The immediate hours after the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 brought far more questions than answers.

But one thing was clear: The deaths of nearly 300 people will put new pressure on the White House and European leaders to address the conflict in Ukraine and confront Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a cease-fire Friday in eastern Ukraine and urged the two sides to hold peace talks as soon as possible. A day earlier, Putin had blamed Ukraine for the crash, saying the government in Kiev was responsible for the unrest in its Russian-speaking eastern regions. But he did not accuse Ukraine of shooting the plane down and did not address the key question of whether Russia gave the rebels such a powerful missile.

As a possible turning point in the confrontation between Russia and the West over Moscow’s ongoing campaign to destabilize Ukraine, it could also spell serious trouble for Vladimir Putin.

Which side really did shoot down the plane? Could the plane have been shot down on purpose by ____ to force ____ to do something about the Ukraine conflict? Or just an accident of war? Or something else? What’s your theory on it all?

  1. Kyusoath says:

    seems likely that US led interests did it to escalate the conflict.

    the entire point of all of this is to demonize Russia.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

      Mindless PARTISAN BULLSHIT. So stupid, ONLY another idiot would respond.

      Oops. (Thats a reference to another idiot. He would agree with you if you blame Obama.)

      • jpfitz says:

        My wife came out while I was cleaning the pool to tell me the news of the crash. She prefaced the news with, “ah, maybe I shouldn’t tell you”. I replied maybe you shouldn’t, then I said come on, tell me. Wife explains the news and, guess what my first reaction was besides grief.

        The US is somehow involved, to wag the dog with all of O’s national problems, or our war machine needs a kick start.

        Now after reviewing the “news” it appears the plane should have not been in the airspace over the eastern border. Plus the Malaysian airlines seem to have some real bad, dare I say luck.

        The ny post today reported 23 Americans were aboard, what the hay? Yeah, it’s the ny post, so it’s mostly full of The Enquirer type of reporting. Maybe some of the deceased had dual citizenship’s?

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    What Should the US Do AboutThe Ukraine Airliner Shootdown? /// Nothing. Let Europe stew and think about it. We can keep our powder dry for next time when our own interests are more directly at risk. Make those suckers start paying for being the worlds police.

    What Should Putin Do? //// Just what he is doing. Conciliatory on his face, blaming other parties, paddling like hell underneath to undermine the Ukraine and increase the territory of Mother Russia.

    Thats how Power Hungry Tyrrants do it. Enough in Russia would support such jingoistics actions…. and those that don’t, don’t have any power.

    Its all about relative power and location…… and a willingness to accept reality==>something the USA usually isn’t too good at.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    “As a possible turning point in the confrontation between Russia and the West over Moscow’s ongoing campaign to destabilize Ukraine, it could also spell serious trouble for Vladimir Putin.” /// I read the link and the more extensive link in that link. Completely void of any explanation as to what risk Russia is under by going to War with the Ukraine…………… other than………….”if” Europe would stop buying 30% of their energy needs from Russia.

    What would that action if taken do to “Russia?” In real politik: the answer is nothing but a minor bump in the road, the cost of the chosen activity. Russia is a political contrivance and has no fear of lowered gnp. The Russia People are at great risk as the people of any country are to the vagaries of its leadership. “In Russia, the people don’t matter.” In a Nuclear Age, not even needed for a land army.

    Crap. Given Putins druthers, I can’t see any reason at all for him to stop, and only a little reason of dubious reasons for “The West” to stop him. A Russian…… or a Ukranian. Its no body’s interest except a few over there.

    Thats real politiks…… opposed to posturing ….. and fund raising.

  4. PMitchell says:

    Bobbo mark this day down on your calendar. I totally agree with you. …… you might not see this ever again in your life so mark it down

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

      Really? Not one of the signs of the Apocalypse.

      So….. I’ll take the other side:

      Excellent analysis of why Putin has not already marched into the Ukraine. THERE ARE ALWAYS CONSEQUENCES. As Rummy said: 4 kinds. Putin has to evaluate the four and assess his real goal and risks. He WANTS THE UKRAINE! Land, people, oil, access. Who wouldn’t? So how to best get it???

      Putin has chosen slow steady pressure against the Ukraine and the West. If you straight out “invade” that starts wars…. something Putin doesn’t want…. so be smart and play the long game.

      The problem and what is risky for Putin is that sanctions have already made his cabal upset. His close associates are losing money and if the West would Act in Unison and in their own long term interests, Putin risks a Midnight Coup from his inner power circle.

