I’m working on the idea of building myself a new computer. Currently using a 5 year old HP laptop running Windows 7 and thinking about Windows 8. But I’m also thinking that I might want to run Windows under VirtualBox under Linux host.

I have another older computer running Linux and installed Windows 8 as a trial in a Virtual Box. I have to say that I’m more impressed with VirtualBox and I am with Windows 8. As far as I can tell Windows 8 is working very well on old hardware, quad core AMD with 8 gigs ram. In fact Windows 8 is still more impressive than Centos 6.5 as a host. As a virtual OS Windows found my network printer and scanner. It even found my Sony TV.

I’m thinking of buying new computer hardware. Thinking AMD 6 or 8 core processor and 32 gigs of ram. Host OS being Centos. Guest being Win8 or maybe Win7 if I can’t get Win8 to be “normal”. I’m thinking Windows as a client so I can back it up by just copying the disk files Virtual Box creates. Under Linux I feel like I have control of the file system in a way that I don’t with Windows. Also – the CryptoDefense virus that a friend got a few months ago has scared me enough to not want Windows to be a host OS. But Linux still doesn’t do a lot of the stuff Windows does and don’t want to spend days just making it talk to my printer and scanner.

It’s not just the lack of a start button. I found an app for that. I want the task bar to stay the same. I want to stop a bunch of apps that want to go full screen to stop doing that. I want the task bar to be the same. I want the Windows 7 experience and hide all the Windows 8 crap.

So my current laptop is big screen and has a 25 inch HDMI TV plugged in as a second monitor. New computer I’m thinking will be home made desk top with 2 24 inch HDMI TVs as monitors.

So – looking for some feedback.

Windows 8 sucks. It’s a computer not a cell phone. Will I ever get Windows 8 to behave like Windows 7? Will I ever be happy with it? Are there any significant advantages to Windows 8 or should I just install 7?

Any video cards that I should know about? What I’m looking for is good video on YouTube. Video now is just a tiny by choppy but running on very old motherboard. I’m hoping that a modern MB will solve that problem. VirtualBox advice appreciated.

Would like general feedback about my idea and if there’s a better idea I should consider.



  1. I Hate Whine says:

    What’s so important about an operating system? Isn’t it just a means to an end?

    • I Hate Whine says:

      For me, if it supports a browser, windowed multi-tasking, and a hierarchical file system, that’s fine.

      Everything else is subject to taste and fodder for arguments.

      • dusanmal says:

        Problem starts once OS attempts to social-engineer you and your work and your work practices. Once it starts to place obstacles or obstruct completely some functionality for the sake of fake “new” (read – “fashion”). Sometimes those attempts crash (ex. Win8.0 attempt to obstruct and force people into “single whole screen window”; Win Vista attempt to meddle with hardware;…), sometimes are blunt force onto the user with no retraction (OSX, iOS in general) and sometimes you can see problem brewing (right now Android and external storage – Google doesn’t like it because it circumvents their business plan/cloud; manufacturers hate it because they can’t upsell larger internal storage; developers hate it as it gives them something more to think about when creating code,… yet it is people who pay for devices and use them, customers who want it and who will, likely soon be deprived … by OS design).
        Design of Win8 is based on nonsense, attempt at fashion, not at useful basis for general computing. (Just you wait for Apple to make it fashionable NOT to have hierarchical file system… other OS sheep will follow, be it just nonsense).

  2. EvilGnome6 says:

    The best thing about Windows 8 is that it it inspired me to build a Hackintosh.

    Unfortunately, there are still a few apps that require Windows so I run OS X and Windows 8 on two computers side-by-side using Synergy. This has been the best arrangement I’ve ever used: it’s seamless, snappy and nothing runs in virtual machines.

    If you take some time with Windows 8, use a utility like Start8 to give you a Start Menu and tweak the interface a bit, you’ll rarely, if ever, see the full-screen crap. You’ll learn your way around it over time. In fact, aside from the Metro bullshit, the core Windows stuff is better and it makes the Windows 7 machine I use at work feel primitive. There are some nice enhancements and it does seem more stable.


  3. thekaufaz says:

    I like windows 8 a lot. I have it boot to desktop and use start as the start menu. I just set up a few tiles for whatever apps I need to use but not very commonly. Programs I use commonly I pin to the taskbar so I don’t have to go into start all that often.

