Warning – watching this video will lower your IQ. Please at least take a breath before contradicting yourself. It’s totally random babble. She should run for office!

  1. ECA says:

    “Libertarians ENJOY that she is an atheist?”

    Can someone check her Hair color??

    as an atheist, she cant see an Atheist president?

    She estimates that there are only 2% atheist? where did she get that number?

  2. Tim says:

    I saw this clip once of a miss universe contestant saying that “…we should all just trust Obama and our government…”

    I’ll not link to it. Any readers that find it are already in hell.

    ^^ Oh, it’s just that it’s *like* that…

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Or Nancy Pelosi trying to explain the difference between BSA spying under Bush and NSA spying under Obama.

      • Tim says:

        Someone should do a Nancy Pelosi mod for SIRI.

      • Chicken Nuts says:

        Don’t forget about this crazy idiot (Nancy) “channeling the spirit of people like Susan B. Anthony” while she was talking to the President in the oval office not too long ago.

        … And I’m pretty sure “Numb-nuts” Nancy isn’t an atheist either. SHE “BELIEVES” IN MORE GOVERNMENT! (And reason enough to kick her ass to the curb, if you ask me.)

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    I wouldn’t mind doing her atheist ass over a couch somewhere. Is that wrong?

  4. Tom Yerex says:

    She had me until roughly the four minute mark, then she went completely off the rails. How can she not support an atheist, but self-identify an atheist? Is this a confession of her own dishonesty?

    • Dr. Oz says:

      Tom, check with her beautician. Tell hir seborrheic dermatitis sent you.

      • Tim says:

        What a convoluted, normanesque way of saying that she is secretly blond.

        • Chicken Nuts says:

          “Secretly”? Expose her naughty parts (so we might hear her better) and I bet she’s blonde as hell!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Yeah….I quit at one minute the first time, and at your 4 minute spot the second time.

      Not a deep thinker….. a perfect host on several Fox News round tables. (Was that her, or the chair?)

      Her statements on a broad range of political issues have the same shallow contradictions.

      ………a special case………for sure.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Wait, she’s an atheist studying religions. Plus her next book will be about the Christian right. I lasted 1:16, did I miss anything. Is she applying for a spot on msnbc?

    Early on S.E. chose to not believe, how early, while attending Catholic high school.

    I wouldn’t do her, something icky about a lying woman trying too hard to please the left and right at the same time.

  6. Whatever gets you through the night says:

    An anthropologist, and a member of the ACLU walk into a bar and hear a Native American Indian, a physicist, and a Southern Baptist discussing God.

    The Indian described God as an eagle, the physicist as the Higgs Boson particle, while the Baptist saw God as an all-powerful, benevolent black man with a gray beard.

    Althought the anthropologist and the ACLU guy were atheists, they told them that, since they were talking religion, they were all correct and bought them each a drink.

    Is that so bad? Cheers!

  7. Cheers says:

    … And when a member of the militant group ISIS showed up and threatened to behead all their babies, all five jumped him and beat him to death.

    The bartender said, “Drinks on the house”.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    So….how is this different than having a Church of Reality?

    Same kind of double speak. Hard to hear when your own dogma is spouted. Dogma is like that.

    ……………….so the fun part is to ask yourself: “♫…. Is this my beautiful house…..” //// Oops, No….thats just an unrelated song, but its what I asked myself First. THEN I asked myself: what are my dogmas?

    Ha, ha. AND I SAID: “I don’t have any dogmas.”

    Four Tits: can you tell us why?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Actually, this poser is a “trap” for Four Tits. Not much of one, this is just a forum after all.

      Anyone else is welcomed to play along and won’t havet the trap……. but look inside yourself first. Do you have a beautiful house?

    • 4 tits says:

      because you’re full of pragmatism.

      i can’t see my toes…

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

        Ah Four Tits—close, I suppose. No, I recognized when I looked at my own self that my dogma was: “I have no dogma.” That gets espressed with all my nom de flames. Then in some kind of Karmic half roll I thought “I have no dog, Ma.” which was true for a number of years as Mom and Pop thought we did not take care of our pets after “Spot” (yes…my first dogs name was spot….although I forget now if he had a spot or not, mostly black as I recall). Thats how introspection works…. it jumps around..picking things seemingly at random…then you have to think about it to form your own………….ideology/dogma/religion/self image/etc.

