So Sad. Robin Williams debut on Happy Days.


  1. Kiwini says:

    We won’t see another one like him for a long time. 🙁

  2. jpfitz says:

    R.I.P. Robin Williams.
    Depression, it’s a killer.

  3. Peace be with you says:

    Nanu Nanu

  4. James says:

    At least for a while he got the headline news channels to divert from their typical political / war BS.
    His genius continues on.

  5. Steve S says:

    Rich, famous and well loved….
    What chance do ordinary people have against depression. I’m depressed just thinking about it.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Ordinary people in ordinary circumstances don’t commit suicide. Your talented types with everything to live for do it all the time. Creativity and insight carries some baggage.

    I was depressed for a time….but I had good reason for it. When the circumstances changed, I went with the program then too. As an existentialist, I know any misery is caused most of the time by my own thinking…, stop being depressed and focus on the good stuff. Lack of imagination/total self involvement….. unless something else is going on if you are exceptional.

    I’m only ordinary, as well as I can tell. Still curious. Is it going to be a heart attack, an aneurism, or a stroke? If it cancer, I should get a warning about that a few months ahead, so that doesn’t count.

    Supposedly, he talked about and was open about everything. What was his own analysis I wonder. He talked some Buddhism a few times, but everything was a routine for him, even when being semi-serious.

    Bad ideas can kill you.

    • Tim says:

      Wow. That is so Gonzo. Your words make me want to kill everybody around me before posting the final copywrite infringement.

      good boy.

      • ± says:

                       I know what you mean. 🙂

  7. EX Fan says:

    I gotta say, this kind of selfish shit sort of angers me.

    Someone with not a care in the world who has the world at his fingers and the love of MILLIONS maybe even BILLIONS! This douche bag decides he’s fed up with life and that it’s time to die?! John Belushi didn’t die like that. Robin KNEW John and that John’s overdose was just a stupid mistake. So I can understand it if this was an accident too. But that’s NOT what I’m hearing. So all I can say for now is, boo hoo. Poor little talented rich dude. Boo Hoo.


    • Marc Perkel says:

      It does seem weird that someone who is loved by literally hundreds of millions of people can be so depressed to kill himself.

      • Tim says:

        Yea, if he thought anybody would listen, then I bet he had a tale to tell. No, wait —

        “”Human tales? Humans don’t HAVE tails. They have big big bottoms in bad shorts! They walk around going “Hi, Helen!”

        –Robin Williams as ‘Batty’ in Ferngully

        p.s. note to all posterity: pedro has annotated that he wishes morphine and water to be witheld from him in hospice. What a guy.

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Speaking of English as the First Language, it rankles me to read the Heading: “Robin Williams Passes Away – Suicide”

    I mean…. really. A suicide is a choice, an action, a leap, a JUMP, a YELL at the demons opposing you. It is not a “passing” … so passive… what happens to the brain dead on either end of the continuum.

    Active vs Passive.

    Lets not dishonor Robin Williams by saying “he passed.” No…he lost a FIGHT. A contest. He didn’t pass…. he was dragged…. oh heck….ha, ha…. it does depend on what he actually was thinking and doing.

    Anybody know? Will we ever, or will it get drowned out in the team sports response we have to all major issues facing us?

    Silly Hoomans.

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    Death announcements invariably state, “he/she died after a long battle with [cancer, etc.]” — in this case, the media has settled on dying after a long battle with depression. Saying he “succumbed to his personal demons” doesn’t sound nearly as noble — oh, how we love and admire those who “battle”!

    The good, they die young, and leave better-looking corpses. 😉 R.I.P., Robin Williams. You made me laugh a lot, and I appreciate that.

  10. Tim says:

    Alan Hakman:
    Do you know what a sin eater is? It’s part of an ancient tradition.

    When someone would die, they would call for a sin eater. Sin eaters were social outcasts, marginals. They would lay out the body, put bread and salt on the chest… coins upon the eyes.

