Today in his news conference with German Chancellor Merkel President Obama said it has “pained” him to see how Edward Snowden’s leaking of NSA documents has hurt the United States’ relationship with Germany. Are you kidding me? Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that is was Obama’s illegal NSA spying on Merkel that has hurt the United States’ relationship with Germany. Snowden is a law abiding patriot who upheld the Constitution by heroically exposing Obama’s illegal behavior. German isn’t upset with Snowden. Germany is upset with Obama’s spying, as they should be. Just imagine how we would feel if German spies tapped our president’s phone. Obama needs to take responsibility for his own behavior and stop blaming Snowden for exposing something he shouldn’t have been doing in the first place.

  1. MikeN says:

    Liberals hate all those who reveal the truth about Obama, starting with Joe the Plumber. Sharyl Atkisson gets spiked at CBS for trying to investigate. People get audited for making negative statements.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and real politik apologist says:

    Hey! He’s spinning as fast as he can.

    I found a link confirming that Obama did just what you say:

    but what I can’t find is that any such spying on foreigners who aren’t in the USA is illegal.

    got a link for that, or are you just on a roll?

  3. dusanmal says:

    “Snowden is a law abiding patriot who upheld the Constitution by heroically exposing Obama’s illegal behavior.” – now if Left would not pick and choose which part of Constitution is “just historical document” and which they want upheld,… that sentence would make more sense.

  4. dade0 says:

    What accountability can you expect from your citizens when their president won’t own his actions?

  5. noname says:

    Obama, like most Harvard trained criminals, are not sorry for their actions……they are sorry they were caught.

    Law school has trained Obama well in moral relativism. He has no problem creating his own storyline to justify committing obvious crimes!

  6. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    “Just imagine how we would feel if German spies tapped our president’s phone.”

    Just what do you think all those antennas on top of the German embassy are for? On top of any embassy? To pick up the local college radio station?

    What the Germans are upset about is that the NSA was able to listen in to Merkel’s phone conversations, not that we tried.

    Half the mission of the NSA is to try to listen in to the conversations of all the nations of the world. And the other half is to prevent any other nation from listening in to our government conversations. That is their charter in a nutshell.

    And everybody blathering on about this being a Dem/Rep or a left/right thing is warping this to fit their own little fairy land. This is Realpolitik , nothing more nothing less.

    • noname says:

      What a un-American shrill for killing the 4th Amendment:: “Half the mission of the NSA is to try to listen in to the conversations of all the nations of the world. And the other half is to prevent any other nation from listening in to our government conversations.”

      You seemed to have conveniently left out the 50% of NSA that listen in on all of America!

      • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

        Perhaps you failed to read the blog post that this thread started from. And you seemed to have forgotten the quote that I began my post with so I will repeat it below.

        “The truth is that is was Obama’s illegal NSA spying on Merkel that has hurt the United States’ relationship with Germany.”

        So please point out where the NSA listening in to German Chancellor Merkel’s phone violates the 4th amendment. Would listening in to phone calls of Kim Jong-un also be illegal? Or Putin, or the leadership of China, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia? Because that is exactly what we want the NSA to do. Listen in to foreign leaders and governments to help our government understand what those foreign governments are up to and the reasons behind their actions.

        • noname says:

          Let me also repeat myself

          You seemed to have conveniently left out the 50% of NSA that listen in on all of America!

  7. Cali-FORNICATED says:

    What? Are you kidding me?! You want Obama to do something POSITIVE for America? Didn’t you BELIEVE Obama was going to save America once we elected a (foreign) black guy – TWICE?!

    Personally, I have nothing against the man’s race — just his POLITICS! And I can’t help recall an old saying here too: “Fool me once and shame on you. But fool me twice and shame on ME!” It’s something you Obama supporters should really be thinking about next time some idiot asks you to vote again.

    Oh wait! No. That’s not it. You want Obama to “own it” and admit guilt when things go wrong within his own branch of the government. Ya, right! Good one. Funny how I’m not laughing.

    If Obama EVER gets off the Snowden whipping boy excuses I predict Obama (or his successor) will use some sort of excuse like there’s no way (s)he could possibly have known what was going on. Hey! It worked for Hillary over Benghazi.

    You wanted “change”? YOU GOT IT! Although I’m betting you probably didn’t think things would change for the worse.