        The trap was to put it in the form of a question. Perhaps not a trap, or even humor, but more of a continuation of a cultural reference: Stop watching TV, and read a book!!!

        Crap. Too much self referential dithering. I hope there is some general worth there.

        • Tim says:

          The feds took that particular server so that this particular Gordian Knot of a thread is truncated.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Hey – Reality changed my life! it can change you life too!

      • Tim says:

        As for the Church of Reality, I note:

        “”The IRS has approved the 501(C)3 tax exempt status of the Church of Reality.

        ^^ That means they have to frame the crap they spout in a light favorable to the government… kinda like how The Ad Council gets airtime in exchange for an FCC pass…

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

        Hey Marc….sounds like you have a bit of a story there. To dither about you, rather than me, of course Reality doesn’t change a thing. Reality is a constant, as big and wide as it is: the Universe of which we are only a small part. It wasn’t Reality that changed anything for you but rather your own notions/ideas about something.

        My own ((dogma)) is to take responsibility for what I think rather than lay it off passively onto anything else such as the Universe or Reality. Thats what being existential is all about. Some ideas/actions work, and others don’t. If over time we recognize the difference, thats not the Universe or Reality changing anything….it was always the same….it was our recognizing the difference between what works and what doesn’t. Thats pragmatism in action.

        See the pieces coming together?

      • jpfitz says:

        reality, but whose reality, is it a singular notion of your “reality” or do “church” members contribute to the followed reality. Reality is one persons taking in the world around them with their five senses. Others are defined by books written decades or thousands of years ago.

        Me, I tend to see reality as life and the experiences observed be it in front of my nose or seen through others who are reliable conveyers of experience.

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    The girl’s an attention whore, plain and simple. Just google “S.E. Cupp” and “legs” for examples of her Fox News “journalism” standards. She’s trying to sell herself, and her books. I lasted less than a minute… but not from doing her. 😉

    • freddybobs68k says:

      I watched it all the way through – and the main thing I got was she was ‘selling her platform’ like you. I mean how _fascinating_ she is a conservative and an atheist! That supports Christianity at every opportunity. Who thinks an atheist president would be wrong. Who aspires to being religious. It has a very strong whiff of cognitive dissonance.

      I didn’t think she was stupid tho. She’s far more coherent than say Ann Coulter. But just like Ann it’s all about the sell.

      • Tim says:

        “”She’s far more coherent than say Ann Coulter

        Yes. For now, let us just call it a corporate-imposed ‘cock block’.

        No, derp. She is stupid.

  10. Cephus says:

    I mean, I’m a conservative atheist but I really don’t buy that she is. She’s more like an atheist sell-out. She’s like the black slave who gets into a position of power in the slave-owner’s household and starts to sympathize with the slave-owner because they think they’ve got it good compared to their brethren. Or the Jew who turns out to be a Nazi-sympathizer and hopes the Nazis won’t notice.

    As such, I find her pathetic and not worth paying attention to.

  11. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    I think she demonstrates why women don’t make good philosophers. The intelligence of her brain leads her to atheism, but that gets mixed/swamped by her female hormones wanting to be nurturing and supportive to all within her gaze. That and she is an attention whore which would be hard to avoid as an attractive female in a male world.

    Sexist? Oh…. yea verily. Thats how I noticed she is a woman.

    We are all on the same train.

    • jpfitz says:

      Attention whore, oh yeah, why else would S.E. be pimping herself in front of a camera, especially pronouncing herself as an atheist while she is the up and coming Christian neocon right wing female.

      She’s almost an oxymoron. Wait forget almost.

  12. Chicken Nuts says:

    I suppose it’s possible to have an emotional atheist — especially a female one. But she’s still nuts!

  13. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    jpfitz says:
    8/13/2014 at 8:42 am

    reality, but whose reality, /// Nope. You completely miss what Reality is.

    is it a singular notion // yes

    of your “reality” /// the definitional error at issue

    or do “church” members contribute to the followed reality. /// Good question to the point of burdening ANY notion of reality with the cultural dropping of Religion.

    Reality is one persons taking in the world around them with their five senses. /// Sorry. That is the very exact definition of: “perception.”

    Others are defined by books written decades or thousands of years ago. /// …..ah….very general statement. I will do likewise: those are all opinion pieces or hypotheticals?

    Me, I tend to see reality as life // again, that is perception

    and the experiences observed /// and those would be observations

    be it in front of my nose or seen through others who are reliable conveyers of experience. /// Ha, ha. yes….exactly: conveyers of experience.

