them lead otherwise ordinary lives, apart from the fact that they keep their military hardware close at hand in their homes and often communicate regularly with fellow militia members discussing weapons and grievances.

      One of the guys who supported Cliven Bundy is a former sheriff from Arizona, Richard Mack. Not realizing he’s supposed to live in isolation on some compound in the wilderness, he travels around, and recently spoke at a rally of a couple thousand “freedom loving New Yorkers” in Syracuse. More recently, he spoke in Wasila, the hometown of our favorite ex-governor. Mack seems to attract a fair amount of attention because there seem to be a lot of like-minded people out there. This is the same guy who was strategizing to put women and children at the front of the group at the Cliven Bundy standoff in Nevada. In case it turned into a shooting war, he wanted to be sure that the media images would be as damaging to the law enforcement side as possible, and he thought that women being shot would accomplish that. Some of these people seem to be looking for the catalyst that will start something really big.


      • Tim says:

        “”I feel doubly honored when you devote so much time, effort, and prose to the details.

        That’s not bobbo, you silly bird; That’s me describing you as a fucktard tool.

      • Tim says:

        I apologize. That was uncouth of me — I’ll try to stop doing it, umm… now.

        Let me make it up to you with some free *professional* ‘advice’ —

        You’re an insurance agent, are you not? Why don’t you go out and sell some policies on those military vehicles and that military body garb {which still seems to suffer malfunction in the presence of dog slobber, or something} and those watch-delicate military weapons and rotate.

        you’re welcome.

      • Tim says:


        I can’t get the dang video to play. Have you got a link to the story? Or otherwise I’m not changing browsers to watch what’s most probably some retarded SPLC rendetion of Wuthering Heights.

        Still, it’s probably of higher production value than this:

        Evil Militia (wow. posted 2008 and 217 views… Call Guinness)

  21. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:


    This brain imaging is getting out of control. On Democracy Now: John Powell, UC Berkeley Prof says Cat Scans says that when one human being recognizes another human being that a particular area of the brain “lights up.” THEN he goes on to say that if you show a white guy a black guy that that area of the brain does not show any activity.

    My spidey sense says “something” is getting garbled, distorted, misaligned… something. I’d even go so far as to say conflated, but I don’t want this curiosity to become rhetorical.

    The Brain. Its what we think with, using words. How it physically works and doesn’t works greatly impacts on how we think…. or…. is that vice versa???? I dunno….seems to me if your brain is “seeing” a black person, why would it show any white?

    Know what I mean?

    • Tim says:

      “”My spidey sense says “something” is getting garbled, distorted, misaligned…

      Not at all. The machine was simply never programmed to recognize and meaningfully display a shadow.

  22. orchidcup says:

    The preliminary autopsy drawing indicates that Brown’s right arm was hit four times. Brown was hit twice in the head.

    If Brown had his hands up, then it becomes obvious the police officer was aiming for the right arm, and accidentally shot Brown in the head.

    Case closed.

    I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

  23. Tim says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen — Please welcome officer Gofuk Yusef of the Missouri state police…


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Even when fully on video: who will police the police? Violation after violation, intentional and knowing.

      Just imagine no cameras, no witnesses, and no area of the Brain being activated.

      I shudder.

      • Tim says:

        So. Like the 50’s??

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

          Yes….. but thinking about it more….. and more relevantly:

          Just like–NOW!==because even when “on video” no corrective action is ever taken.

          All in support of the Status Quo. The Right Wing should be very happy.

          How to better fund the ACLU?

      • orchidcup says:

        Shuddering is a common alcohol withdrawal symptom.

        You need a beer or six.

        • Tim says:

          It’s also the most widely available treatment* for essential tremor because hydroxyzine is restricted in this back-ass, third-world, one-horse, everyone-with-gun-/-kroger-card wants to be your instantly-available**, personal proctologist and they’re really insistant about it, mostly because it’s both cheaper and more effective from the guys at the road-side fruit stand.