    The sin eater would eat the bread and salt, take the coins as payment. By doing this, the eater absorbed the sins of the deceased, cleansing their soul and allowing them safe passage into the afterlife. That was their job.

    And what about the sin eater? who bears the burden of all those wrongs?

    Are you worried about my soul, Fletcher?

    The Final Cut

    Welcome, comming attraction…

    Death. To die. To expire. To pass on. To perish. To peg out. To push up daisies. To push up posies. To become extinct. Curtains, deceased, Demised, departed And defunct. Dead as a doornail. Dead as a herring. Dead as a mutton. Dead as nits. The last breath. Paying a debt to nature. The big sleep. God’s way of saying, “Slow down.”


    Steer clear of protective dikes, Williams — there’s a nasty one over by Cygnus X. Had I met you I’d have told you to stay out of my lawn a little longer.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Sad and tragic.

    Williams was a known bipolar who couldn’t live with himself so he lived for the adoration of others. Sought affirmation from without, not withing.

    Milton Berle knew this all too well. A direct quote of his.

    “The four stages of show business:
    1. Who is Milton Berle?
    2. Are you Milton Berle?
    3. It’s Milton Berle!!
    4. Who is Milton Berle??”

    Williams couldn’t cope with the last stage.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

      That could be part of it but who knows? His constant need for attention/approval could well be a part of what drove his success and failures in life.

      So far…..the boob toob offers nothing but references to his cocaine addiction history, along with clips from his films attributing to him what his characters said.

      It would be a book I’d like to read: why did Robin Williams kill himself aka what was the source of his depression? The squib says: “he was seeking help with his mental depression.” Gee–a millionaire in Marin? The mental health community up there is more unavoidable than realtors and divorce lawyers. I suspect he was trying to get AWAY from psychiatrists and looking for help perceived as more consistent with what he wanted…..which was most of the problem to begin with…….and then he faltered.

      Thats the thing with life and death. When you falter…there’s no coming back.

      Suicide and AGW. A whole lot of parallels there. Robin being more aware than we.

      • Tim says:

        “”…along with clips from his films attributing to him what his characters said.

        ^^Hmm. Needs adjustment. Many of those characters simply could not exist as we know them without him. Such was the power of his improvisation. Say, 50/50 he made the character instead of played the character.

        Did he ever make the character him? Could there be any insight there? Probably; But how would anyone know for sure? I bet there were more than a few inside jokes– Surely, some of that rapid-fire coherence budded out of recent situations or things otherwise on his mind. Totally disguised, possibly reversed in nuance, but still his personal experiences??

        example: I wasn’t really talking about Mary Poppins, ya know…

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Best guess so far. A failed tv series, two ex-wives, dealing with having less money and the momentum of expectations having had more. Easy to assume some other standard “passages.” Mom would smile when she said: “Growing old ain’t for sissies.”

    Seems, he was only human:

    Doing the google, I came across the distinction between the medical/treatable condition of DEPRESSION vs the common transitory condition of SADNESS. Then there is the tricky…. tweener.

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    I wanted to watch Good Morning Vietnam last night but had to settle for Birdcage. Netflix sux sometimes.

    My wife and I have both been in a funk since the news of his suicide broke Monday night.

    • Tim says:

      I proccured that one last month… I did not get it off netflix, though.

      I wanted to post a clip of him addressing the incoming troops as he was busy quitting but couldn’t find that bit of improv…

      So, something a little more lame —

      Military Intelligence:

  14. John E. Quantum says:

    Suicide is often either a cry for help, or an impulsive response to totally consuming and overwhelming transitory psychological pain. In the latter case, if fate intervenes and the deed is interrupted somehow, the pain subsides to treatable levels. The same force that allows creative genius often allows destructive genius, and precludes the possibility of intervention.

    • Tim says:

      “”…and precludes the possibility of intervention.

      Yea. It’s better just to lock those type people up early on, just in case.

  15. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Tim says:
    8/13/2014 at 8:08 am

along with clips from his films attributing to him what his characters said.