    The only program that has ever gone full screen for me is skype, and you just have to install skype for desktop and you have normal skype back. I’ve never had any other app go full screen. This is so easily avoidable, it is actually annoying that everyone keeps complaining about it.

    For me, Windows 8 is exactly like windows 7, but instead of a start menu there is a start screen with a bunch of tiles. It’s fine with me because I’ve never been crazy about the start menu.

    I don’t see anything different about the task bar. And when you say hide all the Windows 8 stuff, I don’t really get that either. The only windows 8 thing I ever see is the start screen, and only for 2-3 seconds when I want to start an app I don’t commonly use.

    Make sure you install the windows 8.1 update.

  4. Bill ORiley says:

    fucking thing sux

  5. MMarrero says:

    Linux as the host OS will do OK, as long as you don’t need 3D performance on both host and client (inferior AMD / nVidia Linux graphics drivers, VirtualBox tools 3D acceleration isn’t great).

    Win8 Pro allows mounting .vhd disk images on the host OS. It also has HyperV + RemoteFX, although I haven’t used it.

    I once ran geekbench on a 4-core AMD FX, Win7 host and VBox VM. The VM was about 10 to 20% slower.

  6. ECA says:

    It takes you how long to install a Printer driver on LINUX??
    The only reason to do anything except TEXT printing is graphics..
    and if the maker of the printer does not support a BASIC driver for Linux…THEY SUCK..

  7. Phillip says:

    Stardock’s modernmix and start8 “fixed” it for me, now I’m fine with windows 8, before that I hated it

  8. some randome dumn black liberal 20 minutes late to the 28 Days Later showing says:

    i thought this was the one about a killer monkey that escaped from some scientists…

    i already paid for this popcorn… damn…

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

    I Hate Whine says:
    7/6/2014 at 9:44 am

    For me, if it supports a browser, windowed multi-tasking, and a hierarchical file system, that’s fine. //// I’m a newbie, but don’t all systems right from the start (sic) do this? I assume “windowed multi-tasking” means the system will run every app there is, including apps that require different hardware to connect to the computer like USB or dual core? I’m a newbie, but are there any systems right from the start that do this?

    Everything else is subject to taste and fodder for arguments. /// Starting with Win 2.0 I haven’t noticed the Windows OS do anything conceptually new other than support new hardware, a constant source of upgrading and loss of programs that no longer work in the “new” environment.

    Almost no benefit at all moving from win xp to 7 except it is more stable and that is a very nice “feature.”


    3 days ago for the first time ever I was websurfing and my pointer developed a mind of its own. It closed a few of my windows and open folders then connected to Craigslist to create a listing to sell a Jeep Cherokee. Right after that I turned the power off and shut the computer down. I now disconnect my modem from the machine when not actively surfing as I search for an answer to what this is. My anti-virus programs aren’t reporting anything amiss.

    I sent an email to the Jeep Owner, but he did not favor me with a reply…. just as if he were an infrequent quizling here on DU.

    Its always something.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

      Finishing my thout, I assume that I have been hijacked and my computer could be used for who knows what and/or erase my hard drives or whatever whoever wants to do?

      What gives me “some” comfort is why would anyone hijack a computer to make a Craigs list posting? Is it possible that somehow the internet mindlessly connected two computers, one a zombie to the other?

      My pointer went off on its own once again but it just went back and forth between my multiple monitors and lasted only 2-3 seconds.

      My pointer has not been “stable” for some time. It moves on its own to “someplace else” on my multiple monitors. I thought it was a glitch in my video card….until the Craigslist thing.

      …………………so I would put security and ease of working with other hardware on my list of “ends” I want the OS to do.

      • Tim says:

        “”My pointer has not been “stable” for some time. It moves on its own to “someplace else” on my multiple monitors.

        If this is a wireless mouse, then the annoyance can be many… from a leaking microwave to hairdryer to any number of wireless devices and bullshit your neighbor got at Hobby Lobby. The most common problem is that batteries are failing… *IF* it is a wireless mouse. If not, your fucked.

    • Tim says:

      “”It closed a few of my windows and open folders then connected to Craigslist to create a listing to sell a Jeep Cherokee.

