
An employee at the Environmental Protection Agency allegedly downloaded over 7,000 files of pornography on a government computer and watched them two to six hours per day, the agency’s investigative unit revealed Wednesday.

“When an OIG special agent arrived at this employee’s work space to conduct an interview, the special agent witnessed the employee actively viewing pornography on his government-issued computer,” Allan Williams, deputy assistant inspector general for investigations at the EPA, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. “Subsequently, the employee confessed to spending, on average, between two and six hours per day viewing pornography while at work,” he added. The employee’s identity has not yet been released pending an ongoing Justice Department investigation, but he is still on the government’s payroll earning about $120,000 per year.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) expressed outrage at EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe during the Wednesday hearing, demanding to know why the employee hasn’t been terminated yet.

“Fire him! What’s the question?” Chaffetz said.

“We need to wait for the inspector general’s report. I don’t know if they’re going to send him a criminal notice,” Perciasepe responded.


Wednesday at a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing, Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations Allan Williams confirmed to Rep. John Mica (R-FL) that an employee at the agency that had downloaded more than 7,000 pornographic files onto a government computer and viewed them for two to six hours a day received bonuses.

Williams said he was unable to confirm that assertion, but Bob Perciasepe, the deputy administrator of the EPA, confirmed it.

“I can answer that, Mr. Mica,” Perciasepe said. “Yes, he did receive performance awards.”

Now, try to get away with that in the private sector.

  1. Tim says:

    Man, you’re ruining my grant-funded buisness model — it’s not like I can just go out and hire *thinkers*, they need incentive.

    prudes. couldn’t find bobbo’s gap in a flour-frolick with a blacklight…

  2. Tim says:

    “Yes, he did receive performance awards.”

    mirror, mirror……

  3. Kiwini says:

    It’s just another feature of that “open and transparent” promise.

  4. bobbo, Big Brained Apes with Lizard Emotions is an Evolutionary Dead End says:

    Since the EPA is the public sector, I assume you mean private sector?

    Fixed – Thank you – Ed.

    ………………but au contraire all kinds of worse shit happens all the time…. “everywhere.” Not hard to get your mistress or family members on the payroll. All gubment does is “try” to emulate what Big Biz does. At least you have to violate rules to do it in gubment. Not even any such rules in Big Biz. See the Difference?

    Porn and Sex. How very American such pedestrians interests are. Herd dem sheeples!!

    Private misuse of funds/time results in bought and paid for government. Thats about 1000 times worse.

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. So What? says:

    Way back when, I had a CAD/CAM guy who had his office back in a quiet corner of the plant. He spent the majority of his day playing video games and watching porn. He is now the head of the Tool and Die manufacturing section for an aluminum/magnesium casting company. Look around, you can find examples of employee idiocy everywhere.

    • Dave's not Here says:

      Well its all right then. Lets give that guy a raise….and I have no problem paying more taxes to do it.

      • So What? says:

        Never said it was right I said it happens everywhere if you look. Next time try reading and comprehending before commenting..

    • jpfitz says:


      I’d call it shop owner or foreman idiocy. He should have been canned.

  6. John E Quantum says:

    Perhaps the inspector general’s office doesn’t celebrate May as National Masturbation Month the same way as the EPA. Viewing six hours of porn a day is real work after a while.

    • Tim says:

      Well, you can’t classify it until you see it — They are kind of sticklers for paperwork, after all.

  7. Meatball says:

    “Now, try to get away with that in the private sector.”

    Are you KIDDING ME?!

    Have you seen the banking mess?

    How about the ECONOMY which is more or less controlled by that most elite of all private industries — WALL STREET?!

    Or maybe you’ve tried to buy something like gas, clothing or FOOD lately!

    The bastards who control the private sector don’t need to watch people getting fucked. THEY HAVE THE REAL DEAL!!!

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, I get it the photo for this story.

    Blacks live off the government and do cocaine.


    • Dave's not Here says:

      Typical knee jerk Liberal reaction, it’s ALWAYS about race with you guys…

      Funny is just that, funny. Dave Chappel is no racist.