      What hides this real risk is thinking Russia is like a Western Democracy and that the people will “rise up” via the vote or even revolution in the street. THAT is not the risk though. Putin is a Tyrant, kept in power the way Tyrants are: by buying off the wanna-bes. Its a slender thread by which such power is maintained.

      Yes, Putin is at risk and the pressure can be increased: not by the West directly, but by the “back pressure” such action will have on Putins power structure.

      Just look.

      • normankeena says:

        you are stark raving mad.. why on earth would narative ukraine circle around some putin idea .. theis is silly.. count Dracula caused Chernobyl

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Norman–I hate ignoring you, but I can’t make any sense out of what you post. God forgive me…. I don’t think its your proficiency in English….. but something else.

          • Tim says:

            It’s right there, bobbo. Just look. Sometimes, I worry about the state of your soul…

      • jpfitz says:

        You said risk so many times I now wish to play. Great game.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          I didn’t notice that when writing, but I see thats true. I could make some stuff up, but I’ll opt for admiring The International Game of Risk as well.

          I refuse to play under the standard rules. I change them to turning in 3 cards max’s out at…I think the last number mentioned in the rules…. was it around 20 or 30??

          THAT WAY–No one player can win if everyone else on the board plays against whoever inches ahead. It causes treaties to be formed and modified until people get too tired to keep negotiating. When “not evreyone” is willing to change and negotiate, then someone will gain a slight advantage and try to run the board. That person wins or in failing to win …. loses.

          Very tiring game. Its one of Real Politik instead of USA vs Grenada.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

            I also allow for attacks from Peru to Eastern Australia, and maybe from Brazil to West Africa?? Or both??? Opens the board/Action up. Haven’t played in years, I’d have to check my board.

      • Tim says:

        Rumsfeld stated:

        Reports that say there’s — that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

        The statement became the subject of much commentary and derision.[2]

        Are there four categories of consequential knowns? idk, ask Jeb.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

          Probably as many categories as you wish to create. Its that first categorization that is more consequential….. what you don’t know whould always cause some hesitency…and if you think you know everything==>then go forth with confidence.

          Ha, ha. Every loser starts with confidence…half of them end that way too blaming bad luck rather than their own hubris.

          Silly hoomans are like that.

  5. JudgeHooker says:

    OMG – Bobbo is STILL here?!??

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      If you are going to be repetitive, follow my example, and use different words.

      • normankeena says:

        i’s day dreaming at the check-out, and when the cash person said some sum.. my mind went blanc..

        then i feel like saying.. i was thinking in a foreign lingo.. but the felle behind the desk looked like he did it all day and more…

        damm adds for trade marks that not yet invented…

        Alidi .. maybe the chain is not even a chain.. actually think they call self Lidl.. got all these adds at checkout… brands i never hear of or will ever.. madness

  6. normankeena says:

    initially is seems Cyrillic went duch..

    the question is where were these now dead persons want to go

    were they maluk.. like okey it holiday time.. but

  7. jpfitz says:

    Here’s a site I found with a partial manifest and raw video of Russians seemingly pleased with the accuracy of the SAM.

  8. Tim says:

    We do nothing. The ‘other’ is completely ruthless and will stop at nothing. So, maybe if we do nothing then they will stop.

    Besides, we’re kind of a bunch of douche canoes — yap yap yap

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    One of the Ukrainian Russians posted that he shot down a cargo plane, at that location. They have already shot down one plane. They shot down this plane by accident.

    It is to Putin’s advantage not to antagonize Europe, which is why he is backing off some of his advances in Moldova and the Baltic. Green parties in Europe are blocking fracking and shale drilling, and Russia needs to keep it that way.

  10. GET OUT! says:

    My theory is that someone wants a war to heat up. And they want the U.S. to get involved with it too. But I have a really big problem with that, because…


    Sure, this plane being shot down is a horrible act. And someone needs to pay for it too — big time! But it’s pretty damn obvious that the U.S. had NOTHING to do with it. The U.S. hasn’t even sold any serious arms to anyone in the Ukraine either. Combine that with the fact that there were absolutely no U.S. citizens on board and I have to ask (rhetorically) what the fuck does the U.S. have to do with this (other than the oil factor).

    Here’s another little ditty that the western news fucks are not telling you — NO ONE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE UKRAINE CONFLICT WANTS U.S. INVOLVEMENT!!! Not the Pro Russian’s and absolutely not the Free Ukraine side either — NO ONE! So unless the U.S. owes Malaysia assistance in this, I say GET THE FUCK OUT!