      Do you mean that you actually saw the mouse hover over the ‘close me’ spot and then each program closed in turn, that each actively requested folder opened in turn??

      What would be the motive? Where would be the money? Shirley, you believe in psyops now.

      Script language like Autohotkey can capture key clicks with context and then spawn all those processes as if it were humanostupidiac 3 in livetime.

      Are the folders specific to you? Are you *pretty sure* it’s not generic stuff like ‘my downloads’ ‘my pictures’ ‘my favorite dick pictures’ …

      let me know if your camfrog starts spinning around and spitting out antifreeze/oil froth. ..


      “”The power of schist compells you — Conglomerated Thorium

      • Amalgamated Dirt says:

        you can’t just copy/paste our played-out, worthless mine investment scams…You’ll be hearing from legal, Mr. T…

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

        Do you mean that you actually saw the mouse hover over the ‘close me’ spot and then each program closed in turn, that each actively requested folder opened in turn?? //// It happened so fast, I don’t recall as I was in a melt down panic mode.

        What would be the motive? Where would be the money? Shirley, you believe in psyops now. /// I don’t know what the psyops motive would be either.

        Script language like Autohotkey can capture key clicks with context and then spawn all those processes as if it were humanostupidiac 3 in livetime. /// Given my possessed pointer only created a craigslisting, it was not capturing “my” key strokes, I was doing something else. – N

        Are the folders specific to you? Are you *pretty sure* it’s not generic stuff like ‘my downloads’ ‘my pictures’ ‘my favorite dick pictures’ … /// I don’t recall.

        Speaking of Dick pictures and Craigslist, the Casual Encounters is back in full glory. Seems RedBook closed down. I assume while 99% of the listings are asking for raw sex that in person some time after the initial posting some tips would be involved…… or has time changed this much?

        I’ll never know, unless someone tells me.

        Yes, my mouse is wired. It would be lost half the time otherwise. Hmmmm should I sandbox/go back my entire computer to be free from external attacks? If eventually I have to reinstall my OS to get rid of the Craigslist Hijack, I’ll look more into that function.

        • Tim says:

          I suppose there could be botnets that hyjack your computer and make it sell their stuff on Craigslist — stranger things have happened like trillions of zombie dvrs derpedly mining bitcoin…

          But, if not a practical joke left by someone you had working on it {like kicking off an .AHK pre-recorded session} then maybe actual remote access from someone who used to live there or otherwise had physical access. Maybe someone that, for whatever reason, wouldn’t want to get caught using their own computer…

          Teamviewer comes to mind.
          So does Remote Desktop.

          get tcpview and keep an eye on it or check your router logs to see if someone is remoting in {my router logs no longer function… so, its probably a given, for me. This lack of logging functionality, along with some other strange router behavior that has resulted in halting my normal behavior to cut the wireless connection when not in use — these problems started several years ago the very same week ATT strapped on Uverse to the other line}…

  10. Captain Obvious says:

    This like the ‘Best of Dvorak’ from 2012, right?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

      As a matter of fact: No.

      I did a site search on Windows 8 and there was only ONE posted article on Win 8 in 2012… by Uncle Dave.

      It was a nice read. First Poster was from Sister Mary Hand Grenade which gave me a warm fuzzy feeling….. and I didn’t post at all…… not being a techie.

      It was the best of times, and the worst of times……….


  11. sargasso_c says:

    “Classic Shell” is a free Windows 8 application that makes it look like Windows 7. I use it on my 5 year old Dell Optiplex 760, running Windows 8.1.

  12. mojo says:

    The crappy Metro interface should be an install-time option, not sitting in the core of the OS. That’s just dumb. Hell, I have a touch-screen, and I don’t use it, it’s bogative to the max.

    That was why the start button went away, to “encourage” lusers to use that ugly crapfest.

  13. jpfitz says:

    Perkel just upgrade to 8.1 or stardock software. I see improvements in 8.1 over XP and 7. Choose to boot to desktop and place icons on desktop for the programs needed. Also add a power off and hibernate icon. I don’t use the metro side, but I do have a windows Nokia cell. The phone works fine, no contract. Mostly used with wifi which is part of my home broadband provider. Free txting and surfing, well not really free, I have to pay for my TV, phone and broadband. Never paid extra for data with smart devices.