    ^^Hmm. Needs adjustment. Many of those characters simply could not exist as we know them without him. /// This is said about 99% of actors in their roles. You have to be top of your game to suggest otherwise. such is the Hollywood BS machine. No….this falls to my General Rule No 4: What one person can do, pretty much anyone of similar skills can do. “He would improve everything, he was a genius!” ===BS. One also ran was interviewed saying in Mrs Doubtfire Robin’s first take was close to script, then more takes with different improves, then at the end, a final take that Robin and the DIRECTOR agreed would be the best fit. And then After That…. the Director went into the cutting room and decided what to put on screen. You see the issue? Everything is filtered and massaged. If its no good, its thrown out. What is not thrown out, is called Genius. Our F*cking Politicians try the same trick….but politics ain’t movies. You see the difference?

    Such was the power of his improvisation. Say, 50/50 he made the character instead of played the character. /// I agree….for maybe 5% of what you see.

    Did he ever make the character him? Could there be any insight there? Probably; But how would anyone know for sure? /// There it is, exactly what I’m saying and is true whether said or not. Rinse, Lather, and repeat.

    I bet there were more than a few inside jokes– Surely, some of that rapid-fire coherence budded out of recent situations or things otherwise on his mind. Totally disguised, possibly reversed in nuance, but still his personal experiences?? /// Yes, just like your posts here and mine and the public can and should only think: so what.

    example: I wasn’t really talking about Mary Poppins, ya know
 /// Good example……. because I don’t know what the frick you mean, so ……. you stink.

    Reply////I do crack myself up. I do like and admire RW from what I (don’t) know. Suicide can be a very aggressive act against those close to you that you think have not done you justice. Nothing I have seen so far suggests that. Suicide is not destructive genius. Its a comparing and contrasting that fails to appreciate the eternity of not being. 63 years. How long is: enough?

  16. Tim says:

    Sobering thoughts there, bobbo. Now that I’ve sprayed ‘bobbo’ all over the beige, textured paintjob; I’m not sure these blades were hypoallergenic…

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

      Genius applies to about 2-3 people per century.

      The rest of us are just doing our best with what we have.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

        Ahhhhh….. genius applies to about 20-30 people per century. Maybe 200-300….who knows?

        but only 2-3 per century “become known” to the rest of us shlubs.

      • Tim says:

        Just what constitutes the label *genious*?? It can’t be IQ. The intelligence quotient simply measures ones’ proficiency at taking IQ tests… Useless, unless one is applying to be a cop and then it’s pretty accurate at weeding out anyone with two thoughts to ziptie together; As is required for the job description, lest they get bored.

        It needs to have subcatagories… like hashtags.


  17. NewFormatSux says:

    At least he didn’t join the Taliban like that other guy from Marin County.

  18. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    pedro says:
    8/13/2014 at 10:23 pm

    For someone like you, totally unable to follow situations, to add actions and consequences over time, is completely understandable that what I just posted before makes no sense. /// Prove me wrong. Link to an American source that addresses the causes of RW’s depression.

    It also explain perfectly well your mania for asking people for links that either feeds a summary on the subject or totally injects someone else’s point of view. /// Hmmm….sounds like I’m asking for a link that somehow is relevant to the subject at hand…or do you mean something else?

    A perfect corollary to your known generalized lack of understanding and verbiage to hide and justify your shortcomings. /// Well, what about my constant challenge to post a link that proves me wrong….and it/you never provide one?

    I bet notsa’s comments have you feeling threatened /// who?

    Pedro…. you crack me up. When pretending to be nice, you can almost get relevant. When pretending to be incisive, you are always wrong. Can you spot the theme in the foregoing?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      >Well, what about my constant challenge to post a link that proves me wrong
.and it/you never provide one?

      It seems like every time that’s done, you are either unable to open the link, or unable to understand it.

      Have you figured out that you were wrong about full time and part employment under ObamaCare yet?

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

        As I recall, that discussion was premised with the statement that “I don’t know” and then engaged with a series of conditional statements: “if/then”. It should not be beyond your appreciation that such an argument cannot be wrong, only demonstrative.