    Isn’t it clear that someone wants another war to heat up and now wants to USE this tragedy as an excuse to involve the U.S.?

    I’m telling you, this is another Kuwait in the works…

  11. dusanmal says:

    “Which side really did shoot down the plane? Could the plane have been shot down on purpose by ____ to force ____ to do something about the Ukraine conflict? Or just an accident of war? Or something else?” – Hard to say without evidence that only the biased parties would have (and hence wouldn’t publish if it does not match their angle). Yes, knowing about similar actions in other recent conflicts (where even explicitly proven ones, beyond any doubt, were hushed up to nothing) all of which have had “positive” end effect for the scammers. In this case, finite, realistic chance exists that Ukrainians have shot the plane for World outrage and help. Underlining that chance is the fact that plane was flying in direction of separatists friend, Russia and was almost there (why would Russian separatists shoot plane gong to Russia?). Another major chance are separatists, shooting this plane in complete error and ineptitude (they did have weapon and no real time to learn how to use it). Final, miniscule chance is Western power setup (plane shot down by air-to-air missile), for the same reasons as Ukrainian version.
    My estimate from these facts: 50% Ukrainians on purpose; 40% Separatists in error and ineptitude; 10% Something else, most likely Western powers setup of some kind, most likely air-to-air shooting or even more remotely planted bomb.

    • jpfitz says:

      My understanding is that the operators of the SAM are grey haired men who have knowledge of the four man system from the Afghanistan conflict. It takes four knowledgeable operators to engage a target.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    I dislike conspiracy theories, but this one stinks.

    We know the narrative, Putin hates gays, and now this:

    “Today, we apparently lost 100 of our best and brightest,” Cleve Jones, co-founder of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, told KPIX 5 Thursday night.
    Dr. Joep Lange of The Netherlands, a former president of the IAS and renowned HIV researcher was on board the flight.
    World Health Organization spokesperson Glenn Thomas was also among the victims.”

    Wow, just wow. If you really want the West to hate Putin, start killing gays.

    Also: 189 Dutch killed. Retaliation for this?

    “I don’t think there has been any city in the world where Putin has visited and the mayor deliberately refused to show up,” said Derk Sauer, a Dutch businessman and newspaper publisher. “He was insulted to his core, and for a couple of weeks afterwards there was a non-stop campaign on Russian TV showing Holland to be a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, run by paedophiles and hashish dealers.”

    I believe in coincidences, but this stretches credulity.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Just in case it wasn’t clear. If you want the world to hate Russia, kill 100 top AIDS researchers. If you want the Dutch to hate Russia, kill Dutch people in retaliation for supporting the gay community. Added bonus! Puts pressure on Germany to be tough on Russia as a show of EU solidarity.

      It stinks. It would also be a great way to turn the West solidly against Russia. Better than Korean Air Lines flight 902.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        And right in line with Korean Air Lines Flight 007.
        Watch this get played up as the evil Russian Empire rises again.

      • jpfitz says:

        Don’t forget the eighty children killed on board MH17.

        I too saw the link between the AIDS researchers and Putins publicized hatred of gays. One SAM and you theoretically kill many scientists working on the AIDS virus.

        One idiot on a news network, I won’t name suggests America should show force by putting troops close to the quagmire.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

        Oh No—you are being ambiguous. Multiple Times.

        1. If this act was intentional, was it by Putin to punish Holland, or gays?

        2. If this act was intentional, was it by some rogue actor to Unite the West?

        3. “I believe in coincidences, but this stretches credulity.” /// Which way is it being stretched?

        Sadly….. you make no sense whatever your motivating thoughts are.

    • Tim says:

      “”there was a non-stop campaign on Russian TV showing Holland to be a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, run by paedophiles and hashish dealers.”

      What stretches credulity is that you have somehow managed not to view any episode of the Today Show for the past forty years…

  13. jpfitz says:

    Not much we can do, but eastern and western Europe could hurt Putin in the wallet by getting their gas elsewhere. I doubt that’ll happen, but one could hope.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

      ………How would Putin be hurt in the wallet? You mean the billions he has stolen would grow more slowly? That kind of hurt????? Oh, Please Lord===>sign me up.

      If you mean Russia and/or the Russian economy: Putin doesn’t care.

      Real Politik: usually, but not always, doesn’t care about money, other than that needed to fund its goals. As your post reveals, its why the West has a hard time with Putin. Greedy capitalist pigs don’t understand anyone not driven by the same base emotions.

      The West===is about money and wealth disparity.
      Putin======is about POWER, and the glory bestowed by History, or an attempt to correct the past.

