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Can we do this bobbo head?
That “bobbo” thing is already missing a brain. So why waste the time?
Why? Because bobbo (et al.) know(s) that this blog (recently) is much like Fannie/Freddie/DR backed mortgages. You don’t have to pay the tab and there is no downside. It is actually getting pathetic. Sort of like the analog meter in the head after which the needle passes a certain point. Think ‘The Mule’ in Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.
Ah. That’s a shame. Bobbo’s not such a bad person. He/she is simply an idiot. Bobbo itself has even pointed out the world is full of “hooman” idiots. It’s simply too bad that Bobbo hasn’t got the gray matter to include his/herself in that statistic.
Personally, I don’t waste my time with idiots — I let them do it. Please count the postings Bobbo has made and my point is made!
But if that doesn’t convince you, consider this: why would anyone babble on like Bobbo does unless he she were WRONG or STUPID?! Let alone, why do it HERE?!
I come here for intelligent opinion, info and amusement. Bobbo posts satisfy that list every time. I can’t say that for many others’ posts here, tho most of those are a pleasure to read too. I like to get many dimensions of popular (and unpopular) political opinion in the many threads of topical discussion I see in a day – not circle-jerks or my way or the highway discourse I see elsewhere…
Last time you defended me I got banned!
(Ha, ha. I DO JEST…or at least smile at the memory. What lessons were learned there? by whom?)
Some random thoughts only circling the drain:
1. Border Control: Can any country take on all comers?
2. Hobby Lobby. I can only repeat how so many turn the concept of freedom from an active to passive concept. One of my best ideas in years, stumbled on right here at DU.
3. Who gets voted off the island first?
4. If you are going to ban someone, from a website, society, fan club, or recommend the same, or even just feel that way without saying anything, shouldn’t the reasons be clear and stated expressly? If you can’t state such reasons, what are your opinions really worth?
Shouldn’t we all be looking for good wet intercourse and not a dry hump on a sack of acorns?
I think so.
We hoomans can be coaxed along by gentle agreement and manipulation, but greater change/insight comes from honest disagreement.
Imagine…….other people disagreeing. Wouldn’t you want to know why…. just to educate them as to their error??
…….but I dither.
Thanks dadeo. Hope all is well with you. Sad you don’t have time to opine more here.
responding to:
dade0 post of 7/13/2014 at 5:48 am
I’m here for the same reason. Besides the irritation of the almost non-hierarchical posting, the signal to noise ratio gets smaller all the time.
bobbo is mostly a troll. Case in point is his response to you wherein he addresses head on what you stated (10%) and goes off on a tangent to suit his own agenda (90%). This is typical. Maybe many or most people like this but count me in the segment who doesn’t.
[ ]
here now, babble, woot that st. urchin name glascow.. buullian.. logic.. think he went on to be high priest of MIT
bobbo has been grandfathered into this blog, some of you newbies are mere worker ants. Just spouting hatred or opinions and you know what we say about opinions.
jp—are you saying I have multiple assholes to choose from depending on the size and shape of the toilet seat?
Including Commando?
Sadly, too many only have one asshole, but the world has many toilet seats.
There’s an analogy in there somewhere.
Grandfathered……………….I think Pedro was posting when I joined up. Cant think of anyone else here from those few years back. Pedro has worn down a bit and lost some of his glitter. I think he got a lot of energy from Mister Mustard who really dished it out to him, and to me as well.
I do love spicy foods.
Of course some a-holes are bigger and self important. Their shit is redolence.
Don’t let the troll hater Mcbater bait you.
I know you know what I am saying.
Are there really more toilet seats compared to…oh I get it.
Hey, the walking talking war criminal famous for saying the Iraqi people will greet us as liberators with flowers is making more and more TV appearances. The monster disappears under a rock for years and now is on CNN tonight. Am I living in some parallel universe or what?
jp—if this thread was about toilet seats and shit that wouldn’t stay flushed, we’d both be right on target.
In a responsible media culture, those two shits would be treated as the BBC does with science denying co2 helps plants grow crowd: dismissed for lack of credibility.
But we don’t live in that world. In our world, the more anti science the shit has, the higher it floats.