          *can cause dependance in some persons — these persons need learn about choline supplementation before they die and go to hell early or just go ahead and suck it up and get obomacare and go get a script for hydroxyzine and go to hell and die {not necessarily in that order}.

          • Tim says:

            ^^ ** hyphen + fascism does not equate to hi-fashion to be emulated all the land-over. anybody? tollybong?

      • Tim says:

        What really made me *shudder’n’dither* was that the woman running up in the stillshot looks like Luke Rudkowski. — That’s what made my quantum phase-bubble act like it’s in a bad RUUD heatpump.

    • Phydeau says:

      Where are the RWNJs to defend this guy? Pedro? Diesel? NewFormatSux? MikeN?

      Obviously this cop needed to point his automatic rifle at random passersby and threaten to kill them because ___________

      (fill in the blank)

      • orchidcup says:

        … he needs psychiatric treatment?

      • tweeter {that's not plastic, it's phrenolic} says:

        “””I believe these are aphids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tea_Party_Protest,_Hartford,_Connecticut,_15_April_2009_-_060.jpg ; Can anyone else confirm?

        -Phydeau @didyouevernoticehowPhydeauryhmeswithDepardeau_spydude

        –did you think cops were just angry because Verison sux?

        • Phydeau says:

          btw tweeter, I think you mean phenolic, as in phenolic resin, used in such materials as bakelite.

          • tweeter, that's not.. ohh, fuck it says:

            Yes, Phydeau. Thx. It still smells bad when you set it on fire and throw it at cops, tool.

          • Tim says:

            ^^ That guy probably wishes to express his heartfelt apologies, Phydeau — He was thinking of that other Gary

      • Mr Diesel says:

        I saw the video. What the fuck! If ever there was a case for removing an officer from the force it is this.

        You raise your weapon and point it at something you are willing to destroy or kill, not at every swinging dick walking by.

        I’m usually Pro-LEO but some of these dumbasses deserve a urine bath and more.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        You seem obsessed with blaming things on rightwingers. Calling them racist for not complaining about cops, then when they are shown to be complaining, you say they do it so as not to appear racist.

      • Tim says:


        because his PDA was broken and nobody would tell him how to spell ‘Smith’??

  24. Publius says:

    Militarized police are a threat to democracy. No exceptions.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Right you are. So is unmilitarized police having carte blanche to shoot to kill as their first response.

      Corruption from one source can be dealt with if the desire is there. Corruption from many sources is difficult without a revolution. Revolution in face of modern militarized police, National Guard, the Military Itself: impossible.


  25. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Gary, continuing his dangerous conflating ways says:
    8/20/2014 at 9:50 am

    “/// What do you mean by a question being legitimate? The Police are or are not becoming over militarized, same with mental defects running around in the woods playing solider boy. So…regardless of which came first or if it is a tie==of what critical, inconsequential, or even interesting impact is your question?”

    Hmmm, you must have found the question slightly interesting /// Yes I do. More than anything else, my thing is language and its role in thinking. Take a great brain as yourself but feed in a few bad conceptualizations, and we are off and running with bad ideas. Conflation is the jag I’ve been on for a while now. Is that insightful on my part, or a bad conceptualization?

    to have written such a profuse response, bobbo. /// 3 short sentences is profuse? I see the challenge to you is to put the tweet machine down and start reading magazines and books. Stretch that ADD.

    As wounded as I feel when you insult my intelligence, /// Ah–its Math that challenges you. I don’t challenge idiots profusely. My proof is Pedro. I label him silly and move on. He is not worth 3 whole entire sentences. You are. Now…stop multiplying anything longer than 140 characters by minus 1 and you will be on track. Disagreement is the highest compliment you can be given…… unless you are only looking for kiss asses. How high up in management are you?

    I feel doubly honored when you devote so much time, effort, and prose to the details. /// So little of any of that was expended. Ha, ha. You been “hybnotized” by Power Point presentations. If you take away anything from this interaction, remember this: the colors themselves don’t mean anything.