  14. jpfitz says:

    “Amongst other things Update 1 intelligently boots users without touchscreens to the desktop by default and uses desktop apps by default, it reduces the sensitivity of hot corners, highlights newly installed apps and dramatically improves the Modern UI for keyboard and mouse users. It also cuts its install size in half (from 32GB to 16GB) on SSDs, runs faster on slower hardware and drops minimum memory requirements from 2GB to 1GB of RAM. The end result is a darn good operating system.”


    It takes time to adjust to a new OS or even getting behind the wheel of a never before driven car at night.

    • Tom says:

      Agreed. I am very happy with Win x64 8.1 Update 1 on my desktop machine and find it to be an improvement over win 7 by a long shot… It takes some getting used like anything new, but once you master it, it is a significant step forward.

    • Tim says:

      When I get booted to desktop, I’m usually cussing Bethesda Softworks.

  15. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    Win 8.1 is lacking in management of WIFI.

  16. Mr. Know IT All says:

    Yes, there are SOME advantages Windows 8 has over 7. Most notable are a few security enhancements mostly dealing with encryption and the ability to natively deal with ISO files (which Windows 7 can also deal with but that it does require separate 3d party software). Otherwise, there is no real advantage Windows 8 has over Windows 7. In fact, a lot of people see Windows 8 as a huge disadvantage not only in it’s design and function but from it’s nickel and dime mentality that seems to be influenced by Apple!

    Just as an example, consider Windows Media Center (WMC) which is the same for either 7 or 8: Under Windows 7, WMC is free and already included except on “basic” spins. But under Windows 8 you will have to PAY Microsoft for the privilege to use it. Personally, I find there is nothing better than WMC when it comes to TV tuners. In fact, WMC is the ONLY reliable app I can find in the ENTIRE COMPUTER WORLD that actually easily allows me to use my computer as a DVR! Yes, there are others, but WMC is hands down the easiest to configure and set up — even it’s TV listing service is free for life! And the fact that I already have WMC with Windows 7 is just incentive to NOT change OS’s!

    Now, combine Windows 8 start screen and all the little “pains” directing you to buy Windows Store junk and you’ll quickly realize that there’s no real choice in source or store. Therefore, I say forget Windows 8 all to hell! It’s bad enough that I even use Windows. But my choice to use Windows is simply because the Linux community won’t come up with anything better than WMC. (Sure, MythTV is perhaps an even more powerful option, but it’s nowhere near as simple — not even close!) Eventually, I figure I will totally switch to Linux. But for now, and since I already PAID Microsoft, I figure I might as well get my money’s worth.

    And now that Microsoft has decreed that Windows 8 will only be available for system builders, I find myself getting much deeper into Linux. But I don’t use CentOS! And that’s pretty much because I have found nearly all Red Hat OS’s like CentOS to pretty much suck as far as desktops go. About the only exception might be Fedora.

    My guess as to why you may have decided to try CentOS was because of the confusing lingo where “server” versus “workstation” are concerned. But quite simply, you need to decide what your COMPUTER will be used for before deciding on it’s OS. (Most people here — probably all — are using a “desktop” Windows OS.) Once you decide what your computer’s main function will be then comes the harder choice of deciding on an appropriate operating system since some OS’s are better suited for “servers” whereas others are better as “desktops”.

    Things only start to get more confusing when you start talking about server “functions” such as what VirtualBox does. But make no mistake, VirtualBox itself is still an app that works best with a DESKTOP OS (or at least with a desktop GUI). VirtualBox just happens to allow you to run other operating systems that MIGHT then be configured as dedicated servers. Of course, there are OTHER VM engines other than VirtualBox, some of which are better designed to be used in actual dedicated server environments. But that’s a rabbit hole I’m sure you don’t care to even look at since you’re not likely doing crazy things like running your own server farm where you’d be in charger of maintaining a rack or even multiple racks of actual computers and dealing with things like “hyper terminals”.