        But, since this is the 5th time you’ve played that trump card, its rather obvious you have not.

        Any other obvious errors in the last year?

        You know….. not even fun. Not even boring. …………just mindless repetition as the easily led are so apt to do. Another demonstration.

        Silly Hoomans.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          I recall it had your telling everyone they were wrong, and didn’t understand basic vocabulary.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No if/then, just lots of certainty on your part. Lesson for you to be more subdued before making declarations in the future.

          • bobbo, I'm not a science guy, but I can read says:

            Hmmmm….that does ring a bell. Course, thats true only if the “you are all wrong” applied to the same issue I said I didn’t know about.

            What are the odds on that being the case vs you are conflating various issues?

            Of the two….. I gotta go with the History.

  19. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Huge dose of parental neglect. Not abuse as commonly thought of, but lots of kiddies need their parents and when one or more is never around…the kiddie gets bent. Its the role of growing up…. to grow out of it….. but some bends are sharper than others.

    Good wesite btw…sign up for newsletter and get a daily email on topics across the board…..history…and culture….

    ………………its never too late.

  20. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    How to tell when this forum has not posted a new OP in 3-4 days:

    Pedro and SuxNF start to copy and paste things they have posted repeatedly from 12 months ago.

    Just look. for all those involved: about as competent as a para-military response to Police Criminality in Ferguson Missouri.

    Nothing there worth talking about.

    ……… Timmmmmy would say, just another demonstration of how race issues between white and black are about the same. You know….. blacks and whites both on the police force, blacks and whites both protesting, blacks and whites both being tear gassed. Everything pretty much the same.

  21. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    What does the curve look like for a national gubment organizing for security purposes while local police are militarized?

    Heres what the non-lethal mark left from a rubber bullet looks like===if you are so lucky:

    • Tim says:

      watching Jakari Jackson get pegged with rubber bullets last night did kinda paint a little evil genious smile upon my dicksucker.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

        Well thats an interesting turn of phrase.

        Related as not being covered…. some tv guy just said Robin Williams had concerns about Alzheimers. Well…..shit, who doesn’t. Everytime I can’t find my car keys I think: Alzheimers.

        Then, I forget about it until I lose my car keys again.

        Growing old. I hope the first thing I forget, after my knees go, is how GREAT I used to be.

        • Tim says:

          I heard Parkinsons, but his dedication to state-sanctioned rehab would have precluded any effective treatment {cannabis}.

          • Tim says:

            ^^ That imposter is probably a fed provacateur.

            I think the Ol’ timers’ thing was a quip about depression… “like telling someone with alzheimers to remember where they left the ignition switch”… or words to that effect.

          • Tim says:

            And not just cannabis, but coccaine {Levo dopa pathway…}

            Awakenings {1993, Williams}


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

            I think it was Parkinsons.

            Things do add up.

            …….and I DON’T respect people who hang on for no good reason. But, absent more facts, he probably jumped the gun a bit.

          • Tim says:

            Bone? Well, I may have dug up Reagan’s skull; smoke pot out of that — the chamber is just the right size for a personnal 3-hit one-hitter.

        • Tim says:

          …and after stuffing up Reagan’s skull for the tenth time, I’m no more high than the first as all my receptors are full already. Yet, the metabolism occurs at the same rate building up lots of metabolites.

          This is why it is so retarded to make some determination of impairment with a chemical test for metabolites. In nearly all cases, it would be impossible to show any kind of ‘impairment’ on weed thus, like with alchohol, they fake and fraud and nit around some arbitrary number.

          It’s political. As the metabolites hang around for various lengths of time and sequestered in fat then just loosing a little weight months later could cause one to ‘test positive’. You see? “” we know you smoked in the past or were around someone who did — no pissing on burgers for you.””

    • Tim says:

      “”local police are militarized

      Yes. And I suppose the poster child for that invalid occupying force is the MRAP.

      The MRAP seems to have an exploitable Achilles heel — It’s top heavy, but even more interesting is whats underneath.

