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The most interesting part of his comments aren’t about the F35, but how the whole stealth concept is a scam.

  1. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    is that little triangle on Hill’s face the new F-35?

  2. WrightBrothers says:

    F-15 designer says F-35 is stupid: F-15 is a Boeing product, F-35 is a Lockheed Martin product. Pretty much sums up his argument.

    • UncDon says:

      I’ve heard of speed-reading before, but never speed-listening. Maybe you should play the vid in slow-motion so you can hear what he’s saying.

      • dusanmal says:

        All what he is saying is matter of interpretation. Science/engineering is not a field without rivalries and related BS. Particularly when big money gets involved. Equivalent of either S.Jobs saying that Windows is crap for such and such reasons or B.Gates saying that OSX is crap for such and such reasons. Nothing more.

        • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

          Wing loading is a design truth. As is a “fat” fuselage increasing drag with no increase in lift.

    • Dummy says:

      No. The F-SIXTEEN designer said the F-35 was stupid.

  3. jpfitz says:

    The JSF competition is over and the outcome is a quagmire. I say keep the warthog flying with it’s 30mm gun, that’s 1.1811 in inches. One football field with a pull of the trigger. Tank and Taliban killer.

    Long film about the competition for the contract.

    • dusanmal says:

      That is indeed a true problem. F35 is a matter of opinion about specs’. “Killing” Warthog is matter of insanity, nothing to replace it and documented need and excellence in every aspect. Guess, Obama doesn’t like hogs and easily makes assumptions.

      • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

        A-10 was killed off because all the Air Force brass consider themselves as fighter or bomber pilots or maybe silo jockeyes. None consider themselve a Close Air Support pilot. The A-10 is not fast or sexy and gets no respect except from the troops on the ground and the Forward Air Controllers who support them.

        • jpfitz says:

          Looks like the A-10 hog will be upgraded and kept in the air. That is a relief, considering the type of battles that will be fought against ISIL.
          Those black flagged Arabs and Europeans who join their forces will shit their pants when they hear the distinctive sound of the hogs engine scream towards them above the streets of Iraq.

          “The A-10 is receiving a service life extension program (SLEP) upgrade with many receiving new wings.[29] The service life of the re-winged aircraft is extended to 2040. A contract to build as many as 242 new A-10 wing sets was awarded to Boeing in June 2007.[30] Two A-10s flew in November 2011 with the new wing installed. On 4 September 2013, the Air Force awarded Boeing a follow-on contract of $212 million for 56 replacement wings for the A-10, bring the total on order to 173. The wings will improve mission readiness, decrease maintenance costs, and keep the type operational into 2035.”

      • jpfitz says:

        The only reason for high speed supersonic Jet fighters is to deliver air to ground missiles and jamming of radar installations. The EA-18G Growler takes off an aircraft carrier to specific targets and do their damage then return. Then the slower A-10 come in to bust up enemy on the ground, and provide support to troops moving in securing the area, most likely oil related installations.

        • reader says:

          It’s not really a fighter jet now, it is a Air Security Surveillance Help Oil Liquidate Everybody platform to increase corporate profits. We have A.S.S.H.O.L.E. and the real damage will be done when half the east coast power grid goes down for weeks and with NYC offline you better have candles. You’ll be stealth at night by blowing the candle out.

  4. Cgpnz says:

    Don’t forget about those wing bombers that replaced whole squadrons. The tali-boys simply need to buy/fit/fly your standard $300 drone into a few hangars.

  5. Really says:

    And you wonder who the real criminals are ? Really ?

  6. noname says:

    My airplane brings all the pilots to the yard
    And their life is better than yours
    Damn right is better than yours
    I can teach you but I have to kill you

    My airplane brings all the pilots to the yard
    And their life is better than yours
    Damn right is better than yours
    I can teach you but I have to kill you

    I know you want it, the thing that makes me soar
    What the pilots go crazy for
    They lose their minds
    The way I wind, I think it’s time

    La, la la, la la
    Warm it up
    La, la la, la la
    The pilots are waiting

    La, la la, la la
    Warm it up
    La, la la, la la
    The pilots are waiting

    My airplane brings all the pilots to the yard
    And their life is better than yours
    Damn right, it’s better than yours
    I can teach you but I have to kill you

    I can see, you’re on it, you want me to teach you
    Flight techniques that freaks these pilots
    It can’t be bought, just know, thieves get caught
    Watch if your smart

    La, la la, la la
    Warm it up
    La, la la, la la
    The pilots are waiting

    La, la la, la la
    Warm it up
    La, la la, la la

    • Tim says:

      hmm. You know how some songs are just the same as other ones??

      …in the space between some heaven and the corner of some foreign field, I had a dream…

      • noname says:

        Awesome, I bow to you musical repertoire! Almost fogot about Pink Floyd! They are still relevant today as they were cool back in the 70s. Oh, how the times have past! Still singing of life’s fragility, many foolishness and how larger events can shape destiny.

        Like their song mix of old and current wars with economic struggles of competition and insecurities.

        I still like my unoriginal lyrics better ….
        My airplane brings all the pilots to the yard
        And their life is better than yours
        Damn right is better than yours….