    Yes, CentOS is a “Red Hat” based Linux OS. And Yes, it’s pretty solid as as a”server” OS goes too — even as a desktop! But so too are Ubuntu or even Debian. Not that OpenSuSE or even OpenBSD (which technically isn’t even Linux) are all that bad either. But it does make a difference what you get since nearly all of them will likely have you obtaining a desktop version — not a “server” version! You actually have to dig a little to find the server version of nearly anyone’s distro EXCEPT certain distro’s like CentOS! In fact, CentOS’s big thing is that it seems to want to fulfill BOTH desktop and server functions at the same time which is a rather short sighted endeavor, if you ask me. But then, CentOS does get its support directly from the number one server OS company on planet earth (excepting for maybe Microsoft) — Red Hat.

    Here’s the thing. You want to get away from Windows but don’t know much about Linux? Be advise that by switching to any Linux OS (regardless of server/desktop) IT WILL MAKE YOU LEARN! So if you want to ease into it I suggest starting off with perhaps the easiest and BEST supported Linux distro (OS) right now which seems to be Linux Mint. Just recently, Linux Mint decided to up the anti and release version 17 which will be a “LTS” (Long Term Supported) version, good until 2019.

    Linux Mint, is a near clone of the wildly popular Ubuntu (also a great choice if you don’t mind a little commercialization mixed in). And Ubuntu is an offshoot of the grand daddy of all Linux distro’s — Debian (excepting for maybe Slackware and Red Hat). All of these OS’s can 99.9% interchange apps. Maybe even 100%! So right there, you have one of the largest communities with perhaps THE largest collection of software and nearly all of it free! Red Hat-based OS’s and even SuSE-based OS’s are other excellent choices but they are NOT as well tailored towards the absolute beginner nor do they have quite as much free software (though the choices are still pretty extensive, and it’s not like anyone can’t recompile source code either). Even worse are what I call “third candidates” some of which might include Mandriva-based offshoots (also a great choice) or even the totally weird though very cool distros like Puppy (which is almost a sub culture in and of itself). But for a beginner, I don’t even give them the option — GET LINUX MINT! You’ll be very happy and amazed how easy Linux can be.

    … Though you may want to forget about using Microsoft Office. However, that may negate your seeming need for VBox. So if you’re seriously looking at Linux then you really do need to check out Libre Office, Open Office or even Abiword if all you do is use a word processor (there are others here too). I find it absolutely insane that people actually pay Microsoft for WORSE software that only works on their platform — Windows. Because even Mozilla’s free Thunderbird email client is head and shoulders better than Outlook. Come ON! LOOK!!! (Obviously, I can go on.)

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

    I currently record all cable channels using the analogue hole using the Aver TV recorder. It records to its own hard drive separate from the computer. When the Hard Drive is full, I attach another hard drive. Movies and shows are just a file I play with any media player I wish.

    I have Windows Media Center but have never used it. Can you confirm how it works? Specifically, I “assume” you can record premium encrypted content “but” it is DRM’d? I dont see any reason to do that and I’m hoping I’m wrong in some way?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

      Well pooh! This is a question to Know it All who only needs to know one thing?

      Of note: I cant tell any difference in quality between straight digital recording and those using the analogue hole.

    • mainecat says:

      The DRM depends on your provider. I have access to FIOS TV and Time Warner.

      With FIOS TV there is no DRM. You can do/record anything with Windows Media Center and play it back virtually anywhere, including nearly any other device or program.

      With Time Warner EVERYTHING is DRMd. You are screwed. You can only play/record to windows media center and then play ONLY ON THE PC THAT RECORDED IT. Not to mention the additional media switch the size of the cable box to handle the digital switch. True hell.

      I gave up both due to excessive commercials, reality shows and the hardware nightmares.

      No need for either with Netflix and Amazon prime. Of course the jack up you internet rate to compensate for not having TV.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist still in awe of the wonderment of it all says:

        Thanks Mainecat–that confirms what I thought the case was.

        I don’t know why anyone would spend the time to record shows to one and only that one pc that will play the shows back. Better just to stick with watching whatever the cable co’s allow you to do.

        Comcast keeps marching on and drm’ing more of their content, not all, but its getting closer including the over the air basic service.

        How long before they plug the analog hole?

  18. Schmidt says:

    Why hurry. Use Win7 until Win9 comes out. Win9 is supposed to adapt itself depending on hardware. I.e. it won’t throw the abhorrent tiles at you when it doesn’t think it’s a tablet.

