Tim Murray

An Oklahoma congressional candidate has announced he plans to contest Tuesday’s primary election of long time Rep. Frank Lucas.

In a bizarre letter obtained by NewsChannel 4, Tim Murray says he doesn’t feel Rep. Lucas is qualified for office…Murray brings it up in his letter announcing his plan to contest Lucas’s election writing, “…it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike…”

…His campaign website goes into detail about his theory that Lucas was hanged “…executed by the world court on or about jan. 11, 2011…” in Ukraine…“I’ve never been to Ukraine,” said Rep. Lucas.

For the past 20 years, Lucas has been working in Congress, and he’s faced Murray in past elections.

“He was the Democratic nominee for Congress two years ago. This time, he chose to run as a Republican,” said Rep. Lucas.

On Tuesday, 5.2 percent of Oklahomans voted for Murray. Lucas won more than 82 percent of the vote. Since Murray doesn’t believe Lucas is living, he wants those votes.

“Many things have been said about me, said to me during course of my campaigns. This is the first time I’ve ever been accused of being a body double or a robot,” said Rep. Lucas.

RTFA for copies of two letters describing the World Court trial and execution Murray says he saw on television.

Draw your own conclusions. Har.

Thanks, Mike

  1. Tim says:

    “”I am contesting that this matter has happen since his election was blocked, because of the U.S. Defense Department’s use of Mr. Murray’s DNA.

    ohh… not again. I wonder what kind of laugh RE@DER would get out of cross-canned news like that.

    • RE@DER says:

      “I will murder you by the billions to give you immortality. I will set fire to your civilization to light your way forward. But know this: My species is not defined by your dying, but by your living.”
      ― Daniel H. Wilson, Robopocalypse
      The F-35’s are catching on fire. It’s a new design feature to light the way forward. If we increase production and have robots fly missions we can kill more people with fewer machines and no pilots. Itz a living!

      Go Hellcats!

      • Tim says:

        I cordially invity you to go self-induce parasitic oscillations on one of your malformed UART channels.

        If I were your administrator, I’d see to it that every nanowire was repurposed into insitu spinctervalve actuators in the no-flow microgravity toilets aboard Saturnian garbage scaws.

  2. RE@DER says:

    “Surely, if we take on thinking partners––or, at the least, thinking servants––in the form of machines, we will be more comfortable with them, and will relate to them more easily, if they are shaped like humans.
    It will be easier to be friends with human-shaped robots than with specialized machines of unrecognizable shape. And I sometimes think that, in the desperate straits of humanity today, we would be grateful to have nonhuman friends, even if they are only the friends we build ourselves.”
    ― Isaac Asimov, Robot Visions

    We can build our own media consultants and have an unbeatable machine… I want to be on top / Forever on the up and damn the competition / I never play it fair / I never turn a hair / Just like the politicians / I wrap my conscience …We’re winning ugly…

  3. RE@DER says:

    “The buttons I usually push don’t need my force, only my intention. Buttons are supposed to be servants, waiting to deliver your commands to the machine. Instead, this loud, dumb piece of steel I’m driving demands that I pay strict attention to every turn of the road, keep my hands and feet ready at all times.
    The car takes no responsibility for the job of driving. It leaves me in total control.
    I hate it. I don’t want control. I just want to get there”
    ― Daniel H. Wilson, Robopocalypse

    The builders put in a radio so the drivers would pay less attention. These things are killing more people than the terrorists. Now they have put in defective ignitions because the body count isn’t high enough. Supposedly the NSA is the problem? It’s never all the nuts behind the wheels.

  4. RE@DER says:

    More to come dept. http://theregister.co.uk/2014/06/30/remaining_snowden_documents_will_be_release_to_avert_war_cryptome/
    It seems the logic is that with everybody bored to death reading Snowden NSA documents nobody will show up for the war they are throwing. It’s going to cost $100K.

    “Lucky for us, we can give meaning to each other for free. Just by being alive.”
    ― Daniel H. Wilson, Robopocalypse

    • Tim says:

      I’m getting the feeling that John Young is being, perhaps intentionally, misunderstood with this talk of war aversion.