  9. dusanmal says:

    Trivial solution: small, weak, limited Government. End of story. Stipulated by founders in Constitution, now ignored…
    Small, weak, limited Government would not have funds to support employees not churning 100+%. Dead weight like EPA would have been trimmed to the bare functioning bone under such conditions and no Congressional Committee would be needed for idiots like this to be fired and/or prosecuted. Barely funded Government with no prospect of getting more nor power to grab more would trim itself, inwardly and hence police itself properly.
    Give power to the Government and results like present day bureaucracy out of control and abuses of every kind are inevitable.

    • Tim says:

      to collapse big government…. everyone just fail a piss test on the same day.

      • Tim says:

        but, but… “i’ve got kids to feed” if you’re feeding them by being a compartmentalized cog in this, then you’ve already fucked them up beyond all recognition, anyways.

    • Phydeau says:

      Yeah, dead weight like the EPA… you’ll be clamoring for that “dead weight” when Exxon decides to dump toxic waste in your back yard. Sheesh, libertarians… what “morans”. 🙂

      • Tim says:

        Especially the EPA — worthless enablers protecting real polluters and labeling co2 a pollutant.

        Especially the EPA whom raises the ‘actionable levels’ of radiation from events like fukushima and PAHs from events like Deepwater Horizon to several thousand times the previous limits, majically making it safe. — oh, and corexit?? They don’t seem too concerned, as they have no experience with it, somehow — Some of the more industrious cup-piss-centric employees recommend their neighbors water the lawn with the shit.

        “”The EPA maintains a set of so-called “Protective Action Guides” (PAGs). These PAGs are being quickly revised to radically increase the allowable levels of iodine-131 (a radioactive isotope) to anywhere from 3,000 to 100,000 times the currently allowable levels.

        Especially, the EPA.

        • Phydeau says:

          Jeez, you Libertarians are really addled. The EPA has been corrupted, it’s not doing its job. The solution: Get rid of it!

          By that logic:

          Capitalism has failed numerous times — Enron, various other scandals. Your solution: get rid of capitalism!

          Your car breaks down, it’s not doing its job. Your solution: get rid of your car!

          Seriously, do you guys even think about what you write or is it all rote memory by now?

          Here’s a hint: if you want to argue against the existence of a particular government agency, don’t say it should be eliminated because it’s not doing its job. That implies that you believe it has a valuable job to do. Got it? Now try again, OK? Good boy. 🙂

          • Tim says:

            I’m not going to consider hiring Earl Van Best, Jr. to guard my daughter, even if I thought it was an important duty.

          • Tim says:

            “”Your car breaks down, it’s not doing its job. Your solution: get rid of your car

            EPA forces people to get rid of their car before it breaks down — *inspection and maintanence* requirements typically cause individuals to finance a new car every four years to escape the ‘penalties’ of non-compliance that may fall on an unwarranted vehicle.

            Never considering the cost of mining, refining, manufacturing, and transporting new vehicles.

            try again.

          • Phydeau says:

            Tim, Tim, Tim… you are incoherent. But that’s no surprise.

            BTW, if you think getting rid of the EPA and letting those nice folks at Exxon dump their toxic waste wherever they want to is a good idea, there really isn’t much to talk about.

            It’s sad to see ideology trump reality, but I see it all the time with Libertarians. Oh well.

          • Tim says:

            Oh, Phydeau; It’s not everyday that I meet someone with the integrity to admit defeat so gracefully as you. A shianhieng beacon on the hill, I’ll tell you what. Warms the heart, it does.

            In the case of the Deepwater spill, EPA has deemed it illegal to scratch 2 ft below the sand during the construction of a sandcastle — something about protecting something… they didn’t say what, but 2ft down is where all the safety oil starts spurting up.

            fucking proper fucking booming

          • McCullough says:

            It’d be one thing if they did the job they’re supposed to do, as Tim has so accurately pointed out.