    Think of Win8 in a similar way we all have thought of Vista: just a little crack in the time-space-continuum.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      From what I’ve read, the executives at MS don’t have a clue and are not going to fix Win8 the way they fixed Vista.

  19. 33number says:

    I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro 13″ (non retina) 2.7 GHz with 16GB RAM, and a new Samsung 840 Evo 1TB SSD. This thing flies. I use WMware 6 and Windows 7 to play around.

    I used VirtualBox to run Windows 7 and the Arduino compiler because I don’t want to install Java in my OS X. Unfortunately I had some problems in USB connections. So I bought Parallels Desktop, but it is so intrusive in OS X that I had to format my Mac and reinstall OS X to get rid of it. It is horrible.

    If you like VirtualBox, but need a professional tool, buy WMware 6 it is much better and faster, and has many features that you can control easily.

    If you already use VirtualBox and is afraid to migrate to VMware, don’t. There is an easy way to make this transition. Just make a search in Google for “migrate virtualbox to vmware” and you will see an article from Howtogeek.com with all steps to do it. I did it and works flawlessly.

  20. Rational Ranger says:

    Use the classic Shell


    IT makes it just like windows XP or whatever you like.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      It’s not the panacea you think it is. Yes, you get back the Taskbar and Start Button, but that’s all. Go into user account settings and the whole thing is a mess.

  21. AdmFubar says:

    i left windows 15 years ago…. i’ve not looked back. there isnt anything a linux machine cant to that a windows machine can.. except for one, get infected…. the rest of the world is running away from windows as fast as they can. m$ is in some serious financial trouble, dont believe the media hype that they arent. hop over to techrights.org to learn more.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Linux machines can get infected.

      To say there is nothing it can’t do is like saying a Turing tape can do anything Java can do.

      • flatwombat says:

        Linux machines COULD get infected, but due to better security, and far fewer users, it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

        And, are you implying that all the creative brains are employed by MS ? There are tens of thousands of packages (programs) available for linux users and for Joe Average, anything he wants to do is easily managed.

        Before knocking it, take a serious look at a modern linux distro on a spare machine and see if it works for you.

  22. Rex says:

    The writing was on the wall when Vista came out. I switched to Linux, first Ubuntu then Linux Mint. One of my four computers is a server running nginx web server and it is rock solid. It’s so nice to not have to worry about viruses and spyware. I have VirtualBox on my main computer to run Window XP for the few programs that will only run on Windows. Wine takes care of the rest. Don’t misunderstand, 95% of the programs I run are Linux programs. Download Mint, burn the DVD and boot it. You can try it out before you decide to install it.

  23. Jorge Rhor says:

    32 GB of RAM is not required in my opinion unless you are using software that will take advantage of at least half of it, and that is hard to accomplish with home software.
    Instead, get only 16 or 12 GB, I think that would be enough.
    If you choose a modern AMD APU, you will get more than enough horsepower to play 1080 videos on YouTube, no need for an external video card unless you do gaming with the latest titles. Even with a 4th Generation Core Intel CPU you get finally decent GPU performance for many tasks, and in my opinion, those CPUs are better suited than AMD’s.
    My idea would be to install Windows 7 until 9 comes out as a preview on winter and see what it brings, that’s actually what I do.
    And about viruses, I have not had one infecting my computers for more than 12 years. I don’t use an active “on-access” scanning Antivirus, just a good Firewall. Common sense complete my security needs.

    I hope it helps.

    • Tim says:

      “”I don’t use an active “on-access” scanning Antivirus, just a good Firewall.

      Thank you, Citizen. If people could learn not to use those things then not only would they probably also have considerably less yahoo! toolbars but could also get a ‘feel’ for their machines — The responsiveness might just be such that the familiar user would notice a change…… and then blame global warming.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      So…. what is a good firewall?

      I’ve never dealt with it. Seems to me there is one on Window 7 and maybe another one on my router? I have entered IP addresses to make my webcam work and I have activated port 6600? for some utorrent file but that is it.

      I don’t see “firewall” programs advertised.

      This could be the missing link in my system?

      • Jorge Rhor says:

        Comodo Firewall (free) is the one I use, but it is NOT suited for non-technical people since you have to know what you are doing to take advantage of all the protection it can offer.
        Instead, BitDefender Security Suite (paid) is the program I recommend to “regular” users who want a program that just “works”.

