Best comment at 3:06……then again at 8:12. A strong economy, seriously? I bet 97% of economists might disagree with that.
And people wonder why some don’t blindly accept the “official stories” that come out of DC.
Best comment at 3:06……then again at 8:12. A strong economy, seriously? I bet 97% of economists might disagree with that.
And people wonder why some don’t blindly accept the “official stories” that come out of DC.
Bad Behavior has blocked 9187 access attempts in the last 7 days.
Beam me up Scotty – there is no intelligent life here.
Yet these people in charge sure know how to throw other peoples’ money around and live the high life – golf courses, trips to China with relatives and dogs, Marthas Vineyards, Hawaii on the corporate jet et al.
Susan Rice has nothing on Pinocchio when it comes to telling tales.
If not for affirmative action polices she would be selling Time Shares in Puerto Morelos
“”…she would be selling Time Shares in Puerto Morelos
Not unless she starts to ‘put out’ and i’m not really seeing any takers in this particular watering hole…
So these criminals will break their own oaths to save a deserter, but wouldn’t do the same for law-abiding citizens captured by militants?
Throw the entirety of D.C. into Gitmo, then blast it. Just more evidence that criminal action is the new norm in government.
That’s probably why they want to close Gitmo, they are afraid they could become residents in a future administration.
At 3:06 Rice says the guy was a POW and USA has a “sacred duty” to get him back.
At 8:12 she says the USA is Biggest Asshole on the Planet.
While any statement is subject to quibbling, aren’t both of these basically accurate…. and even moreso in the context of a gubment wanting to work its military will on the rest of the world?
Are your time points off, or did you post the wrong clip?
You decide.
“US Knew Bowe Bergdahl Had Deserted, Investigated Him”
Well, I’ve heard that “it is impossible” to come to a finding of desertion without interviewing the escapee. That makes sense to me.
In the main….. the purpose in expending time, attention, resources, gasoline, chocolate bars, men, money, print, and bug spray for the rose garden has ZERO to do with the pows in prison, and EVERYTHING to do with the grunts in the field.
Got to keep the team cohesive and on point.
Know what I mean?
“Well, I’ve heard that ‘it is impossible’ to come to a finding of desertion without interviewing the escapee. That makes sense to me.”
I believe the reference “to come to a finding of desertion without interviewing…” should be “to come to a finding of TRAITOR without interviewing the escapee.”
That makes sense to me.
Doesn’t traitor mean to work actively against the interests of the USA while deserter just means you believed the recruiter?
What difference do you think there is since neither can be “legally” established without interviewing the perp?
Actually, again, traitors is a civilian offense that can be done without the perp while deserter is a military proceeding according to their rules????? I don’t know, just guessing.
But I’ll go with the majority on this.
Deserter: not worth the time and trouble to warehouse him.
Traitor: shoot him twice.
“Doesn’t traitor mean to work actively against the interests of the USA while deserter just means you believed the recruiter?”
Describes at least the present and former POTUS.
“Deserter: not worth the time and trouble to warehouse him.
Traitor: shoot him twice.”
What to do, what to do?
“”What to do, what to do?
Wait until he is on us soil and reunited with his family — then swatraid him and shoot his new homecoming puppy in front of his hypothetical unborn child.
I *think* the issue @3:06 is the term *prisoner of war*. I’m unclear on whether he was ever given that designation.
“”The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting.
It sounds like the guy had a conscience. Soldiers with consciences are being weeded out — can’t have a compassionate, thinking killing machines coming home to be LEO.
*…In the life of all free nations, there come moments that decide the direction of a country and reveal the character of its’ people…
Now, if he’d made just one video chunking a puppy then his homecoming would be back on — complete with free arcade tokens from Chuck E Cheeze.
I am more interested in the five they were happy to send back.
Bergdahl deserted and that will stick with him the rest of his miserable scum sucking mooslim life, like North Vietnamese rice shit on Jane Fonda’s white ass.
Ah Sweet Jane. Yeah…. she certainly has had a miserable life. I’d a thought you’d ah wanted something bad to happen to Bergdahl? Why so Christian?
What part of unequivocal does your TV watching GOP tongue sucking civilian “to afraid to serve” sink hole you call a mind don’t you understand?
One deserter from Vietnam ended up in North Korean prison for 30 years, and the military still prosecuted him for desertion. Seems Bergdahl should get much more.
