I think someone is cloning me. This is a picture of Joel Horwitz.


This is a picture of me. (Marc Perkel)



  1. sam says:

    U dont all look a like. I can tell an ethnic simularity. but your not twins or brothers.

  2. Tim says:

    I think Lloyd’s dropped *bad behavior by your clone* back in the early ’90s.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Similar yes. Now…. turn sideways so we can see your ear lobes.

    I wonder what the bet is that given the ethnic similarity you have a common ancestor more recently than ……. other pairings? I would think so, don’t know so.

    I just found a doppelganger of a friend of mine and sent my friend the website. They could be brothers. Both too busy to bother with checking their backgrounds I suppose but their lives activities also mirror each other.

    In the middle ages, that shit meant something.

  4. Tim says:

    Oh yea, I learned a new word —


    • bobbo, the Climate Change ALARMIST who doesn't want his kiddies boiled to death as the Oilgarchs are currently Hell Bent on doing, and the Science Denying Far Right are ignorantly supporting says:

      You can sound that one out:

      simular then

      Simular but a “crub” meaning of minor amount.

      Words are fun.

      • jpfitz says:

        Wait, you got kiddies?

        • bobbo, the Climate Change ALARMIST who doesn't want his kiddies boiled to death as the Oilgarchs are currently Hell Bent on doing, and the Science Denying Far Right are ignorantly supporting says:

          Its a simulacrum to reality.

          ((typo above: similar to a “cruMb.” I’m sure all yu’all deciphered that but I’m reaching down to Pedro constantly to help him along. Liberul sheep do that.))

          • jpfitz says:

            Yea, I did take the monicker change as more of a generalization, as in we are all connected somehow.

  5. The Beaner says:

    When you meet your doppelganger, it means one of you will die.

  6. McCullough says:

    He has a cowlick…you don’t. Totally different.

  7. Captain Obvious says:

    There are cars driving through your head. That’s gotta hurt.

  8. Aaron says:

    Two Jewish guys who look the same not surprised.

  9. orchidcup says:

    The poor guy must be mortified.

  10. ± says:

                          Joel is better looking.           🙂

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    A man once told me I look like Geraldo Rivera.

    I wanted to clock him one, but I didn’t want to cause an international incident. (Happened outside the U.S.)

  12. noname says:

    No cloning needed, a simpler explanation suffices. Maybe your brothers of a different mother or father?

  13. Yawn says:

    Slow news week???

  14. NOT! NOT Bobbo! says:

    Sorry but yea, a couple of Jews with similar body features, oy vey and oy gevalt. Surprised? NO!

    Loved the nature programs. Thanks Marc.

  15. jpfitz says:

    Now it really ain’t bobbo above obviously!

  16. MikeN says:

    We could use more Marc Perkel’s to protest the NSA, TSA, and even SSA. Given the way liberals are trampling free speech, he will soon have to protest the USA as well.

  17. sargasso_c says:

    An uncanny resemblance!


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