        If you use Bittorrent, then you really need a good firewall. The version that comes with Windows is good enough for regular tasks, but for Bittorrent protocols, you need more flexibility to protect ports that may me open on your system.

        We all know we are being spied all the time, so the protection I’m talking about is from viruses mainly.

        • Tim says:

          “”If you use Bittorrent, then you really need a good firewall.

          The only reason I can think of that this may be true is so that you may control a connection in the case a VPN suddenly drops out…

          “”so the protection I’m talking about is from viruses mainly.

          ^^ Which is why your assertion is worthless fud for p2p applications.

          • Jorge Rhor says:

            Yeah, sure. I only have like 25 years of experience, so what do I know?.. 😉

          • Tim says:

            Enlighten me, Jorge Rhor. What would a firewall of any level of functionality do to protect my machine from virii gotten off the evil PirateBay?

            Do you often contribute to Yahoo Answers?
            “”I recently was called out to see a clients laptop, he had a peer to peer file sharing network software installed.

            “”His laptop was the most infected machine I had ever seen in over 10 years of computing. The machine was a right off,…

            “”This was all down to bit torrent software and useless XP firewall which provided no real protection.


            btw, that last bit reminds me of the Harley Shirt Guy on 911

            *…and then I witnessed both towers collapse; One first and then the second — Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense…*



            25 years, hu? started out about late 80’s…got set in your ways by mid ’90s… hated windows 95… cried for OS2…. got burned really bad by KaZaa… learned what a firewall was cause you saw some on KaZaa… ….bought stock in TimeWarner… hate hate hate p2p because criss dodd and gene simmons does…

            ^^ Does that sound about right? It’s ok. lots of douches have been there.

            For a guy that smartly does not run a live scanner, I would have expected more. Or maybe you were just blowing something out the SCSI port? That’s ok to, I do it all the time…

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist striving to become a Nerd says:

            Timmmmy, you are having too much fun. My gut tells me you are basically correct, but my confidence level is only 10% because: I know I don’t know about this stuff.

            But it will be fun to read up a bit on Commodo and such reading should only make me more informed about computers in general…. and thats a good thing…. basic literacy for our day and age.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist striving to become a Nerd says:

          Thanks…. I’ll get it and try to learn it.

          All springs from a basic tenet of mine: what one human being can do….. so can another.

          Its not “true”….. its just the most pragmatic way to improve.

          • Jorge Rhor says:

            Indeed, anyone can learn anything if there is enough interest (or need).
            Good luck!

    • 1 More H-8-er of W-8-ing says:

      32 Gigs of memory will come in handy if — and this is a very big “if” — you have a 64 bit operating system!!! Anything more than 4Gigs of RAM with a 32 bit OS is a near complete waste of money.

      So, if you go with the 32Gigs of RAM (since you have the money to burn) don’t cheat yourself with a puny 32-bit OS — it’s almost too EASY to do that with Windows!

      Of course, you also need a 64-bit CPU which is hard to NOT get these days — but not impossible! So avoid Atom, ARM and other similar CPU’s and stick to the more familiar Intel “Core” branded processors or AMD A6 Phenom and you should be OK. Add at least 2 or more cores in that CPU (which is impossible to NOT have) and it gets even better.

  24. 1 More H-8-er of W-8-ing says:

    Here’s something to consider…


    I couldn’t have said it better myself. “Close Windows and Open DOORS!” I would only add, “once you stop looking at your windows and learn how to travel through those doors will you finally experience true FREEDOM! And it will NOT be something some large corporation tells you it is either.”

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    I use Comodo and I recommend it to all my friends. Electronics 44 years, computers 36 years and security (IT) for the last twenty.

    Only had one system infected once in all that time. Use windows for personal stuff and Linux for work.

  26. pixelriffic says:

    Linux is a great solution if you just want to surf the web, set it up as a server, and so on. The fact is that application support still has a long way to go. Sure, running Windows as a virtual machine is a pretty good way to get the best of both.

    Speaking of Video, Jorge is correct. In fact, you could buy the most modest Intel or AMD combo on the shelves today, and play 1080P just fine with the built in video.

  27. NewFormatSux says:

    Bill Gates need to stop worrying about too many black and brown babies, and get Windows back to being useful.

