1. McCullough says:

    Stop annoying me.

  2. Tim says:

    “”Its’ Depends are assuagingly full because you have found me… Goddamn stupid fucking auto-correct jewclosets. — Mademoiselle Dreyfus

  3. X says:

    Illiterate Nazis are SO annoying.

    If you are going to type stuff on the internet, LEARN TO FUCKING SPELL OR USE PROPER GRAMMAR.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior history buff says:

    Overuse of hyphens and apostrophes. Yeah, that’s a thing. Relevant but almost never important.

  5. Porky Rottenham says:

    Deliberately poor use of English shows a lack of respect for one’s audience. Accidentally poor use of English isn’t much better. Literacy is what took us out of the Dark Ages. Failure to acknowledge this can send us back.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior art and cultur critic says:

      Deliberately poor use of English shows a lack of respect for one’s audience. /// Hmmm… I often use “ain’t” and “gonna” to gently mock the position I am taking. Would saying it is “usually” or “often” a lack of respect be a more accurate statement? And which shows more disrespect, overemphasis to the point of error, or poor use of English?… or any other language for that matter?

      Accidentally poor use of English isn’t much better. /// Gosh, usually there is a huge gap between intent and accident. What is the actualy “harm” that is caused in either case that warrants such umbrage?

      Literacy is what took us out of the Dark Ages. /// I think any quick review of the literature of the Dark Ages will show almost no grammar rules at all, no spellling rules. How did we escape the Dark Ages again? I think it was the transmission of knowledge that did the trick, not the formalities of an elite group operating at the edges.

      Failure to acknowledge this can send us back. /// Mind the gap…. you might already be there.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior art and cultur critic says:

        I just noticed that “accidentally poor use” is grammatically incorrect, should be accidental. …. but I don’t think you mean to disrespect anyone.

        Whats that “rule” about grammar corrections having grammatical errors?….. and who cares about that level of snobbery?

  6. noname says:

    Yes, they each one be much annoying. And irritating. Viva la France!

  7. Shubee says:

    I still have a love in my heart for my sincerely missed East German Stasi Demon Agent friend, Anne Langen.

  8. DICK-Shawn-Airy COP says:


    Seriously. If anyone is going to get annoyed, let’s start with some simple SPELLING! Just for starters, see if any of you know the difference between any the following words:

    There, Their, They’re

    It’s amazing how many people and even PROFESSIONAL WRITERS and JOURNALISTS get this one word WRONG — A LOT! (Notice the space in there?)

    … I blame smartphones in the hands of stupid owners!

  9. MikeN says:

    Could someone notify JCD that decimate is not the same as annihilate?


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