Stop Stalking Me: The Best of Lena Kochman

Gang-stalking: It’s a real thing, especially among paranoid schizophrenics….or could it be just a stunt?

  1. Shubee says:

    What’s the purpose of posting this sick video?

  2. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Jumped the shark, you have.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Mental Health advocate says:

    Whether nuts or just on a dinner date with Andre, the woman is a danger to her self or others. In a society organized for its maximum functionality, this woman would encounter mandatory psychiatric review of some sort.

    Its not “just her” acting out but the effect she could have, eventually will have, with others she interacts with. Her behavior is not good for herself, not good for those she is talking to, and not good for society.

    Jail would be inappropriate, but GOUSA is down to about that as our only response. That or killing her in the street for making a threatening “move” on a police officer.

    Frontline right now on the History of the NSA. I was not going to watch, but as usual… its got some good stuff. Last I heard from the NSA, they didn’t collect the actual words of our emails, skype’s, phone calls. Guy at about 15 minutes in says its all been collected.

    Who ya gonna believe? Paranoids on a week end pass, or NSA Officials who forgot the talking points?

    • Dinner with Andre says:

      Thop Thawking Me!

      • noname says:

        Me, You Thawkin’ to me?

        You Thawkin’ to me!?

        You Thawkin’ to me!??

        Then who the hell else are you Thawkin’ to!?

        You Thawkin’ to me?

        Well I’m the only one here!

        Who the fuck do you think you’re Thawkin’ to?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Mental Health advocate says:

        I can’t quit you Andre. Something ….. there is something ….. about being trapped on the other side of a good dinner listening to a loon.

        Seductive, waste of time, merely the opportunity to confirm one’s own settled compromises.


        once in a while: a new idea.

        Anything but Okra… please.

    • Ding-A-Ling says:

      Dangerous to herself?! Look again! She’s NOT DOING ANYTHING other than saying/screaming some crazy ass bullshit.

      Do you even read the ridiculous shit you post? I bet you think the Constitutional First Amendment doesn’t apply here because of what she’s saying — or YELLING IN PUBLIC! Granted, probably no one understands what she’s trying to convey but does that mean she doesn’t have a right to speak?!

      YES! It’s annoying. YES! It has nothing to do with anything. YES! It’s some crazy ass bullshit! And YES!!! This kind of speech is likely going to cause some dumb ass (cop) to probably do something stupid where she might end up getting hurt. And if that happens then it’s on them, NOT HER!

      So just how she is being harmful to her self simply isn’t there. I saw no evidence of her cutting herself, jumping in front of moving trains/cars or doing anything that would jeopardize her safety or even the safety of others. About the only thing she was doing was exercising her Constitutional right!

      And again, her ramblings may indeed get misinterpreted to the point where someone else might try and take a swing at her. But if anyone makes a move like that then is that her fault just because of what she says?!

      Crazy and stupid as it is, she has the right that you seem to think deserves incarceration or punishment or something. And quite frankly, I would expect you to say something like that since you have been brainwashed to hate anyone who doesn’t agree with your values or traditions — or your political party of pinheads!

      About the only thing I agree with is that I too think she needs some serious psychological help. But she clearly is NOT attempting to harm herself and is NOT a danger!

      … And just what the fuck the Frontline story on the NSA has to do with this whack job is another thing! Are you sure you’re not related?!

      Don’t answer.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Mental Health advocate says:

        And again, her ramblings may indeed get misinterpreted to the point where someone else might try and take a swing at her. /// Thats what I said, so we agree on what most likely will happen as she continues her self destructive ways.

        But if anyone makes a move like that then is that her fault just because of what she says?! /// Yes. We already agreed on that.

        So….. you see. So many otherwise intelligent and informed people who, like this unfortunate (I know…. which this?) person doesn’t even pay attention to what their own brain tells them.

        AS STATED: jail would be innappropriate but some mandatory counseling/review would be. Jail to follow only if necessary. Its the truly crazy who can’t conform when faced with consequences RIGHT NOW. Easy to avoid reality if the consequences only follow on 50 years later.

        Where did I leave that dead horse?

  4. pfkad says:

    Not knowing who this woman is, I did a little searching. Most of what I found is from her, herself. So, I’m thinking this is some sort of performance art. Well, performance art in the way that a freeway pile-up is performance art. On the other hand she just may be horribly unbalanced. In either case the effect is the same. She’s lucky the people she annoys seem bemused at worst. I fear for her safety, since in some neighborhoods she may not have walked out.

  5. B. Dog says:

    Crazy people are a dime a dozen.

  6. JMagee says:

    Almost as funny Tosh.0.

  7. Tim says:

    That last bit just reminds me of this scene from Slacker {31:40)

    “”You should quit….

  8. Mojo says:

    We have a winner in the PBH sweepstakes! That broad is looney tunes, baby!

  9. SPOCK says:

    third avenue : seattle washington

  10. dexton7 says:

    I wondered what happened to my psycho ex from college.. now I know. 0_0 Those poor bastards.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    and this is her BEST?
    what the hell is her worst?

  12. Somebody says:

    A bit so lame it’s painful.

  13. Rich says:

    That’s disturbing. I’m becoming an advocate of unwilling euthanasia.

  14. Peppeddu says:

    The problem is: if she ever get stalked, or worst, for real, she’ll lose all credibility in court.

    Kinda dangerous thing to do, and for what? for a few hits on YouTube?

  15. mildapplause says:

    This feels like it’s somebody’s idea of viral marketing for a movie or a tv show that’s coming out.


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