      I understand that replacing 30% of Europes oil/gas use is: impossible. Russia provides that energy by pipelines…run thru Ukraine. No other pipelines connect to excess oil.

      The notion floated is that USA could supply Nat Gas by Ship. …. aka ….only Oh No! could think that was possible…… and then not without a lead time of 10 years.

      No………the whole situation is “Whatever Putin wants to do” with the caveats posted above.

      • Tim says:

        “”…The notion floated is that USA could supply Nat Gas by Ship….

        Only now with more molecules than people…

        • Paul von LZy-129 says:

          It doesn’t have to be a ship on the ocean, smart ass. In a proper hydrogen economy, the product may itself be employed to deliver itself across the pond through the air, far above the madding crowd…

  14. Kevin Roa says:

    I blame the Canadians.

  15. John E Quantum says:

    This was a horrible tragedy, but not a deliberate act other than a mistaken attempt by Russian separatists to shoot down a Ukranian military target.

    However, it provides an excellent distraction to direct the world’s attention away from the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    I don’t often watch Melissa Perry but she just had on an expert who reminded me that: EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EVERYTHING ELSE….. all to the point that Russia is a declining power while China is a rising power. China is watching what the world/USA does to counter Putin’s land grab. China is testing the world on its own territory claims all over the South Seas. Sad, because Ukraine means nothing to USA while South China Sea/Pacific Rim is highly integrated into out own economy. China could well get the wrong message from our nothing response to Russia.

    People do see what they want to see. Country leaders are people.
    Therefore: ……………….

    …………..too many unknown variable for “logic” to be applied.

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    Two conservative consensus builders disagree with the general agreement here and think Obama should be more active and involved in the Ukraine dispute.

    What a bunch of f*cktarded right wing Obama Hating kneejerk loons:

    Infotainment. Beware. Its evil….. especially if you like it or it speaks to you. You done swallowed the Koolaide.

  18. mojo says:

    The Greys, acting through the Bavarian Illuminati, shot it down on behalf of the Israeli Moonbase.

    That’s my theory, anyway.

  19. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    YOU KNOW: news if filled with the Gaza dispute right now. IRRITATES ME how the Palestinian position is presented as if on “equal footing” with the Israeli position. “Human rights violations” the “excessive number of women and children” killed.

    What the frick do you expect if you use women and children as a human shield so you can launch rockets into the neighboring country?

    I suppose its more debateable than the AGW vs idiot paid shills equivalency but………….GIVE ME A BREAK.

    Israel is cutting is own throat in allowing Hamas to nest in the Gaza strip. THROUGHOUT HISTORY–rebel forces AND THE CIVILIANS AROUND THEM have been==>exterminated. Thats how nations have always acted. Now…. maybe…. Israel is playing the smart game a they are protected by the Iron Shield….. but how can delaying the extermination of Hamas do anything but make them stronger?

    Kerry just said: “This has to stop.” //// How to do that if Hamas doesn’t want peace?………………………..tick/tock……………….. yes, the only option is to exterminate them, and sadly, the shield they hide behind.

    Ha, ha…..I started this wanting to relate this to the Ukraine shoot down. At least in this case, the MEDIA isn’t treating Russian lies as any fair and balanced counter position. It makes a difference.

    Hoomans. If god ain’t doing it to us….. we do it to ourselves.

    • IM75 says:

      “If god ain’t doing it”

      “evangelical anti-theist”

      Please clarify this, Bobbo

      • bobbo, Big Brained Apes with Lizard Emotions is an Evolutionary Dead End says:

        Hi IM==glad you are still here. Remember….. I only piss you off because I honestly disagree….. NOT….because I’m trying to piss you off.

        Fun to think about whether or not that should make a difference? Did you answer the last question I posed? I’ll look after I answer yours. Why not?

        So what did I say?

        ……..”Hoomans. If god ain’t doing it to us….. we do it to ourselves.” /// You really do have to read the whole thing together.

        Hoomans. //// By Darwinan evolution, our nature is to get along with one another as we are herd animals..more than to fight with one another… given the food and space and correct ratio of females. We are closest to Bonobos rather than Chimps.

        If god ain’t doing it to us //// Given our natural fondness for one another and leaving one another alone to get along, God/religion comes along to make us doubt our natural goodness…. making us think we need to do all kinds of dumb crap against our nature. This learned behavior overcomes our natural impulses. Can’t be happy that way.

        we do it to ourselves. /// cause with or w/o religion, we pick teams and create other completely artificial barriers to our simply accepting the truth and getting along. Lots of teams…. not just sports. Politics, sex, economic systems, AGW vs anti-science self serving lies…. etc. Lots of etc’s.