    Instead of developing a 16 year birth control pill, how about another OS that can be used for 16 years?

  28. Chris says:

    Good plan, did something similar recently. I actually build a new rig every year, only passion I have left (don’t drink, don’t smoke and can’t go out anymore – I have pudendal neuralgia). The two last ones are built around a Corsair Obsidian 750 and H100i cooler. Running an overclocked 4770K and all cores idle around 24/25Celcius. If you’d want to go with Intel, you’d now better off with the 4790K, best price/performance ratio but I have no complains about my FX-9370 setup.

    Grab either a GTX 770 or a R9-290x with 4GB of DDR5, you’ll have no issues running two displays. I don’t care about benchmarks results but the Intel/Nvidia setup would be a bit more expensive but cooler and quieter while being slightly faster, in everyday use.

  29. Comanche says:

    Windows 8 is enough to make me switch to Apple and I hate Apple. That’s how much I hate windows 8. I’ll wait a year and see if they replace the turd.

    • HUGSaLOT says:

      So much hate for windows 8 yet other than metro/tiles screen, no one really explains why they hate it.

      People just go on and on chanting “windows 8 sucks” like some mindless meme that people hear and just repeat out of peer pressure, with out actually trying the OS.

      Every time M$ releases a new OS people complain about it before they even use it. Which explains why so many people are still using Windows XP.

  30. David says:

    I have no problems with Win8. I run Win7 and Win8 and frankly the differences are very slim if you spend your time in the desktop. I prefer Win8 to Win7 because:

    – I like the way it handles dual screen setups
    – There are a few metro apps that I like
    – The copy operations seem to perform better
    – overall performance seems a bit better

    I boot directly to desktop and very rarely need to deal with anything metro related. There are some control panel type operations that are metro, but frankly these are hardly ever used. How many times do you need to adjust users?

    I wouldn’t upgrade a Win7 machine to Win8 in most cases. But if I was starting fresh, I’d definitely go Win8.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      1. How does Win 8 handle dual screen set ups? I set my dual screen up in Win 7 about 3 years ago in 3 minutes.

      2. Which Metro Apps do you like. Are these apps unavailable in win 7?

      3. How does a copy operation perform better? Faster maybe but it either copies or it doesn’t? I like using TerraCopy because it has a progress box showing how many files have been transferred and you can add to it during the transfer process. Something win7 doesn’t do. Nice app and its free.

      4. Overall performance increase is always nice….. anything more than the above?

      Newbies want to know!!!!!!!!!

      • David says:

        1. For me the key difference in the dual monitors is that you can have a task bar on both screens. None of this is earth shattering, but all helpful. There are some other cosmetic changes:


        2. The primary app I like on the Metro side is a security camera program (IPCamera). There are variations for the desktop but they are more complicated. There is also a Google Calendar client I like(1Calendar). I also play some games as well use the Xbox app. Again nothing earth shattering but all nice to have.

        3. The copy dialog is changed in Win8. I think it works faster but really it’s hard for me to tell whether its hardware or something else. I can’t really quantify the performance increase– only to say it feels faster.

        So none of this is really huge, and not saying it is worth and upgrade. But it’s all useful and I like it. At the same price I go for Win8.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

          Thanks David. when there is very little difference, it will be the little things that make a difference.

          Seems to the functionality of the apps your mention are all available on Win 7 too so are you just noting that they are “bundles” with Win 8 or what?

          I like my double montior arrangement. One 21 inch horizaontal and one 27 inch in Portrait. Portrait allow basically a display equal to two monitors WITH space at the top and botton for monitoring apps and tool bars.

          Totally kuel.

          • David says:


            Seems to the functionality of the apps your mention are all available on Win 7 too so are you just noting that they are “bundles” with Win 8 or what?


            I think the Apps are better than the Win7 solutions I found. So for the cameras I can load up a big program to do it on Win7, but I prefer the simpler solution on Win8. You can use Outlook or the web for Google Calendar but 1Calendar is simpler.

            Again, not a reason to upgrade but a nice to have. I just see the differences between Win7 and Win8 as being way overdone. They are nearly the same for desktop users!

          • Tim says:

            I already pointed out “”the fucking thing sux , why are you sniffing around for what scent beaver anal gland scent to patch into a late-model microsoft product??


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