Its physics.
marchell aid mule i saftorinii greece.. good by an dthank for all ath fish
my shockaa was norwegian child raised welfare afica, and word ‘gold’ an unknown known… she had been raped by her danish dad. it was shocking.. den dem orweigians don’t know notings
me bro got this habit on night shots, raise hand , looks bit adolf histerish, he blocks light, to him eyes, and other camera look for dolly. the moving tracks for still shot.
pls allow me to explaind
tullamore due.. is a whiskey brewed on canal heading for dublin.. i hate when i aways bring this to my homie
ye see in performative art. there must be a happening…
every single person in the crew know at every single moment this
midlands ireland summer, me bro is adolf histerting
and night crew are falling for it. actually all he really indicate is night out door shot are easy daytime shot in dooor.. and he signel beer time.. double time. hehe
take a wise man to know his dad… i know my little bro
he live on leeward side of city tv mast…
crafty bastard.. desmound keena… no smellers, no nose… no coper niscious
I think they got the footage by showing Bobbo his own posts.
I loath cat scanners.
and old tires
Yeah, be sure to recycle those old tyres, or they be a knocking on your front door.
All kiddin aside I liked that movie, Rubber, the wife thought it was silly. I guess it’s a guy thing, Sheila’s don’t get the importance of good rubber.
1. AGW
2. ISIS vs World
3. ISIS vs Arab World
4. Israel v Gaza
5. Germany produces 50% of power needs from solar
6. Laboratory produced milk
7. Job losses in Seattle due to new minimum wage
8. R$omney to run again as Puke field so weak
9. Boner suing Obama
10. Why did Clooney cut himself loose in Gravity?
We think with words and flower with ideas. No words: no ideas. Just rhythmic chanting. I don’t care what you say, only the why/analysis of what you say. I often criticize others here, but almost always give the reasons at the same time and quite often how to improve as well.
Its called: respect………………….. of one’s self.
Try it.
10.==Angular Momentum. I know nothing about physics but they weren’t rotating that fast.
Is any analysis needed of which movie is worse?
Or to be most relevant, which special effects are better/worse. Gravity’s were eye candy and interesting to me. Exploding heads…. not so much. Brain matter is grey. I know nothing about biology but I don’t think an exploding head would look so meaty.
Opinion and analysis. How to make it better?==>use more cow brains, pretty much too obvious to state.
Bobbo add, Israel v West Bank.
View the map on right. It can take hours to travel 30 miles. Cars with yellow license plates (Jews) just slow down at check point. Palestinians with white license plates are held for long periods of time. Some check points are from 7am-7pm. If a Palestinian ambulance approaches, after the 7pm cut-off the Israeli soldiers will come down to the post, then tell the driver to turn back.
Great movie by the way, Scanners is one of my favorites.
Sorry for going way way off topic.
More decades of pain and misery to fester there.
What is any “people” going to do when a minority, growing rapidly, of the population seeks only your destruction?
What Israel needs is a final solution such as most if not all countries engage in: “kill them all.” Wipe the board clean for your own children to live in peace.
Its nasty.
Its the way it is.
It’s nasty for sure. Americas funding of this country who behaves much like the Germans did is some gigantic fuck you to anyone with any memory of history.
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
I shouldn’t need to reference the author.
Pedro…you feckin Zionist. You know nothing of me, or my knowledge and journeys.
Stay in Mexico or whatever shit-hole 3rd world you live and learn from.
It’s you who is feed and munch on the media of the Zionist. I have many Jewish friends who think people like you are the threat to peace, spewing hatred, and disinformation.
So now you are a mind reader or medium of sorts. You have access to my passport? Pedro you have some ego, a negative narcissist type, you really believe the crap you spew. I am sorry for you, truly sorry, that you have such a lousy negative life filled with anti-love.
Didn’t mommy give you enough love. If your mentally ill then I suggest a good psychotherapist, or if so inclined talk to your priest.
I care for you and all humans, we are connected one way or another. If you hurt we all hurt. I wish you joy and happiness.
10.==Angular Momentum. I know nothing about physics but they weren’t rotating that fast.
They apparently weren’t. the view of earth looks pretty stationary. I anything, they were rotating very slowly — the rate needed to keep facing earth as they go around — The centripital force would have been negligible. Nothing is pulling on Clooney, they both have the same motion with respect to station {zero}. a slight little ounce tug applied for a couple of seconds would have brought them gently together; He probably just didn’t trust her gentle touch to not accellerate him to 88 mph or of overshooting her and finally creating a ‘2-body’ problem.
Even if they were rotating, then the clooney character would have gone off in a strait tangent and not directly away from bullock. The ‘force’ would have been ‘apparent’ {constant acceleration — (not speed, ‘velocity’ includes direction) around the center}. When the line is cut, the force is gone. The whole scene is just crap.
