
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report.

The alert, originally sent on March 20 and just released this week, warns that the missing contracting funds “could expose the department to substantial financial losses.”

The report centered on State Department contracts worth “more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located at all,” according to the alert. The State Department’s inability to properly file its paperwork is causing most of the losses, according to the report.

The IG “found repeated examples of poor contract file administration” over the years, the report said.

Contracts related to the U.S. war in Iraq, for instance, could not be produced in 33 out of 115 instances, according to the report.

“A recent OIG audit of the closeout process for contracts supporting the U.S. Mission in Iraq revealed that contracting officials were unable to provide 33 of 115 contract files requested in accordance with the audit sampling plan,” the report states.

Oh yeah, she’ll make a fine Presnident.

  1. Throw Them All Out says:

    This woman and her husband have a very shady past.

    Is this the best we can do?

  2. ECA says:

    You elected LAWYERS..

    What Choice do you have? the only ones that wanted the JOB, were/are unskilled workers..

  3. ECA says:

    Anyone got a mexican?? to do the job.

    • Manuel says:

      Anyone got a little mexican in them?
      Do you want one?

  4. Tom says:

    Does anyone really believe that the Secretary of State has anything to do with, or knowledge of, the daily dispensing of contracts for the State Department? If so, there are some bridges for sale!

    Get real people! If you want to hate Hillary for whatever reason, feel free to do so, but to use this as the basis simply shows that person’s ignorance…

    • dusanmal says:

      That is the problem with way too big Government. If Secretary of State is not personally responsible and accountable for every penny State Department spent under his/her rule – State Department (and Government within which it is) is way too big.
      Solution is not to reshuffle the deck and keep growing the beast. Solution is to elect someone who both promises and has track record of shrinking the Government. So that he/she can reduce this beast to a manageable level. And we do not need to keep sending our money to Governmental cronies pockets. Way better than raising taxes, size of Government and size of what is stolen from us.
      Also not to elect someone who can’t keep track of 6Bil $ and by all definitions likely has a fingers in the stealing pot.

  5. Tom says:

    P.S. I think Hillary has been a brilliant Secretary of State and one of the best that we have had in a number of decades…

    • ECA says:

      dear TOM,
      IF’ I placed you in charge of a department, and you were RESPONSIBLE for something..WHO would I blame when things go wrong?

      • Kiwini says:

        Not Billary, she’s just following her Supreme Leader’s proven tactics: denial, pleas of ignorance, point guilty digit at a predecessor, distract via whatever’s most convenient….

  6. Captain Obvious says:

    This will haunt her more than anything else in a Presidential run.

    • dusanmal says:

      Second of all. Top billing – her own 2am ad plus Benghazi. People are not as stupid as Progressives think. Just that ad plus Benghazi has certainty of derailing her candidacy. Add her support for Obamacare (2nd) and this loss (3rd) plus general dissatisfaction of people with too big Government and “family presidency” (Bushes, Clintons?) and as the last bit layer her lack of accomplishing anything as Secretary of State… Certain 0 in general election. Likely loss in primaries despite the name and gender.

      • Captain Obvious says:

        Who can beat her? I just don’t see anyone from either party who’s currently. Granted it is a long time until Election Day…..

      • Captain Obvious says:

        Sub too soon.

        Who’s currently got the visibility and organizational strength.

  7. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    I wonder how many of those contracts involved Blackwater, Xe Services, Academi. (Same company – different name.) It is a major State Department contractor for security.

    A couple of years ago, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense couldn’t even be audited because their records were so incomplete.

    The problem that I have is that she might delegate tasks out too much; sort of like her 2008 presidential campaign.

  8. Tim says:

    Is that the 96 year old lady that jumped to her death and got mistaken for an april fools’ maniquinne and put it where it belonged? I really don’t understand why they fired the guy.

  9. Tim says:

    You’ll know she is a reptillian if she gets mad when you throw the under-the-hat cat piss on her {they are allergic to ammonia}…


    The Mena Connection::

  10. Kevin Roa says:

    The magic number.

  11. Mextli says:

    What difference at this point does it make?

  12. bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

    Hilliary really is an old cow shit bag of corruption.



    Yea, verily!

    • bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

      HEY!—you limited by nom de flame!

      I thought we weren’t censored on this forum??

      ……. good thinking.

      Ahem: “………..wedded, if not welded as that technical skill has been offshored, to a freed up capitalistic system which indeed is the greatest engine of wealth creation yet devised.” ….. THEN there was something about dumbshits not understanding marriage and the sacrifices that are needed in order to have the strongest unions.

      Yeah, it was a GREAT nom de flame, but as the SCOTUS knows: it takes money to speak up.

      …..or is it a new root kit at work limiting the broadband? Huh?????? Is that what it is??????

      Just curious.

  13. ECA says:

    Someone gave a HINT..
    WHAT was erased?

  14. bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

    YOU KNOW….every five years I like to reveal something personal about myself.

    I used to be a contract manager for a billion dollar corp. Small potatoes compared to the US Gub. Every year when I read these stories about Billions Gong Missing, I think: BS!

    I, being near perfect, never had to do it, but if you are missing a contract==call the other guy up and get a copy. Easy Peasy.

    I don’t think this stuff ($$) gets lost. It gets spent on Black Ops.

    Call me a Liberool–I just can’t believe, regardless of the truth (Yes, its like AGW in that respect) that the Gubment is that incompetent. Willing to flat bald face LIE to us? Well, yeah–of course. But losing $$ is a special case, even when its not yours.

    Simple human jealousy.

    Follow the Dots.
    Just Look.
    Who loses $$?

    ………but I dither.