            But apparently, they’re too busy surfing porn and posting large bonuses to their bank accounts.

            Instead of defending these clowns, how about a little criticism of this waste of money FFS. My guess is, if it happened to be a different party in charge, you’d be outraged.

          • Phydeau says:

            McCulloch, I’m against government fraud and waste as much as the next guy. I’m also against getting rid of valuable parts of the government like the EPA. Fix the fraud and waste and make them do their job.

          • Phydeau says:

            Sorry, spelling fail, McCullough.

        • Tim says:

          Shit, Phydeau. You baited me, you libertairian, you! carry on.

          • Phydeau says:

            If you ever come up with a coherent rationale for getting rid of the EPA, let us know, Tim. 🙂

          • jpfitz says:


            Build a time machine and go back before
            December 2, 1970 and assassinate Nixon.

      • McCullough says:

        Whats with the fucking bonuses anyway, I have never worked for a company that gives bonuses, oh maybe a party or Christmas ham, but extra money for…..what? I can see it for sales but for some fucking office worker who make 120K per year? Seriously?

        You take a job, you do your job (or in this case you don’t) and you get your pay….these bonuses are bullshit, and apparently not based on merit.

        This country is bankrupt, right now, get used to the idea, get rid of the deadweight bureaucrats or we will all go down in flames.

        Its not about Repugs or Dumbs, it’s just bad business.

        • Tim says:

          “”get rid of the deadweight bureaucrats or we will all go down in flames.

          The more I try to supply the cogent reply this deserves, the more I’m having trouble spitting the words out.

          The *intent*, I believe, is, indeed, for us all to go down in flames. These bureaucracies, no matter the original intent, always morph into a self-serving beast. Those who institute them know this. They are instituted to exersize control over a populace {through regulation, mostly} without the due oversight of Congress.

          There is a ‘culture’ maintained in such organizations and this culture, no matter how vile, is inevitably exported to the local communities. There is incentive to pad more and more individuals into it as then it becomes ‘too big to allow to be disbanded’. As such, they are all on the government dole in their own right.

          Take the DMV — no matter how many employees stuff one of those offices, there is going to be a long line behind only one of them as they make a big show of inspecting a car title, or whatever. In my case, it is invariable that I have not signed my middle initial right. Over the years, I’ve tried some thirty different variants of J. to no avail — it’s always a runaround, and then the final truth of it comes to a deliberate culling of older vehichles through multiplying mandated contact with overweight, obnoxious do-nothings.

          I’ve been in the university setting under contract to epa, tva, and the department of commerce. I’ve done my share of fucking off but my self-reported timecard usually would show 2hrs, 3hrs… rarely 8. But, even in that setting, the 9 to 5 was encouraged because that’s how my ‘labor’ was billed out to those inflexible agencies, at their behest. In hindsight, God bless the honest secretary tirelessly waging away behind the scenes to protect us from having to spend our time trying to scrub off the direct stench of such bureaucracies.

          With EPA, I know there are good researchers, lab and field technicians, programmers, modelers, and presenters there. But going into the field with them requires the attendant gaggle of accountants, lawyers, auditors, and more auditors::

          Bean counters have their place but I suppose most of it was just as a show “look how diligent we are with every penny of your money” — Shit! loose those guys and I could bill for 20 minutes instead of 8 hours running around trying to get a replacement organic chemistry sample line because some unskilled, unknowledgeable, yet proud government employee took it upon himself to clean it with methanol.

          And then comes the policy — to appease EPA, large swaths of land which I cherished as a lad were clearcut for certain municipalities to come into ‘attainment’ with their arbitrary surface ozone limits because trees really do cause those limits to be exceeded. Also, the aforementioned cost of new vehichles is an environmental cost. Only, it’s one that falls mostly on the third world and not US soil which has already been polluted.

          I suppose the whole perk/bonus/incentive thing was somehow trying to mimic the successes in the private sector but they lack context to understand the spirit of it to where it becomes “here’s a bonus for sitting here 9 to 5, doing your time, being a placeholder to help swell our budgets.”