  7. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    F-16 was designed and sold to the Air Force as a cheap, manuverable daylight dogfighter. Once the first ones entered service, the Air Force started remaking them into daylight fighter/bombers, then all-weather, and then as Close Air Support. Weight increased as well as avionics complexity. All the new avionics meant much more maintenance time. And increased weight meant less manuverability and increased fuel usage.

    And General Dynamics loved it because the could keep raking in boatloads of R & D money as well as refit contracts.

    • noname says:

      Today’s military brass is all about keeping the vendors alliances happy, i.e., the military industrial complex!

      Money is not an obstacle for the military, particularly with the repuckatons.

      John Boyd together with Thomas Christie, a civilian mathematician, created the Energy-Maneuverability theory, or E-M theory of aerial combat. Boyd’s “Fighter Mafia” conceived the LFX Lightweight Fighter program that produced the F-16 and McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet. Boyd’s acolyte Pierre Sprey was also largely responsible for developing the highly successful Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II or “Warthog”.

      Pierre Sprey has credentials few have. If he says it “do-do” then, I am inclined to believe him!

      • Mercenary G-Force Shit-Hot Fly'boy's inc. says:

        call us. Every one of our pilots are fully liscensed, pass rigourous drug screening tests, are somewhat dedicated, and are securely packed into fresh GreatStuff expanding foam insulation before every jettisoning off the Rail Ray and into {fcc regulations prevent us from claiming that glued down pilots withstanding more g’s make them more successful than regular pilots} glorious, victorious, vinnable-moment combat.

        MGSHFi– We put a permagrin on our benefactors ; again, and again.

        • Mercenary G-Force Shit-Hot Fly'boy's inc. says:

          …dammit, pedro. now? really?

          “”…Most every one of our pilots…

          • noname says:

            No need for “glued down pilots”, good or bad.

            Drones will be tomorrows worriers!

  8. norman says:

    Pia Malfatua dad worked for Gram refrigerators and collected queens pained plates, his mate fly a f16 and took us to air base south denmark 1970s.. nice in door machine, but what does it do

    shopping trip across border see AWAC parralell our bus.. woot does it do

    Lossimoth scotland glaswegian painting landing bahn see , woot ye call them.. hover craft.. virtigal take off taking of horizonal.. woot them ‘plane called.. the same glaswegian would boast he work nuke sub station and a propell went missing…

    This kind of think is too silly for comment

    • Tim says:

      “”collected queens pained plates,

      Ohh! I love those. You put them into the microwave and the gold frill throughout the finely-painted porcelain really sets off a show. Also, it’s fun to put an egg on the plate if it is not your microwave…

  9. Tim says:

    Oh yea. As this is a tech blog, wasn’t it this movie in 1991 to first to utilize DTS audio for home use??

    Final Approach — {Eric Steven Stahl}

    Stupid stealth with longwave CW radar just looks like a flock of geese approaching Moscow at mach 3. — even portable units {clear air dopplers} can spot them due to the turbulence left in their wake.

    • Tim says:


      That ‘CW’ detector can also be comprised of old television sets operating in the uhf band — it used to be called ‘ghosting’ and an SDR setup coorelated within microsecond response time across ‘the net’ would allow one to identify every single aircraft in the air simultaneously { bistatic radar; the ‘transmitters’, ie’ kWOR, is known}… stealth, or not.

      Snowden didn’t suggest that ^^ ; my shit is better than yours.

  10. reader says:

    “The TF30 turbofan design was better for cruise performance, but proved troublesome in the dynamic environment of air combat maneuvering with a tendency to stall or hang-up. Even more disheartening was the occasional shedding of turbine blades that caused catastrophic engine failure and potential loss of the aircraft itself. Pratt and Whitney developed a containment shroud of steel to protect the aircraft from damage and this TF30 variant was designated the TF30-P414. Availability was scare initially and Tomcats were delivered to Miramar only to have their engines pulled and trucked back to Bethpage for installation in another Tomcat leaving many Tomcats on the ramp at Miramar with empty engine bays. The skipper of VF-213 vented his frustration to a reporter comparing being a skipper to running a junkyard. After the news picked up the story, the Pentagon began to take action.”

    These new jets with fancy flight computers just about fly themselves. Maybe we can send them to Iraq because they have demand for combat aircraft and no pilots.

  11. reader says:

    “In the end my plan not only gives our air forces a massive capability increase via a robust high-low mix of technologies and capabilities while investing in our “unmanned” future, but it also saves the American tax payer billions while at the same time it increases planned airframe procurement by over 25%. Further, this plan can be easily adjusted and adapted to fit budgetary constraints and the warfighter’s needs as losing one aircraft type or decreasing its numbers will not leave America with a massive strategic deficit. In the end buying a one size fits all, compromised design, such as the F-35, leaves America in a much worse and less adaptable strategic position than the logical and more agile plan offered here. Further, in comparison to the F-35 program, any savings that was originally thought to have been achieved through commonality will be made irrelevant as a more flexible and sustainable force will deliver much greater savings over time than simple commonality between aircraft variants. In many ways the JSF concept is a failed philosophy and America’s alternatives to it offer more capability at a lower risk and overall cost.”


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