When using a sling, the rock is not released when the pull is toward the target but at 90 deg to it.
Well Timmy—our understanding of the Special Effects presented in that flick is the same. Its the only explanation I found on imbd.
Maybe exploding heads are better. I thought that seeing the chared up bodies of the killed astronauts. Made me think of what is still the best space flick ever:
Although Mars needs Women is pretty good with enough beer.
Lifeforce got rented more than once, here. I particularly liked the melting Picard.
A beautifully done spacewalk scene is 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
I’m not seeing a clip… It’s Kramarov and Lithgow tethered together approaching a tumbling Discovery. they reach the center and hook on but as they make their way to the hatch, they do feel the force {“I’m getting heavy…”}.
Thanks…. I’ll look for it.
imbd says the weightless look of Gravity was achieved by filming the actors faces but everything else in the scene was cgi.
Blows my mind.
Film is an incredible medium/art form/directors business.
full movie. I’ve seen it 3-4 times. Doesn’t stick with me. It must get overwritten with images of Jaws?
Whoops===sorry, that was just a preview with link to #2.99. Didn’t know Youtube was doing that.
Things change…… or….default to $$$ asap?
I can’t find it. Youtube is so damn selective on what stays up… In this case, I’m really feeling manipulated — What do they not want me to see? Could it be as simple as a beautifully rendered, feasable spacewalk being pulled so as not to make the latest release look like the Jetsons? — Asimov was good about leaving the ‘sy’ in his ‘fy’
It’s only the second most popular scene behind Chandra telling HAL the truth.
Much of what’s been happening the past year or two is MOVIECLIPS gets ahold of a clip and all the user ones get pulled. I also loath MOVIECLIPS — never ever clipped to the relevant points. Why do they do that? So no spoilers? I’m just going to have to go buy it for the punchline? Please. What it hinders is the sharing of clips… especially when one used to make a point.
Mostly unrelated, but this one seems manipulated — gives you the ‘error occured’ and It has been doing it all night and day.
Why wouldn’t a corporation want extra pageviews by allowing an expose’ of at pedophiles at the top of government?
… See what I mean? Bobbo is off on a tangent again. Almost every post with more mental turds — and all off topic!
Yes, this is fun to watch. And it didn’t take much prodding to get Bobbo to start shitting words all over the place too. Bad grammar, punctuation and all, what an IDIOT this fool is. ILMAO!!! (And it’s not like my second name B8R, as in baiting for fish, wasn’t a clue either.)
But in case you forgot, the topic was about Hollywood special effects and exploding heads in a movie called ‘Scanners.’ Of course, the comments about seeing this happen to a few politicians was a bit of a stretch. And then it got stretched even more which eventually prodded the resident loud mouth Bobbo to chime in. Because Bobbo simply can’t shut the fuck up! Wannabe dictators and sociopaths are sort of like that. In fact, Bobbo can always be relied on to derail a topic faster than an Amtrak train with drunk monkeys in charge.
I’m quite sure there are plenty of other idiots who also like rolling around in Bobbo’s kind of mental shit too. Perhaps even John C. Dvorak (for allowing it).
That’s right! This blog was started by a man who is a technology expert but somehow runs a blog that now has little or nothing to do with his years of expertise. We’re even treated to some of his radio advice with a couple of other technology guys who know just enough to NOT get involved with their own money too. Does that spell hypocrite? Listen and decide for yourself. But clearly they’re “do as I say not as I do” sort of fellows — just like that thing calling itself Bobbo! It’s an arrogance I find beyond simple asinine and it’s probably the real reason Bobbo and other diaper minds troll here.
Personally, I might understand the hate, frustration and pessimism from men of advancing years who have learned from repetition that more government is just NOT the answer. But Bobbo?! I doubt this idiot has developed thinking skills beyond the age of 3 else he/she wouldn’t be looking at the government as a substitute PARENT!
So to all you liberal freaks and especially you Bobbo, here’s a good bed time story for ya. Watch it if you dare! And even if you do watch, I’m pretty sure it’s WAY over most of your “hooman” jealous heads. (Funny how we can’t get these kinds of topics to comment on here — either!)
(Please watch: “The Little Government that Could” from TophersUnpopularView in case that link didn’t work.)
H8R McB8R says:
7/14/2014 at 1:23 am
… See what I mean? Bobbo is off on a tangent again. Almost every post with more mental turds — and all off topic! //// Tangents “touch” upon the subject. A good OP will provoke many tangents because most OP’s totally dispose of completely relevant commentary. All a matter of degree. Mental turds? Short hand for you disagree about something…..or that the tangent is too far afield?