      “”The MRAP’s distinctive V-shaped hull that deflects underbelly blasts has proven to be a lifesaver in protecting troops from improvised explosive devices.

      In most images, you don’t see the underbelly because of all the extraneous crap hung on the outside of it. But that hull is an *inclined plane*.

      I’m sure we’re all familiar with mechanical force multipliers such as inclined planes {ramps, screws, wood wedges}. IF a vehicle can be gotten into the side of one then it should be relatively straighforward to tip it.

      One would have to do a little Road Warrior job on some old beater — using diamond steel {what’s on trailors}, one may fabricate a rigid wedge onto the front of the vehicle like a ‘cow catcher’ on old trains. The rest is redacted so that pedro won’t figure out what to do next…

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    Why am I always more interested in what the news doesn’t report?

    On the First Degree Murdering Cop and his co-conspirators the Furguson Cop Department: why did the cop roll up on Michael Furguson and illegally assault him in the first place?

    Heh, heh….I do hope there is “some” history between the two so that the acts of the cop are not totally deranged.

    Given the revealed history–that total cop shop needs to be interviewed and evaluated as to their qualifications to own a gun. They might not have been KKK’ers in Blue when they got hired, ….. but thats what they are now.

    ……….its a thin blue line. What you gonna do when the cops are corrupt.

    For real.

    • Police Benevolent Association says:

      Look. Cops have to deal with the scum of the earth all day long… it starts with looking in the mirror in the morning so cut them some slack.

      Besides, there are too many blacks there. Good, rich white folks divert off the interstate there right before St. Louis can give them a proper shakedown, they stop off at the Quick Strip and get innundated with all that smack talk about the fine public servants, they get black taint all over their change and then expect the cop to take it from them without any complaint…

      Our hearts go out to the family and what they must be experiencing — It’s stessful for a cop to take a paid vacation. Let’s not forget that police have feelings and needs that need to be fulfilled to.

      • bobbo, I'm not a science guy, but I can read says:

        Thanks for that slap down….. I needed it.

        It only takes a second to realize that if we don’t allow the cops to mow the grass when its time to get out of town, the cops will more likely target…….. “us.”

        That would certainly be a rotten development. I mean, traffic cameras are supposed to keep my gated community safe.

  23. Phydeau says:

    Speaking of other topics, why hasn’t anyone here posted something about Ferguson? That’s an interesting situation. Interesting to see that the right-wingers who normally complain about jack-booted government thugs are completely silent when the citizens being abused are black people… racism much?

    • Tim says:

      Infowars WHITEwash of police state {pick it up at 22:20}

      Knight is asking where was the rest of the community? The churches?

      “”Anyone who thinks race does not skew the application of criminal justice in this country is just not paying close enough attention, Sen. Rand Paul writes for TIME

      the rest are just neocon tools (aka closeted Obsama lovers)

    • spsffan says:

      Okay, here’s my comment on Ferguson: Bahwoooosh!

      But more seriously:

      1. It’s Missouri
      2. The governor is named Nixon!
      3. The police in Ferguson should come here to Los Angeles to learn how to be racist.
      4. The cop was named Darrin. I suspect his mother in law was behind it.
      5. The kid robbed a liquor store…of cigars! Must be in league with Castro.
      6. They call that a peaceful demonstration? They otta come to LA when the Lakers win. We’ll show them how to be peaceful.
      7. Never, never, never trust a cop.

  24. bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

    The Ferguson Cop Shop released the video of Michael Brown strongarming himself to some cigars which shows he is a large teenager who’s brain has not fully formed and yes, he needs to be arrested for that crime and face justice.

    A cop on notice of such crime would be totally appropriate to roll up on the suspect and grab him to arrest him. But when the suspect pulls away and runs away the ONLY appropriate thing to do is to radio for backup and keep the perp in sight.

    If the cop with obvious problems of his own as shown by shooting at the perp for a misdemeanor crime and he hits the guy once and the perp turns around or not and drops to the ground or not and has his hands up in the air or not, its time to make that radio call this time for back up and an ambulance.