Based on what … what you think you know from watching FOX news?
I guess that makes you a another FOX news true believing communist, thinking everyone is guilty before innocent and no need or desire to listen to his side!
Thank god, our outstanding military personal and Generals/Admirals don’t think remotely like you!!!
As one who recognized that the u.s. federal government did 911 after watching 20 minutes of cnn, I assert this is a psyop.
First off, I do not hold in high esteem those ‘brave’ souls who went to defend our ‘freedom’ after the fact — I put it down to public education combined with a general lack of intelligence and self-destructive chemical addictions {namely, floride}.
Brave fighter Pat Tillman pissed in a cup to get so worshiped — they killed him when he’d not remember his lines…
What I’m seeing now is a clammoring to keep people in a torture-camp; Why do we have a military base in Cuba? maybe pedro can enlighten us.
I heard on fauxnews this morning that “…the five released will return to fighting against freedom…” I hope they jam it up freeusa’s ass so bad because i’m not really impressed with the concept, of late.
As one who recognized that the u.s. federal government did 911 after watching 20 minutes of cnn, I assert this is a psyop. //// I watches about 5 days of 911 and did not come to that opinion. I dimly remember two airplaines flying into two buildings in NYC, one in a field in Penn, and one into the Pentagon. Which 20 minutes are you talking about?
First off, I do not hold in high esteem those ‘brave’ souls who went to defend our ‘freedom’ after the fact — I put it down to public education combined with a general lack of intelligence and self-destructive chemical addictions {namely, floride}. //// My two sisses had flouride in the water when their teeth came in. Still no cavities. I have about 3 pounds of silver and gold in my mouth. ……… but then to your point….. I’m not crazy……… (don’t say it!!)
Brave fighter Pat Tillman pissed in a cup to get so worshiped — they killed him when he’d not remember his lines… /// I thought he was friendly fire followed by a lie rather than fragged. It makes a difference you know.
What I’m seeing now is a clammoring to keep people in a torture-camp; Why do we have a military base in Cuba? maybe pedro can enlighten us. //// To be close to Castro. You mean the GitMo Prison camp on the Base…. right? ……….. I can sum that up in two words: Bush, and then those retards in Congress.
I heard on fauxnews this morning that “…the five released will return to fighting against freedom…” I hope they jam it up freeusa’s ass so bad because i’m not really impressed with the concept, of late. //// They learned English well enough to present on Faux News huh?
Where’s my beer?
“”To be close to Castro.
That is sort of along my line of thinking… got to protect those assets; especially the underprivileged ones that took 60 years to train and still acknowledge that your own urine is the most sterile thing to dress wounds with.
“”I watches about 5 days of 911 and did not come to that opinion.
Ahh. But you still remember witnessing the birth of *the crawl* — that stupid information overload of emminant advice one must have to survive the next 20 minutes?? And, I’m sure, you remember wondering how that never went away but got very much slower as it morphed into an entire week’s sports scores…
{if you need to refresh your memory, it has not gone away}
I call a Red Flag on this play. You are going full Tilt Norman, and I’m an Inuit…. NOT a Dane. We might both like blubber, but there is a difference.
Slow crawl perhaps, but not an inside job. Still, I might have been cleaning the beer fizz off the ceiling and missed the section you fixated on? (Clean the ceiling????…. who am I kidding?)
No. The distance of the mirror is only related to one’s focal distance. You sure do like to CONFLATE every issue you address with some other dithering of your private pleasure.
You know CONFLATION? Its an evil sin. The corrupt mancho of actually thinking.
Once you can focus, mirror or not, you see it everywhere. Then use the mirror to blind the fools, but their eyes are always closed.
Damn the torpedoes!
My refrigerator is broken. Everything appears to work, except its not cold. Defrost circuit?
So, I’m thinking Angies List. False bad reviews don’t bother me…. its the false good reviews.
Two different groups?
Sorry, bobbo. I’m out of medication {it’s not relatively available, pure, or cost effective} so that i’ve got nothing left but short 140 character quips that are worthy of a pedro retweet.
Try the okra.
“”My refrigerator is broken
Fuck. And the audience wondered how Rainman just wrote itself…
Well, if we’re talking about the same refrigerator then my diagnosis is still as presented — the coolant pressure is low so that its’ phase transition occurs below freezing where it depends on circulating air to cool the lettuce crisper.