The subject of this OP was How the exploding brain SE was done. You chose to support daves tangential comment about “can we do this to bobbo’s head.” We all agree that was a funny comment. It was certainly tangential based on the history of this forum, not the specif OP —why did you continue the tangent or was your own comment a turd? Or do you as most hoomans do criticize others for doing the same thing you do……. because you know…… its ok when YOU do it because …… you are you, and you are………….Gr8? A very libertardian position to take.
Yes, this is fun to watch. And it didn’t take much prodding to get Bobbo to start shitting words all over the place too. Bad grammar, punctuation and all, what an IDIOT this fool is. /// It is my wont. Half the time, for my own sense of humor. The other half just going too fast. For each excuse, I will apologize for half the entries that I would make better on closer review, but we can’t edit these posts and every legitimate edit should rest for 24 hours. By that time, these threads are dead.
ILMAO!!! (And it’s not like my second name B8R, as in baiting for fish, wasn’t a clue either.) /// Yes, kinda obvious. Thanks for explaining it. With a secret code such as you possess, I assume you work in the cryptology department for Homeland Security?
But in case you forgot, the topic was about Hollywood special effects and exploding heads in a movie called ‘Scanners.’ /// Do you use “and” as a Boolean operator or as a standard conjunction with all its inherent ambiguity? That makes the difference between a tangent and a turd.
Of course, the comments about seeing this happen to a few politicians was a bit of a stretch. And then it got stretched even more which eventually prodded the resident loud mouth Bobbo to chime in. Because Bobbo simply can’t shut the fuck up! //// Why “should” anyone stfu? Isn’t calling someone by name an invitation to respond? I think so.
Wannabe dictators and sociopaths are sort of like that. /// They respond when called to? Very insightful.
In fact, Bobbo can always be relied on to derail a topic faster than an Amtrak train with drunk monkeys in charge. /// Ha, ha….not any more diligently than you are doing now.
I’m quite sure there are plenty of other idiots who also like rolling around in Bobbo’s kind of mental shit too. Perhaps even John C. Dvorak (for allowing it). /// As with anything else, as you are demonstrating, it all depends on what you consider a forum to be. NO DISCUSSION is always on point. Silly you would to any degree hold that as a standard. More important: is the tangent interesting in some way to enough people not to edit it back? Perhaps CONTEXT is relevant: responding to the specific OP, or to the wider history of the subject, the forum, other commentators…. aka “the community.”
That’s right! This blog was started by a man who is a technology expert but somehow runs a blog that now has little or nothing to do with his years of expertise. We’re even treated to some of his radio advice with a couple of other technology guys who know just enough to NOT get involved with their own money too. Does that spell hypocrite? Listen and decide for yourself. But clearly they’re “do as I say not as I do” sort of fellows —//// How would you rate this language as responsive to the OP or responsive to Dave or to bobbo? But continuing your off topic personal rant with no justification at all: When did DU “say” anthing that they are now violating in their “doing?”
just like that thing calling itself Bobbo! /// Its small case “b” for a specific reason. Respect the b.
It’s an arrogance I find beyond simple asinine and it’s probably the real reason Bobbo and other diaper minds troll here. /// You don’t like any competition at all do you? Imagined or otherwise.
Personally, I might understand the hate, frustration and pessimism from men of advancing years who have learned from repetition that more government is just NOT the answer. /// I CHALLENGE YOU TO STATE THE QUESTION.
But Bobbo?! I doubt this idiot has developed thinking skills beyond the age of 3 else he/she wouldn’t be looking at the government as a substitute PARENT! /// That is analysis by analogy or metaphor which I almost never do. Its lazy thinking along the lines of (the metaphor of) a dog whistle. Know what I mean?
So to all you liberal freaks and especially you Bobbo, here’s a good bed time story for ya. Watch it if you dare! And even if you do watch, I’m pretty sure it’s WAY over most of your “hooman” jealous heads. (Funny how we can’t get these kinds of topics to comment on here — either!) /// A follow on analogy of your “big/small gubberment” concern. I did stop watching it after one minute. Too childish. NAME THE QUESTION and address the topic as an adult.