        Heres one etc: when disagreeing with one another, rather than enjoying the exchange, we create a false image of self worth based on always being right….. instead of always being willing to learn.

        Its why we are all:

        Silly Hoomans.

  20. Be Skeptical says:

    Like a street magician performing to a crowd, the key is distraction first, then introduce plausibility, and end with surprise.

    I like the penguin on the left, looking the other way:×2712514/penguins_looking_mostly_in_one_direction_42-16423390.jpg

    We need more penguins like this one.

    • Be Skeptical says:

      Guess linking to this photo is a violation. Anyway, you get the picture.

  21. Rottenham says:

    Let the EU take this one. Let the Congressional hawks settle down.

  22. sargasso_c says:

    The rabble of ex-KGB hoods who escaped rounding up after trying to overthrow Yeltsin in a failed coup and were used by Putin in the Chechin conflict, are looking for a place in the countryside.

  23. Semantics says:

    To be fair we should nuke both countries back to the stone age.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

      What has the Ukraine ever done to the World or to the USA.

      Being flat, they like Poland have simply been a battle ground/transit point for other waring parties.

      Semantically, that phrase is often used against the more primitive countries in the Middle East… not middle Europe.

      I think nuking the Ukraine would not be fair….. but I’m thinking about Russia.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

        Ha, ha……. its just too bad we can’t nuke just Putin….although would hitting him with a DU bullet be considered a nuking?

  24. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    Proving stupidity has no end, Alfie says:
    7/21/2014 at 6:41 am

    1)You haven’t shot yourself yet, hypocrite. Clearly even a dreary life is preferable to death, /// Very true BUT THATS NOT THE ISSUE. The issue is: NOT being born to an afterlife (?–pre earth life??) in Heaven.

    2)As Rush Limbaugh has proved repeatedly, incompetence is a resume enhancement in the Democrat party. Hillary, Biden, Obama prove that beyond any reasonable doubt. /// Gee Alfie…. only a ditto head would think Limbaugh farts are proof of anything except stink.

    And Democrat low information voters don’t pay any heed to reality, just before the elections they vote with the Kardashiuns or some other celebrity. Then they go back to their games and entertainment. /// Isn’t Rush a celebrity???? Besides numbnuts==this off topic rant is about whether or not unwanted products of conception (sic!!!!) are better off disposed or warehoused in Foster Care, sold for Organs, or raised religious. IE==> its not about what talking points your Alzheimers can barely recall.

    Any observer can immediately distinguish between Government run, and privately run enterprise…the latter works within a budget. /// or boes bankrupt….or gets bailouts…. or private charity…. or gubment grants. aka==>not just one simple rule.

    In the face of colossal failure of Government, which even the Millennial noticed according to the last polls, you geezers cling to statist delusion because of your dependency on Government. Once the millennials come to power, if you are still hanging on consuming society’s wealth, they will enact limits on your medical care, to bid you a fare well. /// Masterful Alfie. What a cesspool of right wing bullet points you have assembled. None on topic.

    Perhaps you pine for Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, whose 1/32000 American Indian, according to her, or Jerry Brown. Both epitomize the Democrat party, fakes and bullet trains to no where as long as it consumes billions of dollars. /// I do support Mrs Warren. Great candidate and human being. There are no bullet trains in the USA….. such allusions are illusions…. as are most of your concerns.

    No wonder Wall Street showers Democrats with money, the crony capitalists have fleeced us taxpayers, because you tax consumers enable them, electing crooks every year. /// Good one. What do you call what they give to Pukes?

    But they claim to care.

    Like Obama, who spends 16 million of tax payer money, everywhere he raises 1 million for Democrats. /// That could well be true. Very cost effective compared to most money for votes pay offs.


    you got ZERO adoptees I take it?

  25. Tim says:

    Only Ron Paul could go to Russia…

    “”With his cool, dispassionate rhetoric, Paul seems to be just about the best voice for Putin’s interests anywhere—and better, surely, than Kremlin TV…

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      Ha, ha. That Wrong Paul certainly does confirm his status as idiot libertardian.

      Obama’s statements so quick after the downing were self evidently credible. “Tracking the missles from rebel held territory.”

      10 to 1 the Paul’s think people should be able to burn/waste coal and oil as an individual expression of freedom….. whether it is a poison or not.

      Good for a laugh…… a normally true general statement that doesn’t apply to the specifics.