If it is a different one, then it was probably transported on its’ side. It is called *the kiss of death* {oil rectifier} if you run the fridge in such a state within anything less than 48 hours after transportation — the coolant and oil is now a froth of foam and it will never separate.
The freezer does not matter as it does not depend on a flow of air — does the freezer freeze???
Nope. Freezer out as well. Compressor comes on and off as per thermostate, fans blow.
IF—-I knew how to use a continuity meter, I could figure this out myself. But I don’t.
Basic electronics to avoid being screwed by the high school drop out. MAN===I hate those guys…… and they all remember me from Advanced College Placement Courses.
Shit. Play to be screwed, or just buy another frig?
Pros and Cons to all we do.
I’d not be worring about continuity at this point, I’d feel the external heat exchanger to see if it was, at least, warm.
“”Compressor comes on and off as per thermostate,
Umm, that would indicate that the thermostat is registering a change in temperature…excuse me one moment, i have diarrea…
I don’t think I prepared the okra right. Whew! don’t click that link!
All different kinds of fridges — none of which are so good as the old ones with the condenser coil on the back…
I guess, you mean that you can turn the cooling knob and it will cut on. But verify that the inside fan is on as well as the outer one {probably on the bottom}…
You probably have one evaporator coil for freeze and fridge so
“”Sometimes (but fairly rarely) both heater and cooling system can be energized by the timer at the same time. This can result in thawing then refreezing of food in the freezer compartment often leading to freezer burn on that food.
“”If the evaporator coil is only partially frosting (see illustration above) or a ball of ice develops on just a small area of it (see illustration below), it is usually a sign of a refrigeration system problem in which case a trained refrigeration technician named Ben Dover will be required to determine the cause and correct it.
The feds probably snuck in and broke it for you so you’ll have to get one of the internet-of-things ones that fucks up your wireless mouse and also lets them spy on your leftovers easier.
Maybe, just Maybe they MKULTRA’d the 5 Toweliban and turned them into Mancho Candidates.
Wouldn’t that be a kick in the Jihad.
Yea. They probably trained them on how to leave bad reviews on Travelocity…
Hey Whitehouse, save some of Bidden’s duct tape for Susan Rice!
Out of touch?
The video I seem to be watching — from the provided link — is a segment from ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” At the 3:06 mark, they are talking about Bringing home Sergent Bergdahl — NOT ABOUT ECONOMICS!!!
At the 8:12 mark, Susan Rice is responding to Senator Ted Cruz’s remarks that the current administration is far too appeasing to terrorists groups which in turn makes the U.S. look weak. Again, NOT ABOUT ECONOMICS!!!
So when you say that reality has no place in Washington, I have to wonder just where YOU ARE when you say that. And the comment, A strong economy, seriously? I bet 97% of economists might disagree with that. does seem to be coming from some sort of wacko left field.
Can you really trust government numbers that say prices aren’t increasing? Or would you rather look at the price of gold? Which seems more in line with actual prices in the real world? Or does a drop in the price of computers outweigh everything?
Lyin Mike: no links?
Thought the tv told me last night that gold has been on the slide for the last 6 months? I didn’t pay attention as my portfolio isn’t large enough to handle more than stocks…… don’t ya know?
All those gubment reports report on what they measure. CPI/inflation is ALWAYS going up, so do you mean not as much or what?
KILL THE RICH!!!!! Give the job of burying them to a poor man.
Trade Obama for the Marine in Mexico who is in prison there.
Or perhaps for the American citizen being held prisoner in Sudan where she awaits a death sentence after her child is born, because her father was Muslim.
That is a fair trade since under sharia law, Obama should be stoned to death.
Scribe! scrawl this down:
Let he who is without tin pass the first stone…no, wait…
We Are The Terrorists
Truth Hurts, Lies Kill. Reality behind the Phony Wars
By Dr. Dahlia Wasfi
We have an obligation to every last victim of this illegal aggression because all of this carnage has been done in our name. Since World War II, 90% of the casualties of war are unarmed civilians. 1/3 of them children. Our victims have done nothing to us. From Palestine to Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia to wherever our next target may be, their murders are not collateral damage, they are the nature of modern warfare. They don’t hate us because of our freedoms. They hate us because every day we are funding and committing crimes against humanity. The so-called “war on terror” is a cover for our military aggression to gain control of the resources of western Asia.