    The back up needed to go house to house to see if anyone got hit by his stray bullets.

    But then, we find out Darrin rolled up without knowledge of the cigar robbery. Some other kind of stupid was afoot.

    The obvious murder here is interesting. MORE INTERESTING: the entire operation of the entire cop shop for the preceding 5 years.

    ……….and even more interesting for you and me: the militarization of the increasingly isolated and corrupted local police departments.

    What do you think a society that is dividing along income, education, and potential class mobility is going to look like? THE PO-PO used to protect the haves from the have nots? …. OH, yea verily.

    Now…… just add guns.

    I have it by good authority that this issue upset Robin Williams too.

    • Tim says:

      “”I have it by good authority that this issue upset Robin Williams too.

      Well, he’s dead now so he was probably wrong.

      I’ve been shot at by police multiple times. Once was for disobeying an order not to drive on a stretch of road that was *closed* due to weather… I handed him my liscence, signed my ticket, and left him in the slush…

      I’ve no love for the institution.

      • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

        Timmmmmmmay—sounds like you are quite the man of action. Shot at by cops huh?

        Only once?

        ………………….see the difference????

        I sense you are a good man Tim==you just need to tweak yourself. Look inside.

        Be direct, be honest…… do better.

        • if you are black and raised in america, then you can't swim says:

          when I first saw this

          I thought it was outsourced police swimming proficiency training.

          • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

            16,000 diseased dead pigs in your drinking water.

            Now….. thats the kind of small gumbment Freedom the Teabags around here actually want.

            …………………..with the kind of police protection of their profit motives that result in same as demonstrated in Ferguson.

            Robin Williams made a joke about this years ago. I don’t remember the set up, but the punch line was: “Pull my Pork!”…. with one of his trademark genius voices.

          • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

            I just re-read.

            FOUR TITS!!!!!!!!===thats really racist.

            ……….I saw a black guy swim once.

            All these racist stereotypes… all of them not true. For another instance: being lazy.

            How can you suggest going for a swim when you could make some money stealing a box of cigars.

            I mean really…. your hypocrisy is staggering.

    • Tim says:

      “”Some other kind of stupid was afoot.

      Yea. He probably only wanted the skins of the cigars for a *blunt wrap* for him and his friends. What a derp, I’m a one-hitter man, myself.

    • Tim says:


      from 100 seeds to 50,000 overnight. I guess his ex’s will have something to litigate about…

    • Tim says:

      Let’s not forget that the cop did not know of the theft of cigars at the time of the shooting.

  25. We're Dying Out Here says:

    Bring back the monkey picture.

  26. Tim says:

    Louiville *purge*

    “”She said in an email to news outlets that the memo was intended only for law enforcement and distributed immediately to police “due to the fact it dealt with a threat of violence.”

    The Purge:

    open the fire hydrants up on the mraps, people

    • subterfuge says:

      you water them down because those steel louvers do not ‘roll up’ — they flood pretty quickly {it wasn’t that much of a problem in the desert}

    • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

      You know those two purges have nothing to do with one another?

      And neither have anything to do with my On Topic contribution about what Robin Williams thought about the Police Murders in Ferguson, MO.

      If you are going OT, then at least pick one subject and give it some meat?

      Four Tits: what louvers?

      • Tim says:

        different flavor MRAPs

        Huu. I’d have swore there were steel louvers and gas/gun ports where I’m only seeing windows here, myself… Never mind.


        Incidentally, the Louiville Purge turned out to be a hoax.

        Clyde Lewis was lit up last night with calls from Ky. over possible rioting — indeed, there were at one point 90,000 listeners to the ‘scanner scene’ {don’t remember louiville link}. One caller recounted that his daughter had called from a mall worried about if the national guard was coming in; Another posted video to his facebook page — it turned out to be not from Louiville, as was claimed by the poster.

        Lewis said that he had information about it last night but did not mention it so as not to foment more violence … There were a few men in ‘whiteface’ walking the streets with guns but otherwise, he got duped.