      I don’t believe he has inside knowledge that the documents will be released — just that they must be by july; He’s running on faith.

      The ‘war’ of which he speaks is probably the next CIPA, PIPA, SOPA, some kind of A to come down the pike and kill the net as it is known now to where it doesn’t matter if the documents are later released, or not… no way to read them.

    • Tim says:

      I’m getting the feeling that John Young is being, perhaps intentionally, misunderstood with this talk of war aversion.

      I don’t believe he has inside knowledge that the documents will be released — just that they must be by july; He’s running on faith.

      The ‘war’ of which he speaks is probably the next CIPA, PIPA, SOPA, some kind of A to come down the pike and kill the net as it is known now to where it doesn’t matter if the documents are later released, or not… no way to read them.

  5. RE@DER says:

    Fishing is more important than voting. We are trying to stock the lake, with water. This is one of those places with dry lakes, under water mortgages and no gardens. The food comes from 3000 miles away. Not exactly your model for survivable living. If we vote for more idiots we may keep the car dealer open for another 6 months (Interstate closed though). The filling station is only good for another 4 though. You used to be able to walk to the lake and did more fishing and less driving. With the golf course closings, people are doing less driving and less putting too. We’re getting back in the fight in Iraq and there’s more dying. Fishing and golfing is out. You voted and you lost. You can’t lose with robots.

    “Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference; we should each be treated with appropriate respect.”
    ― Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: Odyssey Two

    • Tim says:

      The HAL 9000 series used holographic memory; So, chronologically tossing it’s salad out the back door, again and again like you just can’t stop, wouldn’t work…

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    If he lost to a body double, then he still isn’t qualified to win.

    In related news, Al Gore is an alien, born just nine months after Roswell. Every so often he lets it slip, talking about ‘this planet’

  7. Political & Critical says:

    One thing you (Eidard) didn’t make very clear: NEITHER candidate is actually dead! In fact, both candidates are/were very much animated (alive and moving around) during their campaigns.

    The other thing not clearly mentioned is that Tim Murray is NOT the incumbent (the guy in office). In fact, Tim Murray is the crazy guy who had previously been registered as a DEMOCRAT! And now that Murray has re-registered as a republican this somehow makes the news?! Go figure the bias on that little tidbit of info.

    In any case, the absolute insane claim that Tim Murry makes is that the winner (and ongoing incumbent) Frank Lucas was somehow REPLACED — as if Lucas were some kind of Manchurian Candidate or something. What’s more, Tim Murray is claiming that the real Frank Lucas was killed by some unknown “world court.” (Didn’t they do an episode of this on the Twilight Zone or somewhere?)

    But back to that bias thing. You want to talk about crazy politicians?! Just look at some of the crazy shit Democrat Bill Clinton said the other day in Denver while talking to Meet the Press’s David Gregory. Bill Clinton was a 2-term President with some very real power unlike some dip shit legislator from the State of Oklahoma. Bill Clinton said that it takes 10 years for an economy to fully recover after it has taken a nose dive. So if you follow that kind of reasoning (which, on the surface, seems sound) it would seem to be a black eye on his OWN presidency that George W. Bush inherited! But do you hear anyone in the press calling him on it? Do you even hear anyone asking Bill Clinton why all the W’s on everything in the White House were removed just before the Clinton’s left the place?! NO! We have to go WAY DOWN to LOCAL POLITICS in the backwards state of Oklahoma to show any crazy politician on the republican side — who wasn’t even a republican in the first place!!!

    … Not that very many republicans don’t deserve a little condemnation for the crap they have pulled and continue to pull. But let’s be fair! Ask the tough question: why the fuck is this NATIONAL political news?! Doesn’t crap like this belong in the society section along with other pure bullshit like what the Cardashion’s are up to?

  8. mojo says:

    Yeah. I hate it when that happens. Damn Pod People.

    • Tim says:

      And he’d have gotten away with it to if his pod wasn’t still in beta…

      I hear the Yo-pod firmware update addresses those little cosmetic rendering errors {not really, it breaks cut’n’paste eyebrows}.


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