Executive Producer: Sir LB Fudgefountain
Associate Executive Producers: Anonymous, Sab Swiss, Edward Ferrell
Art By: Comic Strip Blogger
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  1. B. Dog says:

    I get a lot of information from Ben Davidson, a scientist that pays attention to many things, including Global Warming. Many days he makes available interesting videos, which are available here:


    Some quotes that Ben has brought to my attention are these:

    “We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty, and we oppose any form of U.N. Global Tax. We oppose any diplomatic efforts that could result in giving the United Nations unprecedented control over the Internet. Interna- tional regulatory control over the open and free In- ternet would have disastrous consequences for the United States and the world.” -Official 2012 Republican Platform

    “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.” INVENTORY AND CONTROL. -Rosa Kiore, Website Homepage of Democrats Against Agenda 21

  2. dan bloom says:

    Dear Producers, what does CLI FI stand for here? climate fiction or what and why? I coined the cli fi term in 2008 for a new genre of literature and movies, a la sci fi but these new cli fi novels about climate change and global warming impact events as a wake up call for people worldwide. are we on the same page. see my blog at ”cli fi central” and email me here danbloom at gmail dot com

    • Tim says:

      That’s why theirs is supposed to be embossed as ClyFy with off-kilter squiggly ‘y’s.

      • dan bloom says:

        Tim can you email me re , what does CLI FI stand for here? climate fiction or what and why? I coined the cli fi term in 2008 for a new genre of literature and movies, a la sci fi but these new cli fi novels about climate change and global warming impact events as a wake up call for people worldwide. are we on the same page. see my blog at ”cli fi central” and email me here danbloom at gmail dot com – i still don;t uderstabnd what Dvorak means by cli fi? does he mean it as a mocking way to mock climate science which he considers to be fictious science and therefore climate FICTION fake facts or he is using it a I am , see NYTimes article last week, for a new genre of literatyre that is trying to wake the world up about the very real dangers of climate change and AGW? do email me or reply here if more convenient , Tim. how can i ask this question directly to Dvorak? is there email for the show?

        • Tim says:

          “”Writers like Crichton are welcome at the table, too, but I am sure they will be in the minority as public opinion more and more reflects what our top scientists are telling us.

          I think, at this point, you may go ahead and tick off the ‘mocking’ column for me.

          Many will agree on climate change. Many will concure that it may be caused by man and is something that should be looked at. Some will observe that the small perturbations upon natural variation are not relevant to people starving {production, of any kind, requires energy.}

          By statute of bankers, will people never get back up… You will never see benifits to others by taking from the few in these times… nobody is to be allowed to benifit with any kind of self-sustinance; it must be by government… find solutions all you want… you’ll be the first up against the wall if you find an original one, just like the hemp advocates of old.

          • dan bloom says:

            Tim, thanks for note and i see now. re the mocking tick box for yr pov. we can agree to disagree and still be friends. go go go.


            “”Writers like Crichton are welcome at the table, too, but I am sure they will be in the minority as public opinion more and more reflects what our top scientists are telling us.

            ”””I think, at this point, you may go ahead and tick off the ‘mocking’ column for me.”””

            so you mean, Tim, that you are mocking cli fi as a wake up call literary genre to raise awarness of what awaits future gens if we do not stop co2 emits now? do tell, i am all ears. – dany

  3. Kent says:

    My understanding of Heartbleed is that it is a tool, one with a fatal flaw. IOW, Heartbleed isn’t the flaw.

  4. hogan says:

    Video emerges concerning ‘extremely inebriated’ Toronto mayor,hogan outletTORONTO (Reuters) all the way to Just days after Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologized along with smoking crack cocaine,you admitted throughout the Thursday your dog was extremely extremely inebriated”throughout the a short expletive-laden a video post available on the internet.The gossip hit as an all in one campaign on the basis of several of the city councillors to understand more about ask going to be the provincial govern


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