  15. ECPotter says:

    Hillary Clinton, like other Secretaries of State, spend an enormous amount of time on the road conducting diplomacy. And, it appears, clearly, that these underscored contract problems began prior to Clinton’s tenure.

    “Specifically, in two joint audits conducted with DoD OIG,5 we found that, for two task orders valued in excess of $1 billion, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs had neither ensured that the COR for the Civilian Police contract in Afghanistan established or maintained contracting files that were complete and easily accessible, nor finalized and fully implemented standard operating procedures for maintaining COR files. Also, in a joint audit with SIGIR, 6 we reviewed four task orders from the Worldwide Personal Protective Services II contract, with an estimated total cost of $1 billion as ofMay 29, 2008, and found that COR files maintained in both Washington, DC, and Baghdad, Iraq, were not accessible, complete, or maintained in accordance with Department policy. “

  16. ECA says:

    90% of the BS we see is finger pointing..we dont see the cause, and they WONT tell us when it started. TRY to get a FOIA for any of these services and it will be edited to the point of total obfuscation.(wow, I spelled that right the first time)

    It was noted in my AREA, MY TOWN, was supposed to have the Town paper work and billings delivered to the STATE, every year.
    I sent a letter to the AG, about strange things, and it came about that the SMALL town I live in, hadnt sent anything in for 10 years..

    where are the CHECKS and balance, supposed to be AROUNd our gov?? CUT and SPLICED as most agencies??
    THEn LET US do the work, and SCARE the GOV. all to hell.

  17. Captain Obvious says:

    I just did the math. The State Department’s annual budget is billion. So over 4 years 6 billion would be a 2% variance. On second thought, this won’t stick.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      I really gotta proof before submitting.

      Annual budget is 57 billion.

      • It's only your money says:

        If doctors dropped 2% of the babies they delivered, that would be 2 babies out of 100. No big deal?

        How about 2 crashed planes for every 100 flights? Welcome aboard.

        • Captain Obvious says:

          You’re obviously not a risk analyst. Let’s say you get paid $100,000 per year. Even before taxes. I’ll bet that I could find $2000 in your spending and budget that you couldn’t account for. That doesn’t mean that you manage money badly, but 2% in a budget is a rounding and adjustment problem.

          2% in people’s lives (your examples) are significant. You just just equated money to people’s lives. Never a good comparison.

          • Go Figure says:

            Accepting $6 billion as a “rounding and adjustment problem” guarantees enough perpetual corruption by public servants that ensures things will never get any better in government.

            Percentages don’t make sense when the result is such a large ABSOLUTE sum of money. If you don’t agree, re-read the first sentence.

            How many lives could be saved with $6 billion?

  18. X says:

    [Comment Deleted] – Ed.

  19. Phydeau says:

    Go ahead, wingnuts. Bash her for being a woman. Bash her for being a Clinton. Keep flogging Benghazi. It doesn’t matter. You got nothin’. All your potential presidential candidates are pathetic.

    Your consolation, and it’s significant, is that your clever gerrymandering and voter suppression laws will likely give you control of Congress, for a while. Until it becomes so obvious that you are do-nothing crazies and greedheads that America vomits you up and leaves you on the street. Look at Rush Limbaugh. He can’t even get any advertisers for his BS any more.

    Has the Republican-controlled House done anything this session besides vote against Obamacare? I don’t think so. You guys have no ideas that are good for the average American. Enjoy your power while you can still game the system.

    • bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

      Hey Phydeau–

      While I agree with you completely, it troubles me that Republican perfidy and middle class death policies all in service to the greedhead already too rich are RIGHT NOW

      • bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

        Hey Phydeau–

        While I agree with you completely, it troubles me that Republican perfidy and middle class death policies all in service to the greedhead already too rich are RIGHT NOW as obvious as it can get===YET the Republicans are going to gain seats.

        What “exactly” is going to change?

        I think you are saying the general public who has voted for their own ass raping for 20 years now is going to wake up and say no more??

        But the evidence is they are going to RETRENCH and say “Give Me More” and a side order of guns and more tax breaks for the RICH to go along with it.

        Isn’t that what History teaches us?

        When idiots like Mickey find themselves without a job, no political voice, and no future for their kiddies………….they will blame Obama.

        Thats how its been working. What will change?

        • Reverend Jimmy Joe II says:

          Ladies and Gentlemen, nutheads; It is my privilage to be able to fellowship with you all tonight. I have an absolutely terrific state-of-the-union message. And I’m sure you’ll agree that voting is the most sacred responsibility that any citizen may exersize. And I emphasize *responsibility* {like this: RESPONSIBILITY} — Now, it has been scientifically proven that responsible citizens earn money. Therefore, only those people who earn money may be allowed to exersize this right; Because, they are *responsible*…


          “”as it says in my recently published addendum to the Holy Bible… a greatful follower is all the thanks a great leader needs…

          • Eyes Wide Shut says:

            YOU are exactly what the looney left HATES!

            Me too!!!

            Take your fairy tale Bible crap and shove it up your ass – since that’s where it came from!

          • bobbo, as nuts on the far left as the Teaparty is on the right, but not religious, no... never religious. In fact, I'm a pragmatic existential anti-theist who nontheless posits that a full on socialist state for the general best welfare of the People wedd says:

            Your logic is iron clad.

            ………must be the assumptions?

  20. MikeN says:

    It’s not missing. They just don’t want you to know where it is.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    “What difference does it make?!?!”

    Seriously, it makes no difference.

    There are too many people getting too much free stuff for the election to go any way other than to Killery.

    No one will get elected by promising to cut government spending when those cuts result in taking stuff away from voters.

    Hydra has won after all.

  22. 33number says:

    33 is the magic number.
    33 contracts out of 115.
    She(27) will reign for 3 years.
    When a new 33 will preside again.


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