This is sending the poor of this country to kill the poor of those Muslim countries. This is trading blood for oil. This is genocide, and to most of the world, we are the terrorists. In these times, remaining silent on our responsibility to the world and its future is criminal. And in light of our complicity in the supreme crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and ongoing violations of the U.N. Charter in International Law, how dare any American criticize the actions of legitimate resistance to illegal occupation.
Our so-called enemies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, our other colonies around the world, and our inner cities here at home, are struggling against the oppressive hand of empire, demanding respect for their humanity. They are labeled insurgents or terrorists for resisting rape and pillage by the white establishment, but they are our brothers and sisters in the struggle for justice. The civilians at the other end of our weapons don’t have a choice, but American soldiers have choices, and while there may have been some doubt 5 years ago, today we know the truth. Our soldiers don’t sacrifice for duty-honor-country, they sacrifice for Kellogg Brown & Root.
They don’t fight for America, they fight for their lives and their buddies beside them, because we put them in a war zone. They’re not defending our freedoms, they’re laying the foundation for 14 permanent military bases to defend the freedoms of Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum.
They’re not establishing democracy, they’re establishing the basis for an economic occupation to continue after the military occupation has ended. Iraqi society today, thanks to American “help” is defined by house raids, death squads, check-points, detentions, curfews, blood in the streets, and constant violence. We must dare to speak out in support of the Iraqi people, who resist and endure the horrific existence we brought upon them through our bloodthirsty imperial crusade. We must dare to speak out in support of those American war-resisters, the real military heroes, who uphold their oath to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including those terrorist cells in Washington DC more commonly known as the Legislative, Executive & Judicial branches.
“If There Is No Struggle, There Is No Progress”
Frederick Douglass said
“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both … but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”
Every one of us, every one of us must keep demanding, keep fighting, keep thundering, keep plowing, keep speaking, keep struggling until justice is served. NO justice, NO peace.
Say Timmmy—ever think in the middle of things?…. you know, not at one extreme or the other??
We’d have to pick a narrow point, but I see ZERO “freedom fighters” in the ME. Most of what I see are asshat religious zealots several degrees more vicious than we are trying to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else.
Likewise, I can only wish we had a rational reason to invade the ME ===>SUCH AS OIL. Oil for USA, not for China or Japan or even Europe. Just imagine if all that money had been spent on Green Energy?
Eschew the Bullshitters……. course, if you do, there won’t be many to talk to.
Pros and Cons.
“”Most of what I see are asshat religious zealots several degrees more vicious than we are trying to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else.
Yea. It’s called a million neocons and gousa lackies.
No. The neocons and lackies in the main just want to not pay any taxes and be left alone to give each other long slow sensual massages.
Those Muslim Freedom Fighters keep all the women in bondage, make it illegal to have a non-Muslim church and enforce that rule by throwing acid in the violators face and such.
Both evil and stupid I agree. Thats why I’m highlighting the DEGREES of difference RATHER THAN a difference in TYPE.
You see the difference, or do I have to give you the third degree?
Well, at least your tv still works.
No doubt some of the spoiled brat affirmative action generation that considers they are entitled , never held responsible generation
Yet she holds the position of “National Security Advisor”
Very accountable .
If this position is not held to task for accuracy who is
Perhaps a little girl to be taken for a vacation to Cancun but little else
This will all end with crying none the less
That news presenter is hot. It looks like interesting topics. Unfortunately, my spanish extends to ‘como usta usted’ and ‘hase frio/calorente’. Any chance of getting subtitles on that thing??
Lordy, it’s like two pigs fighting under a blanket… I need to find a mirror…
it is 1700 lørdag affo… wash day, saturn day..
i could already read the Sydney sunday moronic hearald or say some weakend pap
but here i am am’n reading yes’r comments ‘er
are ye’s all mad or woot ?
Blade Runner – Voight-Kampff Test (HQ)
enjoy that, reminded me of when i wander into me mums kitchen and she crying over kitchen sink.. the hellen shepiro came on her radio and all was good again (music note) walking back to happyness woopah ohh yeah…
I was seven yrs old, me mum was 32 and realize she never drive via paris in a sports car with the warm wind in her hair.. ( my Voight-Kampff mother.. her hair was black tar in my nightmare then) it was 22nov 1963 her husbond.. she always took off her wedding ring when washing hands at sink.. said it was like a ring farmer put in nose of pig to stop them digging… as she knaw skid marks from dads underpants… we got one of thos washing machine thinkies afterwards.. ye know, they type ye don’t catch yer tits in a wringer wif..