(Please watch: “The Little Government that Could” from TophersUnpopularView in case that link didn’t work.) /// Calling something “big gubberment” only means you don’t like some position/program but the analysis generally never proceeds past the dog whistle of calling it big, or that it “steals your freedom.” Total BS. Hater: if there is anything of substance in that video, restate it for discussion here, or give the timeline stamp. I’m hopeful our good editor will allow 3-4 totally off topic comments to continue since you are revved up so demonstrably.
± says:
7/13/2014 at 7:39 pm
responding to:
dade0 post of 7/13/2014 at 5:48 am
I’m here for the same reason. Besides the irritation of the almost non-hierarchical posting, the signal to noise ratio gets smaller all the time.
bobbo is mostly a troll. //// troll, turd, big gubberment==>a catchall non specific term for something you don’t like. Your modification is of interest though: “mostly.” As in 10% of worth. Why does that 10% not invalidate the entire notion of trolling? Without defining the term myself, I will say: I never troll. Years ago I did, on rare occasion. Then I would honestly try to generate discussion. Now…… I just state my opinion for whatever new idea may occur to myself in its phrasing. Cogent responses are too rare to expect.
Case in point is his response to you wherein he addresses head on what you stated (10%) and goes off on a tangent to suit his own agenda (90%). /// I agree with the demarcation. The math is dubious and value obscured. Can you identify what the (obvious) agenda is? Its right there: just look.
This is typical. Maybe many or most people like this but count me in the segment who doesn’t. /// …… and what you have ….. is a forum. Ta Da!!!!!!!!!!! Or do you only find comfort in a Universe operated solely for your own druthers?
I envy 10%.
Trolls taunt, name call, insult and type anything negative to pull some attention.
I dont see that in bobbo, well maybe sometimes. I do see this in most posting comments here, not all, but most.
Baiter Hater seems too have the handle on the trolling and name calling. I called Pedro a Zionist because of his defense of the treatment of the natives in Israel and the money America throws at the Zionists. Maybe I trolled him but facts are fact, not opinions.
This stupid youtube video of America falling asleep and cradling its citizens is way off the rails of FACT. Why did the market crash? Did some greedy rich white men take advantage? If you believe this idiot we did it to ourselves while sleeping through growing pains. I am flabbergasted by the stupidity of the concepts posited by the fool in the video.
How many times were central banks created and used to screw the country by bankers, surely you don’t blame the hard working American citizen?
Now we have the Fed pumping billions a month of currency which is actually our debt. I feel for the kiddies.
So, to the new hater baiter on the block tell us all about the sleeping masses who put on uniforms and marched off to help the Brits in world wars, and what about that fifty billion we lent Britain for their war effort. America never saw that money again. Maybe we got back a few tanks back, but most of the money was spent on perishables and ammo. America only charged for items that could be salvaged or reused.
We won the war and people like you have the freedom today to say what you want about people on this blog or about sleeping cradled Americans or even the President. Oh yeah, leave John C. Dvorak out of this, it’s a free for all, I don’t expect John to be sitting at a machine babysitting anyone on this blog. Not you, not bobbo, or Pedro, or me.
Beware though, someone is watching what you type.
You must be sittin on the dock of a bay with nothing better to do.
bobbo, you know this was meant for hater. Damn you can type, I don’t know if I clicked the wrong reply or you beat me to the reply link, maybe I just scrolled too far.
My harangue belong below hater baiter.
Well, I’m a gonna guess given there is a 41 hour gap in time, it was not my rapid typing.
aka–you clicked on the wrong reply button.
Yes……..I was very concerned until I read the second sentence. Always good to read the whole post before one forms a conclusion?
So riled up. I hope the energy was half in jest and you laughed some what maniacally as you typed. Then you read the message a second time before sending it and determine: Hey…. that still is exactly what I want to say!
Good to feel the juices flow. I quit watching the video shortly in…. I see it stayed as moronic as the start of it all the way through.
Thanks for absorbing the shock of the stupidy.
Trolls and Stupidity: respond if you will, but only for your own pleasure……. which rapidly defaults to the pleasure only of your own creation.
Forums are like life in that respect.
Yea verily.
Note: I have watched 3 seconds of Honey Boo Boo as well. She seemed like a sweet normal kiddie. Her Mama was a complete wreck. I won’t watch more. As a reality program….. its too much like the news.
Yeah, agreed I clicked the wrong reply, I wathched the entire video. I’m a sensitive man and not ashamed to admit my hurt feeling.
Trolls=personality deficit. Needing attention, and wanting an angry response.
I wasn’t angry typing at hater mcbaiter. Just trying to disprove that anti American video,
and give some assemblies of logic and fact to counter the talking head.