      Pat on head….. good boy. Remember to brush your teeth.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

          Exactly.,……. idiot.

          I’m sure you don’t agree with such attitudes….. funny as they may be from a certain consistent attitude….. who doesn’t like big smoky loud gas guzzling cars?

          ………..all thats missing is shotguns, beer, and teeth.

          • Tim says:

            Ohh, come on. It’s all in good fun because it does not emmit excess CO2 — it passes the muster…


          • Tim says:

            That black soot is LOCKED UP carbon… I can get a tax credit for that…

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            You know Timmy—its too bad you aren’t grounded enough in science to pass such statements off as sarcasm because in fact that soot is EXACTLY NOT LOCKED UP CARBON.

            They burn diesel fuel to make it.

            Simple, basic, science.

            Silly hoomans.

          • Tim says:

            That’s right, bobbo. You burn the hydrocarbon in an environment lacking in oxygen and you get soot and water and CO… at least, it’s not CO2….

            The soot is pure carbon, and not a greenhouse gas.

          • Tim says:

            Naturally, the protest being that municipalities gave up their ‘fine particulate matter’ ordinances in exchange for the federal dollars to do green shit like incinerating hippies to limit CO2.

            it’s probably because global warming messes with people’s heads. and makes war… But, what do messed up heads and war contribute to climate change????????

          • Tim says:

            “”They burn diesel fuel to make it.

            That’s right, bobbo. It was free hydrocarbon until i reacted it in the absence of oxygen and sprayed it all over your ideal. It is now pure carbon, inert, falls to the ground and makes dirt. worms use it for laxative. the french use it to clean out their livers… it is a win win… I recommend emergency infrared capability, especially in traffic.

          • Tim says:

            I mean, don’t you want Earth to be covered all in lampblack so that the models start to come into agreement with the pre-imposed trillion dollar policies?? It might make you *right* all along…

            otherwise, save it for terraforming Mars.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Well Timmmmmmy….. I was/am QUITE cognizant of your tangential ability to know quite a few things I don’t ….. like …whatever that was “thing” was that had no mass. Quit impressive.

            I’ll take your point if you confirm that when burning that deisel fuel to make the solid C/soot that ALL of the fuel was turned into C/soot and NONE of it was turned into co2?

            Otherwise what I said is true: they made soot by burning sequestered carbon…. aka…adding tgreenhouse gas to the atmosphere.

            ….aka…no sooty shades of charcoal in your thinking/recognition/posting. As in so many things: its a bit of both. And that being the case, we don’t want to slop into 100% yea or nay?

          • Tim says:


            CaHbOc + heat → H2O + CO2 + H2 + CO + CH4 + C2H6 + CH2O + tar + char

            Hmm. Yea, fuck it — It seems it’s just not possible to support life as we know it on this planet without a healthy biosphere underpinned by a rapid overturning of CO2. I’m pretty sure one of these terms is going to have to get pretty close to zero…

          • Tim says:

            maybe to put it more simply —

            the mass of soot you see as a result of inefficient combustion is a mass of previous hydrocarbon that did not make it to become a greenhouse gas. derp.

          • bobbo, Big Brained Apes with Lizard Emotions is an Evolutionary Dead End says:

            I can’t find it quickly, and I’m tired, so I’ll just blather from memory:

            there are various carbon cycles depending on what carbon is at issue. Some fairly short on the order of a few years, other longer on the order of 1000’s of years, and still others that are just about static.

            co2/carbon cycles through the atmosphere in the 1000’s of year range. THAT IS WHY the AGW issue is so dangerous. Its slow to build up, and slow to be removed. THAT is what is going to kill us: by the time we all admit to what SCIENCE has been saying for year, it will be too late to stop the addtions and long term chronic conditions not to kill us.

            Here is what is simple Timmy, and I do wish you would get it straight===HAH!!! I keep on being too optimistic……WE ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD…..our grandkiddies that is. So… it doesn’t matter, but we ought to get the science right: when you burn oil/coal you produce green house gas that heats the atmosphere that heats the oceans that changes the climate. Simple.

            Some carbon sources produce more than others per pound of source material or per mile traveled or whatever.

            btw==producing soot will kill you directly. It causes emphysema, cancer, allergies. Particulate pollution is already tightly controlled which is why your heroes are asshats. Knuckles dragging asshats as they slit their own throats………and yours and mine.

            I don’t know why you cheer them on, what with the amount of science you have right and wrong. I’d think you’d give a better shot at balancing all the factors?
            …………………but it doesn’t matter.