JFK is killed… me dads intials John Francis Keena (Dublin 1923) ye do know our richstag burning was before theirs… ‘ trying to referance snodon fodaphone ‘ere.. pls bear with
(music note) In dublihn city in nineteen thirteen the poor were poor and the rich were rich… along came larkin along came connolly… blah blah… pierce and plunkett…
in for a decade that boy was in MOD london RAF signals 11th co. out of Uxbridge… ‘oil embarrco’ 1970s… Llydds london block the duplex with inventry notice british consulate viatnam… like only hours after kissing-my-ass-ger made the call… 30th april 1975
Along came norman … along came whom ever…
Mayday mayday mayday
I was arrested as military deserter, on their turf
yer dogg tags,
ye see female may put her dog tag on bed space and walk away.
Us housbounds may not
thinks me mam wish her husbond dead.. why was she crying
Hey Alfie–I apologize for not responding to you above re how bad Obama has been for USA. You are on point and actually rational and I lost the opportunity to respond timely…. such be the structure at DU.
You make two main points:
1.Bobbo, perhaps the best proof Obama is all about weakening America, till she’s a super power no more, is his budget. He is trying to spend the country into economic collapse. /// You don’t want to hear it but this is almost ALL a result of BUSHtheRETARD starting wars of choice for the wrong reasons in the wrong places WHILE giving the RICH tax breaks they don’t need.
Most economists say the stimulus spending should have been MORE and better targeted to actual job creation but we have the system we have. Both parties bought and sold to the RICH with the Dumbo’s at the margin trying to keep the middle class in existence while the Pukes making no apology at all for gutting them.
The short of it all: Obama is underspending and under taxing compared to the Historical Record. Course, he is also mismanaging as much as any other Presnedent so really….. its all just bidness as usual as America slowly spirals down the drain. Just as the RICH want. Keep us poor folk arguing polytics while they run off with the Bank. Ashes in their mouth when they recognize that come the Apocalypse (AGW!!) their money won’t be good for anything. Given our digital age, can’t even burn it.
2. I think there was a two. You are always No 2 in my book, but I have dithered enough.
I should have taken Appliance Repair in high school rather than woodshop. I wanted to take Auto Shop but it was full of hoods and criminals. Stroke of luck that given that autos advanced to computer devices. Appliance pretty much the same though.
……………..I coulda been a contender!
public ‘phone box our st. i alfanurerate ‘ c o m m u n i c a t i o n’ weh i get to office.. i’s informed i miss say comms.. it was a tv repair course city run.. hehhe
everybody in town got a free tv.. and fridge and and.. ahhh loll.. ye don’t know do yeh…
welfare sent me: city auto shop.. auld sound freak trying to make giga byte chips.. young slowie with valcrow arm.. sad sad..
boss tell me them black felle they two type..
i hate the city
Hairy, stupid people in the clean room do tend to produce wafers with a higher than normal failure rate — That’s what the warranty is for…
this area is being re-zoned, and other night we had a fire in block… ye see ,was three blocks to be torn-duun, an d three family yet in blocks.. we , well i , that is, i don’t know if tenent is in same block or not.. fire frie fire..
ahhh it is too longe a history for’er and now
this is were i live
Beautiful high density landscape. Can you identify your own flat and when you go to work?
Is that Jerry Adams crouching in the porticule??
Gotta love sheep whose knowledge of economic resides on YouTube. If you read, try this: – a recent article in (gasp) THE ECONOMIST, a conservative publication. It propounds that the growing, strong and optimistic US economy endangers other Western economies which might presume to have the same potential.
BTW, total employment numbers on Friday matched the peak before the Great Recession. Of course, there’s much to criticize. I think I’ll stick to reading someone who knows what they’re talking about to develop an informed criticism, though.
And I thought I came off as kinda dry…
Why would any sentient being believe anything that comes out of Susie’s mouth? Demonstrated official liar. Ignore.
BLS shows 4.1 million jobs advertised nationwide, right now. Yup, Obama/Federal Reserve/Keynesian economics failed again.
The Company also announced that May 15th is the day it will officially become Fifth Pacific Companies, Inc. and begin trading under its new stock symbol (NYSE: FNP).