Honey boo boo is too much like the news, ain’t that the truth. Sadly.
So……. in grand review…….. how come “my” comment is the ONLY comment that is entirely responsive to the OP?
“its too meaty”
An OP almost designed to call for off topic comments?
Silly Hoomans.
Good one Pedro. Why don’t you exercise this humor more often instead of the negativity you have rutted yourself into?
Negative vs Positive.
Opposites, but always in the mix.
WHY ever try to shut anyone else up? Boredom and intentionally irrelevant to the extreme as was that Baby guy?==sure. As Norman is dancing all over saved only by minimum postings of short length and not copy and paste jobs?==sure.
But as stated above, the whole point/necessity of a forum is to include many ideas and voices. None of us will like them all, instead we look forward to those we like and try to ignore/stomach/avoid those we don’t like. Very much like “life” in that regard, all to the point: why abuse yourself by focusing on what you don’t like? Skip it….go on to, enjoy what you do like.
Thats the Ticket.
All too much of this is the fault of DU–not enough OP’s to provide the variety like fish in the pond we all need to secure enough oxygen. We all find ourselves overcrowded in the same fetid pool.
Things connected to other things. Name the dots. Make the connections.
If I were the only one posting here, I wouldn’t post here. It would be too much like Cage Match. Sad that forum has shut down in functionality.
Only the prelude?
Here’s a fun game: Without looking at the first few posts on this thread…
guess what the original thread topic was? No peeking.
So many who post here suffer from WPD (wandering post dementia).
my cooch itches again.
Here’s another fun game: try to think of any response on point that would be interesting.
On its own, the OP is worthy as who doesn’t like movies and Special Effects, even ones as simple minded as a bag of hamburger that “blows up real good.”
but when its the ONLY OP FOR 3-4 DAYS…. then its a tragedy/insult/lazy/mismanagement/death knell.
Everything has its ebb and flow. We’ve been at ebb for a few months now. Maybe AGW will cure that?
You are correct, sir!
Let’s talk about the border crisis, or the VA crisis, or the Nancy Pelosi crisis, or the Eric Holder crisis, or the Harry Reid crisis, or the crisis, or the Israeli Hamas crisis, or anything liberals and conservatives could possibly agree on.
Wow, angle brackets that are not HTML tags are ignored.
… or the (insert name of any government bozo) crisis, …
Well, of those you name….. I don’t think any are a crises. They are old or constant disputes of limited interest and potential growth and destruction.
If that is the standard, then Israeli/Hamas is the closest but similar but very different would be the arrival of ISIS or ISIL……. “because”….. its going to change the power balance in the Middle East bringing Egypt/Saudi/Iran all into conflict with one another.
There is only one solution to “the middle East”: Kill them All….. or in probably result: establish the threat to Kill anyone who gets out of line.
That was the stability many seem to wish for as was under Sadam. “Strong Leadership” aka Kill whoever gets out of line.
I think I would identify a new cult of religious leaders each as they practice now but cull out the “death to infidels” concepts from their Holy Books. A Muslim Reformation if you will.
Nearly impossible…. but conceptually it could work. I don’t see anything else except weak kneed wishful thinking.
Yea, verily.
Thank you, Find a Cure, that was good. WPD, a bunch of zombies just hitting the keys.
Cell phones the Internet have accelerated the growth of global terrorism.
Any terrorist sand flea can create a website and network with other terrorist sand flea colonies. Throw in Youtube and free western media coverage and there you are.
Can’t we limit certain areas of certain desserts to one-bar coverage or 911 service only?
So what’s worse, the Arabs fighting for Levant or our western media daily coverage or honey boo-boo eating watermelon.
This was supposed to be a discussion about that great movie Scanners and exploding head scene………..sigh.
I’ve tried on Pedro, and all he does is shit.
The movie…… is a lie.
Other than that, what do you think of it Mr D? Or the special effects??
Most importantly, did you like them, or not?
I haven’t seen the movie since I watched it on Laserdisc. Yes, Laserdisc.
Well, I think that about covers all the bases.
Thats the main problem with movie posts. Even on IMDB its hard to get any analysis past whether someone liked it or not.
I blame Obama.
Wow, a reference to laserdisc. Do you still play the disc’s? I almost purchased a player back in the day. How many lines of resolution did the players display? I’m lazy, don’t fell like web searching.
Off topic, I saw a cbs 60 minute segment about the missile silos located underground and the funny part was the 8″ floppy still in use.
Thank you Pedro.