    So………..what is Reality? Per my nom de flame, I would say: Its what works. To borrow a phrase not mine: “Reality is what hits you in the nose when you think nothing is there.”

    …………………..and the dictionary says: the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. /// emphasizes a slightly different aspect of the word, but a better start than what you personally experience. That start is too undifferentiated.

    What is reality?…..here’s a new reworking as a result of my own comedic genius improving at the moment: the length of the pier when you are talking a walk.

    • jpfitz says:

      The dictionary claims the world or the state of things as they actually exist.

      Who’s to say what actually exists and their state of being. We perceive through our eyes, ears and nose. Our minds can conceptualize what a tree is, but, if that tree for example is in view no problem with it’s reality. Now tell me there is a tree in Paris, France not visible by me. Is the tree real or somebody else’s reality to be accepted unconditionally. I know my example is really, really simple minded but, I want a simple explanation of a church that “worships” reality. I like the concept of reality as a matter of discussion.

      Is S.E. really an atheist or, is that not reality. We can’t read her mind so…

      Objects not seen by the human eye or not understood by the human mind such as infinity, is infinity a reality or a concept.

      • Tim says:

        It’s a bit ‘abstract’ but I’ve heard infinity described like this:

        ‘”consider a 3-d sphere which is brought into contact with a 2-d plane. Now, negating the obvious differences in physiology and skin color, the peoples of these two worlds decided it advantageous to map one onto the other with a common coordinate system.

        Now, take 90S. That’s ‘the point of origin’. Zero. {???? geometry was never my thing} Now, consider 90N. that remapping is completely parallell to flatland. That’s *infinity*.

        So, no matter how absurd this seems, infinity IS a well-defined mathematical point.

    • Tim says:

      “”What is reality?…..here’s a new reworking as a result of my own comedic genius improving at the moment: the length of the pier when you are talking a walk.

      Well then. One may take the longest of walks with Jesus. For real.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

        That is a good one. Makes my pussy plunger smile.

  14. Jay says:

    I kinda get what she’s saying however atheist doesn’t match her point of view. Agnostic would better fit. Perhaps she’s trying to be edgy by brandishing the atheist nameplate.

  15. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    jpfitz an avid student of Reality says:
    8/13/2014 at 6:28 pm

    The dictionary claims the world or the state of things as they actually exist. /// Why do you say “claims?”

    Who’s to say what actually exists and their state of being. /// The consensus of qualified scientists qualified to so opine. It slowly changes over time absent the input of a genius who rewrites the path of progress.

    We perceive through our eyes, ears and nose. Our minds can conceptualize what a tree is, but, if that tree for example is in view no problem with it’s reality. /// Mirage. Perspective. Camouflage. The subject of perception is more about its errors than about its accuracy.

    Now tell me there is a tree in Paris, /// There is a tree in Paris.

    France not visible by me. /// Thats true, I believe it because even when I am IN Paris, trees are hard to see….. so, odds are….

    Is the tree real or somebody else’s reality to be accepted unconditionally. /// Huh? Even Paris has zoning laws. But you raise the central issue: is reality unconditional or does it leaf out?

    I know my example is really, really simple minded but, /// THAT was an example of….. reality? Hmmmm, must redefine simple minded. (Unwarrantedly harsh…..just roll with it.)

    I want a simple explanation of a church that “worships” reality. // Its BS.

    I like the concept of reality as a matter of discussion. /// Start by applying the DICTIONARY definition and stop confusing it with the dictionary definition of perception.

    Is S.E. really an atheist or, is that not reality. We can’t read her mind so… /// How would reading her mind be any different than hearing her words? OF COURSE she is an atheist. She said so. No ambiguity on that point at all.

    Objects not seen by the human eye or not understood by the human mind such as infinity, is infinity a reality or a concept. /// Heh, heh. By definition: infinity is a concept.

    Basic stuff.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Turns out, she is a lying liar:


    It is vomit inducing all the illegitimate whining by the religious about them being under attack when they aren’t allowed to force their religious stupidity on others.

  17. IM72 says:

    Wow what a load of total BS! How can a professed Catholic Christian be a professed Atheist at the same time?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical antitheist and junior culture critic says:

      Where do you get she is a professed Catholic Christian?

  18. Cgpnz says:

    Disliking this intelligent, ambitious woman just show us your bias towards them. I completely agree with what she says.


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