I’ve been playing around generating random numbers from compressed spam and other random events just to see if I can do it. Every now and then I see stuff on the web having to do with generating cryptographic keys and things being hackable because there isn’t enough entropy to generate good random data.

So after playing with it I can generate a lot of good random data fast and I was thinking of making a random data server that anyone could access that would provide a chunk of random data to seed or mix in to the data pool you are using.

Maybe I have a solution where there is no problem, but I was wondering if there was any value in providing – maybe selling – random data?

  1. LibertyLover says:

    I think there would be if it can be proven the numbers are truly random.

    compressed spam

    Why stop there? Why not generate an encryption algorithm based on spam. Then people could broadcast messages out over spam and no one would be able to figure out if the messages were real or junk.

    Hell, the government may already be doing that. I find it hard to believe they couldn’t stop spam if they wanted to.

    • Tim says:

      I find it funnier to employ that steganography {sic?} to let the man spend his time studying the time-evolved differentiation of cunt hairs on a kitten in a photo i got from grandma.

  2. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    Ultra-High Entropy Pseudo-Random Number Generator


    • Tim says:

      Nifty. Mr. Gibson asked me nice to let run the javascript, so I cheerfully complied — Any chance you guys being nice to me??

  3. Tim says:

    Global Consciousness Project Meaningful Correlations in Random Data


    ^^ it is against federal law to use the phone in a manner inconsistent with its’ labeling. You’re not supposed to shake it, either.

  4. Random Noise says:

    The government sells us random data every day, and tries to make it look factual.

    What we need is a good BS Detector.

  5. noname says:

    This is all just noise!

  6. AdmFubar says:

    the whole dvorak.org/blog has been generating random data for years… it couldnt work without it.

  7. Yo-Yo Daddio says:

    If it is possible to generate predictable data from seemingly chaotic numbers, such as what is done with the Mandelbrot set, then what makes you think ANYTHING is truly random or, for that matter, secure? (I mean, haven’t you heard about the NSA, Mister Anderson?)

    If you want to generate truly random numbers, try driving around any city in America during rush hour making sure you don’t go over the speed limit and count the times someone flips you the bird. Then divide that number by the number of crazy people you see between exits and multiply by pi.

    … Or you can try this calculation method:


  8. Anonymous coward says:

    You are wasting your time , it has been Already done :


  9. Tim says:

    “”…Then, one day, a student who had been left to sweep up after a particularly unsuccessful party found himself reasoning in this way: If, he thought to himself, such a machine is a virtual impossibility, it must have finite improbability. So all I have to do in order to make one is to work out how exactly improbable it is, feed that figure into the finite improbability generator, give it a fresh cup of really hot tea… and turn it on! …

    “”… He was even more startled when just after he was awarded the Galactic Institute’s Prize for Extreme Cleverness he was lynched by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists who had realized that one thing they couldn’t stand was a smart-arse.


  10. deowll says:

    You need some way to add in both cases of letters and other symbols.

    • AoL technical support says:

      that would make my job unrealistically more harder

  11. Tangent City. 'i like those tangents so much, I bought the company. -- Tim says:

    “”So, the US Secret Service has issued a requirement for software that can detect sarcasm in tweets…

    “”Well now, here’s the thing: automating sarcasm detection is easy. It’s so easy they teach it in first year computer science courses; it’s an obvious application of AI. (You just get your Turing-test-passing AI that understands all the shared assumptions and social conventions that human-human conversation rely on to identify those statements that explicitly contradict beliefs that the conversationalist implicitly holds. So if I say “it’s easy to earn a living as a novelist” and the AI knows that most novelists don’t believe this and that I am a member of the set of all novelists, the AI can infer that I am being sarcastic. Or I’m an outlier. Or I’m trying to impress a date. Or I’m secretly plotting to assassinate the POTUS.)

    “”I predict that everybody will start deploying sarcasm as a standard conversational gambit on the internet. Trolling the secret service will become a competitive sport, the goal being to not receive a visit from the SS in response to your totally serious threat to kill the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Al Qaida terrrrst training camps will hold tutorials on metonymy, aggressive irony, cynical detachment, and sarcasm as a camouflage tactic for suicide bombers. Post-modernist pranks will draw down the full might of law enforcement by mistake, while actual death threats go encoded as LOLCat macros. Any attempt to algorithmically detect sarcasm will fail because sarcasm is self-referential and the awareness that a sarcasm detector may be in use will change the intent behind the message.


    Marc, you should sell your RNG to those guys. They can use it to punish {negative reinforcement} the AI every time it accidentally gets John Oliver droned. — “”Now, go to your 386 and run Perkels’ Pet until the sequence starts to repeat…

    • Tim says:

      Ohh, come on. People are not generally that creative and websites can pass on any liability by making it ‘opt out’ to not sign all your posts ‘/sarc/’

  12. Dave Koss says:

    Interesting. You should run this by Steve Gibson.

  13. mojo says:

    PRNG is an excellent place to compromise a cryptosystem. Mask that output, maybe 3 lines of code, reduce the keyspace enormously.

    Not that anyone would DO that, ya unnerstand…

  14. Steve says:

    ANU Quantum Random Numbers Server


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