    That said, would you now care to talk about any of the more IMPORTANT issues that we might still have a chance at fighting?! Do you even know about California Congresswoman Diane Feinstein’s plans to bring back SOPA/PIPA? Or maybe you’d like to know what our FCC chairman is about to do with the Internet. Hint: it’s NOT good.

    Cmon Dvorak! This Snowden crap is small potato’s. It’s meaningless dribble. Obama is going to use Edward Snowden as an excuse when the economy tanks again — WATCH!

    … And don’t any of you silly-ville bay area Cali-fuckheads do anything about it. I think you’ve done enough with your ongoing reelecting of Numbnuts Pelosi.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    The real question is, if the Germans aren’t an enemy of of the USA. Then why the hell are we wasting money and resources, spying on them? It’s obviously not a “cold war” thing. The Germans are secretly building and stockpiling WMDs. So it must be Industrial and Espionage. Which means the NSA & CIA are doing it strictly for monetary advantages. Possibly they’ve got a wealthy client list of high rolling Wall Street investors to keep appraised of what German is up to. As well as the French, and others. They’ve accused the US of doing this, in the past. But the network Tv news never follows up on it. Probably because their business partners tell them not to. “Hey 60 Minutes. Cool it! You’ll spoil a good thing, we’ve got going here.” Yeah, and the American Taxpayer get to pay for all this private commercial industry spying. The only reason for it, is to get a jump on the news of anything, being reported days or weeks later. So some douchebags can update their stock portfolios in time.

    • Glenn E. says:

      slight correction, The Germans areN’T secretly building and stockpiling WMDs. 🙂

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      The NSA ‘s job is to listen in to every foreign government and their leaders so we can hopefully use that intelligence as we deal with them on any number of things. Hostile, non-aligned, and friendly.

      If we want something passed by the UN and a friendly country is blocking it, would it not be valuable to know why they object? Perhaps we could allay their fears and persuade them to support our position. By knowing what make their leaders happy or fearful, we can better deal with them.

      • noname says:

        Cap’n Kangaroo,

        “The NSA ‘s job is to listen in to every foreign government”

        It seems you are wrong, “The NSA ‘s job is to listen in to” everyone and every government, foreign and domestic.

        It’s what you get when an individual or organization is not inhibited by ethic, justice, American values ….

      • Steve S says:

        “The U.S. government’s ‘s job is to listen in to every one of it’s citizens personal conversations and to monitor their local leaders so we can hopefully use that intelligence as we deal with them on any number of things. Hostile, non-aligned, and friendly.

        If we want something passed by our Congress and a majority of the U.S. citizens are objecting to it, would it not be valuable to know why they object? Perhaps we could allay their fears and trick them into supporting our position. By knowing what makes our citizens happy or fearful, we can better deal with them.”

        Just carrying out this train of thought to its next logical step.


  9. Glenn E. says:

    Quoting a character from the movie, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. “Presidents don’t have power, their purpose is to draw attention away from it.” In other words, Presidents are mostly figureheads, meant for taking the “heat”, when things go wrong. So the real clowns running things, never have to answer for their bad decisions. Like Alan Greenspan.

  10. t0llyb0ng says:

    Every day & every night
    we capture every bit & byte
    that flows through the fatpipe
    in the land of eternal copyright

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    I hereby proclaim July 4 to be Ed Snowden day.  Pass it along.  July 4th is too sad now, like a memorial day for democracy.  A requiem for privacy rights.  Only Ed can save it.

    Mr. Snowden is like the wicked little boy that went around informing everyone in the cafeteria that they were eating wormy apples, which they then discovered—much to their horror—to be true.  If only he could have kept his little trap shut …

  12. Barak Hussein Obama says:

    “”Hey Merk, we’re gonna keep this black, car-deal thing under our hat, right???

  13. Nigel Farage says:

    Angela Merkle tried to suck me off once. EU bitch! Three dollars to stop and thirty to stop — I tell you what!

    What were we saying about global warming, again??

  14. Dave Phillips says:

    How do we know what Snowden said was true. Anybody else who knew has a security clearance and would have to lie or declare ignorance of the “facts”.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    >> The truth is that is was Obama’s illegal NSA spying on Merkel that has hurt the United States’ relationship with Germany.

    Yeah, exactly. Obama founded the NSA and single-handedly passed the Patriot Act. Congress had absoltuely no knowedge of nothing.

    … sheesh! This blog is turing into

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> How do we know what Snowden said was true.

    It’s not what he “said” – it’s what he released. If those documents were forgeries, I’m pretty sure we’d know.


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