          I truely believe that society as a whole would be better off just to take that useless deadweight and pay them just as much to stay home — At least, that way they’re not out actively fucking up little timmy’s beloved environment with their good intentions.

          • Phydeau says:

            Tim, we’re all against government corruption and malfeasance, but the solution is not to get rid of the government agency, but to fix it. The EPA has a crucial purpose. You still haven’t answered the question — without the EPA, who stops Exxon from dumping their toxic waste in your back yard? We have a long history of horrific air, water, and ground pollution (and you can see it today in China, which doesn’t have an EPA). We can’t go back to smoggy cities, rivers bursting into flames from pollutants, and birth defects in humans and all kinds of other animals from environmental poisons. The EPA has bureaucracy problems like any other government agency. So we fix it, and make it work like it’s supposed to.

          • Phydeau says:

            And BTW, the DMV in Massachusetts works pretty damn good. You should learn about bureaucracies in other countries — more incompetence and a whole lot of corruption. We have it good in the USA.

          • Tim says:

            Well, Phydeau; toxic stuff gets dumped in my backyard all the time — if it weren’t for EPA limiting any personal modification of the land to mitigate the problem or otherwise tying something up into the legal system for thirty years, then I may have chosen to deal with it myself — to include mining the ingress and egress of the offender. As it stands, it doesn’t matter how birth defect causing or poisonous and detrimental to all forms of life a chemical like clorothalonile may be, my hands are tied by an EPA which does not currently recognize or regulate it. HA! What did the D.A. tell me {it’s his adjoining land} but to call the EPA. He actually lol’d.

          • Tim says:


            In the unlikely case that my summation was not clear — It already is performing exactly as intended. The same with FDA, USDA, or any other government ‘agency’ that has letters for it’s acronym.

            You want to paint some lipstick on a pig and ‘fix it’ instead of dismantling it {to limit them to nothing other than a research/advisory role} then you’re starting to sound like Herman Cain on the federal reserve. At least, he’s honestly black {i *think*}.


            pokemon concession

          • Phydeau says:

            Yawn, another idjit reflexively against “big gubmint”. Run along and play, cry, and whine, ya big baby, while the adults make the best of an imperfect world.

          • Tim says:

            **dismantling it {to limit them to nothing other than a research/advisory role}

            And therein lies my proffered ‘solution’. Remove from them the ability to force policy which is, to a large degree, arbitrary and political in nature, advancing an agenda which is pure hatred of life bunk.

            Give punative action back to the venues that have been injured and let the EPA be no more than cited in court — That is, if there ever is to be a time when EPA is considered a reliable witness.

            As it stands now, everything big corporation gets joindered together, tying the hands of and removing the ability/responsibility to hold agregeous polluters accountable from those who are actually affected locally. — This allows the real polluters to glide right along while awaiting their day in their stacked ‘court’ some decades down the road.

            Edicts of beurocrats don’t fly well with little timmy, especially when the backers of the bullshit of it is so blatantly odious.

          • Phydeau says:

            We get it Tim, you don’t like “beurocrats” (sic). And you can’t see past your hatred of them (did a bureaucrat kill your dad?) to see what would happen if we got rid of the government agencies that rein in the power of the big corporations.

            Either that, or you’re a shameless shill for the big corporations.

            Nothing more to see here.

          • Tim says:

            …so blatantly odious as to warrant government impoundment as a ‘superfund site’ in their own right.

          • Tim says:

            “”the government agencies that rein in the power of the big corporations.

            Jebus Fucking bobbo on a summit sunday morning Christ!

            Yea. Like the FDA?? DEA?? don’t let that revolving door of felch flick you in the ass on the way to your drug compliance sensitivity course.

            FDA== Monsanto. Yea. Intentionally spredding that false genetic filth over the whole of the world because its good for merica, or somthing.

          • Phydeau says:

            What a surprise, Tim. Government corruption exists. You need to go to your fainting couch for a while to recover from the shock?