            That old formula for intelligenct life on planets: killed by their own technology.

          • Tim says:

            Well, bobbo. I know the agenda, so i don’t waste that much time with nits of the ‘science’ — right or wrong — as whatever value will be taken to advance that adgenda is the correct one.

            That ARS article makes my point for me real good, I think. What it is really saying is that the rate is slower with pine because the soil is not supporting as energetic a biosphere {life}.

            Pine forests are green desert. The next step will be to gloss it in Lucite but you’ve got to get all the humans out of there first because they leave air bubbles in the finish.

            Again; Corporate beancounters prefere a parcel of land that is ‘consistent’ in it’s output or uptake as well as worthless for any one individual {competition} for anything else.


            This *science* thing. You Know, Eugenics was the pop-science of the day? Back then, people could be considered “feeble minded” and all that went with that for considering its’ policy wrong, evil.

            They had ‘some’ science but look at some of the catastrophic abominations born from the inbreedings of royalty and Galtons and Rothchilds and fruitflies.

        • Tim says:

          Man, but this road has gotten wide. Still, it’s congested with mostly the coehercive force of Road Crew and people who can’t drive.

          What could be up ahead of this? I think I see where this is going. Those ‘elites’ have their stated goal of going into the machines to achieve immortality and fuck save Earth. Now… They have no soul. They have no concience, psychopathic. They’re pure long-term self preservation.

          I’m bitter about the prohibition wagon rolling down all that lives, already… Humanity would once again learn to read and get bitter about those who did this to them… Humans are an inevitable threat.

          No, if they have their way, we’re not to go out amongst the stars but be sealed over in Lucite, the less bubbly ones carved out and displayed in some house of Rockefeller, Kissinger, Gore, or Gates.

  26. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and student of Real Politik says:

    Where’s the thread on the Gaza Strip conflict?

    I want to link to the reports of “French Youth” rioting in support of Palestine by attacking Jews and Synagogues.

    Its in France now, coming to Germany and England next, eventually to America: you can have multi-racial societies, and even multi-religious socities BUT YOU CAN’T HAVE multi-cultural societies such as a individual rights constitutional society and one with a mandated State Religion (are you listening Alfie?).

    I would OUTLAW any religious group that advocated a government by Theocracy or that used Holy Books that advocated the same. The caliphate/sharia would be only one example of same.

    FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM. Its not hard to recognize there is no freedom in being forced to adopt a certain religion over others or no religion at all. Are you listening Alfie?

  27. bobbo, I would post this on Cage Match.... but no body here can answer there as sign up is disabled says:

    I’m pretty sure I have a RAT infection. Someone is using Remote Adminstrative Tools to take over my computer and do whatever they want to as if sitting at my keyboard.

    They are stupid to do this when I am actively using my machine because: “I’m actively using my machine.”===so we fight back and forth for where the mouse is supposed to go and when to left and right click.

    So far…. the activity seems harmless and almost random…. but for all I know that is the source for missing files? Why be “harmless” but delete movies “I know” I have recorded but can’t find?

    Anyhoo….SpyHunter may protect against such activity….. don’t know why I am hesitate or skeptical of it working.

    right now…. I’m going to unplug my model whenever I’m not at my keyboard.

    …………………….If it ain’t god, we do it to ourselves.

    • bobbo, I would post this on Cage Match.... but no body here can answer there as sign up is disabled says:

      I might as well say it: I did allow Comcast to install RAT to diagnose a connection problem.

      Just too easy to blame them….. and they would never admit to anything…… but I think I will call them.

      • bobbo, I would post this on Cage Match.... but no body here can answer there as sign up is disabled says:

        That was a year ago and this behavior was only noticed last week…… but I don’t know how long its actually been going on.

        Probably need to figure out what log keeps track of my activity….. and then assume the doofus doing this is not erasing or modifying it?

      • Tim says:

        “”but I think I will call them.

        I really wouldn’t do that. The least nefarious thing that would happen is that the call would prove to be a fuckbag squared cunt-punch unproductive.

        Now, I don’t know about THAT tool as i’ve only ever really used Teamviewer {and I don’t know why} but let us just assume that whomever is seeing this post or yours.

        Still, I’d disconnect from the internet to limit the possiblity of the feds seeing you tampering with your machine and attempt to thwart your efforts.

        Go into services.msc and disable the remote access stuff. leave remote procedure call automatic. And stop there, for now.

        disable remote registry {BUT DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID AFTERWARDS!} and Windows Remote Management.

