Executive Producers Shows 610/611: Sir Arthur Kesler, Sir Michael of Hemlock, Black Knight and Baron Barry Hanna, Ryan Beck, Nick Eizmendi, Riley Kimball, Sir Anonymous of the ADF, Stephen Marsh-Moscow,
Associate Executive Producers Shows 610/611: Geisha Licker, Paul Tittel, Sir Hank Baron of Kew Gardens & Forrest Hills, Andrew Kirby
Art By: Rob Lyttle
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  1. bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

    Say eds:

    Some of your older threads that open on the first page of my browser no longer display or allow “reply” to be made. This glitch is stopping an ongoing exchange at:


    Its always something isn’t it?

    • McCullough says:

      Its not a glitch. You have 10 days to wrap it up, then thread is closed. Better yet, maybe its time to get off the government tit and find some gainful employment. Ha, Ha.

  2. NOT Bobbo! says:

    There’s something I’ve found very curious with this blog lately. Perhaps you’ve noticed it too…

    First, let me state a fact as I understand it. John C. Dvorak is an expert in technology insight and is someone who has devoted decades to this type of journalism. His insight and knowledge have often proven to be correct sometimes years if not decades in advance. However lately, I’ve noticed his blog – this blog – to be curiously and increasingly quiet when it comes to technology. Then again, I can’t say about his audio podcasts since I don’t often have the time nor patience to listen all the way through.

    I can only say that I’ve noticed this blog (not necessarily this topic/thread) posting the usual typical sensational and entertaining stories which probably originated in publications like Money magazine, People magazine, or even the National Enquirer! But almost nothing that may have originated in a publication like PC Magazine (a Ziff Davis company that JCD used to write for).

    It also seems like things (here) may have been significantly “dumbed down,” or as I prefer to say “stupided up” to a point where we may have even recently been asked to find “where’s Waldo”! And I’m left wondering why that is — from a tech expert.

    Could it be that JCD is writing under a pseudonym somewhere else? Is the current selection of content we are graced with now the preferred type of content since it appeals to a larger demographic of readers/commentators which in turn equates to more money?! Or has the usual cast of clowns who comment, like the thing calling itself Bobbo, essentially become babbling squatters gotten so bad that even the site owner now wants nothing to do with it and would probably even close shop if it weren’t for that monetary income?

    I’m only asking since recent events regarding Net Neutrality and crooked ISP’s are surly now on John C. Dvorak’s radar. And as I said, I find a tech expert like John C. Dvorak’s silence on this issue — and others — quite deafening.

    Considering how recent attacks on net neutrality may forever hurt not just Americans but eventually all EARTHLINGS, I have to ask what gives with JCD’s silence? Why is this blog so utterly quiet about what the FCC is poised to do regarding net neutrality? Why are the topics here getting the “stupid up” treatment that seems to appeal to masses of side-ignorant politico babblers?

    (Please keep your flaming to a minimum. You know who you are.)

      • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

        jp–are those timed gas jets or gas jets on all the time being agitated by sound waves? I can see it being either way or even both.

        I burned up my Daddy’s garage once playing with fire. He didn’t even get mad. Weird.

    • NOT! NOT Bobbo! says:

      Go! Go! TRICKY STYLE
      Go! Go! TRICKY STYLE


      • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

        You Lie!!

        Slow day to watch those cartoons, although a few do have some good lines. All too easy to fritter the evening away waiting for something good to come on.

        They pronounce it “boh – boh – boh”

        Not as I do “bob – boh” ie-strong hit on the second “b”.

        It is all ego though. I am bobbo with a small b. Not pretentious. Not up to a Capital Bobbo. Its the little things where true character is revealed.

        • jpfitz says:

          bobbo, said 4/27/2014 at 6:10 pm
          “Its the little things where true character is revealed.”

          It sure is. The small glimpses of a persons morals, or behavior judged, are realized and hoomans judge… all the time. Add the leaps in social media, Too many young hoomans are melding…and Iv’e had a few of a Belgium beer http://saveur.com/article/Sponsored/Hennepin-Saison-Ale and I don’t give a shit anymore.

          • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

            What a wonderful congruent universe you live in jp: you don’t give a shit (“anymore”–?==sic?) and from day one, no body else wants your shit?

            Takes a few beers to make you happy you say???

            Isn’t that an interesting subject. I like to think I’m: “a happy drunk” but lots of people say they don’t like me when I drink. I say why? They say because you get drunk. Then I say: and then what? And they say: you get belligerent and ask too many insulting questions. …. and then I say: and don’t I do that when I’m sober ,,,, the only difference being that when sober I’m not smiling?…. and I usually don’t let go?

            When drinking, after about 30 minutes, I get sleepy and stop arguing.

            Ha, ha….. everyone has an excuse for their boorish behavior.

            I’m only hooman.

          • jpfitz says:

            Everyone told me the real jp comes out after a couple of beers.