            OK, now that you’re back, this is the last time I’m going to say this: Yes, government corruption exists. Yes, we have to straighten out the corruption. No, getting rid of the agencies will not fix the problem.

            It’s too bad you are so hopeless about government corruption, Tim. Maybe a bureaucrat really did kill your dad. So sound off to your heart’s content on how hopeless it is, how doomed we all are! Whatever floats your boat. While the rest of us who haven’t given up will keep working.

            Everyone’s gotta have a hobby, glad you’ve found yours. 🙂

          • Tim says:

            “”While the rest of us who haven’t given up will keep working.

            Well, I’m sure you’ll let us all know how that fucking worked out for you, Phydeau — I’ll catch the news on something the FCC authorized, I guess.

          • Tim says:

            (did a bureaucrat kill your dad?)

            Essentially, yes. Let us call it a suicide. So many old-timers are self-destructing right now that I think I need to call a government agency to clean up this detritus before some underprivelaged kid steps in it and kills her cat.

          • Tim says:

            No, no, no. I’ll let you know when I’m done with the god damned fainting couch… Shit, are dentists all perverts because it is so easy??

  10. Freemantle A. Silverboard says:

    So if this had been Jim at the local NAPA who was caught watching porn after getting employee of the month it wouldn’t have made the local paper. But it’s a federal employee and the evil EPA on top of that and all of a sudden it’s a symptom of an underlying failure of government. And all government employees are porn watching wastrels.

    Sorry it’s just another lazy fucker who got caught jerking off (no pun intended) at work. Who he works for makes no difference except to the peanut gallery who want to do the same thing and can’t.

    • Munroe says:

      That’s about the stupidest statement yet.

      Jim at the local NAPA would be fired immediately. You can’t pry the EPA guy out of a job with a crowbar. That’s the difference.

      But hey, if you’re OK with paying this guy 120 THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR, PLUS BONUSES….then you are the problem.

      You lose your right to vote.

      • Freemantle A. Silverboard says:

        If idiots were banned from voting Bush would never have been elected and you two would have been denied voting rights long before that..

        This guy will get fired that is the entire point if he didn’t work for the big bad federal government you would never have known about it.

        Of course then in all your mouth breathing glory you would have nothing to rant about except a half black man doing his job.

        • Tim says:

          somtin’ tells me that monkey with a red bum is still lying…

        • Munroe says:

          Ah the Bush card. Ok…

          If it were up to me, Bush would not only have been impeached..but imprisoned for War Crimes.

          It is now your turn Liberal. But I can guarantee you won’t respond.

          • Phydeau says:

            Easy for you to say after the fact. None of you right-wingers were saying that while Dubya was in office. You were kissing his ass, and you called us liberals who were criticizing him traitors.

            You impress no one here. Piss off.

          • Tim says:

            That’s true, fido. But, does that somehow justify that obama has expanded/revised/extended those *mistakes* Don’t get me wrong — my hatred for the bushes has flowed all the way back to prescott but, dammit man, this paultry looking ‘black’ man really takes the cake. If only feinstein had been appointed president so people would stop assuming i’m a racist for calling her a stupid, enabling uncle tom {redacted}.

  11. MikeN says:

    Contracts were handed out to companies by HHS to help with ObamaCare. They were paid based on how many employees they hired. Surprisingly, they hired lots of employees to do no work.
    Government is refusing to hand over details of the work performed by these companies.

  12. boll weevil says:

    Do you subcontract for Alex Jones full time?

  13. Jeanne says:

    It seems that the story that is missing here is that the I.T. department let him surf porn. They either don’t have a policy in place, don’t do any monitoring and/or don’t have any blocking network devices. What else is going on in this network and why is it not secured?

  14. Phydeau says:

    I don’t know about other fields, but in high tech there are whiz kids who get more done in an hour than most people get done in a day, and spend the rest of their day goofing off. They’re kept because they’re productive, period.

  15. Tim says:

    “”The EPA has threatened the health and safety of agriculture producers and their families and has damaged the security of our food system — some senator fag


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