        “”…pull my pork {??}

        Ugg. A ‘quick’ query of “Robin Williams on police brutality” is futile, currently. — But, could it have been a TV interview??

        • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

          I think it may have started with a rip on Old MacDonalds Farm…. I can almost hear it. “Pull my Pork”….OH No…Cant do that. On a talk show I think.

          • Tim says:

            I guess you see the issue with searching now. Every website in the world seems to have Williams references, of late. *williams +”pull my pork”* lead me to a barbecue site sporting a tshirt which read

            “Pull my pork and i’ll rub your ribs”

            I don’t think I can continue as my favorite tool, has gone to some kind of impossible capta. I’ve not been able to solve a single one in months — perhaps, it’s an old browser issue and the already fuckupedness is truely not displaying *correctly*?

            Try the site. It’ll let you filter out the sites by RANK of the website and not clicks on the link — This throws out all the Amazons, ebays, Yahoo! answers, … all the rest of the bullshit. I guess GOOGLE would hate it as then they can’t manipulate the search results guiding to the latest plastic crap so easily {ex: “transformer” … 9.95 at toys are us today! }

            I would appreciate knowing *anyone* is still able to use it at all.

          • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

            Whats funny/telling is that if we could ask Robin himself, I can see him looking at us, turning sheepish, and wailing: “I don’t know……I’ve said so many things, wonderful things, silly things….. who can say?”

            Other comics, maybe even most seem of the sort to know every line they have ever told. No one says that, just the impression I get. Maron and Louie base some of their tv episodes on that issue.

            So much of todays comedy: just tell the truth….. and look stunned or bewildered.

            Its enough to make you laugh.

  27. bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

    pedro pretending he is white by responding rationally says:
    8/16/2014 at 1:37 am

    I don’t like your topic hijack and less that you’re forcing me to do the same. //// What do you think of when I post: “Be direct, be honest, do better?” If you would implement this plan before your open your pie hole (no thanks Timmy….I decline!) you would be HONEST and know that your aren’t being forced to do anything at all. So…….something within you has you posting, but you feel the need to stupidly and dishonestly blame someone else. You could do so much better. (Not that it matters.)

    Me? Both sides are overreacting. I kinda understand the roots and the legacy of racism in the US but I feel that nowadays they are holding to it like a crutch to justify things from both sides, just like arabs and jews have been doing for thousands of years. /// That could be subject dependent but mostly you are wrong. Just look at the discrimination that is taking place RIGHT NOW against minority communities. Its the LEGACY of racism that simply is continuing. JUST BECAUSE we aren’t lynching anyone from trees doesn’t mean the issue is not live and needing to be addressed right now.

    The black kid was an obvious thug. /// Yea, I agree. Small time…even for a thug. More like a big dumb idiot looking for trouble.

    Did that excuse how he was killed? Hell no, /// Correct, so why raise the subject? As in you know: Be Direct.

    just as the killing of the kid doesn’t justify half a week of riots. /// Incorrect. Its the decades of similar/exactly the same abuse the killing of the kid of which is only the most recent example.

    Now, shoo and wait for that topic to emerge or I swear I will hijack it if it does. /// Robin Williams is Dead. So is the Post about him. So are the Editors of this Forum. Talk about abuse?

    • bobbo, if you are white and raised in America, you are a racist. Its just the water you swim in says:

      Its irking me…………Pedro: I apologize. In my salutation to you, I was recalling the days of old when 2-3 OP’s per day were made on this forum and Mr Mustard went farther than I thought appropriate in his epithets directed at you. You always stood up though, and I thought that was admirable.

      So YOU don’t need or even notice the potential for an apology, but I note it for myself.

      Looking within one will do that.

      Even though you are nothing but a taco full of insults, no reason I shouldn’t have just said you were posting half reasonably. When you see good behavior, you shouldn’t short it because of the bad ideas that come along with it.

      Now……..stick to issues and leave the ab hominem to other little girls. See what happens over time.

  28. We're Dying Out Here says:

    My kingdom for a page-break. Please.


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