            I did have a problem period then sober or shall I say abstinence from alcohol for about six years, now, I’ll have a couple beers now and then. Getting too old to drink like the past.

            I felt no physical pain during that drinking period, but when I stopped drinking…within two months I’m having MRI’s and quality of life talks with a neurologist.

          • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

            It keeps changing, but last I read the healthiest thing you can do for your body, all other things equal, is to drink one bottle of wine per day. I could be wrong but maybe the equivalent of any alcohol is good…or maybe just red wine. That seems to change all the time too.

            A gentle buzz seems to keep everyone happy. I’d much rather save up for a week and black out….. but thats not the way it works.

            Pros and cons to all these choices…. oh, to be pain free until one day … you don’t wake up.

            Thats the ticket.

          • jpfitz says:

            That red wine health advise is misleading. You’d have to drink way too much red to get the benefits.

            Like you say a beer or two a day or glass of wine red or white helps the body relax. Back in the day of pyramid building beer was a form of payment. It turns out beer helps the body, it’s also a good food source.

            But the behavior of binge drinking one a week is the worst type of alcohol consumption. Eventually the body reacts,
            Cardiomyopathy may be one disease of many if you drink excessively then abstain and a week later drink again to excess. You’re actually better off drinking every day a reasonable amount.

          • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:


            Not peer reviewed…. but I do wonder if “responsible” scientific groups of the medical sort” would ever recommend more than one glass with a meal?

            I’d like to drink to black outs once a week.

            I’d like to go helicopter skiing that ends with a wing suit flight ending with a full gainer into a heated hot tub occupied by the Swedish Womens Volleyball Team.

            …..I’d like to….. because I don’t.

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    NOT Bobbo! says, in part:

    “… PC Magazine (a Ziff Davis company that JCD used to write for).”

    John still writes for PC magazine, apparently every 4 weeks. Links to his columns at

    He only rarely posts here himself any more — almost all the entries are from the other editors. I must agree it’s odd the lack of much mention of some of the important stuff happening lately in tech. Not much going on here at all the last few weeks/months…

    • jpfitz says:

      Uncle why even explain about JCD to the clueless. An ignoramus commenting without knowing what he/she is saying doesn’t need us standing up for JCD. Obviously a troll.

      • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

        What did Not Bobbo say that was not accurate?

        Look at the very first post of this thread==> the glitch remains in place on two (KILLED) active threads without explanation or apology.

        Somebody needs to be more than trolled.

  4. McCullough says:

    Its not a glitch. You have 10 days to wrap it up, then thread is closed. Better yet, maybe its time to get off the government tit and find some gainful employment. Ha, Ha.

    As for the comment about this being a tech blog…..it never was. It’s always been a general news and information blog.

    • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

      OH!…. Long time listener, first time caller: I had never noticed that before. New “feature?”

      Thank you very much for the info.

      Are you going to formally shut down the CageMatch or has it withered to death by now despite ECA’s best efforts?

      It is interesting so many post complaining there is not enough “tech” articles. Almost like something you could develop/play off of if there was any interest in having a robust forum? I could be wrong, but I don’t think anyone is making any money off this? Too little to count?

      Am I curious….. or just dithering?

      Anyway===thanks for the info.

      • McCullough says:

        Yes , it was implemented a few weeks ago, mostly to weed out the bottom-feeders. I have no idea about CageMatch, I thought that pretty much ended after Bubba died.

        • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

          Bottom feeder????

          Hah, hah.

          Bubba was a good man. Last I checked, new people cannot sign up to bottom feed on issues of interest to them that are not being covered at DU.

          There was a tight group there but it could not grow.

          Ain’t the Universe a big place?

          • bobbo, the only true Libertarian who Dithers with the comic book versions posting here says:

            I just got that.

            No… I don’t work.

            No…I take zero gubment dollars.

            Yes… It does piss Pedro off.

            Life is good.

          • Michael says:

            And if you fall ill, what then….?

    • jpfitz says:

      I think just because a lot of us found this blog through cranky geeks, the clueless assumed this blog by JCD would automatically be a tech blog.

      McCullough, will there be more subjects more often or has the blog been on the shelf? Can you explain the slowdown of posts by the mods? Is it something I said? Lol.

      • McCullough says:

        Yeah, I was a CG fan myself.

        Obviously, this is not my job. I have a full time job as do most of the other editors….being self-employed, I have to take advantage of work when it’s available, and that can mean weekends, nights and holidays.

        In my case, being self-employed, and in this economy, there’s always the fear that work will dry up next week, so you’re afraid to turn anything down this week. Not to rant on Obama, but because of one of his policies, specifically the shutting down of one particular coal fired power plant, I have lost over a third of my income. I’m not complaining, as we all saw it coming…but as they say…there goes retirement. I hope the good people of Southern Arizona and California enjoy the 40% increase in their electric bill, cause it’s a comin…OK, so I am complaining. I’ll stop now.

        As far as talking tech, that’s what I do all day, and not really something I want to do after hours.


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