    Your earlier depiction of these militia groups as being completely isolated in the back woods of rural America is simply wrong. They may conduct their practice maneuvers and target practice in isolation, but many of them lead otherwise ordinary lives, apart from the fact that they keep their military hardware close at hand in their homes and often communicate regularly with fellow militia members discussing weapons and grievances. //////// EXCELLENT: COMPLETE CONFLATION.

    11111—“The militia” is not the same thing as its individual members. Not wanting to insult you before you apply the minus 1 formula, I will simply state the point and not give details…… unless you disagree or request.

    22222—-“Military Equipment” as I imagine it is is NOT MILITARIZATION. I can see that different ideas/concepts springing from the same root words has you some what flummoxed, or conflated, in your thinking. The “equipment” that brought out this label was the Armored Vehicles, with perhaps full body armor, with the troops engaged only as a “line” of force? This should not be CONFLATED with wearing camo fatigues, high powered rifles, scopes, and yelling Ten Hut. Police function vs Military Function.

    One of the guys who supported Cliven Bundy is a former sheriff from Arizona, Richard Mack. Not realizing he’s supposed to live in isolation on some compound in the wilderness, /// if you stop conflating the individual militia men with militias, you will have an entirely new appreciation of the subject.

    he travels around, and recently spoke at a rally of a couple thousand “freedom loving New Yorkers” in Syracuse. /// Yes…no militarized action at all. Completely irrelevant to this discussion except you have conflated it to mean something else/more?

    More recently, he spoke in Wasila, the hometown of our favorite ex-governor. Mack seems to attract a fair amount of attention because there seem to be a lot of like-minded people out there. /// define: “a lot.” conflating again with that does of false equivalency. Ha, ha.

    This is the same guy who was strategizing to put women and children at the front of the group at the Cliven Bundy standoff in Nevada. /// Yep, quite the douche……. a lot of people think.

    In case it turned into a shooting war, he wanted to be sure that the media images would be as damaging to the law enforcement side as possible, and he thought that women being shot would accomplish that. /// Hmmmm, your profuse explanation of what is shameful because of its obviousness is somewhat insulting. Difference being….what I told you is not obvious to you.

    Some of these people seem to be looking for the catalyst that will start something really big. /// More sloppy non-think or conflation. What “really big” reaction do you think is maximally possible? I can see the entire Bundy Ranch being turned into a shooting zone. What would we be talking about their? 5-6 dead, 10 wounded? Any more than that? How big is big in your book? More than 3 inches from the look of things.

    …………but I dither.

    • Tim says:

      That is rather alot {strange little word(??)} of words there, bobbo — I thought you didn’t like responding to the bot…

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical antitheist and junior culture critic says:

        I’m responding to Gary. I don’t often get the chance and in 5 years I think I’ve done it about 3 times. When he posts something I think is pretty clear…he gets upset as if we had a Predro==bobbo dynamic established or sumting.

        Its like I aways say: the smarter you are, apparently the more insulted by corrections you get.

        Thats why I like you so much Timmmmmy. Always unintelligible, tangential or wrong, but never insulted. Hmmmm…. maybe 1-2 times I got under your skin?

        I don’t want to take too much credit.

  26. NewFormatSux says:

    Pull out the police and send in the drones.

  27. NewFormatSux says:

    “Him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran — the police got out and ran after him … Then the next thing I know he comes back toward the truck ’cause — the police had his gun drawn already on him. The police kept dumping on him, and I’m thinking that the police missing … but he kept coming toward him.”

    Default reaction anytime liberals declare white racist cop kills unarmed black man should be to assume the cop is innocent.
    Probably also safe to assume the liberal reporters send their kids to all white private schools.

    • mr. buttersbee {mrs.} says:

      i was just out working in the yard, minding my own buisness when a militarized police force rolled right through my damn tomatoes.

  28. NewFormatSux says:

    This governor when he was a prosecutor put 15 people in jail for several years merely for filing a then-legal lien against a judge.


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