        Now, inspect the list for any third party Remote Control/help applications and disable those.

        now run MSCONFIG and uncheck any of the startups that look like remote control or otherwise useless… I’d just go ahead and uncheck everything.

        now reboot… recheck to see if anything didn’t stay in the state you left it {disabled} and, IF so, THEN pwnd.

        Those services are more easily managed and with color-coded more detailed descriptions and backup capabilities with a little utility called Serviwin:

        Now, don’t go just deleting stuff out the first screens, you just want the services and drivers tab {the little gear} up top.

  28. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Timmmmmy continuing to demonstrate the duality of his nature says:
    7/22/2014 at 4:59 am

    Well, bobbo. I know the agenda,//// you have mentioned this 3-4 times: please state the agenda.

    so i don’t waste that much time with nits of the ‘science’ — right or wrong — //// WHY doesn’t the incongruity of that statement bring yourself up short? aka: SCIENCE is right…. you find the “wrong” in various agenda, most likely when unstated.

    as whatever value will be taken to advance that adgenda is the correct one. /// even if you can formulate an agenda, THAT statement is gibberish.

    That ARS article makes my point for me real good, I think. What it is really saying is that the rate is slower with pine because the soil is not supporting as energetic a biosphere {life}. /// Yes, that was clearly stated and understood.

    Pine forests are green desert. The next step will be to gloss it in Lucite but you’ve got to get all the humans out of there first because they leave air bubbles in the finish. /// nice rhetorical flourish==doesn’t add/mean a thing.

    Again; Corporate beancounters prefere a parcel of land that is ‘consistent’ in it’s output or uptake as well as worthless for any one individual {competition} for anything else. /// Sorry, that doesn’t make any sense. Must be agenda related?


    This *science* thing. You Know, Eugenics was the pop-science of the day? /// and it will be again. I am very pro eugenics… of the real science variety…. NOT backed up with mandatory gubment programs….. taking the pop out of it.

    Back then, people could be considered “feeble minded” and all that went with that for considering its’ policy wrong, evil. /// and still are today…. just look at Alfie….. and the boundaries you dance on all day long….

    They had ‘some’ science but look at some of the catastrophic abominations born from the inbreedings of royalty and Galtons and Rothchilds and fruitflies. /// too much conflation.

    Be direct, be specific, be honest…… do better.


    I compliment you on your use (correctly used I emphasize) of the pyrolytic chemical equation. I used my science based common sense and you used actual pure science. We arrived at the same conclusions, but am I (again) somewhat awestruck at your prowess.

    I guess you haven’t come across the equation for AGW yet?

    Take those blinders off.

    • Tim says:

      “”…the pyrolytic chemical equation.

      It was written down somewhere. One has to keep a close eye on that one because some twerp keeps appending ‘+AGW’ to the end of it…

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Ha, ha…… Timmmmy…… your humor may save yourself…… but not your kiddies.

        Well done. Given we are all going to die, why not be kind?

        • Andrea Yates says:

          i’d probably just drowned them in a tub anyways because, you know, AGW guilt…

      • Tim says:

        Dynamic sensitivity analysis of biological systems

        “”A mathematical model to understand, predict, control, or even design a real biological system is a central theme in systems biology.

        Now, as for that other derivation… just substitute *AGW* everywhere you find the phrase *x(t + ηj) ← x(t) + 0.5 * ηj * (f(x(t), y(t)) + f(x(t + ηj), y(t + ηj)))*

        • CRU says:

          …remember to hide the decline if you want to get published.

          Publish or perish, they say. They fry that kid yet for reproducing the publisher’s public funded knowledge??

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Four Tits: you sure are skipping lightly across a number of cultural touch points. Well done.

            You too Timmmmmmy….always over my head until I can actually understand what you are saying…… and then you are wrong. How does that happen?

            Thanks. Gives me something to study.

  29. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Hey Timmmmmmmay:

    You like movies.

    this board may have some interest for you:

    Pop culture analysis of the movie “The Counselor.”

    • Tim says:

      I’d not seen that one. Looks interesting.

      “”…must protect himself and his soon to be bride as the truth of the drug business is uncovered and targets are eliminated.

      Ohh but I trust that nothing unsavory is going on and he meant to say, in a lawyerly way, “eleminated as a target of investigation”…??

      — I abhore onscreen violence

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Thats funny…. I’d never read the “storyline” before. Its correct in a mindless way but totally wrong on any deeper view of the film.

        One of the longer boards.

  30. B. Dog says:

    If somebody pays me they can have a sketch of a memorial marker that says “R.I.P. Mofo”.


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